
"Fuck, you're so strong, Brother 9."

"This wine barrel game feels more powerful than a training match."


After the wave on the road, all the teammates praised him.

In this environment, it is difficult to think without confidence.

My teammates are giving me strong support.

The corners of Chen Ke's mouth were also slightly raised, thinking of typing to communicate with the other party, just in time to tease Brother Ka.

Chat is always available to everyone in the game.

Then Chen Ke held back in time, thinking that he was not familiar with the opponent.

The atmosphere was already quite tense, so let’s forget it.

Anyway, if you have anything to say, let’s wait until the game is over.

The current situation is already more favorable for V5.

After Brother 9 finished his solo kill, he was in pretty good shape.

He was the one operating the wave just now, and the opponent never touched him at all, so he didn't lose any blood at all.

Coupled with the ability to recover, his blood volume seems to be very healthy now, but his mana volume is a bit lower.

But there's no problem in going over to help cover King Ning's vanguard.

Seeing that the top laner was missing, Taobo naturally did not dare to come over to pick up the team.

When Chen Ke saw that the opponent's bottom lane was not moving, he knew that the opponent was going to give up on this pioneer.

Although Taobo's bottom lane is at a disadvantage after the first wave, he can still play in the lane.

The strength of their combination is still there.

As long as you play it safe, the chances of something going wrong are low.

And after reaching level six, their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Although Chen Ke is more flexible as an EZ, he still has to be a little careful.

If he is really controlled by Varus' ultimate move and Titan's skills follow up, he won't be able to get out at all.

The more dangerous one is Wink, he needs to be careful at this time.

Without displacement, it is easier to be controlled by the opponent.

Taobo didn't take too much initiative on the other hand, as they were still worried that Chen Ke was now ahead in equipment.

So if they want to fight, their first choice is to drive to Chen Ke.

If they give all their skills to a robot and then let Chen Ke output them later, this is what they don't want to see.

After the last wave, they realized Chen Ke's powerful output ability.

Wink's hook is really not very accurate so far.

To be honest, so far, other ADs have been okay. Even my brother has not hit the hook once, so he is somewhat unqualified.

This also has something to do with the fact that after reaching level 6, Wink doesn't dare to go up. Wink is afraid that he will lose his position and give the opponent a chance.

The bottom lane kept pushing back and forth for last hits, but after only one wave, it gradually became dull.

In fact, this is a normal phenomenon in the bottom lane. In normal 2V2, as long as you are not on top or make mistakes, it is difficult to hit anything.

"Hey, what's going on on the road?"

When the camera showed him on the road again, the commentator was a little surprised.

Barrel is taking a one-sided beating on the weapon.

The two people on the line just now seemed to be going back and forth, but why did such a big change happen not long after.

Maybe it's because Wine Barrel got a kill, or maybe it's because Sunny has become a lot more cautious now after being single-killed once.

In short, Brother 9 is currently suppressing Qingtian's weapons.

The only thing that stands out when you hit me is a disgusting one. When you want to do some last-ditch damage, I’ll give you a skill.

The comet triggers and falls down with a snap, coupled with the deceleration caused by the wine barrel's Q skill, Sunny Day's whole body feels uncomfortable.

The blood volume also quickly became not very healthy, and he began to be forced to eat tower knives.

"Let the vanguard go on the road and take out the weapon towers."

Chen Ke took a look at the situation and then gave instructions.

There is no rush to release the vanguard in King Ning's hand. This is the normal rhythm. Just release it before the duration of the vanguard ends or before the end of Tapi.

Many times it still depends on the opportunities on the field.

Normally, it must be given to the bottom lane. This is also the most common way of playing V5.

This is how King Ning prepared, but although he gained an advantage this time, it was not that obvious.

If one person puts pressure on the bottom lane, it is actually not easy to overtake. After all, there is a Titan.

Seeing that his top lane had taken the lead, Ning Wang planned to wait for Brother 9's TP to improve, and then plan a wave of double-teaming on the bottom lane.

Bypassing the opponent's bottom lane once, and then taking a blood tower is a very comfortable rhythm and can establish the victory of the game.

It was Chen Ke who took charge. He felt there was no need to forcefully help the bottom lane.

If you get two heads in the early stage, it will be fine if he develops steadily.

It can break through the top lane, and it is still useful to target weapons.

In addition, if he really demolishes the first-blood tower on the road, King Ning will definitely not let Brother 9 eat the economy alone. There is a high probability that the two people will share it equally.

If Ueno gets fatter, it will help a lot in the mid-term.

Chen Ke had already spoken, but Prince Ning did not hesitate and planned to go on the road after defeating the three wolves.

On the road, the HP of the weapon is the same. After he goes there, the weapon may not be able to defend the tower.


What Ning Wang didn't expect was that Brother 9 was even more brutal than imagined on the road.

After a new wave of soldiers advanced to the second tower on the opposite top lane, Brother 9 threw it away without saying a word with his ultimate move.

What he used this time was an AP bucket, and now he has the missing chapter on him. The damage combined with the comet is still very high.

This ultimate move is not fatal, but it does directly cripple Qingtian's health.

This wave of 369 is not for killing people, it is obviously for disgusting people.

I'll beat you down to residual health, and don't eat this wave of soldiers under the tower.

You can imagine how uncomfortable it is when a weapon is hit in the lane and the tower is down and the soldiers can't be eaten.

"Oops, the ultimate move of the wine barrel will explode."

"Sunny is going back. It seems like he can't last a last hit under the tower with this amount of health."

"There's definitely no way to make up for it. When the wine barrel skill gets better later, just dodge him with E. He's very dangerous."

"There are at least 10 soldiers in this wave, and they haven't teleported yet. It's so uncomfortable, Qingtian!"

The doll exaggerated in his own unique tone.

Qingtian glanced at the soldiers under the tower and started spinning the [Counterattack Storm] in his hand.

Although he felt very sad, he was still not greedy.

There was no way to be greedy in this wave. He was single-killed in the previous wave because he had used Death Flash.

On the contrary, the wine barrel flash is useless at all, and is still held in the hand.

Qingtian estimated that 369's E skill was almost ready. If he used an E dodge directly, he would definitely die.

Without flashing, there is no room for maneuver at all.

So there is nothing to worry about, we can only retreat back and not give the opponent any chance.

369 does not play in a hurry. So far this season, his progress is reflected in all aspects.

The wave coming back from the opposite side was just right, he could push the tower directly, and King Ning was coming soon.

If the two people in this wave are handled well, the vanguard can still collide with the second tower on the opposite road.


Sunny retreated to a relatively back position, almost reaching the second tower.

Anyway, there are so many soldiers under the tower that I can't eat any of them, so I don't care about the time, so it's better to be safe.

Just after pressing the B button, two or three seconds passed before a barrage blew over.

The edge of the screen was so clear that he didn't even pay attention to it for the first time. He was still cutting the screen to see the health of his own defense tower.

Seeing the wine barrels moving towards Tower A, Sunny's vigilance dropped.

Of course, even if he reacts this time, he may not be able to jump in time.

"Ouch, EZ's ultimate move."

"Is this location big enough?"

When the camera was shown, Doll's tone was quite excited.

Miller needs to calm down a little. The main reason is that he has seen the operation of Chen Ke's long-range ultimate move many times. This is really not abnormal.

Even the old barrage guys are not that excited. Compared with Chen Ke's past operations, this wave should not be considered successful.

Sweat began to form on Qingtian's forehead. He didn't expect that after being cautious for a long time, the person was still missing.

So many soldiers gave up in this wave just to save their lives.

As a result, my life has not been saved now, and my grandma's family has lost everything.

Dying twice in a row will definitely have an impact on the mentality of a newcomer like Qing Tian.


At this moment, in the Taobo lounge, War Horse was already holding his head, and other people were sighing in various ways.

Of course they can see that after this wave of top laners died, the top lane tower was almost handed over to others.

This is not the most uncomfortable thing. The most uncomfortable thing is that this weapon seems to have no explanation.

Only the manager, Brother Hao, looked calm, but his heart was very complicated.

The superficial calmness is just to cover up his emotions.

Frankly speaking, even though 369's departure was not very honorable, he still had a good relationship with 369.

Being able to be the manager of such a top team will naturally have good mental skills, and it will be no problem to maintain a relationship with a group of young Internet-addicted teenagers.

The two of them still have a relationship in private, and he also hopes that 369 can play well in the future instead of doing nothing.

But the top lane matchup in this game was far beyond his expectation.

After spending more than 10 million to buy a top order, but was beaten by a top order that I didn't want, who can still be calm?

369 is beaten like this, it seems that he is a bit stupid.


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