He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(386)

Of course not! Xie Ning hurriedly explained to reassure him, I definitely won't have any objections to you, I just...

He was speechless for a moment. You can't say that I'm worried about the safety of my butt, right? What good does it do to fall in love if you speak so straightforwardly?

But according to Echidna, the structure of snakes is indeed very different from ordinary people. Now you have to take care of your own butt...

Xie Ning murmured for a long time, then took the medicine bottle and smelled it suspiciously.

It has no taste. If you dip it in it and try it, there is no fishy smell of blood. Instead, it is colorless and tasteless, just like fish oil. It has a very strange taste.

Will it be okay if I eat this? he asked nervously.

Echidna said: If you were an ordinary human being, you would definitely not be able to withstand the potion prepared with Gorgon's blood, but you have been soaked in the divine ointment for so long, so there will be no problem.

As he spoke, the snake demon coaxed him lovingly: Take a sip first and swallow it slowly.

Xie Ning was doubtful, so he sat on Echidna's tail and took a sip of the magic medicine.

The potion melted in his mouth, as if it turned into a breath of air, and spread to his limbs and bones. Xie Ning was taken aback, and Echidena immediately hugged him expectantly and asked with concern: How are you doing? Do you feel anything?

Xie Ning became even more nervous.

Echidna's love is like a wild beast. He is passionate, wild, and does not ask for anything in return. His words and deeds are full of something surging. Some people may describe this feeling like suffocation after drowning. It is very difficult for Xie Ning to respond to such love thoroughly and without disappointment.

A little...a little dizzy! He spoke incoherently and hurriedly chose an untrue reaction. The air was so intensely heated by Echidena's gaze that he was really afraid that one second he said I'm fine, the next second he would be pinned down on the bed and eaten alive.

Echidna hurriedly rubbed his cheek with her hand and said distressedly: Are you feeling dizzy, Doros? Did you swallow it too fast? It doesn't matter. You lie down to rest first and take it easy.

Xie Ning was like a high school senior who was avoiding a test in class. He felt very guilty, but just couldn't muster the energy. He lay down on the snake demon and let him hold him as he swam toward the nest.

Echidna swam to their nest, placed Xie Ning on the small bed he made, wrapped him in a soft velvet blanket, and then stroked his hair, making him as comfortable as hibernating.

Have you recovered a little? The demon purred comfortingly, trapping the human between the bed and his chest. It's normal to feel uncomfortable after drinking this potion for the first time. Don't worry, I will take good care of you.

So cool.

Although it seems a bit heartless, it feels really good to be taken care of like this...

Xie Ning was like every little bastard pretending to be sick. She groaned twice and then buried herself in her lover's arms with peace of mind. The security alarm on my butt was temporarily lifted, and my mind began to wander, thinking about all kinds of things.

I have been single for twenty years, and I have never thought about what kind of partner I will find in the future. Now it’s better. I don’t know if I don’t look for him. I was shocked when I looked for him. In the end, he actually started talking to a mythical creature.

Thinking of this, Xie Ning's mood sank unconsciously. He raised his eyes and asked Echidna dully: Have you found Gaia?

Echidena paused while stroking his hand, and replied in a deep voice: Gaea has been sleeping for a long time. Ever since his temple at Delphi was occupied by Apollo and Python was shot to death by a golden arrow, he has been pregnant. Feeling helpless and angry, he retreated deeper into the world. I wonder if Nyx has any news about him. Just wait for me to check.

Don't worry, Xie Ning sighed, I know this is not going to be easy.

They hugged each other quietly for a while, and Xie Ning started to feel sleepy. She heard Echidna ask: Are you feeling better?

Xie Ning's body trembled, and her sleepiness immediately flew to the sky. She stammered: No, no.

What else can I do to make you better?

Xie Ning joked: Then don't squeeze me and go to sleep in the corner holding the quilt.

Echidna also laughed. He gently scratched Xie Ning's face and said in a low voice: Silly words.

Perhaps the effect of the medicine has really taken off, and sleepiness has spread more deeply. Xie Ning closed her eyelids and fell into a disorderly dream.

In the haze, the arms holding him withdrew, and Xie Ning was laid flat on the bed. The complex starlight was obscured by the thick fog, creating a dark and sweet cradle for him. He slept more soundly and comfortably, turning over I couldn't help but stretch out a leg.

He didn't know how long he had slept. He yawned with sleepy eyes and sat up from the bed. His body was as lazy and weak as a drunken plant. Xie Ning clenched her fists a few times and suddenly realized something.

What about Echidna?

He turned left and right in confusion. Normally, Echidna would be wrapped around his bed, allowing him to step on that powerful tail as soon as he got out of bed, but why wasn't it there today?

Where is my snake? Where is a snake as big as me?

Xie Ning jumped out of bed with her bare feet, turned around and looked around, and finally saw Echidna's figure at the other end of the nest.

He didn't hug the quilt, but he actually ran to the corner and fell asleep. Xie Ning walked over blankly and saw him curled up in a ball with his eyes closed and his expression peaceful.

I'm joking - Xie Ning really wanted to say this. His heart was sore and soft, and he didn't know how to open his mouth to make a sound.

Only people who have never been loved will show excessive seriousness in love. They can't tell the difference between a joke and the truth. They only think that ten thousand years is ten thousand years, and the separation is also an endless tomorrow.

Why are you here? Xie Ning asked in a low voice, I...I really love you, why would I deliberately embarrass you.

Echidna was lying obediently in the corner. The ferocious snake in the past was now as gentle as a stag with its golden eyes open.

I know that I am loved, he smiled slightly. I am already very happy, Dolos. This happiness is a thousand times better than before. I have nothing to complain about.

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