Head Over Heels in Love

Chapter 190: You really let me down

Looking at her red eyes and the only little milk stain on her jeans, I couldn't help but laugh, but my heart was getting cold.

Does Chu Xingzhi really fail to understand such a clumsy lie?

But he still blamed me for the sake of Xiaohe.

Such him really makes me unable to understand.

"Am I humiliating you?"

I looked at her coldly, and said, "Am I humiliating you?"

"Lin Xi, do you dare to say that you don't like Xingzhi? You are just jealous that Xingzhi now likes me, don't you?"

Xiaohe stopped crying, but the grievance on his face did not diminish at all.

While she was talking, she leaned into Chu Xingzhi's arms. That appearance reminded me of Lin Xue.

The original Lin Xue was like this in front of Chu Nian.

So, is history going to repeat itself?

"If a person doesn't love me anymore, does it make sense for me to be jealous of the person he loves?"

I sneered and looked at her: "Does such a clumsy trick really make sense?"

I looked at Chu Xingzhi. At this moment, Chu Xingzhi pressed his lips tightly and did not speak. I watched him holding Xiaohe's hand, but never let go.

"Chu Xingzhi, you make me feel that the thing I regret most in my life is knowing you."

I don't believe that Chu Xingzhi could not see clearly this clumsy trick, but he still favored Xiaohe. Such Chu Xingzhi made me feel unfamiliar and made me feel regret.

I turned and left the cafe. They never stopped me again, and I never looked back to see what they were doing.

Actually, what they are doing is not important anymore, is it?

If he doesn't care about this person, no matter what he does, it won't affect my emotions.

It is difficult to forget, but I will work hard, try to forget everything he and I have had, and forget the vows that have been good.

When I returned to the office, I still became the focus of my colleagues in the office.

When they looked at me, I was not as emotionally fluctuating as before, but was able to concentrate on work.

The lesson I learned from Chu Nian is that a man can still find another man, but a good job may not wait for me.

When I returned to the hotel from get off work, as soon as the door was closed, all the strength in my body seemed to be pulled away in an instant. The feeling of powerlessness made me a little suffocated.

As if I was idle, all the previous images kept appearing in my mind and couldn't be eliminated.

I simply picked up my leather bag, changed into casual clothes, and wanted to go outside.

I want to make my life busy. Only in this way will I slowly forget him.

As I walked, I unknowingly walked to the entrance of the night market.

At this point, the night market has just opened, and the surrounding shops have already set up stalls. There are not many tourists. It seems a little deserted to watch the scattered guests shuttle through it.

I originally wanted to turn around and leave, but at this time, my stomach groaned, and then I remembered that I was at the company during the day and hardly had anything to eat.

At this time, a sentence suddenly appeared in my mind, turning grief and anger into appetite.

I think this sentence really suits me now.

Simply walked in and looked at the familiar sights around me, it seemed that I had gone back to the time when I walked through the streets of the night market with Chu Xingzhi.

At that moment, I really thought I would go on like this with him.

But the cruel facts are telling me that everything is just my good wish, an impossible wish.

I forced myself to relax from the previous scenes, picked a Mala Tang shop at random, and walked directly in.

I ordered a lot of food and asked the boss to add spicy and spicy. When the things arrived in front of me, the choking taste made my eyes blush.

I picked up a piece of chopsticks and food without seeing clearly what it was, and ate it directly into my mouth. The so spicy flavor seemed to make me forget everything temporarily.

The corners of my eyes were hot and falling, and I kept eating the food in the bowl. It seemed that the spicy taste had disappeared. Instead, it was salty and astringent.

"That girl seems to be crying, is she broken in love?"

"Maybe it's just too spicy. I heard that she told her boss to add spicy and spicy. It's strange for her to cry if this shop is not spicy!"

A couple sitting at the table next to me pointed to me, and I looked at the food in front of me in a low voice: "Yes, it's too spicy."

To me, Chu Xingzhi seemed like the bowl of food in front of me. He obviously couldn't control it, but he still chose him. But in the end, sad ended.

After all, I asked for it myself, right?

If you can't eat it, why bother to eat it?

Pulled out the tissue, wiped away the tears, and called the boss to pay the bill.

Just when I was about to leave here, someone stopped me: "Hey, this lady, where is the gentleman by your side?"

That gentleman?

I turned my head and looked at that person's unfamiliar appearance. Did he mean Chu Xingzhi?

"I was the PR for the last night market Chinese Valentine's Day event. You don't know. That event was actually hosted by the gentleman. He said he wanted to surprise you. Are you together now?"

The man looked at me with a smile, and I remembered that last time on Valentine's Day, when Chu Xingzhi and I came to the night market, the night market once held an event.

At that event, we also got two jade pendants, one with the length of the sky and the other with the length of the earth.

My piece of land has been left in the corner by me for a long time.

However, what I didn't expect was that the event was actually organized by Chu Xingzhi in advance? !

Will it really be him? !

"What you said is true?"

I was holding his hand, feeling a little excited.

"Of course it is true. The gentleman looks really cold. Only when he mentions you, he has a hint of warmth. The two jade pendants were given to us by him. We are prizes for the event, how could I remember it wrong? That event"

The man was still talking about something, but I couldn't hear anything anymore, there was a buzz in my head, chaos.

I rushed out and ran to the door of Chu Xingzhi's hotel room. I banged **** his door and kept calling his name.

"Chu Xingzhi, open the door!"

At the moment, I just want to ask clearly.

After waiting for about a minute, his door finally opened. But the person who opened the door was Xiaohe, not Chu Xingzhi.

Xiaohe is wearing a white bathrobe with water drops on the roots of his hair. There are still red marks on the white skin exposed on her chest.

Those traces are no stranger to me.

It's a hickey.

She leaned back lazily in front of the door and looked at me, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth: "Lin Xi, do you want Xingzhi? Xingzhi just went in for a bath. It may not be too convenient."

"No need."

Listening to Xiaohe saying that, all my words were swallowed. Even if the question is clear, so what?

(The three changes are over, put the lid on and go)

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