At this time, the atmosphere at the scene was a little tense.

Grote was standing outside the eight-eyed spider's lair with a group of centaurs, apparently Nuth, who had just brought Solim over, back to make a small report, for which Solim was already mentally prepared when he came.

When Solim came out, he saw Karkaroff and the horses confronting him, and when he saw Solim come out, Karkaroff slipped away. Not only Karkaroff, but Ferencze also knew that his presence here would add fuel to the fire, so he didn't come out with him. Only Hagrid, who still thought he had a good relationship with the centaurs, followed.

"Distinguished guests. Grote ran over with his hooves and walked around Solim, as if to make sure he wasn't hurt.

Then, a scene that made Solim feel helpless but could not refuse: Grote held out his hand to Solim.

"Please be lighter......"

Helpless, Solim put his whole arm on it again.

Fortunately, Grote fully learned from the experience of the last time they met, and deliberately adjusted the intensity so as not to make a fool of Solim. After this special "handshake", Grote turned his gaze to Hagrid to the side.

"I told you last time, Rubeus. Hagrid. Grote thrust the steel spear in his left hand into the ground.

"Those two creatures don't belong in the Forbidden Forest, you must send them away. Grote's upper body leaned forward slightly.

"No, I told you last time, little Glopp is my brother, I have to take care of him, I have this responsibility! Louwe is my pet, he was raised by me, you don't ...... at all"

"Alright, alright. Solim heard Grote's snort getting heavier, and knew he had to keep his mouth shut about Hagrid, who couldn't speak, or he would really anger the centaurs, and Hagrid, the big man, would not be pleased.

"Let me say a few words. Solim hurriedly stepped in between the two "men".

Solim, who was standing in the middle, was so short compared to Hagrid and Grote that they had to keep their heads down. From a distance, it looks like two people are bowing their heads to each other and apologizing.

"Grote, I know there's some people in that lair that you don't like. Believe me, they themselves wouldn't want to be here if they could, but the current situation doesn't allow them to be out and about. Solim tilted his neck as far as he could, which made his voice a little strange.

Grote took two steps back very understandingly.

"So what do you want to say, do you want to take it off for him?"

"First of all, Hagrid's brother is the giant. Mu pointed at Hagrid, then said to Hagrid, "Don't talk yet. "

"He's going to be here for a while. When the situation settles down a bit, Hagrid will send him away—but not now. Now the only thing I can assure you is that the giant will not step out of this lair, he will not affect you, and you will be satisfied with this guarantee."

"How long do you mean by 'a period of time?'" Grote quickly got to the point as the leader.

"I can't give you an exact time. "Solim told me the truth, when facing the centaurs, if you are not prepared to fight with them, it is better not to make up nonsense to deceive them, although they are primitive and backward, they are not stupid.

"Death Eaters - the former colleagues of the man just now, they are currently making trouble everywhere, and there are several of them in Hogwarts now. You have to be considerate of our difficulties, the giant's movement is not small, and you can't expect us to send the giant away without alarming others. "

"Are you going to wait for Dumbledore to come back?" Grote's mind was sharp, even sharper than the average human.

"That's right. Nodding, Solim continued, "He'll definitely be back by next semester, so you should be able to endure this time, right?"

Grote thought for a moment, and instead of answering the question, he said to Solim, "What about Ferenze, will he go back to school to teach next semester?"

"Not anymore. "I know that he might be an outlier to you centaurs—friendly to humans, fond of communicating with humans, curious about human things......

"He betrayed us. "He has passed on the knowledge that belongs to us centaurs to you humans—and that is something we cannot tolerate." "

"!" Hagrid exclaimed, "He's just going to teach! not to reveal your tribe's secrets to us......"

"Hagrid!" Solim didn't wait for Grote to speak, and hurriedly shouted at Hagrid, "If you want to stand here and listen, then don't speak!

Centaurs and donkeys are the same - not swearing, just talking about the similarities between them. They can only follow the hair, you have to follow them, so that there is room for negotiation. A-for-tat like Hagrid can only talk more and more dead, and the relationship becomes more and more stiff.

"As far as I know, Ferenze came to Hogwarts after being banished by you. Solim said, "Of course, this question is irrelevant now. There is only one thing I want to know: Do you have to kill him, is there room for negotiation?"

"This is our rule, and traitors must be punished severely. "

Grote's remark is interesting, "Traitors must be punished severely", which means that they do not necessarily have to be put to death - then it will be easy to do.

"Do you think that's going to work?" Solim pondered for a moment, then continued, "I can guarantee that Ferenze won't be teaching at Hogwarts again." In fact, as far as I know about him, he doesn't really have that much interest in teaching at Hogwarts. He is interested in human society, and given that, I can take him away and promise not to steal from him the knowledge and secrets of your centaurs, and if you wish, we can establish a pact between us. "

"Take him away?" Grote looked at Solim, "where?"

"My home. Solim said with a smile: "I asked him just now if he wanted to see the sea." He said he would. My home is on a small island, and I'm the only wizard living there, so you can rest assured. "

Grote was still silent.

Giants, Ferencze, Luwi, Karkaroff, these are all things that need to be solved one by one. As for Hagrid, it was between him and the centaurs, and Solim wasn't ready to mix. _

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