"Oh, what on earth is Chen doing?"

Chen Ke's actions almost gave the G2 boss and other staff a heart attack.

You're an ADC, so there's no need to play like this, right?

If the baron is gone, it's gone. Even if the opponent gets the baron, you can still fight next.

As long as the team wins the battle, the situation can still be restored.

To put it bluntly, for a hero like Vayne, you just need to operate him in team battles.

No one doubts Chen Ke's operation.

But the prerequisite for everything is to have teammates.

Without teammates to provide you with space and protection, you may be knocked down by the opponent no matter how good your skills are.

If you run behind alone, the risk factor is really high.

If this head were given away, it would cost him his life.

Or a wave with resurrection armor, focusing on maximizing losses.

The most anxious person is not the people on the sidelines, but the teammates who are most anxious at this time.

I wish I could take the beating in person for Chen Ke.

Fortunately, Chen Ke's operation was very extreme after he opened it up. Although he didn't flash, he still lost some skills.

The resurrection armor was not played at the first time, but he tried his best to deal damage.

The teammates all started to move.

The prince and Bron are displaced.

After the prince's EQ came up, he just made a position for Braun.

As soon as Mikxy's Braum came up, he immediately smashed it with his ultimate move.

At the same time, open a security door to block Chen Ke, so that Chen Ke, who still has remaining health, can continue to deal damage.

When he was bleeding, Chen Ke's operation became even more abnormal.

The prince is also using his ultimate move to retain people.

Now that this wave of fighting has started, no one can escape.

Chen Ke has no choice here. Without double moves, the operating space is really limited.

Moreover, the terrain here somewhat limits Chen Ke's ability to pull.

After persisting in output for a few seconds, he was still taken away by the opponent.

Fortunately, Chen Ke had resurrection armor on him, so he just fell to the ground and counted seconds.

This wave of people who dare to go around without double moves are just relying on their resurrection armor.

When there is a female police officer on the opposite side, using things like reanimated armor or golden bodies is of little use.

Put a clamp under your feet, and when you stand up, you can get a headshot.

But the situation is too chaotic now.

The two people in the middle of G2 did not flash or move to cross the wall, so they could only walk around it, but the speed was still a little slow.

Thain is faster than the card. He adjusts the angle and starts the car.

When a Thane drives into the DWG lineup, basically everyone has to think about protecting themselves.

It is obviously impossible to guard Chen Ke's body.

When Chen Ke was resurrected and stood up, the card arrived.

All four teammates are in front, and Chen Ke follows behind and just pays attention to his position and output.


In the melee, G2 all looked like gods of war.

None of the four DWG players showed up, and they handed over a lot of skills to Chen Ke.

Once the opponent gets in the face, it's normal that you can't beat him.

No one from G2 died, and they exchanged 0 for 5 to destroy the team.

There is not a single baron buff left that I just got, so I might as well not get it this time.

If you get a big dragon and get destroyed by the team, you will definitely lose money.

Being wiped out by two waves in a row, no team can handle it.

After this wave, the game is no different than over.

Even the commentator was sighing: "It's over. This game should be difficult for DWG."

"Originally, this wave of opportunities to steal the dragon was really good, and the people also ran away successfully."

"Who would have thought that an ADC would circumvent four of them? It's an unheard-of operation!"

"Chen Ke is in this state. He feels better every time. He is really awesome!"


Seeing this in the game, the hearts of the three commentators also changed.

Especially after seeing Chen Ke taking his life after C, I hope G2 can win the championship today.

G2 won the championship, Chen Ke is sure that FMVP is not gone.

If he pulls his hips in the next two games, G2 really can't beat the opponent.

If he wants to win the championship, Chen Ke must continue this performance.

With this kind of performance, it is really impossible for other FMVP players to steal, and they are not even qualified to compete.

Even if the LPL team does not win the championship this year, the FMVP is still Chinese, which is really acceptable.

When the LPL team won the championship, the Koreans comforted themselves in this way.

Anyway, two of the five people are Korean, and every year there will definitely be a Korean champion.

Koreans are the rulers of this game.

There is nothing wrong with this statement, but if Chen Ke continues to play today and smashes DWG with his own strength, the stickman's argument will not be valid.

To be honest, it must be a bit uncomfortable to see Chen Ke win the championship on behalf of a foreign team.

But it would be better as long as I am not representing the Korean team.

Returning to the game, after the team defeated the opponent, G2 had no resources to gain.

The little dragon and the big dragon are all gone, so I can only hurry up and push the tower.

DWG's middle tower was unplugged 20 minutes ago.

The four people pushed directly to the high ground and retreated after breaking all the way.

Cards went to the top lane to lead the lane alone, and also pushed down the second tower on the top lane.

G2's wave of five kills and three defensive towers immediately widened the economic gap.

The little money the opponent makes from Baron seems insignificant.

When Chen Ke returned home, he didn't have enough money for the mercury scimitar, so he first bought a mercury necklace and put it on him.

With this gadget, the upper limit of operation can be increased.

After two consecutive waves of team annihilation, DWG really didn't dare to take the fight anymore, and at least they would definitely avoid fighting in a short period of time.

If you really keep fighting, it will only speed up the game.

When the dragon refreshed, DWG simply let it go, allowing G2 to easily get the drawing dragon.

Obviously they want to delay for another five minutes. After five minutes, whether it is a dragon or a dragon, they will fight the last wave of team battles.

Chen Ke couldn't wait any longer. He was getting better now, and his combat effectiveness had reached its peak.

If it drags on any longer, Ornn will upgrade all the equipment for his teammates, which will not be a good thing for G2.

After thirty minutes, the policewoman's injuries could no longer be ignored.

On G2's side, the five of them simply formed a group and led the super soldiers straight to the opposite high ground.

Logically speaking, if there are cards, it is definitely better to play split-band.

But now I can't help it anymore and I can't wait to have a fight.

There was a roar in the canyon, and it was Thain who started the car again.

He hit him head first.

The prince followed behind, ready to find an opportunity to enter the scene at any time.

Only Bronn stayed close to Chen Ke. His mission was to protect Vayne and he was determined not to rush forward.

As soon as G2 starts a team, DWG must take over.

If this is not done, the front teeth will be removed soon.

With the Lich card, the tower can be demolished quickly.

The moment the prince's ultimate move was blocked, Xu Xiu stole a Braum ultimate move and directly used the E skill from the prince's ultimate move.

Braum's ultimate move in his hand directly hit the crowd.

The goal has not changed, it is still Chen Ke!

What happens next, he can't control now, he must deal with Vayne.

If Vayne doesn't die, there's no way to fight in a team fight.

Vayne's Resurrection Armor is still on cooldown, so this wave seems to have a chance.

The moment Xu Xiu raised his hand in a big move, Chen Ke quickly activated his Q skill and pulled to the side.

He definitely couldn't take the knockback from Braum's ultimate move.

Xu Xiu directly W-Bron, then threw a chain in his hand towards Chen Ke.

Chen Ke couldn't dodge without Q, so he was used to moving around to avoid.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xiu predicted his movement. After suffering losses before, Xu Xiu was also observing Chen Ke's operating habits.

He really predicted this wave.

"Hey, Silas has pulled Vayne, it's over, Braum has no shield!"

Braum's shield was used to block Ornn's ultimate move. When he saw Chen Ke being pulled, Miller became alert.

Now Silas has a hat, and the damage is very high.

Chen Ke only had the little magic resistance provided by mercury and could not withstand a set of damage from Silas.

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Ke's mercury was pressed out.

This control was released in seconds, and the moment Silas pulled him over, he was knocked back without giving any chance of harm.

Then Chen Ke started outputting.

Even though Xu Xiu was knocked back for a while, he was already passive by Bronn.

Chen Ke could continue to pursue, and when he saw that he could hit the stun with a flat A, Xu Xiu opened Zhongya to buy time.


In the chaos, the Ghost King saved a flat A with a critical hit, and flashed Chen Ke.

He has been stuck with G2's top jungler and cannot output well at all.

This critical hit is equivalent to a lifetime of skill, trying his best to reduce Chen Ke's blood volume.

Don't tell me, this critical hit was really painful. Chen Ke's health was instantly cut to less than half.

[Extreme Output] is triggered and Chen Ke starts it directly.

Thanks buddy!

"Oh MY God!"

“He Still Alive!!”


Faced with the desperate efforts of everyone at DWG, Chen Ke never gave up and his output never stopped.

The European commentators were already full of passion, but now they are completely crazy.

When calling Chen Ke's name, he dragged out his voice for more than ten seconds.

"Penta Kill!"

After the team battle, when everyone suddenly discovered this wave of Vayne's five blood kills.

The 30,000 spectators at the scene were completely ignited.

At this time, you don’t care what your composition is, just cheer and that’s it!

Even the second brother's voice was almost hoarse.

After the team battle, Miller found that his palms were all sweaty.

"Another five kills, Vayne is really killing her like crazy!"

"Oh my God, what am I looking at?"

Wawa suddenly thought of something and asked suddenly: "This seems to be his third quintuple kill in this World Championship. It should set a record, right?"

"It must be a record. No one has ever scored three quintuple kills in one World Championship."

The second brother doesn't know the specific data, but three five kills is too exaggerated.

Every year at the World Championships, with so many players put together, they may not be able to get three pentakills.

Now Chen Ke has won three world championships in a single session, which is definitely a new record.

Miller even sighed: "After watching the World Championships for so many years, this is the most extreme personal performance I have ever seen, bar none."

In past world championships, there were indeed players who performed very well and carried their entire lives.

But there is really no one as crazy as Chen Ke.

Even the audience is bored, you are so stupid, why do you want to play professionally at this age?

You must have debuted in the LPL six or seven years ago, so what will the LPL look like now?

And if you debuted really early, you wouldn’t have to complain about the fans, you would be the biggest brother!


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