He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(274)

When he was bored in the past, he also read human folklore documents, which mentioned a slang term used to describe doting, which is called hold it in your mouth for fear of melting, hold it in your hand for fear of breaking. Tianyuan really can't understand this sentence. Human beings may be able to pinch another similar person of equal weight, but they can't hold it in their mouth. Or maybe this slang uses an exaggerated rhetorical technique... But what does this kind of emotion mean?

Now, he suddenly understood. The two verbs in this sentence both contain the urge to love deeply and want to destroy it, but the fear born from cherishing makes that impulse die down, like a rising tide.

Love makes people hesitate and torture themselves.

Tian Yuanzai looked at his human carefully, and he suddenly discovered that hidden among the soft black hair, there was a very obvious small dot on Gu Xingqiao's earlobe, which was not a mole.

He had his ears pierced, and Tian Yuan thought, why didn't I see it before?

Out of unspeakable psychology, he carefully twisted Gu Xingqiao's earlobes. Its shape was round and cute, soft and slightly cool to the touch, which made him release his fingers immediately.

I'm going to lose control, he said to himself calmly, stop discovering the little details about him, not now, I'm going to lose control.

The bedside lamp was on quietly. Under the influence of the force field, Gu Xingqiao knew nothing. In Tianyuan's arms, he slept until the afternoon.


Annoyed to death, Gu Xingqiao rolled his neck. He stared at the simulated night sky inside the battleship, feeling very troubled.

Taking a too deep nap at noon not only caused the training plan to be postponed, but also meant that it would be difficult for him to fall asleep tonight.

Tian Yuan stood behind him and asked, Do you want to go camping in the biosphere?

Deep in his heart, Gu Xingqiao snorted angrily, and then replied: Yes.

Okay, I'll get ready.

Looking at his retreating back, Gu Xingqiao found it hard to imagine that just about a month ago, they were still tit for tat, and he had to die to escape from each other's relationship... and Tian Yuan also threatened him, saying that he would break his relationship. arm and pull out his teeth.

He sighed.

It is said that interstellar marches are conducive to the reorganized legion's training of soldiers. This method is not unreasonable. In the boundless cold space, sailing for months or even years, the daily life is boring to the point of madness. When you open your eyes and close your eyes, you can only see the same people - in this case, even if the two parties have a blood feud, they will continue to fight for years. If they continue to fight, they have to put aside their past grudges.

Let's go, Tian Yuan came back, followed by a tow truck robot, Everything is ready.

Gu Xingqiao rarely saw mechanical bodies other than himself. At this moment, seeing that the coolie robot was round and small, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

They're so cute, he commented, How come I haven't seen them before?

Tianyuan paused.

Blinking, he said calmly: These are the junior assistants from the lower level who are responsible for transportation. You have never been to the lower level, so naturally you have not seen it.

Of course, I will never see you again.

In human culture, jealousy is usually regarded as ugly and deformed, but Tianyuan is jealous openly. He glanced coldly at the dull little robot and decided never to let Gu Xingqiao see these insignificant small parts again.

Let's go, he said.

Arriving at the grassland of the biosphere, Gu Xingqiao picked a flat open space and lit up a bonfire, while Tian Yuan set up a very primitive boiler used in the wild and simmered broth in it.

There are misty clouds above the head, an illusory starry sky, the grass with deep night dew under the feet, a tent piled with blankets and pillows behind, insects rustling all around, and flying insects with flashing fluorescent lights scattered in the distance... Although none of these are natural. creation, but he is already very satisfied.

Tian Yuan sat next to him, folding his exoskeleton after standing up, and meticulously measured whether the meat in the pot was cooked or not. Clean spices, fruits and vegetables were piled aside, and Gu Xingqiao peeled a handful of onions into the pot according to his own taste, and added carrot cubes and fennel.

Taste the saltiness. Tian Yuan handed him a spoon.

The boiler was steaming with white mist, and the bonfire was glowing red. Gu Xingqiao didn't feel cold at all. He tasted the soup and found it was a little bland, so he added some salt.

Have you ever been camping before, Tianyuan asked. Human books say that this is a very common pastime and an activity that provides cooperation between families.

Gu Xingqiao smiled: The book you are reading is out of date a long time ago. How can there be any camping now? War continues between galaxies and resources are becoming increasingly scarce. In order to make a small profit, the two camps will fight to the death. … There are fewer and fewer safe places.”

Tianyuan said thoughtfully: That is to say, no.

No. Gu Xingqiao said, What's more, I can't find anyone to camp with me.

Tianyuan asked: Why, you have no friends?

After a moment of silence, Gu Xingqiao replied: I do, but... when I had time to do so, I didn't have the conditions for camping. I was so poor that I had to struggle for food and school grades; when I had the conditions, , but I don’t have this time to relax and enjoy the mountains and rivers with my friends; when I have free time, I will also have sufficient conditions...

He whispered: At this time, I have no friends that I can call out. There are too many people watching my every move, and I'm just afraid that I will hurt them.

Tianyuan looked at him quietly and suddenly said: Look.

What are you looking at? Gu Xingqiao turned his eyes and found that Tianyuan raised his hand and pointed at the night sky.

Following the direction of his finger, Gu Xingqiao raised his head in confusion——

The starlight that fills the sky is like the falling rain in the Hall of Valor, pouring down from the night, endlessly, as beautiful as a dream in the world of gods.

Meeting stars. Tian Yuan said seriously, You can make a wish to them. The wish you make to the shooting stars will definitely come true.

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