Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 283: Ceremony unveiled

A "gap" suddenly appeared in the night sky.

It is not that the night is replaced, nor is it that a huge light source illuminates the night, but it seems that a piece of cover suddenly opened in the dome, making the background color of the night sky no longer complete.

Then a golden light burst out from the gap and hit Olena directly. Motivated by the light, she seemed to rekindle her fighting spirit, struggling to get up, and opened her mouth to the alchemist of the Privy Council.

"Everyone gets away!" Yu Linglong warned.

Before the words fell, a golden flame nearly a hundred meters long spouted from the mouth of the ambassador of the islands. It passed through the crowd and the courtyard wall and shot directly into the main hall next door. Anything that blocked the path of the flame was like Candles generally melt and collapse.

The first to suffer was the alchemist closest to Olena. They instantly turned into burning paper men, their flesh and skin peeling off in the sea of ​​fire, revealing the charred bones below. Secondly, the guards of the headquarters standing far away supported with bows and crossbows. The surging heat ignited their robes in the air, causing a chaos in the rear formation.

Even Xia Fan and others who were far away from the battle area still felt the scorching heat from the evening breeze.

"What kind of technique is this?" Li couldn't help but blurt out.

"You can think of it as a kind of celestial arts, but on the West Pole side, they have a special name, that is magical arts."

"Divine Art?" Xia Fan repeated subconsciously.

The second prince looked at him with interest, "Don't ask Xianshu to ask Shenshu, it seems you already know what Xianshu is."

"This... staying in the recording department for five or six days, I have learned a lot."

"Don't worry, I don't mean to blame you. Seeking knowledge is just the most basic need of an alchemist." The second prince turned back to the topic, "For those overseas kingdoms, they believe in their own masters more than they believe in themselves. , For example, all kinds of gods. Divine art is the power gained by praying to gods."

"Wait, you mean...God really exists on the West Pole?"

Ning Qianshi showed a strange expression, "Do you-- believe it?"

After speaking, he turned his gaze to the battlefield again, "If the **** is as invincible as described in the rumors of Henggu, then our round-up is nothing but a futile act. Olena should have gotten away long ago; if the **** can be defeated, Then it doesn't matter what it is called, it's just a stronger opponent. In the final analysis, everything has to be determined by strength."

"And He'er has already given the answer in this calculation. Our chance of winning is more than 90%—"

Olena swung her long neck, trying to sweep away the alchemist, but someone stood in front of her.

Yuyi "dry".

Xia Fan was surprised to find that the highest-rank alchemist of the Privy Council actually went retrograde against the golden flames, and fisted against the huge dragon head, then raised his arm and punched her under the jaw with a big punch. The sound seems to strike in everyone's heart.

He is not immune to fire. In the turbulent "sacred fire", half of his body was melting, but the other half was reshaping his body. It is as if there are multiple bodies hidden in his body, these bodies drilled out from one side to replace the old body that had been burnt down, and the speed of reshaping was not much slower than ablation. Against the backdrop of the fire and shadows, his well-defined, meridian and muscular body is like a cast of gold and iron.

This is... too exaggerated, right?

Jin Xia and the others were stunned. With such an amazing recovery ability, even Li, who was a demon, was far from it.

Is this guy really human?

"Drying skills, grasping life and spirit, transcending the meaning of heaven, symbolizing life, but also containing extinction, is the most creative type of the eight skills." Ning Qianshi explained in an orderly manner, "and the one who achieves the ultimate, the name is Represents the hexagram."

"He isn't using fairy magic?" Xia Fan sensed the key.

The second prince shook his head, "Xianshu is not necessarily better than alchemy. The reason why these spells are called "Xianshu" is because they are extremely complicated and difficult to analyze, so they can be summarized in one word. But I personally think that the magic There is no essential difference between magic and alchemy. If our understanding of the world continues to deepen, I believe that the principle of fairy magic will come to light one day."

He paused, "Not only that, but the spells and divine arts of the West Pole... are also just magic arts under different concepts. One day, these powers will be summarized into an overall framework, and will no longer be carried out by region or name. The shallow division, but all can be used by the Privy Council."

Xia Fan must admit that this is a very advanced concept.

The second prince who can clearly realize this, even if his skill level is not advanced enough, is enough to become a core figure in the research of alchemy.

The golden flames gradually faded.

Obviously Olena has exhausted all her strength, she can no longer fight the man in front of her, the corners of her mouth have long been beaten to blood, and even her fangs have been broken by the opponent.

She was forced to change back into a human form again.

At this time, the ambassador of the archipelago has no longer the original scenery, and the robe on his body has long been tattered and can only cover his body. Shoes, gloves, and headgear were all lost in the battle. The scarred legs fell directly on the icy slab, and the tied hair was scattered all over the place, not much different from the refugees who gathered outside the city.

Two guards embraced from behind and crossed the two spears into her shoulder blades-the spears penetrated through the body and protruded from both sides of the collarbone, locking up all her movement space like a shackle.

At this point, Olena has no resistance anymore.

"In addition to the aforementioned crimes, there are two more murders of the alchemist and the guards of the Privy Council." Ning Qianshi just walked up to her and said, "If you were caught in the first place, why bother to suffer these Torture. This is the end, do you have anything else to say?"

"Kill...me." Olena coughed out blood.

"That won't work. For the Privy Council, you are a great bargaining chip. Besides, I also have a lot of things I want to learn from you. For example, your personnel scattered in the six countries, and the transmission code..."

"Do you think I will tell you--ah!"

Olena let out a scream before she finished speaking.

Ning Qianshi broke one of her fingers completely, "You don't want to say it now, it doesn't mean you don't want to say it later. I heard that the demon's recovery ability is quite strong, which also saves us a lot of effort-at least we don't need to worry~ www.ltnovel.com~ You will die easily before you get the answer."

Then he ordered to the guard, "Take her down and go to the dungeon."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Even if this matter is over?

Xia Fan glanced at Olena, who was being dragged away. In order to deal with the ambassador of the archipelago, I am afraid that even half of Shangyuancheng will be disturbed by this movement. Then the prince will surely jump into thunder, and Gyeonggi is afraid that there will be a storm. . All he wanted to do was to get out as soon as possible. Thinking of this, Xia Fan looked at the second prince, "His Royal Highness, I wonder if I can go back now?"

"Of course not." Ning Qianshi raised the corners of his mouth, "Because the ceremony has already begun, how can such a critical moment be without your participation?"

As his voice landed, there was a intensive click from outside the Privy Council, like a huge drumbeat—no, Xia Fan realized that it was not the sound of drums, but horseshoes pedaling on the ground. sound.

He turned his head and looked towards the door, and saw a cavalry in dark armor walking neatly through the long street outside the Privy Council until it slowly stopped. The flag they held high was embroidered with a huge "Xu" character.

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