The first person to find the Warriors was Miss Ridrick from Beauxbatons, something that many people didn't expect. In the eyes of the audience, the three people who set off at the end were too ordinary, especially Solim, who was still wearing wizard robes, and they didn't deform themselves like Krum or Jacques, people were more optimistic about these two people in terms of speed, and the other warriors who used the Bubble Head Charm set off earlier than them, no matter how you look at them, the last three people to set off couldn't complete the task first, but that's what happened. And the time that was scheduled for an hour was only half way now, and unless they already knew where the hostages were, it couldn't have been so fast.

For a moment, the shouts and cheers of the students in the stands were mixed.

Solim could speak in the water under the Bubble Head Charm, but his voice sounded strange to Harry.

"Leave them alone, they'll be fine, Dumbledore's magic will keep the hostages safe. Solim was treading water with Sylna on his back, otherwise he would have sunk, and to be honest, Solim had a little regret wearing his robe, and it was a little inconvenient to move.

Seeing that the two warriors were not ready to leave after rescuing their hostages, and were pointing at the other hostages, the merfolk surrounded them with bone forks in their hands.

Although Solim didn't take these merfolk very seriously, he didn't want to cause trouble for no reason, and seeing that Harry was dragging Ron and still didn't plan to leave, Solim didn't bother to care about him. Turning his head, he carried Sylna upstream.

As soon as she came out of the water, Sylna woke up.

"Very peculiar feeling. As soon as she opened her eyes, Sylna's first words were this.

"Alright, let's talk about it when we go ashore. "

A second Warrior to successfully free the hostages appeared, and it was a Hogwarts Warrior, and Solim, who was fighting at home, received a lot of cheers. The lake was still very cold in February, and the hostages were still soaking underwater, and under Dumbledore's spell, they didn't have to breathe, but the effect of the cold lake water on them was not negligible.

As soon as she landed, Madam Pomfrey wrapped Silna in a blanket. Solim didn't even get a chance to dry Sylna with his wand, and Sylna was forced to drink the potion with a wrinkled face, her ears steaming out.

"Let's congratulate the second successful Warrior from Hogwarts!" Bagman shouted from the wooden platform, "He only took thirty-three minutes, just four minutes slower than Miss Ridrick!

Hermione was already squeezing through the crowd by this moment.

"Solim, how is Harry, why didn't he show up?" said Hermione, craned her neck to look at the lake.

"Don't look at it," Solim waved vigorously at Madam Pomfrey, signaling that he had no problem and that he didn't need to drink the potion to ward off the cold, "I don't think he'll be able to come up for a while." "

"What's going on?" Hermione looked at Solim, "what's going on down there?"

"Harry's mind won't turn for a while, so when he comes up, you can ask him directly. Solim shrugged, to tell you the truth, Solim really didn't like Harry's brains, could it be that the remaining hostages would die after you left?

"Where's Mr. Potter?" Regina also came over to join in the fun, she had just been undergoing a medical examination with the hostage she had rescued, and the two of them had come over together at this moment.

"Introduce: This is my cousin, Reyna Lopez, yes, her name is the same as mine. Regina laughed and said, "If it weren't for you, I don't think I would have been able to get her out of the water so quickly." "

"Oh, hello, Miss Lopez. Solim nodded.

"Nana just told me, I didn't expect you to really dare to do this, aren't you afraid that the referees will say that you are cheating?" Lopez looked back and forth between his cousin and Solim with a smile on his lips.

"There's no rule that says warriors can't cooperate with each other. "Finding loopholes in the rules is Solim's forte, and the rules of the Triwizard Tournament are completely flawed in Solim's opinion.

"And what about the other warriors? Nana said that there were three of you. Lopez looked left and right, as if looking for Harry.

"What were you two just doing in the water?" asked Reina, "and he doesn't seem to have come up yet." "

"Don't mention it, that kid's brain is probably flooded, and he was worried about the safety of the other hostages, so he finally decided to stay and take care of the hostages who had not yet been taken by the other warriors. "

"That's really ......"

“...... Novel ideas. "

The two sisters listened to Solim's words and didn't know what to make of Harry's behavior for a while. Fortunately, another warrior who returned with a hostage broke the embarrassment.

"Krum is the third to complete the mission!" Bagman began to shout again, then glanced at the hourglass next to him, "He's got forty-seven minutes, and there's no doubt that his Transfiguration has helped him a lot!"

Solim discovered it when he was just underwater, and the person Krum had rescued was his dance partner at the ball, a sixth year girl from Hogwarts. A short time later, Jacques returned with his hostages, but he looked a little embarrassed, apparently besieging Grindillo underneath. In the end, Cedric and Harry came out of the water together, Harry dragged Ron with Fleur's sister Gabrielle, as the only warrior who didn't finish the project, Fleur's hostage obviously no one would care about him, but Harry finally got the little girl up with Cedric's help.

All the warriors returned, and the referees began to talk to each other, and Dumbledore walked to the shore and spoke to a merfolk in a shrill voice.

"Oh—you saved her!" Fleur hurried to Harry, who had just come ashore, still wrapped in a blanket, "Gabrielle—are you alright?"

"I think she's okay—" Before Harry could finish speaking, he was pushed aside by Madam Pomfrey, who was pouring potion into the mouths of the newly landed hostages.

"It's Green Lody...... Those Greenlody are coming at me...... Oh Gabrielle, I thought ...... I thought ......"

"Come here, all of you. Madam Pomfrey said. She grabbed Harry and pulled him to Hermione and the others, wrapping him tightly in a blanket that made him feel as if he were wearing a restraint suit that bound prisoners and madmen. Madam Pomfrey also forced a hot potion into his mouth, and heat came out of his ears.

"Harry, why didn't you come back sooner? Solim they'd already be back. Hermione squeezed in.

"Don't mention it—" Ron said, wrapped in a blanket, "Harry said he stayed underwater and was concerned about the safety of the hostages, that's why he didn't come back, or he would have been the first!"

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