Have You Written Your Will Today?

Chapter 439: Are you not afraid of these dead souls coming to you to claim your life?

   "Father also has difficulties."

   "It's a happy event for you and my father and daughter to reunite. Please let me untie you. You child is really outrageous."

   As he spoke, his eyes became azure.

   "Father has been in a state of flux these days, and it's all caused by Shen Hewen!"

  Shen Hua's eyes became colder and colder.

  A sense of absurdity emerges spontaneously.

  She actually didn't want to see Shen Wei, let alone hear his confession. But it never occurred to Shen Wei that he didn't think he was wrong from the beginning to the end.

   Fortunately, Shen Hua has long been disappointed in him.

   "The bandit incident—"

  As soon as she made her mark, Shen Wei said angrily.

   "He did it!"

   "I trust him so much. But he colluded with the bandits to kidnap and kill me. That **** took my property, and ganged up with the elders to kill me! This led to the separation of you and my father and daughter."

  Shen Hua's eyes were cold: "I'm asking, what happened to Auntie back then."

  Shen Wei lost his voice for an instant.

   It was Shen Hua's familiar grief again. Shen Wei sighed softly, as if thinking about it.

   "Didn't I tell you everything. At that time, there was a thick fog in the mountains. The driver didn't notice for a while and fell into the cliff."

  Shen Hua looked at him for a long time, and the latter was stupefied by her stare.

   "You haven't changed at all."

  She smiled half-smile.

   "The affectionate face is really disgusting."

  She hid behind Xie Xun, as if she didn't want to talk to him any more.

  Shen Wei was stunned, flustered like a tidal wave, fading, rolling back again, repeating the same mistakes, wishing to annihilate him.

  Xie Xun's eyes darkened.


  He seems to have heard a big joke.

   "You don't hesitate to poison your own daughter time and time again. Let everyone worry about it. You just let go of everything for your wife, so that you can hand over the embroidery workshop to you. This is your so-called difficulty."

   Xie Xun waved away the tea utensils on the table, startling the broken porcelain all over the floor.

  He reprimanded loudly.

   "You watched her get weaker and weaker every time. She even had a fever for a while, and the high fever persisted for a long time. Doctors invited one after another, and she almost didn't survive it!"

  Yang Yang deserves to be held in the palm of his hand, but all the disasters were caused by this person in front of him.

  He used his own selfishness to do things that were not as good as animals.

   "Afterwards, she took a life back, did you stop? No, to you, she is just a girl, right and left can regenerate, right?"

  He analyzed: "You treat her well, never because of guilt, but because you show it to outsiders and then move yourself."

   Being poked into his mind, Shen Wei's face completely changed.

   "Is it your turn to have an outsider pointing fingers at my Shen family's affairs?"

   "Yangyang, how can you listen to this person's instigation."

  Xie Xun ignored what he said.

  He approached step by step.

   "Your relationship with Xue Miaoyan has never been broken."

"How can I forget that three years ago, thirteen gangsters were entrusted by you, armed with sharp weapons, and in just a moment, there was a massacre in the mountains and forests, screaming, and everyone died without peace. What were you doing at that time? Promised Xue Miao After a while, she will be able to welcome her through the door."

   "From the beginning, it was a calculation. Marry Chunyun and coax her to help you open the embroidery workshop. The embroidery workshop is on the right track, and you want to get rid of her completely."

  How can there be such a good thing in the world!

   "Master Shen, if you dream back at midnight, you are not afraid of these dead souls coming to you to ask for your life?"

  Shen Wei backed away again and again, but was so frightened by Xie Xun's heartbreaking words that he fell to the ground.

  He was embarrassed.

  Where is the ease of doing things before people. Turn everyone around?

  Seeing that it was completely exposed, Shen Wei's flames and resentment also followed.

   He broke out.

   "Then what can I do?"

   "I tried to persuade her to stay at home, but she refused to listen, and only cared about showing her face! Everyone outside was laughing at me for being soft. Do you know how embarrassing I am, I can't even lift my face!"

   Finally told the truth.

  But every word, brother and sister don't like to hear it.

  Shen Wei gritted his teeth: "How did I know that Xue Miaoyan and Shen Hewen had colluded long ago!"

   Chunyun is beautiful, and he was infatuated with him for a time after marriage, but Xue Miaoyan's tender and sweet talk, how can he stand it?


  How could Xue Miaoyan be worthy of him.

   Xie Xun stepped on Shen Wei's hand and rubbed it hard against the ground.

   "How long has it been since she died before you marry another?"

   Ten fingers connected to heart, Shen Wei was in great pain, but a group of men in black pressed him down, making him unable to move. It can only be humiliated by him like this.

   "Together with Shen Hewen, the elder of the clan. We performed a play in front of Yang Yang, and told the girl who was only twelve years old that Aunt and Brother died on the way to seek medical treatment for her, and she was the victim!"

  Other things, Xie Xun didn't want to talk nonsense with Shen Wei, but there was one thing he had to care about.

  The girl is so delicate.

  How can she stand it?

  She began to condemn herself and became decadent and autistic.

  If it weren't for Aunt Sun, Shen Wei would have been ruined long ago!

   Are the medicines she has been drinking these years still small?

  The more you drink, the thinner you become.

  Xie Xun still remembers that the girl threw herself into his arms once, choking with grievance.

  —Brother, Yangyang can't eat, and always vomits after eating. Are you dying?

  —The inside of the coffin is pitch black. After being buried in the soil, the body will rot and stink. I am still a little scared.

   She could sense his strangeness, but the little girl shut up sensiblely.

  —Don’t cry, Yangyang will stop talking.

  He was there. Shen Wei is also there.

  Shen Wei didn't speak the whole time, but turned his back to the past and wiped his tears with his sleeve.

   How ironic.

   "Shen Wei, if you treat her half-heartedly, why should she suffer those things!"

   Shen Wei's voice was very loud, covering Xie Xun's voice, as if only in this way could he take things for granted.

   "I have gradually reduced the medicine later on. But she is not up to date, and she can't adjust it no matter what."

   "My pheasant brother is gone, and his literary masters all say that they can win people. They should have honored their ancestors. After that, I will only have her as a daughter. How can I want her to die?"

   As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at Shen Wei, who was silent and her lips were tightly drawn.

   "Just like now, her relatives are only me."

   "Yangyang, I know about you at the exhibition. You are gone, so why bother to pursue the past? At least I once really loved you. Isn't it?"

   "You and I might as well settle our differences."

   "Right now, the Shen family is occupied, father is alone and weak, but the people in the second bedroom still don't let me go. The young master by your side, it seems that his status is not simple, if he is willing to help—"

   Xie Xun interrupted.

   "Is it understandable to kill for life?"

   "You bastards, you have to pay the price."

   "Yangyang and I don't want to get our hands dirty."

  He moved his lips towards the person behind a screen in the room.

   "Prefect Wang."

   "I can hear you clearly."


  The golden door plaque outside Shen's Embroidery Workshop was smashed down.

  Toyosu Castle became lively again. But they all gathered outside the yamen.

   "Shen Wei is still alive, but he has been imprisoned. He is so cruel and merciless, yet he still pretends to be so affectionate. On the anniversary of his wife's death, he even brought the person he married later to burn incense. I don't know how the prefect will judge him."

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