Heaven-law Supreme System

Chapter 495: The gap is huge, and I feel embarrassed! ?

The bare palm fell one inch by inch under Chu Xuan's control, and every inch it fell, the ground would vibrate for a minute, the crack would become a few threads deeper, and a huge handprint slowly appeared on the ground.

The coercion condensed by the air smell dissipated a lot, and the fellow villagers and guests were relieved instantly, but when they looked up, they were all struck by lightning and stood still on the spot.

The goal of Light Palm happened to be Kongwen and the Buddha phantom that he condensed, feeling the pressure from the sky.

Kong Wen felt as if a mountain was pressing down on top of his head, his spine began to look gradually, his knees began to bend, and it was useless to let his true essence resist.

With a click, Kong Wen said that the gas shield on the surface of his body was cracked. He could clearly hear his body's bones being overwhelmed. In the cracks, traces of blood began to spill out of the seven orifices.

Even the phantom of the Buddha condensed by Kongwen was slowly cracking, and he could not even withstand the great pressure and could not advance.

"How is it possible? How could this kid know the supreme magical skill of my Buddhist school? And it's still the palm technique that fell from the sky in the legend?"

Kong Wen raised his head with all his strength and looked at the light palm slowly pressing down in the sky. He recognized the radiant Sanskrit script on the light palm at a glance, but these Sanskrit scripts were too esoteric and he couldn't understand it.

But it didn't prevent him from recognizing that this palm technique was definitely a Buddhist divine skill, but he was still not sure whether it was the legendary palm technique.

After all, the palm of the Tathagata has been lost for thousands of years, and the slightest news about the palm of the Tathagata has never been heard for thousands of years.

All of Kong Wen's judgments are based on him. He has read many books and learned from various ancient books.

Since ancient times, the palm from the sky, both Buddhism and Taoism, have only the palm of the Tathagata. The uniqueness of this palm method makes it like a firefly in the night, too dazzling, and too distinctive.

However, Chu Xuan was not a member of the Buddhist school after all, so Kong Wen was hesitant in his heart, not daring to be sure. At this moment, the palm of the hand descending from the sky was the palm of the Tathagata.

But at the moment of the crisis, he doesn't have much thoughts about this. The only thing he thinks at the moment is how to get through the current crisis.

"I must overcome the pressure to leave the range of the palm print, otherwise I will be crushed into a meatloaf." Kongwen is still knowledgeable, knowing that he must not let the bare palm press on the body, otherwise he will only end up The bleak end-ashes disappeared.


However, he found that the more he rebelled against his true essence, the greater the pressure that fell in the sky, and his head rose, clearly visible. With his resistance, the Sanskrit in his palm became brighter, and the pressure naturally increased. .


The gas shield on Kongwen's body suddenly shattered, and the ground where Kongwen was located had sunk more than a meter, and Kongwen's feet had completely fallen into the rammed soil.

The golden light palm hanging above his head is like the sword of Damocles, making the air smell like walking on thin ice, and his mind trembles.

"Why is this power so powerful? I feel that the power descending from the bare palm is much more powerful than the true essence. Under that force, my true essence is like a child facing five big and three strong men."

Frightened, Kong Wen was filled with incomparable doubts. From his feelings just now, he was clearly aware of Chu Xuan's source of power, which seemed to be stronger than his own true essence.

He has touched the threshold of supremacy, his cultivation level is not low, and his true essence is much stronger than ordinary masters.

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