
The entire Vermillion Bird Mansion entrance was deathly silent. The heads that rolled onto the ground, as well as the corpses that had fresh blood gushing out of them. Everyone present was stupefied.

When Ye Tianze carried the blood colored long knife and slowly walked towards the corpse, everyone present finally realised.

The one who died was not teenager, but the general of Demon Clan. This Demon Clan, who made a necklace from Human Clan's skull and showed off her skills, was not even able to withstand a single strike from teenager before her head fell to the ground.

Monster blood stained his necklace red, making it seem so ironic!

When the Demon Clan turned into its original form, everyone realized that it was a gigantic black wolf, a warrior from the Demon Clan.

The reason why they came here was to gain some knowledge from the Human Clan, but they didn't expect that they would all lose their lives.

"So fast …" "What a fast blade!" A Human Clan swallowed her saliva, "That Demon Clan did not even have the chance to react before her defense was broken.

"Power crushing, absolute power crushing!" Another Human Clan said.

In their eyes, this kind of scene was simply like a dream. In a battle of the same level, unless the Human Clan's talent far surpassed the Demon Clan's, it would be extremely difficult for him to defeat the Demon Clan, but the scene in front of them right now was not a victory, but a slaughter.

"Just who is he? When did Human Clan have such a expert, a secret weapon that was raised by the Vermillion Bird Valley?"

The spectators all started to guess Ye Tianze's identity. Doutian Yue, who knew of the real situation, was extremely shocked, and was thinking if the few geniuses of the Dutian Family could fight with Ye Tianze under this kind of situation.

The three demon clan expert s watched this scene in a daze. They had originally planned to wait for this descendant of the wolf part to fight with Ye Tianze until the end of the battle before they would attack and kill him. Even if the Vermillion Bird stopped them, they couldn't care less.

But they never would have thought that Ye Tianze would not even give them a chance. Under their watch, he slashed wolf part.

By the time they reacted, it was already too late. teenager's blade was just too fast, so fast that they couldn't even see it with the naked eye.

"I'm sorry, I can't keep you for three days." Ye Tianze walked in front of the corpse and retrieved the corpse back into the Universe Ring.

"How dare you kill my Demon Clan, and even take my clansman's corpse, die!" A Demon Clan roared.

When the three demon clan expert s attacked at almost the same time, a terrifying pressure caused even Ye Tianze's body to tremble.

This was definitely a terrifying expert not inferior to the Ox Devil Commander. In merely an instant, the air around him froze.

He couldn't escape at all, so if Demon Clan were to go all out to kill him, he would definitely die.


A sharp cry, accompanied by a glaring red light, dyed everything on the ground red. Everyone saw a gigantic bird rising up into the sky above Vermillion Bird Mansion.

The pressure completely suppressed the demonic powers of the three demon clan expert s. Holding onto the Vermillion Bird's blade, he said coldly: "If you dare to even touch a single hair on his head, I don't mind killing the three of you here!"

Facing the fiery red giant bird above the Vermillion Bird Mansion, the three demon clan expert s shivered. They didn't doubt that the Vermillion Bird would keep her word, because she was such a female. She was different from all the other Human Clan present, and her gaze didn't hold any respect towards the Demon Clan.

There was only hatred!

Under everyone's astonished gazes, the three Demon Clan s withdrew their demonic powers and retreated under this terrifying pressure.

"They actually left!"

"An overweeningly arrogant Demon Clan, actually … They actually gave in! "

In the eyes of the Human Clan, it was truly inconceivable. Their hearts were flesh and blood, but because of their own powers, they had no choice but to serve these Demon Clan s.

However, it did not mean that they did not have any grievances in their hearts. After all, who would be willing to let such a group of alien clan s do whatever they wanted on their own territory?

This slash from Ye Tianze, and the decisive move from Vermillion Bird, caused their hearts to waver slightly. However, the moment they thought about how strong Demon Clan was, they extinguished the hot blood that burned in their hearts.

In a local battle, they might have the upper hand, but this was the Capital City, and this was the front door of the Vermillion Bird Mansion.

If they left the Capital City, came to the border, came to the Vermillion Bird City, and faced the real demon army, it would be a completely different situation.

If they went all out in the Southern Domain, it would be impossible for them to fight against an entire race. This was also the reason why all the other forces had come to a compromise.

Seeing their expressions, Vermillion Bird sighed. She had actually wanted to use this matter to awaken the hot blood of these clansman s, but she discovered that she was wrong.

These people would rather ignore them than offend Demon Clan to death.

"After kneeling for a long time, I don't know what it feels like to be standing." Vermillion Bird sighed.

At this moment, he felt somewhat guilty in his heart, but in Ye Tianze's opinion, this was not the case.

"At least they still have a trace of hot blood in their hearts. At least they aren't numb to it." Ye Tianze thought in his heart, "It's just that they have not tasted the taste of victory, so they can only choose to bear with it bitterly."

"Hand over the corpse, and the blood god knife!" The leader of the Demon Clan said, "We will leave now!"

Vermillion Bird looked at Ye Tianze, not asking him to compromise. The look in his eyes made him decide whether or not to hand over the corpse.

Sure enough, Ye Tianze did not disappoint her: "That battle just now, could it be considered a battle?"

The three Demon Clan s looked at each other and nodded in the end.

Ye Tianze laughed and said: "Since it's a battle, then his corpse is my spoils of war!"

"Human Clan, don't take things too far!" The leading Demon Clan said coldly, "Enraging us will not benefit you at all."

"If I was afraid of you, I wouldn't have killed your clansman in Polygonum multiflorum Thunb." Ye Tianze said, "It's precisely because I am not afraid that I killed them like slaughtering dogs. According to the customs of the various clans, unless I am willing to return the corpses to you, this is my spoils of war!"

"You …"

"You what you!" Ye Tianze said coldly, "Then you will allow your Demon Clan to string the Human Clan's skull into a necklace and wear it around her neck. Then you won't allow me to take your Demon Clan's corpse as spoils of war?"

The few Demon Clan s were speechless. They clearly did not expect Ye Tianze to be so knowledgeable, at least in the practice of various families.

The winner gets to eat, and the loser has no right to talk about conditions. They can only endure silently, just like how Human Clan chose to sign a contract back then and paid tribute to the four clans for 100,000 years.

The Human Clan could only choose to endure it. If she wanted to resist, she would have to pay a huge price, and her clan might even be exterminated.

"From today onwards, all of you better remember it!" Ye Tianze looked at them coldly, and said, "Let me see you again, brought accessories from all over the Human Clan's territory, if you come in, I will kill you, and if you do, I will kill both of you until you comply with this rule!"

Let alone the three Demon Clan s, even the Human Clan present would not dare to believe that a war general would actually dare to so brazenly threaten the three Demon Clan s.

He even gave them rules!

What was even more inconceivable to them, was that these three Demon Clan s did not attack, but chose to endure.

Their eyes were filled with murderous intent, but they were now losers, and losers were not qualified to talk about conditions!

"Two days later, we'll be looking forward to your attack. When that time comes, I hope you'll still have the courage to repeat those words again, just like now!" After the three Demon Clan s finished speaking, they turned around and disappeared.

"As you wish." Ye Tianze replied.

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