Harue Kagetsu

Chapter 147:

Li Mu has been waiting for this letter for many days.

Previously in Tongguan, he had a stalemate with Beiyan, and then defeated the opponent. The army moved eastward and pushed it to Hongnong. Because Hongnong was located in the middle of Tongguan and Luoyang, and the transportation was convenient, Li Mu set Hongnong as a temporary contact point and military supplies. point. All kinds of news from the rear will be continuously conveyed to him by a team of special messengers, so that he can decide the next move according to the latest situation.

Before this Northern Expedition, he had asked Yicheng, Chang'an and himself to maintain the normal exchange of messages between the three places.

Even if nothing happens, every other day, there must be a message of safety sent.

It was sent from Yicheng to Chang'an. After the summary, the two places sent the letter to Hongnong at the fastest speed, and then transferred to him.

Previously, both places were safe and sound.

And this time, six days have passed since he received the last letter.

This has never happened before.

After so many days without a message from the rear, one possibility is the traffic disruption caused by road damage caused by sudden bad weather.

If that's the reason, it's fine.

From Chang'an eastbound to Tongguan, and then to Hongnong, it is possible to make the brigade of people and horses go back and forth smoothly, although there is only one main road. But for the Signal Corps, the road is not the only one. The main road is ruined, it takes a long time to make a detour, and finally it is possible to get here.

What Li Mu was worried about was another possibility: something happened in the rear, which made it impossible for the letter to be sent at least every other day as he had previously requested.

Not only that, according to his estimation, Li Xie should have already sent Luoshen to Yicheng at this time.

But in the last letter from Yicheng, it only said that everything was safe, and there was no news that Luoshen had arrived safely.

From the time the news was sent to the time it was sent to him, there was a delay, and he didn't receive the letter he should have received for many days, which made him feel a vague sense of ominous in his heart.

At this moment, this letter, which had been interrupted on the way after several toss and turns, was forced to detour, and was finally delivered late, also confirmed his previous worries.

The letter comes from Sun Fangzhi. The signing is the beginning of the month, and nearly twenty days have passed since today.

The letter said that Chang'an had not received news from Yicheng for many days, and he was a little worried. When he sent people to Yicheng to investigate, Gao Yin led the Guangling army to arrive, and he was ordered to take over by the court. Chang'an. Naturally, he and Gao Huan would not be ordered, and the morale of the defenders was also very stable. Chang'an military and civilians will do their best to deal with it, and there will never be any losses, please rest assured.

Li Mu's eyes fell on the letterhead, and his eyes suddenly froze.

At this moment, the first thing he thought of was not Chang'an, but Yicheng, who was farther away.

According to the previous arrangement and itinerary, today, Li Xieying has sent Luoshen to Yicheng.

Although the imperial court launched an attack on Chang'an, it would naturally not let Yicheng go.

Yicheng has a towering and sturdy city wall. In recent years, the city wall has been continuously strengthened. The city has abundant material reserves. Even if it falls into a besieged city, it can last for at least half a year. He also kept a garrison there that would be strong enough to support the arrival of reinforcements in case of attack.

But even so, it does not mean that it is foolproof. Moreover, according to the letter from Chang'an at hand, it is very likely that before Sun Fangzhi sent this letter, Yicheng had been attacked by a similar attack from Chang'an.

Li Mu knew that there must be more news in the future, but because of the weather and road blockage, the exact news should still be on the way at this moment.

At this moment, from the foot of his foothold to Luoyang, it is not far, and the east is just around the corner. Moreover, in the Battle of Tongguan, although the Beiyan army was beaten to the core, they retreated all the way. Starting from Huazhou, they lost Guguan, Hongnong, and Jiaocheng one after another. Now they have retreated to Xin'an, which is only a few hundred miles away from Luoyang. Seize the opportunity to completely defeat Murongtai's army. Once it relaxes, it is very likely that it will revive again.

Li Mu did not hesitate for a moment, and did not continue to wait for the follow-up news that might be on the way.

He immediately returned to the station, summoned the generals, and narrated the news he had just received.

The generals of the Yingtian Army suddenly learned that the imperial court had dispatched troops to Chang'an at such a time. It was like putting a knife in the back and cooperating with the actions of the Beiyan army.

Since the Northern Yan army brazenly attacked Huazhou, it has been fighting all the way. Today, although the pace of the army is constantly pushing eastward, in fact, every previous battle was very difficult and not easy.

Their opponents are not only powerful, but also quite popular.

A few years ago, Murong became the emperor of Beiyan, and then conquered Luoyang. At that time, the people in the city were trembling with fear. The Xianbei people had looted and slaughtered in Gaoliang before, and Murongti and Luoyang had a deep hatred and hatred that no one knew.

Now that revenge has returned, the hundreds of thousands of people in the city who did not have time to escape have all fallen into the abyss of despair of fear.

Just when everyone thought he was going to wash Luoyang with blood, what was unexpected was that after entering the city, instead of slaughtering the city to take revenge, he ordered the soldiers to station outside the city and did not harass the people at all. Subsequently, the Fumin announcement was issued.

Not only that, but during the few years he was in power when he made Luoyang the companion capital of the State of Yan, he ordered the abolition of heavy taxation and the construction of water conservancy in various places. The act of governance can be called a benevolent monarch.

Naturally, this made the people who had struggled to survive under the rule of Beixia feel flattered, and they were even more grateful to Murongti, the tolerant and loving Emperor of Beiyan who gave them all this.

In the eyes of many people, they can finally live a stable life, but they don't actually want to change the status quo.

As long as you can give yourself a stable life, for ordinary people, what ethnicity does the top emperor come from, does it really matter?

Therefore, Ying Tianjun was not very popular among the local people on the way to the east, but it was not very popular. This is true.

In the battle of Ruichi, which was not long after the end, at the beginning, the advance team that Li Mu sent out to scout the terrain was lost for a while due to the complicated terrain. Almost missed the military plane.

During these days of being stationed here, although the army was strictly disciplined and Qiu did not commit any crimes, the people nearby were still evading the arrival of the Heavenly Army like snakes and scorpions.

This is in stark contrast to the scene when the army was deeply supported by the people in the Southern Dynasties.

The soldiers were holding a sigh of relief, trying to take Luoyang with all one's strength, when they suddenly heard the news, how could they not be angry?

Li Mu looked solemn and did not say much. After everyone finished scolding, and their emotions gradually calmed down, they ordered the army to be divided into three.

One is responsible for breaking the post, to avoid the Beiyan army to take advantage of the news to attack.

The main force returned to Hongnong, where they temporarily waited for their fate.

The other elite cavalry, numbering 3,000 selected by him, set off immediately today, led by him personally, and rushed back to the gate lightly.

Although the generals were unwilling, they all obeyed their orders. When things are arranged, do your own thing.

The sky was overcast and the rain poured down again. On the same day, Li Mu and the five thousand light riders set foot on the return journey in the rain. Taking into account the possibility of broken bridges and broken roads on the road, the cavalry also carried equipment such as pickaxes, shovels, ropes, etc., so as to build bridges, quickly remove obstacles, and return as soon as possible.

It was only one night, and by noon the next day, the cavalry had already traveled hundreds of miles. Early in the morning, it started to rain again. Although the people were wearing mink clothes, they were already soaked in the rain for half a day, and they were all hungry, thirsty and tired. There is a village called Xu Village just nearby. There is a shrine at the entrance of the village, and the door is locked. Li Mu sent a man who could speak into the village to borrow land, and the soldiers temporarily entered to take shelter from the rain.

After a while, the soldiers came out, and the villagers blamed each other, saying that they didn't know who had the key.

"Da Sima, just go up and kick it away! What's the use of talking with those people!"

A short-tempered lieutenant, when he heard the words, was so angry that he got off his horse and went up to kick the door.

Such indifference does not stop here. When advancing eastward, the army also encountered a similar situation. It's no surprise that Li Mu was used to it. Looking a short distance away, a few villagers were hiding behind the doors and windows to peek at the figures of the villagers here, frowned slightly, and said, "Forget it, let's go ahead and take a look."

Everyone was ordered to get on their horses and continue to move forward. Suddenly, a soldier shouted: "Someone is coming!"

Li Mu turned his head and saw the opposite side, a group of more than a dozen horses and horses came in the rain, and they came close.

"It's General Gao!" Someone with sharp eyes recognized the young general in front of him, who was wearing a hood and a hat.

Li Mu saw it early and urged him to go immediately.

Gao Huan also saw Li Mu, with a look of surprise on his face, shouted "brother-in-law", and turned over from the horse.

"Brother-in-law! My eldest brother has retreated!"

"Yicheng is also relieved! It's safe and sound!"

"I brought the army and food and forage here, the Hongnong road was cut off, and the brigade could not pass, so I stopped there for the time being!"

"I was worried that my brother-in-law would not receive the exact news, so I made a detour to report the news to my brother-in-law!"

Gao Huan shouted loudly as he ran.

The soldiers behind Li Mu could hear it clearly, and they all showed joy and let out a long breath.

Li Mufei dismounted from the horse, stepped on the mud that did not reach his ankles, stepped up, and grabbed Gao Huan's arm tightly.

"Where's your sister? How is she? Where is she?"

Gao Huan took a few breaths, wiped the rain off his face, and said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, don't worry! My elder sister is in Chang'an right now, and she is safe and sound!"

When it got dark, the group spent the night on a highland dozens of miles in front of Xu Village.

Li Mu ordered the soldiers to camp here temporarily, and after the army at the rear arrived at the confluence, they would go to Hongnong together to clear the road and repair the road, replenish the supply of food and grass, and then make the next plan and action when the weather improves.

One by one military tents were erected above the high hills. Although it is very simple, it can block the wind and rain from the top of the head.

The soldiers, who had been driving all day and night in mud and rain, settled down and soon fell asleep.

It was late at night, but in Li Mu's tent, the lights were still on.

He should also be tired, but the whole person is full of ups and downs, immersed in the news that Gao Huan brought him tonight, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

Gao Huan described to him his sister's journey after leaving Jiankang. From inviting Lu Jianzhi to the rescue, to being chased by Rong Kang and falling into the water. The spiritual white tiger who has followed her all the way to Chang'an from that end is now regarded as a divine beast by the people of Chang'an. She talked about how Gao Yun seized Gao Yin's military power with the help of Murong Zhe that day and sent troops to the city. When it was in danger, she rushed to In front of the two armies, they brought the tiger talisman that Gao Qiao left to her that day.

Ye Yu kept beating the roof of the tent, and in the endless rustling sound in his ears, Li Mu was lying on the narrow marching Hu bed, slowly closing his eyes, imagining over and over again that under Chang'an City, the two armies confronted each other. , The scene where she arrived in a hurry, he was moved, but he was amazed at what she had done, and his longing for her was like a scorching fire that was unstoppable.

All along, in the bottom of his heart, how hopeful he is, to be with her day and night, to keep her firmly by his side and never lose it.

And tonight, just tonight, in this bitterly raining night, all kinds of thoughts that would pop up from the bottom of my heart and devour him from time to time in the past had completely left him.

He no longer doubted, let alone worried.

His wife, the woman he loves, even though he has been with him less and less in the past few years, when that fateful moment finally came, she still abandoned everything that had brought her glory.

Noble status, supreme glory, blood kinship. All of this, in the end, failed to restrain her footsteps.

She completely abandoned her past and came to his side.

From now on, he will no longer worry about gains and losses.

At this moment, he misses her so much.

Missing her fragrant breath, missing the temperature of her skin, and missing the whispering voice calling his husband in his ear when she was pressed down by him.

He opened his eyes suddenly, turned over, and took out something wrapped in oiled paper from the horse bag he was carrying, which was on the back of a horse during the day and never left at night.

He sat before the candlelight, opened the waterproof oiled paper, took out the book of poetry that he had torn through, and opened it to reveal the two dried flowers that had already turned yellow and withered between the pages. After staring for a moment, he carefully picked it up. , leaned under the tip of her nose, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath of the breath from them, as if smelling the dark fragrance that filled the sleeves of her sleeves.

It's been too long apart.

It's been so long in my memory that I said goodbye to her last time, as if it happened at the beginning of chaos, and the world began to build.

All those repressed late-night hauntings, at this moment, rushed towards him like a tide, engulfing his whole being.

The only feeling is that returning home is like an arrow, and I can't wait any longer.

He has made up his mind.

After Hongnong, no matter what, he must go back to Chang'an first.

Two days later, the group behind them caught up.

After the confluence of several parties was completed, they began to pull out camp and set out on the road.

When Li Mu got on his horse and was about to leave, he suddenly heard the team, and there seemed to be a faint sound of crying mixed with scolding from soldiers, which was rarely unusual. He ordered a soldier beside him to see what happened.

The personal soldier quickly ran back to report, but his tone was a little disdainful. Outside the barracks, a group of hundreds of people caught up, including the villagers of Xu Village who had just passed by a few days ago. Those people wanted to see the Great Sima, but were blocked by the soldiers outside and drove them away, but those people refused to leave.

Li Mu asked what was the matter.

The soldier said, "Just listen to them calling for help. I don't know what's going on."

"I saw us before, and I was afraid that I would not be able to escape. I didn't even borrow a place to hide from the rain! Now that something happens, I know I will catch up and call for help. Don't pay attention to the big Sima!"

A lieutenant advised.

Li Mu looked back and said, "I'll go take a look. What's the matter."

He turned his horse's head and walked back, quickly approaching, and saw a crowd of people huddled by the side of the road, trying to pass the line of soldiers blocking their progress. Some were crying, some were kneeling in the mud, and others were begging the soldiers to let them go.

In front of him was a middle-aged man with thick hands and thick feet, a weathered face, ragged clothes, covered in mud. He looked very anxious. His ten fingers with thick knuckles and deformed fingers tightly grasped the row of spears that were touching his chest. , looking up at the front, shouting something in a loud voice. But his voice was drowned out by the surrounding noise. They were in chaos when suddenly they saw a line of men and horses coming back from the opposite side. The man in front was sitting high on the horse, wearing a helmet and armor, and pressing the sword in one hand.

The surroundings slowly quieted down.

"I disturbed the Great Sima, the last commander has passed away! Please go back to the great commander with confidence, and leave it to the last commander to deal with it!" The lieutenant, who was ordering the soldiers to drive away the people, saw Li Mu go and returned, and hurriedly ran over.

Li Mu sat on the back of the horse, his eyes were cast on the group of people opposite, his eyes swept across the faces covered with mud.

"I'm Li Mu. You see me, what's the matter?" he asked.

"Da Sima, please help—"

With a hoarse voice, the middle-aged man screamed, and with a "pop", he almost fell to the ground, kneeling completely in the muddy ground under his feet.

Everyone woke up like a dream, and under the leadership of this man, they all knelt on the ground and kept kowtow.

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