Heaven-defying Saint Emperor

C555 Taking the inner pill, taking the heart

"That final cut, obviously did not land on Long Xiang's body, but he fell down!" Shui Yuewu looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"He has already become a bird of prey. The wounds from before gave him a huge amount of pressure. Even though the final blade didn't land on his body, it brought him a huge amount of psychological pressure."

Dugu Moyu said, "That last cut was the last straw that broke the camel's back, causing it to completely collapse!"

Hearing that, Shui Yuewu realized what was going on, because the scene just now was too strange, Ye Tianze's blade simply did not land on Long Xiang's body.

He was still a long way from Long Xiang, but Long Xiang fell down.

Accompanied by the cheers of millions of people, Human Clan won the second match. This second battle was a battle that no one believed he would win.

"He won, he actually won! Hahaha, he actually won! My boss is still my boss, just that strong!"

Lan Yuheng jumped up happily, and followed along the crowd and shouted, Victory, victory, victory!

Even the most extravagant of words could not describe how Lan Yuheng was feeling right now. Only this victory could be summarized.

On the stage, the faces of the three Demon Clan s had become extremely gloomy. This was completely different from what they had imagined, the result of their imaginations should be a million people being killed by the Ten Monarchs of the Monster Race's demonic power while holding their breath, trembling.

But in the end, it turned out to be a cry of "victory" from the hundreds of people in the Human Clan. Ye Tianze's victory, ignited the hot blood in the Human Clan's chest!

Even the Hall Master of the Human Emperor and the Hall Master of the Human Emperor did not expect such a scene to occur. In their eyes, Ye Tianze's second match was no different than suicide.

However, he won. Despite the difficulty, he still won!

"What do you think?" Hall Master of the Human Emperor suddenly asked.

"He … "Stronger than I thought, this strength is not just in terms of strength, but in terms of willpower!" The Vermillion Bird said.

"I naturally know that it's due to my strong willpower. Without a firm willpower, how can I defeat Long Xiang in such a predicament. I'm asking you, are you still planning on taking that road?" Hall Master of the Human Emperor said, "This teenager is very zealous towards you!"

Vermillion Bird was startled for a moment. She looked at the Arena and realised that Ye Tianze's gaze passed through countless figures and landed on her body.

He was looking at himself with his burning eyes that seemed to be able to melt people. He seemed to be using this victory to tell him something.

Vermillion Bird naturally understood her intentions, but she still chose to remain silent, lowering her head, not daring to meet her burning gaze.

"Sigh." Hall Master of the Human Emperor sighed, "You are even more stubborn than I thought."

On the Arena, facing the cheers of millions of people, Ye Tianze was calm. Even though what he had done was for the Human Clan, it was also for the Vermillion Bird.

But when Vermillion Bird lowered her head and no longer looked at him, Ye Tianze knew that her efforts had been in vain. In Vermillion Bird's eyes, this victory was not enough to change anything.

This caused his burning chest to feel a sense of coldness.

However, this chill was quickly covered by the sharp pain from the body. Ye Tianze naturally felt pain, and after the battle ended, the pain was incomparably intense, causing him to instinctively tremble.

In this battle, his body was severely injured, and practically not a single part of his skin was intact. Who knew how many broken bones he had, and his internal organs suffered heavy injuries.

If a normal person received such a heavy injury, they would have already been lying on the ground, but Ye Tianze endured.

He used his blade to prop the body and spat out a mouthful of blood. Then, he slowly walked to the side of Long Xiang's corpse and climbed up its chest.

Rather than saying that Long Xiang was killed, it would be more accurate to say that he was scared to death, thus Ye Tianze was able to feel an incomparably large baleful qi formed from the grudges of death inside that heart.

"With this baleful qi, breaking through the sixth layer of the body would be much easier!" Ye Tianze swallowed a few pill and swiftly dissected Long Xiang's body.

Thinking about Vermillion Bird's expression, Ye Tianze smiled and said, "If one battle is not enough, then two battles. If two battles are not enough, then three battles, until you change your mind!"

This time, he directly jumped into Long Xiang's body, and then everyone saw Long Xiang's corpse start to burn.

Although they could not see what Ye Tianze was doing, they could guess that he was doing this before to the Golden Lion.

Take the heart, take the inner pill!

Long Xiang was an earth attribute Demon Clan, and the Golden Lion was a metal attribute Demon Clan. Naturally, the inner pill did not have much use to Ye Tianze right now, but they would be useful later on.

Because of Long Xiang's gigantic corpse, after Ye Tianze jumped into his heart, he could use Heaven and Earth Spell to his heart's content and absorb's blood.

And under the concealment of the flames of the fire spiritual force, everyone only saw Long Xiang's corpse, turning into ashes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Some people noticed that something was wrong, because Long Xiang's corpse, even if it no longer had any defenses, still wouldn't be burnt to ashes by normal flames at such a fast speed.

At the moment, Ye Tianze did not care about all that. Although he had the Profound Healing Pill like the Jadefallen Pellet on him, his injuries were too serious and the consumption was too great.

The speed at which his injuries were worsening had completely overshadowed the recovery speed of his body. Even the Hollow Jade Pellet, this kind of pill, could only delay the rate at which his injuries deteriorated, let alone recover from them.

"Only by breaking through the sixth layer of the body will the body be able to regain its vitality and recover from its injuries!" Ye Tianze's past life had experienced too many battles.

He had experienced worse situations. As long as his heart did not shatter, he would be able to recover from this irreversible injury.

So he wasn't in a hurry at all.

Just as Ye Tianze was swiftly absorbing Long Xiang's blood vitality and baleful qi s, seeking to break through the sixth layer of the body, the Demon Clan s couldn't sit still any longer.

Two consecutive losses, this was something they could not imagine, it had completely disrupted their previous plans, because if they lost another match, Demon Clan would probably lose the second one.

It wasn't that there were no expert in the Human Clan to fight against, it was just that none of the Southern Domain Human Clan s were willing to help.

"Ye Tianze, can you still fight?" A Demon Clan jumped onto the stage.

Everyone was anxiously waiting for the results, because Ye Tianze should be coming down the stage right now. With such a serious injury, even if he could swallow Long Xiang's heart and refine his blood, it would take more than enough time to digest and recover.

Needless to say, in the previous battle, it had already proven that it was simply impossible for Ye Tianze to directly swallow the Golden Lion's blood essence.

However, Ye Tianze who was inside the corpse did not reply, the flames were burning, Long Xiang's corpse was getting smaller and smaller, leaving behind a burn mark, and a strange smell of meat, which then turned into a burnt smell.

There was no reply from Ye Tianze.

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