He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(153)

This is a great condition, but unfortunately... the family conditions are too bad. Being alone, without parents to care for you, without brothers and sisters to help you, how can you do this? Master Hu couldn't help but feel sorry for him when he saw that he was always alone.

Yu Mengzhou didn't know Master Hu's psychological activities. He put the toolbox he relied on for a living at his feet and rode a scooter to his rental house.

The horse farm is located in a remote and open area. There is only a rough asphalt road connecting it to the county town. The evening wind blew slowly, drying his sweat coolly and blowing away a lot of the stale air from his body. .

He let out a breath, feeling really uncomfortable.

The situation at this horse farm is not common, but it is by no means uncommon. A self-righteous investor feels that he has grasped the context of the market and wealth, but refuses to sink his mind to delve into it. He just acts according to his own wishes. The final result is this: he loses money and the horse suffers.

Fortunately, there are professional horse farms that are willing to buy these dying horses without serious illnesses at a discount, and also hire hoof trimmers to take care of them... Otherwise, these horses are really in danger.

Yu Mengzhou slowed down the speed of his motorcycle while thinking about his thoughts.

Although there was no car on this road, he didn't ride fast according to his own habits, but...

Where did this big hole come from? Yu Mengzhou was dumbfounded, Didn't you have a good time on the way here? What's going on?

He clearly remembered that when he came here, the road was still very smooth. But now when he looked at it again, he saw that there was a big bottomless hole in the road, dug right in the middle, making it impossible to see it.

It’s really evil...

Yu Mengzhou quickly changed direction and walked around from the side.

When he walked to the side, he couldn't help but glance down. The pit was indeed deep, and there seemed to be a dim fire inside, and the thick smoke was vaguely visible.

What the hell, natural gas, or is the coal burning underneath?

He shook his head and was about to speed up and leave the pit, but the pit suddenly lengthened!

Like a bully determined to trip you up, Yu Mengzhou couldn't escape its scourge even if he walked around. He was dumbfounded and only had time to curse, Holy crap! Damn it! The ground turned into a pit.

After swallowing a person and a small motorcycle, a satisfying stream of sulfur smoke came out of the pit, then it suddenly closed and was never seen again.

The night wind was blowing, the road was as smooth as ever, everything was so quiet and peaceful, and there was no trace of what had happened just now.

The author has something to say:

This unit has begun! However, I still have to say that the description of hoof trimming in this article has been artistically processed and mainly serves the plot, and is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate.

Next, I wish everyone a happy New Year’s Eve and good luck and wealth in the Year of the Tiger! Tomorrow, the first day of the new year, I will take a leave to go to my grandma's house. I will move the update time to ten o'clock in the evening, otherwise my waist will not be able to bear it.

Yu Mengzhou: *Happily trimming the hooves, treating them with a tenderness I have never seen with other horses* Today is such a beautiful day!

Other horses: *wept with emotion and prayed to the horse god together, thinking that this person should get a good reward*

Or Yu Mengzhou: *riding a scooter, driving happily on the street, suddenly saw a malicious pit* Uh... I think, should I avoid you?

Pit: *immediately tripped him evilly and then made him fall eighteen times*

Yu Mengzhou: *crying* Ouch, today is not a good day!

Chapter 67 Dark Sky Reserve (2)

Yu Mengzhou's consciousness slowly returned, and he felt pain all over his body, as if he had been run over by a heavy object.

Hiss... He reluctantly moved his fingers and heard thin laughter not far away, like sharp wind, scraping against people's eardrums unpleasantly.

Where is this, where did I fall?

It was so hot that it felt like there was a fire burning on my skin, and a smell similar to rotten eggs lingered in my nose. The air was so hot that it made my nose and respiratory tract feel like they were burning...

He slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was a blazing red.

Yadan landform?

Yu Mengzhou raised his head in confusion. The orange-red wilderness was devoid of any greenery and spread to the endless end; volcanoes stood in the distance, spewing thick smoke into the gray-black sky. The dark trees of snakes are the huge skeletons of unknown animals, standing abruptly on the sand and gravel.

He was stunned.

Yu Mengzhou, a staunch atheist and materialist, was turned into a broken statue in the wind for the first time in his life. He opened his mouth blankly and slapped himself in the face.

It doesn't hurt, give me another slap.

The force of this blow was strong enough. Yu Mengzhou was slapped by himself until his head was buzzing. He looked left and right in a daze, but the extremely weird scene remained unchanged.

How come, the balance payment for my horse farm hasn’t been paid yet! What did I do wrong? How could I... By the way, that pit, I fell from that pit. Can I still climb up again?

I am only twenty-four years old. No matter how much lightning strikes me, I will not end up in hell!

Yu Mengzhou struggled to get up, thanking his scooter for successfully using it as a cushion when he landed. Miraculously, Yu Mengzhou was not seriously injured, but the scooter did not have such good luck. It fell to pieces. It became a pile of scrap metal.

Yu Mengzhou wanted to cry. He mourned deeply for a moment and planned to find his toolbox.

It is true that people are poor, but the guy who eats must not do bad things. His set of hoof trimming knives is a genuine German product. He spent a lot of money to get it. It is strong and easy to use. Before going to bed every night, Yu Mengzhou had to touch the aluminum-plastic casing of the tool box religiously, thanking it for being such an excellent set of tools.

If the tool box was also broken, he might really have to sit down and cry...

Yu Mengzhou looked anxiously, turned his head and was stunned.

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