Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 73 Sailing Home After Ten Years In Qiongfa (8)

Wei SiNiang knew of Branch Leader Feng's intentions. He wanted to separate the bond between Kun Lun and Wu Dang. At the same time, he also gets to please Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu. Things can only get worse should XiHua Zi keep talking. So she quickly cut in, "Martial brother, no need to waste time arguing. Let's hear what Second Hero Yu has to say."

Yu LianZhou looked at Zhang CuiShan, then at Yin SuSu. He didn't know what to think either, and therefore said, "Let's get into the cabin to discuss this matter. Also, we can use this time to heal the injured."

On this boat, the Heavenly Eagle Sect is guest. And the highest ranked member of the Heavenly Eagle Sect is Yin SuSu. She entered the cabin first with WuJi, with Li TianYuan following.

When Branch Leader Feng entered the cabin, he felt a strong wind coming towards his waist. Branch Leader Feng is very experienced, knew immediately that XiHua Zi ambushed him. Instead of blocking, he simply dashed forward, while yelling, "Huh? Are you attacking me?" He evaded XiHua Zi's 'Triple Lunar Hand', and with the yell turned all attention towards them.

Wei SiNiang glared at XiHua Zi, only to see his face all red. It was agreed that the Heavenly Eagle Sect members are guests on this boat. So XiHua Zi's actions, especially as a member of a righteous sect, is quite shameful. Everyone sat down in the cabin, separating into two groups, guests and hosts.

Yin SuSu is the head of the guests, and sat in the front with WuJi. On the host side, Yu LianZhou led the group. He asked Wei SiNiang to bring an extra chair, then said, "Fifth brother, sit here." Zhang CuiShan said, "Yes" and sat down.

This separated Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu, and put them into two different camps.

For the past ten years, Yu DaiYan never left due to his injury. Zhang CuiShan disappeared, his fate unknown. Yet the remaining five heroes became even more famous. Although Song YuanQiao and Yu LianZhou are second-generation disciples, their position in the martial world rivals even the reverends at Shaolin. Therefore, out of respect for the Five Heroes of Wu Dang, the Kun Lun participants offered Yu LianZhou the front seat.

Yu LianZhou thought, "Looks like during the ten years fifth brother disappeared, he married Heavenly Eagle Sect's Leader Yin's daughter. I'm sure there are a lot of details involved. He might not want to disclose everything to the public." So he said, "Including Shaolin, Kun Lun, E Mei, Kong Dong, Wu Dang five major sects, Divine Fist, Five Winded Saber, and seven other minor sects, Sea Sand, Huge Whale, and five other clans, a total of twenty-one groups wanted to find the location of 'Golden-Haired Lion King' Xie Xun, Heavenly Eagle Sect's Miss Yin, and my own sect's martial brother Zhang CuiShan. We had some misunderstanding with the Heavenly Eagle Sect in the process, and ended up as enemies. This had been going on for ten years now…" He paused for a moment, then added, "Thankfully, Miss Yin and Brother Zhang both have appeared, so we can clear up our misunderstanding. However, it will take a long time to discuss the details. So I propose that we return to land first. Let Miss Yin first see her sect leader, my martial brother see his master, and then have everyone meet to discuss things peacefully. Hopefully, we can then resolve this issue…"

XiHua Zi suddenly cut in, "Where is that bastard Xie Xun? We want the location of that bastard."

Zhang CuiShan felt uneasy after hearing about all these conflicts, knowing that he's partially responsible for them. He also didn't know how to respond to XiHua Zi's question. If he tells the truth, countless people will go to Fire-Ice Island for revenge. But to not say anything would bring about suspicions on his family. Yin SuSu suddenly said, "The vicious, murderous Xie Xun died nine years ago."

Yu LianZhou, XiHua Zi, Wei SiNiang, and everyone else all let out a gasp, "Xie Xun's dead?"

Yin SuSu said, "That day I was giving birth. Xie Xun's insanity acted up. Just as he was about to kill fifth brother and I, my son began to cry. This murderous, vicious Xie Xun developed a heart problem, and died.

Zhang CuiShan realized what Yin SuSu's trying to say. She didn't lie, as the 'vicious, murderous' Xie Xun did indeed 'die' that day. The 'good' Xie Xun remained.

XiHua Zi let out a humph. Since Yin SuSu's a demonic woman in his mind, her words could not be trusted. He asked loudly, "Fifth Hero Zhang, is Xie Xun really dead?"

Zhang CuiShan said, "Yes, that murderous Xie Xun really did die that day."

WuJi heard the whole conversation and was quite upset. Although he's very intelligent, WuJi doesn't know anything about the ways of the world. Xie Xun treated him like his own son, yet these people are cursing him, and even his own parents say that he's dead. WuJi couldn't help but cry out, "Godfather's not vicious. He's not dead." These words stunned everyone in the cabin.

In her rage, Yin SuSu slapped WuJi across the face, yelled, "Close your mouth!" WuJi cried, "Mom, why do you say that godfather's dead? Isn't he still alive?" He's only lived with three other people all his life, and had never touched upon the evils of the society. Even a boy of average intelligence, growing up in the martial world, would know that lying is normal, and not make such a huge blunder. Yin SuSu scolded, "When adults are talking, a child should not cut in. We are talking about that vicious, murderous Xie Xun, not your godfather." WuJi didn't understand, but stopped speaking nonetheless.

XiHua Zie laughed coldly, said, "Little brother, Xie Xun's your godfather, right? Where is he?"

WuJi saw the grave expressions on his parents' face, and knew that they are in a middle of an important discussion. When XiHua Zi asked his question, he shook his head, and said, "I won't tell you." The words "I won't tell you" further proved that Xie Xun is still alive.

XiHua Zi stared at Zhang CuiShan and said, "Fifth Hero Zhang, is this Miss Yin really your wife?" Zhang CuiShan didn't expect such question, and said, "Yes. She is my wife." XiHua Zia said, "Your wife injured two disciples of my Kun Lun Sect. They've now become half-dead, half-retarded people. How do we resolve this issue?"

Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu both gasped. Yin SuSu yelled, "That is nonsense!" Zhang CuiShan said, "There must be some misunderstanding here. My wife and I have been away from the mainland for ten years now. How could we have injured your sect's disciples? XiHua Zi said, "Then what about ten years ago? It's been ten years since Gao ZeCheng and Jiang Tao were injured." Yin SuSu said, "Gao ZeCheng and Jiang Tao?" XiHua Zi said, "Does Mrs. Zhang still remember them? Perhaps you've killed too many people in your life, and couldn't remember all of them." Yin SuSu said, "What happened to them? Why do you accuse me for their deaths?"

XiHua Zi let out a laugh, then said, "Accuse you? Ha! Although Gao and Jiang are now retarded, they still remember one thing, and could say one name, to tell us who injured them. That name is "Yin… Su… Su…" He said this in a very venomous tone, as if he'd kill Yin SuSu immediately if given the chance.

Branch Leader Feng suddenly cut in, "How can you, an old Taoist, speak the given name of my sect's hall leader? You don't even adhere to your own Taoist rules, yet still pretend to be some elder in the martial world? Brother Cheng, do you think there's anything more despicable than this?" Branch Leader Cheng said, "No. It's a shame that a righteous sect could teach such an undisciplined disciple."

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