Heaven Devouring Sword Lord

C689 Vast Expanse Pool

The destructive aura of the saint level spread outwards as countless white lights appeared. If not for the fact that this space was extremely firm and had formless dao patterns protecting it, everything here would have been reduced to nothingness.

Ye Tian and Xia Yilong were at the center of the hurricane. Originally, they had been close to being teleported away by the power of the laws but they were still affected by the terrifying destructive energy. At this moment, their bodies were slowly dissipating in the air, and it was unknown whether they still had a chance of survival.

The destructive aura permeated this space, and it took a long time for it to dissipate.

Time passed, and it had been more than a day since Ye Tian and Xia Yilong had disappeared.

During this time, Ye Tian and Xia Yilong had been shuttling back and forth in the void. At that time, they had the protection of their teleportation power and the protection of their Saint Tier Battle Armor.

Amongst the two of them, Xia Yilong's entire body was a mess of flesh and blood, his injuries were extremely terrifying. Fortunately, he had consumed a thousand-year-old Medicine King at a crucial time, which saved his life.

Ye Tian had also consumed a thousand year old Medicine King at a critical moment. His life could be considered as saved, but his condition was not much better.

This was actually not the worst case scenario.

As the two of them were in the middle of their teleportation, they were affected by a destructive force that caused their teleportation to deviate, causing a huge difference in their teleportation locations.

It was said that he missed by a thousand miles by a hair's breadth.

The location where Ye Tian and Xia Yilong were teleported to was greatly affected, and it was impossible for them to be at the same destination as they had originally planned.

One and a half days later.

Swish swish!

Two figures descended from an unknown space. There was an eternal silence surrounding them.

There were no living beings, not even obstacles.

Of course, there was no air here either. This was a void, a void.

This void was filled with darkness and coldness. One could not even see a single star flashing.

The two figures were naturally Ye Tian and Xia Yilong, who had been severely injured and had fainted, but were still unable to wake up.

Their bodies kept falling, falling into the darkness of the void.

Time passed by minute after minute, and after who knows how long, they finally fell into a deep pool. The deep pool was completely dark, and even the water was black.

However, when their bodies came into contact with the black water, the vibrations they felt were not small, and a very strong force of vibration was generated.

This vibration caused the two people to wake up from their deep coma.

"What is this place?" Why was it so dark? I felt like I was in water, but what kind of water was this? They were all black, and they didn't seem to be buoyant at all … My body is sinking …. "

Ye Tian had just woken up and his consciousness was still hazy. When he found his surroundings, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

He sensed for a moment and discovered that not too far away, Xia Yilong was calming down a bit. As long as he knew that he was still alive, or that he had a companion, he wouldn't be so lonely.

When Xia Yilong woke up, his heart was also filled with unease. However, the moment he sensed Ye Tian's presence, he immediately felt a sense of tranquility.

It was unknown when Xia Yilong had already developed a sense of security towards Ye Tian, and as long as Ye Tian was present, his heart would naturally be filled with hope.

Only then did they confirm that the water around them was truly black. That black color was incomparably pure, and even when they opened their eyes, they could not see anything clearly. Luckily, their power of consciousness was not affected by much, or else, to them, it would be hopelessness.

Imagine being in the endless darkness with only helplessness and powerlessness. No matter how good one's mental fortitude was, it would always make one feel despair after a long time.

Even though Ye Tian and Xia Yilong could sense each other, and even after spreading out their consciousness to a great distance, they were still unable to discover the edge of the black water. Furthermore, this water was too strange, they were unable to change their direction, nor were they able to float, and it was even stranger than the blood pools in the world of skeleton life form at that time.

In Ye Tian's senses, he couldn't see Xia Yilong's appearance clearly at all. He was completely covered by the boundless black water, and to Ye Tian's senses, Xia Yilong was only a black humanoid object.

Xia Yilong also felt that Ye Tian was only a black-colored existence in human form.

"Does Brother Xue Tian know where this place is? It's too weird, why do I feel like the legendary weak water? " Xia Yilong couldn't help but send a sound transmission.

"Weak water? I don't think so. I feel like this is the legendary ethereal water, that this place might very well be a vast and serene lake. " Ye Tian was a little uncertain in his heart, but everything around him was extremely similar to the legends.

When Ye Tian was still his first life, he had unintentionally discovered the term "Vast Expanse Serene Pool" in a book.

According to the ancient records, in the world of the Vast Expanse, there existed many mysterious ponds. The waters were pitch black, and only Immortals could cross them. Everything under the God would sink down into the cistern, and would be incapable of extricating itself.

Ye Tian only knew the description of the Boundless Underworld Lake, not the way to leave.

The scene before them was very similar to that of the cistern. Unfortunately, there was no way for them to change their direction within the cistern. Otherwise, they would have been able to see the black waters at the edge of the cistern.

Thinking about how scary and bizarre the description of the Vast Expanse Lake was, even someone like Ye Tian could not help but find it difficult to calm down.

"Could Brother Xue Tian explain it? Even after reading countless of ancient records in Grand Xia Empire, I still haven't been able to understand a single thing about the Vast Expanse Pool." Xia Yilong said.

"I've only read about it in ancient records. It's said that there's something called the Underworld of the Vast Expanse that exists in the unknown. The description it contains is almost the same as what we've seen here." Ye Tian sighed: "This time, I'm afraid we're in big trouble."

"Why did the Brother Xue Tian say that?"

"The Vast Expanse Arcane Pond connected to the Nine Serenities. The word 'Nine Serenities' didn't describe hell itself. The word 'Nine Nether' symbolized an endless abyss that connected the nine levels of coldness to the depths of the earth. This is the deep layer of chilliness within the nine levels of hell." It's the Nine Netherworld! "

When Ye Tian's words came out, Xia Yilong's heart suddenly sank as he thought of a grand scene.

"So you're saying... We're going to sink all the way down to eternity. Never leave again until the end of our lives? " When Xia Yilong thought of the most horrifying result, a haze shrouded his heart.

It was impossible to change direction, and it couldn't rise up. It could only sink down eternally, going back and forth ….

Just thinking about this situation was enough to cause despair in one's heart. There was no motivation for them to continue living.

Ye Tian became silent. Xia Yilong was right, this was the logical conclusion.

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