Chapter 138 Reunion in Incheon, 3\u003e2?

Chen Ke let the rhythm calm down after starting a group.

To put it bluntly, that kind of person can just start a wave. If Chen Ke continues to attack, Chen Ke doesn't know what to say.

Later, Chen Ke continued to play ranked and didn't care so much.

I was still quite angry when I lost the match just now.

However, the netizens are still continuing to output, and they have been saying something on the barrage that the Cat King has become popular.

Offended is definitely offended, but he is just a commentator.

You said that if it were Tengjing, Chen Ke would not be too offended if he was playing in the LPL.

Since when can we not offend even a commentator? No matter how good your commentator is, can you still delay me from playing the game?

Besides, King of Cats will end this year at most, and he will have to report on mobile games, so there’s nothing to worry about.

Whether the Cat King will commentate on the game the day after tomorrow will have no impact on Chen Ke.

If there was a chance, the Cat King and the big school would have been crazy about it during the World Championships.

Why haven't they been able to fully unleash their power to this day? They can only act strangely. Is it because they don't want to?

When Chen Ke was in the rankings, he was already flying at the same pace as Cat King.

Don't tell me, Chen Ke is now playing Cat King, including RNG fans who mentioned it a few days ago, but a lot of people are cheering him.

It is completely different from the previous public opinion, and some people even said that they have become fans.

The main thing is that Chen Ke did tell the truth, and many people felt quite happy watching it.

After finally staying up until the middle of the night, Chen Ke was finally able to commentate on his old club's game.

The LEC is also better at arranging, and the opening game was arranged on the first day.

G2 vs. FNC, a duel between the two giants in Europe.

In Chen Ke's impression, according to the original trajectory, after Ah P left the team this year, Ou Cheng should have come to G2.

Later, he was contracted by G2 and had no choice but to go to the secondary league in France.

Because of that championship, Ah P stayed on the team, and then Ou Cheng didn't leave either, which caused a series of chain reactions.

The five people in G2 can be considered a championship lineup. They are all Chen Ke's old teammates, so Chen Ke drives unscrupulously.

"Damn it, why did we start doing this as soon as we finished the World Championships?"

"What the hell is top laner Zack? Can Wunder play such a thing?"

"What the hell is Yangkuosi doing? He dares to enter the opposite jungle area even if there is no line in the bottom lane."

"Damn it, I feel like Ah P is going to give it away."

"Caps tried his best, but there is really nothing we can do!"


Coupled with Chen Ke's commentary, the domestic ratings of this game are really not low.

What people didn't expect was that in the first game of the defending champion's game, they didn't even fight against their old rivals in the league.

But considering this is G2, it doesn’t seem surprising.

G2 is a team that often has troubles in the European division, even in the playoffs.

But when it comes to the losers group, we can always win.

Fortunately, the LEC regular season played BO1, and it ended immediately in one small round.

It happened that Chen Ke was sleepy, so he could just turn off the live broadcast and sleep without being tortured.

After another day passed, the V5 team ushered in its third game of the season.

Against the former world champion IG team.

There is no doubt that the game is very popular, and both teams are very popular.

Now IG's champion Shangzhong has not left the team. As long as the hot man is still there, there will be no shortage of traffic no matter which team he is on.

In addition, there is also the highlight of King Ning playing against his old club. Everyone wants to see if King Ning can take revenge.

As a result, Chen Ke and Cat King had a lot of trouble before the game because of their rhythm.

The match between these two teams originally had nothing to do with Cat King, but it turned out that King Cat was the official commentator today. Do you think this is a coincidence?

The commentary schedules are all arranged in advance and have nothing to do with deliberate arrangements.

It would be okay to adjust classes temporarily. We are all in a small group. If something happens, we can just call another commentator to come over and help. It won't be a big problem.

The rhythm is not small now. If that is the case, it means that the Cat King has a guilty conscience and deliberately wants to avoid Chen Ke. The Cat King will definitely have to explain everything.

After Teng Jing knew the whole story, his impression of Chen Ke became even better.

This kid is still going to cause trouble, why do you appear in every pre-match rhythm?

If you do this, the ratings will rise again.

The leader of Tengjing just waved his hand and put the term "Chen Ke Cat King" on the hot search for me before the game.

Anyway, you can get on the hot search list of a certain platform by paying, and Tengjing happens to be an annual subscriber.

Today's commentary includes a Lolita besides the Cat King.

To be honest, many viewers either mute the sound or switch to channel 2 when they see the official version of Lolita.

Even if this guy’s voice sounds unpleasant, it’s the most outrageous thing for a former professional player to keep talking nonsense.

But today, for the sake of the cat king, I have to watch Loli even if I endure it.

Still the same as before, IG did not have a home court, so they came to V5's home game.

After both parties put on makeup before the game, Ning Wang also went to IG’s lounge for a walk.

In fact, the championship teammates are all in IG except Ah Shui.

Everyone's focus is on Shang Zhong. In fact, Baolan is still at IG, and his contract only expires in one year.

And in this game, Baolan is still the starter.

IG currently has a lot of support in the team, and Nanfeng was packaged with Puff last year.

But Nanfeng was indeed not doing well, so he still let Baolan start.

Ning Wang has had some rumors with Broiler and TheShy before, but Ning Wang can still go to IG to reminisce about the past, so the relationship should still be there. It was a bit unpleasant at the time, but it will be more or less the same later, and it will not lead to a breakdown.

What Chen Ke didn't expect was that Wink was also quite active.

It turns out that if it weren't for Chen Ke this year, Wink would have gone to IG to play AD.

He rejected IG and must prove that his choice was right.

In this way, this game seems to be quite crucial.

Shanglu 369 and TheShy also have opinions.

Before the game even started, many people were looking forward to it.

The three guys from DYS also started the live broadcast early and are waiting.

They definitely can't miss IG's game.

"King Ning is opposite IG, which just proves whether the FMVP back then is valuable."

"This is a good opportunity for Prince Ning to take revenge on his old club!"


At the beginning, all the three people's topics focused on Prince Ning, and they were crazy and rhythmic.

There was no way, the three of them really "loved" Prince Ning too much.

The child was not so exaggerated, and even talked about the game: "I think this one will help on the road, and I will win by beating 369 directly."

"You can't control the bottom lane. IG's bottom lane will definitely not be able to beat the other side."

"Even toothpaste in the middle can't stand up to Rookie!"

Kazi immediately answered: "If I remember correctly, TheShy seems to have an explanation for calling 369."

"Prince Ning, squat once more and hit the road, Prince Ning!"

"To be honest, is it possible for Prince Ning to come directly to the road to send him off?"

"If that's the case, I will be a fan of King Ning this season without bragging!"

Even Taobo fans are looking forward to it.

Although they have a big holiday with IG, last year most of the time it was the rhythm of these two teams, and there was even a fan poisoning incident.

But the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

For the time being, I support IG in destroying V5. When 369 is educated, I wonder if those people will still brag about it.

"Why haven't you started yet, you moron?"

"Fast forward to TheShy giving 369 a shadow. I'll see what those V5 fans are going to do."

"Don't worry, 369 will remain invisible when encountering difficulties."

"Why does the Cat Emperor talk so little? I almost vomit when I keep listening to the voice of a lolita."

"To be honest, Cat King's voice is even more unpleasant."

"Both sides are world champions, which is a bit exciting."

"This time we are all real world champions. It will definitely be more exciting than playing against Team Void."



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