He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(498)

It was night, Yan Huan closed his eyes and took a nap.

Since reuniting with Liu Fuguang, he has always been able to smell his lover's breath and feel his presence and weight. Sleep, which he feared and longed for in the past, has become a trivial matter.

The dragon god's breath was endless, and he fell asleep in his true body. His whole body was filled with powerful and vast divine power, like a sea of ​​stars that no one could control, rolling up continuously and feeding back to Liu Fuguang, who was lying on his side on the bed.

In the past six thousand years, Yan Huan had had many dreams.

Except for the delirium dreams that he repeated over and over again, to be precise, the first time he fell into a dream should be after he used the trick to put Dongnuma away in a bottle.

At that time, Yan Huan first killed a large number of true immortals, and then swallowed the perfect soul in his belly. There were no external enemies or internal troubles, the road was perfect, and God's will was intact. It was the moment of great success. Dongmao is located in Tanggu. It is originally the land of Yang and is rich in Japanese virtues. If Dongma wants to conquer the evil god all over the world, it will be a big trouble. However, Yan Huan doesn't care. He will defeat the enemy with one move. , while the world was watching, he sealed a country as big as a chessboard and locked it into his own treasure cave.

What a majestic ancient descendant, a great god from all over the world, from ancient times to the present!

Suddenly, Yan Huan had everything. No one could restrain him anymore, and no one dared to hate him. As long as he wanted to, he could even replace Dao and reintegrate the heaven and earth into a state of chaos, because He is just such a dragon god who purity and turbidity are one, and good and evil coexist.

However, after the extreme carnival, there is extreme exhaustion. Enjoying and adapting to the fear and surrender of all living things, Yan Huan couldn't help but feel tired. He thought, maybe it's time for me to take a nap. When I wake up, many new things will be born in the world, waiting for me. Delightfully destroy it with force.

So, he arrogantly occupied Tang Valley as his nest, allowed the poisonous evil to fill every corner of the Land of the Rising Sun, and fell into a deep sleep.

The first dream was very trivial and incoherent. Yan Huan could only vaguely catch a glimpse of Liu Fuguang in it. When he heard this former Taoist monk speaking vague words to him, only the gentle ones were enough to make his life warm. The tone was still the one he was familiar with in the past.

Strangely, in the first dream, only one detail was extremely clear - Yan Huan saw Liu Fuguang's cuffs.

This noble prince who was born into the royal family likes to wear old clothes that are half intact and half worn. In a dream where everything is changing, his bamboo-green cuffs are frayed with velvety edges, faintly revealing the light color of the thread underneath, which contrasts with the white and soft skin of his wrists. It makes people feel comfortable for no reason. I want to put my face gently against it and rub it back and forth.

A dream that lasted for decades passed in an instant. Yan Huan opened his eyes and couldn't help but laugh secretly.

Funny, he thought with interest, somehow he was dreaming about that pretty friend.

The Dragon God reached into his belly and carelessly kneaded the good soul that he had not yet fully digested. He secretly assassinated Liu Fuguang, causing him to have his heart ripped out of his body and fall down Zhongshan Mountain. It seemed like it only happened yesterday. Yan Huan didn't feel any pressure at all when he laughed and called Pretty Enemy.


Yan Huan frowned unconsciously.

Liu Fuguang's soft Ah as if he was catching a cold or surprised, echoed in Shang Yu's ears very clearly. For no reason, it actually made Yan Huan feel a little bit irritated.

He stopped smiling, let go of the warm little thing that he tried to hold on to, got up and walked out.

I've thought about too many things I shouldn't have thought about, and it's time to find some other fun.

The second dream came more suddenly than the first.

With the power to travel through the worlds, every time Yan Huan goes out to have fun, he has to eat a stomach full of flesh and blood before returning. Good and evil merged into one, and his divine power grew endlessly. The current dragon body could no longer accommodate his overwhelming power, and he had to rely on external forces to reshape it every time in order to barely keep up with his advancement speed.

This time, Yan Huan dreamed of a much clearer plot.

Yan Huan's philosophy of life has always been to be free and unrestrained on the bed, roll as far as you can after getting out of bed, and don't show your eyes in front of him, but Liu Fuguang is not like this. His affectionate tenderness is like a pot of slow Slowly boiling water can make people's skin and flesh rip open without even realizing it. No matter in bed or off the bed, he likes physical touch, such as hugging and caressing. Living with him, Yan Huanzhen often feels like sooner or later I will be driven crazy.

Hands clasped together, twirling the gold ring on the earlobe, the usual kisses on the cheek and lips... Yan Huan could bear it, but one thing was that Liu Fuguang liked to comb his hair.

He didn't use a comb, but used his ten fingers to gently and slowly touch the roots of Yan Huan's hair, stroking it tightly to the ends. This disguise was actually a head of hair that matched his personality. The roots of the hair were The roots are thick and hard, as thick as ink that can hang a person.

Whenever this happened, Liu Fuguang would chuckle lowly and whisper in his ear: Mr. Long has good hair, it's thick and thick.

In the whole world, he is the only one who can call Yan Huan Dragon Lord.

At this time, Yan Huan usually closed his eyes and lips tightly and refused to say anything, but once, Liu Fuguang braided his hair first, and kept giggling, waiting for him to open his eyes with a terrifying look. Opening his eyes and pretending to be angry, Liu Fuguang was not afraid. He just leaned down and placed a kiss lighter than a flower petal on the dragon's horn on his forehead.

I'm sorry, he said with a smile, I'll untie it for you right now.

At that moment, Yan Huan felt as if he had been struck by lightning. Half of his body was numb from the kiss. He didn't know whether it was the softness or the severe pain.

Whatever Liu Fuguang said after that, he didn't listen to anything. Until the young man pushed him to stand up, the Dragon God was confused and didn't know what year it was.

After the second dream, Yan Huan woke up with a rather ugly face.

What the hell kind of dream did you have...

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