He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(329)

Xie Ning shook her head, not understanding.

The priest was so anxious that he shouted loudly: You, the descendant of a great god, how can you risk your life and that of the people for short-sighted love? You must know that there are more noble and majestic gods than your father and mother!

He put a pile of Xie Ning's paintings that he had collected in front of him. Xie Ning now understood that he was telling him not to send any more paintings.

Why, he curled his lips, very dissatisfied.

Everyone likes it very much, and I also like to read their feedback. No money is required, it is all given for free...

Xie Ning was very unconvinced, but he had to lower his head under the eaves, so he had no choice but to put the painting away angrily.

Putting aside this unpleasant episode, his life here is quite good.

The people in the city treated him well. In terms of food, he ate and lived with the temple priests. Every meal was served with roast meat, bread, cheese and milk mixed with honey. Although the barbecue is only seasoned with spices and salt, the bread is sour, and the cheese and milk have a fishy smell. Compared with the production level of the same era, this is simply more expensive than delicacies from the mountains and seas.

In terms of dressing, the clothes of this era do not have very strict shapes, but rather show the beauty of the natural human body, and can be put on and taken off easily. Although the artificially woven clothing would make him itchy, it wasn't a big problem as long as he scratched it. One evening, when he saw how beautiful the dusk was, he drew a group portrait for the palace maids. As a result, they were as happy as if they were drunk with wine, and spent the whole night rushing to make a beautifully embroidered belt for him as a return gift. He usually didn't care if his cuffs and collar were slightly damaged, but many citizens accompanying him insisted on repairing them for him.

Generally speaking, the climate in ancient Greece was warm and dry, with lush forests and so much sunshine that it seemed like you could spend a lifetime here in the summer. Xie Ning just needs to paint, paint, paint. He could paint casually, paint to his heart's content, and people in the city-state encouraged him to paint and praised him for painting... He really couldn't think of a more wonderful life than here, except that he missed his relatives and hometown more and more.

Time flies like water, and three months have passed in the blink of an eye. In order to maintain her character, Xie Ning still cannot speak. However, it is absolutely no problem to understand what most people are saying without even guessing.

Unfortunately, the days of peace could never last long. Just as he gradually began to adapt to the life here, two envoys came from outside the city of Eleusis, breaking the happy, harmonious and happy atmosphere of this small country.

They were messengers from Cilicia, carrying a message from another king, coming to demand their tribute.

After living here for several months, Xie Ning also roughly inquired about Eleusis's deeds.

Three years ago, a powerful king of Cilicia, a ruler named Xothoth, launched an expedition into the country. Because he has the blood of Poseidon, he defeated the army of Eleusis and killed the five sons of Aeson with his own hands. While plundering a large amount of gold and silver jewelry, he also established an alliance with this small country on the sea. A contract was made: every three years, three distinguished royal family members would be sent to Cilicia as sacrifice to Echidna. Immediately afterwards, the plague that accompanied the war took away the lives of five other princes.

As for the eight fierce men, none of them were citizens of their own country. They were close friends of the prince who died in the battle. Before the princes died, they all vowed to replace their brothers and protect this unfortunate capital.

After asking around, Xie Ning's first thought was, was the fertility rate in ancient times really so exaggerated?

At first, he watched the movie Troy. The background story said that the king of Troy had fifty sons. He thought it was too unreal, but then he saw it and saw, good guys, fifteen children! Even if you give birth to one child a year, it will take fifteen years; if you give birth to triplets, it will take five years!

The second thought is that you ancients were really exaggerated.

Not to mention the bloodline of Poseidon, what kind of superstitious statement is it? Ask the defeated country for hostages, and make up a nonsense story dedicated to monsters. I dare you to have the Minotaur's labyrinth. ?

In the hall of the palace, the king received the visiting messenger. His face was very pale, and the queen pressed her chest tightly to suppress the tears in her eyes. At this time, the two envoys stood under the throne and were swearing to the sky, asking the king to fulfill his promise in order to protect their reputation.

I have fifteen sons, who are fierce, strong, young and beautiful. The old man murmured, I love them more than my own eyes. But five of them have died on the battlefield resisting your country's aggression. Five died of the ensuing epidemic, and four chose the great expedition to appease the gods' anger towards Eleusis. I only have one youngest son left, who has always been smart and obedient, and as precious as the one on my head. Golden crown. I also have a daughter. Her reputation spreads far and wide to the surrounding countries. Many kings, many kings' sons, and many heroes who are better than kings all regard it as the supreme honor to marry her as their mistress. She is so beautiful, She pleased Apollo, who gave her the power of foreknowledge, and she was as precious as the jewels in a golden crown.”

The old king burst into tears and said: As the king of a country, I should keep my promise, just like my famous ancestors. But as a father, a gray-haired old man, I implore your king to be merciful. Forgive me, I can no longer lose my children. For them, I am willing to go into exile and live a life of dishonor, even if the world despises my treachery. Please convey my words, convey it!

How heartbreaking his words were, there were cries of grief inside and outside the palace, but the messengers were as hard-hearted as stone. They loudly laughed at the old king's whims, and shouted at him to fulfill his promise.

Don't cover up your inner cowardice with sweet words, sons of Telemachus! they shouted, The lambs sacrificed their flesh and blood to the lions because they have no fangs or claws, so why should the lions Where is the incompetence of the Lamb of Mercy? Hand over the person quickly and let us take him away!

Xie Ning and the priest stood in the shadow behind the stone pillar, watching this scene in silence.

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