He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(339)

Echidna was confused. He looked left and right, loosening the snake's tail wrapped around the throne, and patrolled the palace.

What's this? He hissed out his black tongue, and the forked tip of his tongue was like a living thing, twisting to both sides, probing for strange things in the air.

Xie Ning's pen tip kept moving, outlining her arms and chest. He happily copied the tattoo patterns in his mind. He still remembered that the gold of those totems and the jewelry complemented each other, and they were as beautiful as the continuous starlight, shining brightly on the dark sky.

Echidna hissed, and he couldn't help but stretched out his hand, scratching back and forth on his exposed chest with claws that could crush mountains, causing the jewelry to jingle. The unknown feathers were simply caressing his bones, his blood and flesh! As a result, his skin, which was as cold as ice, felt an uncomfortable warmth.

Who is it? The snake demon was confused and turned around, full of suspicion, Who is it?

Xie Ning then turned his brush strokes, using smooth lines, to outline the snake's tail and scales. But he was worried that the simple drawing would not be powerful enough, so he first vaguely marked out the positions of the bones, and then filled in the appearance.

As if being electrocuted, Echidna swung his tail in surprise, making a deep dent in the gold-plated copper ground, and then corroded a layer of poisonous foam.

There is no doubt that whoever dares to touch his tail like this is the boldest and most terrifying suitor. If the gods do this, then he will inject the hot poison of love into the gods' hearts, making the gods' muscles and bones become weak, and they will cry and plead; if the demons do this, he will use his strong arms to grab the demon's vital points, so that the other party can no longer get rid of it. Get out of bed and walk.

However, he ordered the shadows, and no shadow of any living beings could be seen in the shadows. When detecting the magic power, there was no trace of casting spells. Echidna scurried around the empty palace, twitching his strong arms, shaking his broad shoulders, looking around, but never found any sign of the tempter.

Is there such a thing in the world? The snake demon was both angry and unbelievable. He remembered the compliments he heard not long ago, and he was even more puzzled. He didn't see anyone, but that person was already teasing him crazy.

So, Echidena opened his golden eyes, and he looked down to see the bottomless underworld. The God of Death was surprised by his visit, and the souls in the River Styx wailed at his gaze; he looked up and saw Orin. The holy mountain of Pis, the gods he swept across, all felt an uncomfortable chill in their hearts.

However, he never thought of taking a look among the human sacrifices sent back - Echidna knew very well that those were ordinary humans who did not know magic or the favor of gods, and naturally did not have such abilities.

Oops. Xie Ning took a breath and painted for nearly three hours. Not only did his eyes feel dry and his shoulders ached, his back was also extremely stiff and he could no longer paint.

Just then, the giant overseers came back in stride, and he reluctantly stopped writing.

Seeing that the clear oil in the barrel had long been used up, the giant was indeed satisfied. They didn't have time to interrogate Xie Ning, so they walked into the fence first, picked up two copper bulls coated with clear oil, and without even looking at these exhausted humans, they left another barrel of oil behind and strode deep into the underground palace. Go.

They did not dare to delay their meal, because the snake demon regarded blood food as extremely important. If they postponed it a little, it would be them, not the copper bull, who would be buried in the snake's belly.

there is none left.

Echidna clutched her chest and clawed at the smooth snake's tail.

Stopped, no more.

At the gate of the palace, the four-armed giant's cautious and probing words came: Master, today...

...Get away, Echidena hissed softly, Get away, get away.

The author has something to say:

Xie Ning: *Put out pen and paper and start drawing* I draw like this, I draw like that, I am a little painter who draws...

Echidna: *Feels like I'm being teased, not angry, and a little happy, but I feel like I should be angry* Um...huh huh huh?

Xie Ning: *puts away pen and paper* No more drawing! tired.

Echidna: *immediately starts to get angry* Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss be the result be ssssssssssss. ! !

Chapter 141 The Pharisaic Snake (7)

The four-armed giant shook in horror.

They and Echidna have lived in the dark underground palace for a long time. Like all the survivors of Gaia, they have suffered the fate of being exiled, becoming increasingly angry and manic. The angry blows of the snake demon are enough to cause an earthquake in a country, and his sharp roar can also make the god of sleep wake up from his carpet in panic.

But those fierce words and actions, and the arrogant yelling were far less dangerous than his gentle neighing. Now, Echidna lingers in the dark night, with squirming poisonous snakes growing out of every hair. Every word he utters causes the ears of the creatures who hear them to rot and the seven orifices to bleed.

The four-armed giant covered his ears firmly with his two arms and retreated in panic, because the snake demon's anger affected him, and the cold blood was burning sharply in his body. He fled far away before he dared to rest and breathe a sigh of relief.

Brother! The other giants gathered around, Why did you go and come back with the copper bull? Where is the master?

The four-armed giant said hurriedly: Go and collect those human sacrifices and ask them to line up one by one to enter the palace gate! Echidna was angry for some reason and refused to eat the bronze bull. If this continues, I'm afraid he won't be able to control his vicious temper, and after emerging from his devil's palace, he will split us on the ground like lambs, suck our internal organs, and chew our bones and marrow!

The giants trembled with fear as they listened to the prospect he described, and gasped like thunder.

Among the giants who guarded the crowd before, one of them was smarter, thoughtful, and eloquent, and was called Polysaur. This giant prides himself on being different and as smart as if he had been struck by Athena's shield, but unexpectedly he was tricked by humble humans. From now on, he has to provide regular food and water to the sacrifices. Because of this, he hated the person who stood out, the little man who could be killed with one finger.

Polysaor rolled his eyes and thought of what he thought was a good plan.

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