He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(383)

After a pause, he asked: Okay?

Xie Ning did not hesitate. He nodded solemnly and said hoarsely: Okay, I promise you, this is how it will be done.

Chapter 155 The Pharisaic Snake (21)

The underground world was quiet for a long time. Xie Ning leaned against Echidna and said softly: Thank you.

Echidna didn't want to tell him, but he was deeply regretful in his heart. He said hoarsely: It doesn't matter, I love you.

As soon as the words were spoken, the big stone in Xie Ning's heart fell to the ground, and she felt that everything in front of her was wide open. He suddenly remembered the person who had sent the message and couldn't help but ask: Where is Xansipe, how is she?

Echidna replied unhappily: She ran away! Like an antelope being chased by a tiger and leopard, when I came to find you in a hurry for confirmation, she fled in panic from the door. But she was If Arima cannot escape, I am determined to make her blood flow in the dark underground.

Let her go, Xie Ning begged. He told Echidna all the reasons why Xanthippe came to find him. I asked her to find you, and I agreed to her. This matter After the incident, let her leave here and go wherever she wants.

Echidna hates it so much! If he had the chance, he would really cut off one of Hermes' legs, break his double snake staff in half, and throw him heavily into the mire.

Just what you say, the snake demon said sadly, Anyway, she is just an insignificant pawn, not my main enemy.

As soon as the devil's voice fell, the stone door of the underground palace opened. Xanthippe was wearing a cloak, knowing that this was Dolos fulfilling his promise, so she quickly ran out of the underground palace and couldn't wait to run onto the sunny land.

The sun shone on her dazzling snow-white skin, so that Phoebus Apollo immediately discovered her traces. The distant Sun God frowned and called to his brother in the sky.

Hermes, look down, said Apollo. Xanthippe has escaped from Arima's underground palace. Has she neglected her duties and abandoned her duties? Please go and see. So what happened?”

Hermes was also very confused. He descended to the mortal world and transformed into a beautiful woman with noble manners. He came to Xanthippe and scolded her mercilessly.

Look at this hurried woman! said the beautiful woman, did you run away from your husband's spinning wheel, or from the baby's cradle? Why are you standing here alone, acting like Where are the homeless libertines?”

Xanthippe cried secretly, and she could tell at a glance that this was the incarnation of a god. She hurriedly cried and said: You are a wise lady, please understand my predicament: I have just passed away from the devil. I escaped from the snake's den because I revealed a terrible secret to Him, and He clamored to kill me. What a great effort it took me to escape from the clutches of death! If you can have mercy on me, give me It is better for me to be your humble maid than to be buried in the mouth of a snake and be miserably swallowed up.

Hermes was very satisfied, he saw that Xanthippe did not lie, and she did do what he asked, but then he began to murmur in his heart, what should he do with this beautiful creation?

He restored his original shape and said solemnly: Yes, Xanthippe! What you said is true. I alone cannot decide your fate. After all, you have not completed your mission.

Xanthippe hurriedly fell at the feet of the god, hugged his knees and begged: God Hermes! I have no temple to pray in. Your knees are my altar. Please remember your noble promise. :You promise me that if I do what you ask, you will intercede with Athena on my behalf.

Seeing her charming charm, the charm given by Aphrodite involuntarily affected Hermes. The god helped the woman up and comforted her with good words: You are right, I should not forget my vow! Let me take you to Mount Olympus, where I will speak for you.

On Mount Olympus, the gods gathered in the temple. They all faced Hermes and saw him bringing Xanthippe with a humble look.

Why is this woman here? Pallas Athena scolded, Have you forgotten your duty? Olympus asked you to destroy the relationship between the couple, but you covered the veil of shame and let him Aren't you afraid that the beautiful and seductive Hermes has brought him to the palace of the gods?

Facing the goddess's anger, Hermes spoke calmly: Athena, please listen to me: this poor woman should not be blamed! She is not like Pandora, who walked in with an ordinary and kind person. Epimetheus' house, she walked into the lair of the demon Echidna. The demon did not want to favor her, but threatened to kill her. She has tried her best. You also know that beauty Lust must not destabilize the wild beasts.”

That's why the gods gave her a more powerful gift than Pandora, Apollo said mercilessly. Didn't Athena give her the wisdom to adapt, and didn't Dionysus give her the fearless courage? Well, didn't I give her a very high artistic talent? Such generous gifts, as well as the charming charm endowed by the God of Beauty and the God of Fire, could not enable her to complete the task. I think the kindness of the gods was greatly affected. What a shame!”

Hermes was speechless. Although he agreed with Xanthippe and was willing to intercede with Athena for her, now, his brother Apollo also joined the crusade, which made him hesitate.

But among all the gods with different opinions, Aphrodite was in a happy mood, with a proud smile on her lips.

Hey, that little girl, just tell me, she greeted briskly, playing with her strange love belt with her fingers, standing there radiantly, what do you mean by failure? Even you can't break them apart. Is it related to?

Xanthippe told the truth: I told Echidna all the secrets of Dolos, and said, 'He must return to his hometown.' Echidna became furious and vowed to He killed and wounded me, and I ran away. He rushed to question Doros. Following his actions, Arima's underground palace shook violently. After a long time, I was afraid of death during the long wait. The door of the underground palace opened But it suddenly opened, and the poisonous river was cut off. Fate was very merciful to me, and I no longer dared to spy on the devil, so I hurriedly fled to the ground.

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