He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(405)

The devil smiled and felt very sweet after hearing his drunken words. At this moment, Xie Ning suddenly stopped smiling, bit his ear seriously, and whispered softly: I tell the truth, I love you very much. If I go back to modern times and my status allows, I still want to marry you.

In an instant, Echidna stood motionless as if struck by lightning.

His heart suddenly swelled so full that it felt as if it was about to shatter and explode. Each petal on the exploded fragments was set off like a firework, shining with the glory of eleven thousand years.

It was his turn to be the subject of tears. Echidna's arms were already shaking, so much that he could hardly hold this heavy man. He was silent for a long time before he managed to calm down.


This word was swirling in his mind. How close was earthly happiness to him at this moment! It is as close as a ripe red apple that has fallen to your shoulders. You only need to tilt your head slightly to take a bite of the fragrant skin. For some reason, he subconsciously poured cold water on his heart: As a demon god, he is willing to be bound by the small and shallow contractual relationship created by human reproduction. Isn't this a very sad thing?

But no matter how much he splashed, even if he splashed away the cold heart of Demeter and the frost and snow of Chione, how could he extinguish this raging lava fire! He didn't drink. At this moment, he was drunk in the supreme happiness, and the bones in his body were softened.

The only thing that can beat the happiness of the moment is the happiness of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. He finally understood this happy fact personally, and looked around anxiously like a poor beggar who had received a pearl.

After that night, Xie Ning got the chance to go out once a month.

The days were dull and satisfying, and his second greatest wish - to go out for a walk - was realized. He fell in love again, and made like-minded friends. His life was so perfect, he was just waiting for his biggest wish to come true.

Xie Ning has been waiting for Gaia to wake up from her slumber. Apart from the Earth Mother, there is no other god who can call Chaos Chaos.

Waiting for the secret cocktail party the next month, Xie Ning drew a half-length sketch for everyone, including Echidna. Now he started to draw ordinary people. Not only was his hand speed astonishingly fast, but he also had charming characteristics. He also caught no one missing, so that everyone cheered loudly for him.

Thank you, thank you! Xie Ning happily accepted the praise. The discarded carbon strips he piled up in the underground palace, which were higher than the hill, were enough to show that his efforts were worthy of these praises. It was just a habit that he still had to say it. Be humble and say, “It’s not just my fault!”

When he said this, he was hinting at the help Echidna had provided him. The pen pals were silent for a while. Regarding the love between humans and demons, even though they were all surfers who were at the forefront of the world's trends, they still felt that this was not the case. Too shocking.

Xie Ning accepts this well. He is a sexual minority and an art student. He has been with the crazy people in school for a long time. He can completely understand others' misunderstanding of him. Therefore, he only asks his pen pals to respect and bless him. That’s all, don’t ask for much else.”

Are you determined to live like this? the playwright asked, Don't get me wrong, and don't underestimate my courage, Doros. I know that the power of God is infinite, so my questions are all raised from your perspective. . You will not marry and have children from now on, and you will stay away from the worldly world. But the place you go to is not the holy mountain of Olympus, with the eternal gods. You see, we always meet each other at night. When can we see the light of day? Looking down at your face?

Xie Ning laughed for a while, thinking that I had a grudge against that god Apollo, and if we met in the sun, I was afraid that I would be roasted by the sun.

“If you don’t take a wife or have children,” he said, “whoever I love will be my partner.”

After thinking for a moment, he added: I love Echidna, and our love is strong and healthy.

Echidna watched all this from the other side. He was about to get angry, but now he burst into tears again and was terribly moved. Because of his agitated mood, the demon kept tossing and turning in the throne room, causing the ground in Arima to rumble and shake.

It wouldn't be bad if life continued like this, but it's a pity that paper can't contain the fire, let alone ancient Greece where the gods were more curious than mortals. News of Xie Ning's secret drinking party soon spread. The rumors not only wandered among the mountains, forests and lakes, but also traveled to the human kingdom, lingering vaguely among the palace and the people.

During the third cocktail party, they were already discussing changing the location of the next party, and everyone was talking about the gossip in the palace.

There are always people who come to me intentionally or unintentionally to get information, the sculptor said. They heard about the mysterious gatherings in the mountains and forests, and they couldn't help but think about it, thinking that they should come here to have some adventure.

Who says otherwise! The troubadour strummed the lyre. Everyone is like doves that are ready to move. When they see the wheat fields in the harvest season, they are thinking about how to hover in the sky and come down to have a few feasts. Don't ignore the vultures and eagles. Threat, we did not get this friendship and admission ticket in vain.

They chatted and continued to drink and laugh. When the sky dimmed, Xie Ning returned to the underground palace as she was to see what Echidna was doing.

...This is not my practice! Echidena argued angrily, This is magical divination. Before Circe's priesthood appeared, it was breeding in the shadows of the earth and sky. Only it can Make noises in Gaia’s dreams to attract His attention.”

So, the God of Sleep can also wake up Gaia? Xie Ning asked.

Echidna shook his head, with a very disdainful tone and expression: The God of Sleep is indeed binding on all humans and gods. Hum, He can even make the father of the gods fall into a deep sleep, and the same is true for me. But. His jurisdiction is only in the illusory world. Gaia has fallen asleep, but his dreams are completely real, because everything that Mother Earth dreams about will become reality on the earth. He dreams about the demise of mankind. and birth, dreaming of the change of seasons, dreaming of the majestic whirlpool of destiny...could it be that these are things that the God of Sleep can peek into? If he dared to reach out to Mother Earth's dream, he would deserve to die there and become one with the earth.

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