He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(137)

Let's run. He lowered his head and said to the round-eyed little sea otter in his arms, We can't stay here.

At the same time, he grabbed the dagger at his waist, bowed and sneaked, and trudged slowly among the shadows of the pine forest.

Yunchi has received professional training and knows what to do if you encounter large and deadly wild animals in the wild, such as wild boars, tigers or bears. Just don't stare into their eyes, don't squat down, don't expose your back, turn to face each other, slightly stagger your gaze, back up in a zigzag pattern... don't have a self-defense weapon in your hand, don't anger these jungle predators In this case, you still have a great possibility of slowly withdrawing from their sight and gaining a glimmer of hope.

But Yunchi didn't know how he should deal with these supernatural monsters that were probably smarter than humans.

I can fight guerrillas, he thought. I can use the resources in the forest to survive for a week without any weapons and wait for rescue. Besides, I am now wearing divine clothes and holding a divine weapon.

The only problem is, I can't sleep. I'm not a dolphin. I can work with half my brain and rest with the other half. I can't get through it.

Luo Xi... you are a vicious villain.

Yunchi tried to take a shortcut. According to his speculation, the sleep harassment in the past few days was just a small incident. The purpose was to observe whether Saga was still on the island and whether he had really left. After Luo Xi could determine Saga's status, he would be able to arrest him without any scruples.

From this point of view, not only is the center of the island unsafe, the temple of Sakya is also in danger, and the strange house does not know how long it can last... He must go to the sea, he cannot become the turtle in the urn!

Yunchi lay down in the thick snow again, avoiding a low-down patrolling wind eagle.

The little sea otter squeezed out a fluffy head, gave a weak cry, and tugged on Yunchi's collar.

Yunchi lowered his head in confusion. Following the direction of the little sea otter, he saw a snow elf flying in the forest, waving desperately to him.

You mean...let me go that way?

The snow elf nodded, and a few more flying light spots emerged from the dead branches and leaves. They opened up the bare shrubs and revealed an entrance to the cloud pool.

Thank you! Yunchi said gratefully. He hurriedly crawled over and got into the thick branches.

In this way, the snow elf guided him all the way, and he followed all the way, perfectly avoiding the wind eagle in the sky, and gradually approached the coastline.

Great, that's it. As long as I reach the shore and sink into the sea, I can temporarily avoid trouble on land. Then I can find a way to arouse those sea monsters who have neglected their duties. My personal safety will have an extra layer of protection...

It was already high in the sky, and Yunchi had to stop and take a rest. He drank a sip of water and fed the little sea otter in his arms. Since early in the morning, he had been hiding for several hours and driving for several hours. Even with his enhanced physical strength, he could not It's time to hit the limit.

The little sea otter licked the back of his hand and looked at him worriedly.

I...I'm okay, Yunchi gasped, I can hold on, this is nothing...

In fact, from the moment the nightmare began to invade him, Yunchi didn't get much rest. The total sleep time in the past two days was probably less than five hours. Coupled with the physical and mental consumption of the long journey, Yunchi could persist, which he didn't even expect.

Another wind hawk passed by in the sky, and Yunchi hurriedly lay down, hearing its violent screams and communicating with his companions - a dozen pairs of sharp eyes stared at nearly half of the day, but not even Yunchi's shadow could be seen. I didn't see it. It was obvious that they were getting impatient.

At this time, the snow elf lifted the last bush. Through its gaps, you can see the ice sea very close, and the snow-white waves are wandering quietly on the edge of the island. You only need to wade through the narrow shoal to reach the sea water, and then dive down without anyone noticing. .

Can you help me make some noise to divert their attention? Yunchi and the island elves discussed in a low voice, Then I can take the opportunity to run over.

The elves chattered and discussed for a while. After a while, they heard the sound of a lot of falling snow coming from deep in the center of the island. The roaring wind spirits in the sky suddenly fell silent, and the giant eagles also turned their heads keenly and roared towards there. Pounce.

It's now!

Yunchi jumped out of the bushes and ran as fast as he could in the direction of the sea. He had completely exposed his back to the enemy. He was desperate. If he couldn't reach his destination, he would have no choice but to become a prey shot in the back by the hunter.

The wind spirit found nothing, and the goshawk tore the towering trees to pieces, making the forest wail, but none of them found any trace of the target. They were fooled!

Yunchi is like a white fish leaping into the waist-high waves. He plunged in with a fierce thrust, and the divine clothes were soaked in water. Suddenly, they emitted a brilliant light that was brighter than moonlight and softer than sunlight. The seabed shook for a while, as if there were some creatures that had been sleeping until now and were only awakened at this moment.

In the sky, Berthia's expression changed and he said sternly: The sea monster suddenly broke free from the dream. Go and take your humans away. They are not easy to deal with!

Luo Xi frowned, with an unhappy look on his face: I know.

The little sea otter struggled to squeeze out of Yunchi's chest. It screamed happily and saw that the sea monster's tentacles were like fast snakes, reaching towards Yunchi, and at the same time, they quickly wrapped around his waist and pulled him back. He immediately took him to deeper waters.

It's safe...

Yunchi let out a trembling breath, feeling the cold sea water tightly surrounding his skin that was overheated due to tension. Being able to join these sea monsters, at least he is safe at this moment. What I have to do now is...!

Yunchi's vision suddenly blurred, and the little sea otter let out a panicked cry. In the twisting blue water, the tentacles entangled with Yunchi were suddenly cut off by an invisible wind blade. The blood was like jets of ink, hastily staining Yunchi's body.

His pupils shrank for a moment, the storm stirred the entire sea area, and the cloud pool was like a fragile insect surviving on a trampoline. It was lifted high into the air by the irresistible force, exposed to the sky without any obstruction, and exposed Under the eyes of the gods that are joyful and without a trace of warmth.

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