He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(430)

Xie Ning walked and painted all the way. He painted gods of mountains and forests, gods of water and swamps, gods that incited emotions, and gods that represented certain states. He spent eleven years traveling around the world. In the twelfth year, he returned to Eleusis, the kingdom that had taken him in and then exiled him.

The old king is still alive. The descendants of gods always live much longer than ordinary people. He didn't know what exactly happened that day, nor did he know that Philu Weng accepted his instructions and, under the influence of the gods, drank Xie Ning's deadly poisonous wine, which was like the starting point of a domino, pushing the gods forward. The end.

He only knew that the young hero he regarded as his son died in the catastrophe that swept everything. His soul rose into the sky after his death and became an immortal constellation. The boy he had always missed was also missing. . In his heart, Dolos must also have lost his life. Otherwise, how could it arouse Echidna's overwhelming anger?

Among the children of the old king, Anthea is now a wife and a mother. Because there were not many children left in the royal family, her parents were reluctant to marry her to another country, so they recruited a husband to let her continue to live the life of a princess in their own country.

That evening, the setting sun was shining slantingly, and the remaining clouds were like blood. Anthea was surrounded by two girls who were laughing and playing. She looked at them with a smile, but a clear scene suddenly flashed before her eyes: a lonely traveler trekking from the horizon. Coming, the cloak made it difficult for people to see his appearance, but he was shrouded in a divine light. It was obvious that the other person was a god.

The prophecy ability granted to her by Apollo has rarely been shown in recent years. Anthea couldn't help but change her face and jumped up from her seat.

Awakening was like lightning that shone through the long night, and she suddenly recognized the person coming in the hallucination - or maybe a god.

He is the lingering concern of this family because she sent away a man who had been kind to this country for no reason. Her father was depressed for a long time and even sent Philion to ask him to rescue the man who fell into the hands of the devil. Young man, and this led to the destruction of that hero.

Dolos, he is Dolos.

The princess was in a panic. After escorting Doros to the ship to Cilicia and hearing the rumor that he was loved by Echidena, she was like a man with a sword hanging over his head, thinking about many things anxiously. a way to be retaliated against. She thought that the boy might instigate Echidna from her pillow, causing the monsters under the demon god to destroy the people of Eleusis; or, he might let Echidna infect the country with a more cruel poisonous epidemic. But the twilight came and went, and the revenge she was thinking about never came.

Just when she thought everything was fine and she could finally let go of the stone in her heart, he actually came, and he came as a god, a powerful being.

Anthea jumped up in fear. Ignoring the panic of the maid, she hurriedly ordered her entourage to prepare the carriage. She ran out of the palace in disheveled clothes, crossed long streets, squares, downtowns, barracks...many buildings, and came to the city wall. Under the surprised and puzzled eyes of the people, she really saw the man who was following the dusk. The approaching god.

After so many years, children have grown into adults, adults have become frail old people, and more of the old people have left the mortal world and gone to live in the paradise land, but they still look the same as when we first saw them: carrying a drawing board, slender and thin, with an invisible face. A trace of aging fatigue, except...

Standing in the surging crowd, Anthea stared at him blankly.

...Except for his gray hair, it is no longer as dark and soft as it used to be.

How strange is this? He is young and beautiful, and his face exudes the glory of a god, but why does the color of his hair look like that of an old man who has exhausted all his efforts?

In fact, Xie Ning had seen Anthea a long time ago. In his early years, he might have complained about what the princess did. But now, when he looked back, what Anthea did to him was just the same. The pebbles on the road are so inconspicuous.

He took off his cloak and nodded to the princess, as if he had met an unfamiliar acquaintance and was not very warm.

Anthea didn't expect his attitude to be so gentle. She was stunned and couldn't help blurting out: You, your hair...

Xie Ning paused, remembering that she was facing the stream and first noticed a strand of white hair growing on her head. She couldn't help but be stunned for a long time.

He smiled slightly and replied calmly: Painting requires a lot of energy.

This is the truth. If he were still a mortal and had not received the baptism of eternal life, he would probably die of exhaustion when he saw Chaos for the first time. How could he wait to write? Even if he becomes a god, it will not be an easy task to describe all the gods in the world. To describe it as painstakingly seems lighthearted.

After simply saying this, Xie Ning stopped talking. He walked past the princess and looked around at the changes in the city-state over the years.

Anthea couldn't believe that he actually let her and Eleusis go just like this. She let her hair down and looked at the god's back in surprise, but she didn't dare to catch up and ask again.

Eleusis has changed a lot, its temple has become more magnificent and gorgeous, and the priests walking inside are no longer the people he knows. Xie Ning walked into the hotel and booked a room.

If it weren't for Anthea's prophecy ability, he would not have planned to meet the royal family of Eleusis at all. He came here just to find an explanation for this long journey.

Xie Ning stayed in the hotel for five days. He touched his paintbrush. Before leaving, he piled all the belongings he had accumulated over the years in the temple that used to house him, and then left a brief letter, Name this as a gift returned to the old King Essonne.

After doing all this, he set off again and embarked on the ship to Cilicia.

I've been away from home for too long, he thought, and it's time to go home.

Ten years passed by, and Xie Ning left alone and came back alone. The Alima Plain looked the same as before, except that lush vegetation had grown on the ruins of the underground palace.

Tangled with vines and covered with moss, Gaia briefly appeared here, and the vitality she brought completely overturned the long-standing legacy of Echidna.

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