He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 191 The dirty and sinister Chen Ke actually plotted against our brother (please vote)

"Oh my god, this Xerath from Real player."

"We can see that Jack is really trying his best, but there is nothing he can do about it this time."

"So desperate~"

The three commentators, one by one, described the tragic situation that my brother had just experienced.

But the fellow barrage guys became excited when they saw it.

What do you want to see in this game? Don't you just want to see Chen Ke kill his brother?

It would also be nice if my brother could kill Chen Ke, but unfortunately that kind of scene is unlikely to happen.

Seeing their brother being taken away by Chen Ke's set of skills, everyone joked that this was a substitute for training.

Use the game to help your brother improve his position.

My brother has always been criticized for being a bad guy.

If it is really a colorful AD, maybe everyone can just discuss it once or twice. It is not worthy of being discussed all the time.

The thing that has been criticized by everyone in the game is that one of them likes to give away, and the other is rough.

This roughness is reflected in all aspects, including positioning.

From laning to now, my brother has been moving around most of the time.

As soon as Chen Ke raised his hand, he subconsciously started walking.

Although he didn't dodge many skills in the end, it did look like he was practicing positioning.

Whether it has any effect is unknown.

Everyone only knew that his brother was killed again.

Every time he met Chen Ke, he was killed by the line, which was so stable that it made people feel scared.

After sending out the first blood, you gave Chen Ke the lead in the line. How can you survive the rest of the day?

In the laning just now, Chen Ke was still holding back and didn't use his skills very frequently.

Although Xerath's passive can restore some mana by leveling A, the amount of mana restored is still not enough.

If you keep throwing away skills without thinking, you will easily fall into a situation of lack of mana in the early stage.

After getting first blood this time, Chen Ke can go back and buy the missing chapters without any pressure.

After returning to mana through the chapter, you also have your own passive.

If they are in lane again, Chen Ke won't have too much mana pressure.

What's even worse is that Chen Ke's damage is now higher.

Taking a skill now is not the same concept as taking a skill online just now.


"Ouch, this hurts!"

"Why does it hurt so much when you hit the bull's head?"

As soon as Chen Ke came online, his first Q skill was given to Niutou.

When my brother saw Chen Ke raising his hand to use the skill, he was already stepping back.

He no longer struggled to move, retreated whenever he could, and tried to create distance.

No matter how accurate your skills are, you can't make him longer, right?

The problem is that Xerath himself can move forward while his Q skill is charging.

As long as you don't press too aggressively and don't let the bull head hit you twice, it's fine.

Seeing Chen Ke pressing forward, there was a sudden sound coming from east to west.

This is also a way to improve skill hit rate.

Brother Zhuo was nearby and was used to looking at Xerath's skills to give him AD, so he had no habit of moving at all.

Chen Ke's skill is difficult to hide even if you move. If you don't move, there is no need to say anything.

Chen Ke chose to hit the bull head mainly because he wanted to test the damage.

By the way, let your brother relax his vigilance.

After looking at the blood loss of the bull head, even the commentator sighed, why did he only take a human head? Xerath's damage seemed to be so high.

The subsequent confrontation will be unilateral suppression.

As long as Chen Ke hits two skills, Xia will be almost half-healthy.

With Xayah's equipment disadvantage, it is indeed a bit uncomfortable to face such a hero with long hands and consumption.

Because Xia still has short hands, she has little chance to touch Chen Ke.

There is no flash on the Niutou side, so it is not easy to force it to open.

If you want to target Chen Ke, you can only wait for the troops to come over.

But this Kasa is not that good and always targets the bottom lane.

The top laner is Jace, and it would be better to choose this kind of hero in the middle lane.

If it's on the road, the team needs to take care of it.

Not even waiting for Casa to come down, V5 took the initiative again in the bottom lane.

The wave just now to grab level 6 was just using Chen Ke's ultimate move.

Wink still has his ultimate move in his hand.

Before taking action, first scan into the grass and remove a false eye in the grass on the opposite line.

After the vision disappeared, Wink raised his hand in the grass and made a big move.

The [Sun Flare] shining with divine light fell from the sky and directly held my brother in place.

My brother's ultimate move was still in his hand, but he didn't react to press it.

Sometimes, he does react a bit like an old man.

Chen Ke followed quickly and directly used both WQ skills.

There's nothing you can do about the E skill, as there are soldiers in front of you.

Even if Chen Ke flashes, it's not easy to adjust his position.

After taking damage from Chen Ke's two skills, his brother was so frightened that he quickly handed over his ultimate move.

This is his only way to save his life now.

There are two people in Taobo's bottom lane, this wave is a little out of sync.

The elder brother is afraid that the girl will come up and continue to control him.

He had used all his double moves in the previous wave. He had no choice but to wait for death after being controlled by the female tank.

Every time he faced Chen Ke, his brother's desire to survive was very strong.

In fact, if he had been slower, it would have been fine.

Because Wink had just come out of the grass, before he was ready to point his finger, he was pushed out by the bull's head.

When the two sides exchanged their ultimate moves, it was obvious that Taobo's side was losing.

Let’s not talk about whether Xayah’s ultimate move is more important than the female tank’s ultimate move. What’s important is that her brother’s ultimate move barely dodges anything.

The female tank's control and Xerath's damage were all taken.

Now with this amount of blood, it has entered a stage where it is difficult to line up.

Even the commentator felt a little sorry for Giegie when he saw this scene.

Brother Leg couldn't help but said: "Jack, do you want to go back? He has no choice to go back to the city."

"I guess I saw this wave of soldiers approaching the tower and felt it would be a big loss if I didn't eat."

"But you must always pay attention to Xerath's ultimate move. Once the ultimate move is completed, Jack will be in danger."

When Wang Duoduo added, Tong Xi noticed Casa's position in time and quickly reminded: "But this wave of people is coming, and they obviously want to come down to protect themselves."

As soon as they saw the troops coming, everyone knew that they were not here to catch them.

It's probably just to protect AD that this wave of troops was eaten.

When the AD has little combat effectiveness, if you randomly pick up a skill during the battle, you may be dead.

After being teammates for a year, everyone knows each other very well.

And if the troops really come over, the two V5 bottom laners will definitely have to retreat.


At the same time, Brother Zhuo also pretended and began to press forward to apply pressure.

Being able to apply pressure so openly shows that this wave still does not want to fight, but is simply putting pressure.

Chen Ke seemed to have noticed the other party's intention and was not used to it at all.

Turn around and use the E skill to get the bull's head, firmly controlling the bull's head in place.

After taking control, Chen Ke released the W skill under Niutou's feet.

The opponent's jungler is almost here, and they still have to deal damage to the opponent.

One word stands out in Chen Ke's style of play, "arrogant"!

The reason why I dare to fight like this is actually a bit seductive.

Because Prince Ning is already leaning this way.

Although there is still a distance, the hero Nightmare knows everything about it, and King Ning has not yet found a chance to use his first ultimate move.

Brother Zhuo just stood there and was beaten, without using his ultimate move.

If he could counterattack this wave, he would have used his ultimate move to relieve control, and then go up to attack Chen Ke.

The most disgusting thing in my life is people who act so pretentious.

But if he can't fight this wave, there's nothing he can do. Chen Ke's set of skills can't kill him in seconds.

If his life is not in danger, it is impossible for Brother Zhuo to use his ultimate move casually.

It's nothing more than letting him do some damage.

After releasing W, Chen Ke's Q skill began to accumulate power in his hand.

Before charging for more than a second, Chen Ke suddenly pressed Flash.

The drunkard doesn't care about drinking, his brother is Chen Ke's target.

Brother is already very careful this time. He knows that Chen Ke is still showing up, but he is afraid that Chen Ke will go back to the carbine trick.

When he saw Chen Ke walking back, his brother didn't dare to relax too much.

It's not like Chen Ke has never done this before in previous games.

His current health level will probably be low if Xerath flashes a skill to him.

When he saw Chen Ke handing over all his skills to Niutou, his brother relaxed a little and couldn't help but walk up.

If Xerath dares to pretend again, he will command the bull head to attack!

Brother never expected that Chen Ke's heart would become like this.

The fans were excited when they saw Casa coming, and they were all wondering if there could be a flash or something like this.

The flash was indeed produced, but I didn’t expect that it was replaced with my brother’s head.

Such an exchange immediately silenced all the fans.

This Xerath is really insidious, he actually plotted against our brother!

When the camera showed my brother, he couldn't help scratching his head.

I'm careless, this wave didn't dodge!


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