“Lengrad Gorge, and someone else?”

Chen Wenjin looked at Zhuge Qing in amazement and asked.

However, Zhuge Qing couldn’t say why, just looked back in confusion.

Sure enough, Dr. Li mentioned the girl several times, and even described the girl’s appearance later.

He looked like he was only a teenager, always wearing a white dress and barefoot.

Every time she wanted to ask, she always disappeared at a very fast speed….

The record of the mysterious girl, although only a few words, has a long time span.

This meant that the girl had been in the canyon all the time and would bump into the research team from time to time.

In this row, it also reveals Dr. Li’s doubts about this girl.

He found it strange, and clearly mentioned in his handbook that the Lingle Canyon was not suitable for human habitation, and no place for human habitation was found.

And after preliminary analysis, it can basically be determined that the traces of human actions recorded earlier were left by this girl.

Who is this girl?

Why is it here?

This is a question that has always plagued Dr. Li and his team, but it has never been answered, because they have never talked to the little girl and quickly leave every time they meet.

Now, this problem is also plaguing the investigation team.

I originally wanted to get some answers from the handwriting, but I didn’t want to record it inside, but it made everyone more confused.

Chen Wenjin took a deep breath, and then turned to the content of the last handwritten note:

[Research has made initial progress, which can basically confirm that they are extremely threatening to animals and even humans.

According to scientific testing, they are a prehistoric species frozen under the Kunlun Mountains, last appearing around 4,000 years ago, thousands of years after disappearing.

It is suspected that due to the changes in the crust of the Kunlun Mountains, the species frozen deep underground have been revived, and after a series of rapid evolution, they have revived and become one of the biological chain species in the Kunlun Mountains, which has caused a huge impact on the species in the Kunlun Mountains.

This is common in Arctic and Antarctic ice, and climate change has thawed ice and brought ancient bacteria back to life, causing the destruction of Arctic and Antarctic species.

Kunlun is the first time to find this situation, the cause of the change in the crust of Kunlun is currently unknown, but after geological testing, no cause of the change in the crust has been found, so things are becoming more and more strange.

And in the study of the previous day, their nests were suspected to have been found.

We had to set off and go deep into the canyon.

If it goes well, the study will be officially completed.

But if it doesn’t go well, maybe we won’t be able to go back.

Dr. Zhao died of his injuries.

Due to the constant lightning strikes, we cannot contact the outside world, and coupled with their characteristics, we are not allowed to place Dr. Zhao’s body.

You can only bury it nearby, which may be a good destination.

Maybe we will have no place to bury us…].

Seeing this, Chen Wenjin couldn’t help but be moved.

“Dr. Zhao, sacrificed…”

Leaving these words, Chen Wenjin quickly ran out of the tent, and the rest of the people followed, but saw Chen Wenjin stop behind the tent.

In front of her was a small raised mound with a few words carved on a wooden board: Tomb of Zhao Shuoqi.

Chen Wenjin looked at the wooden board in front of him, and said in a somewhat depressed voice:

Their scientific research encountered danger, from the mention of Dr. Zhao’s injury in the handbook to his later death in just 4 days.

What exactly did they encounter? Why even burn all the relevant documents? ”

The questions in Chen Wenjin’s heart naturally had no one to answer, and even everyone present had the same meaning as her.

Looking up at the sky, the thunderclouds had dispersed.

Chen Wenjin even ordered:

“Immediately contact the superiors, we must first find out what Dr. Li is studying here, and clearly inform the situation here.”

Dr. Zhao has already died, and Dr. Li and their situation is also precarious, and they can’t delay any longer! ”

Although Chen Wenjin was very sad at this time, she had not forgotten her mission, and she had to find out what was happening here.

Back in the tent, the two team members quickly began to debug the communicator in the tent, which was the only communicator that Dr. Li’s research team brought to communicate with their superiors at that time.

However, it can be seen from the handwriting that because of the continuous thunderclouds, there is no way to set up a signal receiver, which makes the scientific research team lose contact with the superior.

The two team members quickly set up the signaler, and after debugging, the voice of the superior finally came from the transmitter.

“Leader, I’m Chen Wenjin!”

Hearing Chen Wenjin’s voice from the transmitter, the vice president of the Academy of Sciences was suddenly a little excited.

After Dr. Li and his scientific research team disappeared, the Academy of Sciences had to turn to the military, and only then mobilized professionals from various departments, such as Chen Wenjin of the archaeological team, Zhuge Qing of the Geological Bureau, and others, to Kunlun Mountain to investigate the cause of the disappearance.

And Chen Wenjin’s voice came from this frequency, apparently they had found Dr. Li’s residence.

“Xiao Chen, how is it? Dr. Lee, are they okay? ”

Facing the vice dean’s inquiry, Chen Wenjin’s voice was a little heavy:

“Leader, we have only found Dr. Li’s station now, but they are not in the station.

And we saw at the station … Dr. Zhao’s tomb…”

After a moment of silence, the vice president sighed deeply

At that time, Dr. Li was going directly to Lingle Canyon to complete his scientific research project.

We told him many times that it would be dangerous, but he insisted on it.

Now that Dr. Zhao has been killed and the whereabouts of the others are unknown, no one wants to see this result.

Xiao Chen, you must find Dr. Li no matter what, and you must meet people…”

In the second half of the sentence, the vice president did not say it, perhaps because he couldn’t bear it.

Chen Wenjin’s tone was a little more firm:

“The leader can rest assured that we will definitely complete the task.

It’s just that we have to know, Dr. Lee, what exactly are they working on?

Only by knowing this can we be prepared for the unexpected. ”

At this time, in the vice president’s office, the leader of the military department of the provincial military district was sitting here, and when he heard Chen Wenjin’s inquiry on the phone, the leader nodded gently.

Only after receiving instructions was the vice president able to say the content of the project, which shows the special and confidential nature of the project.

“Xiao Chen, Dr. Li, the project they are involved in is very dangerous, even, this is related to the extinction of the species chain, and even affects the safety of human life…”

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