Whether it's checking a wand or taking a photo, it's all a sign that the first project is coming. Harry had been running into the small classroom lately, and even Hermione and Neville had been tossed and choked up, but there was pressure to be motivated, especially for someone like Harry. The Flying Spell has been used in its entirety.

Harry didn't give Skeeter a chance to take advantage of Solim's admonition, but Skeeter wasn't a woman who would give up easily, especially given her profession, and she would definitely be stalking Harry.

Harry's intense practice had been going on for weeks, not just for himself, but also with Hermione and Neville, and on Hogsmeade Day, before the first project began, several of them decided to relax. It didn't matter to Harry whether there was a parental consent or not, the secret passage that Solim had told him had helped a lot, and he could now sneak to Hogsmeade on his own at any time without worrying about the procedural issues - as long as he didn't get caught by the professors.

For students coming to Hogsmeade, there is one place that is an absolute must-go, and that is the Three Broomsticks. Although Solim was not used to the butterbeer, most of the students seemed to have no resistance to the low-alcohol drink.

While Harry and his party sat in three broomsticks and sipping butterbeer, Solim went into the Forbidden Forest alone.

After seeing the names of Richie and Lymston, Solim put down what he was doing and rushed straight to the Forbidden Forest, staring at the map of the living spots all the way until the names of the two men disappeared from the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Yes, Solim was ready to do it - he wouldn't hesitate to deal with these two in the Forbidden Forest if he could seize this opportunity. As for the consequences of missing two Warriors before the game, Solim didn't worry at all. Although he didn't talk to Dumbledore about this, Solim didn't believe that Dumbledore didn't know anything about the motives of Rich and Remston, as long as Solim did something clean, Dumbledore wouldn't care, after all, people were ready to do things on his turf.

With the help of the Silence Charm and the Ignore Charm, Solim followed the spot where Richie and Lemston had disappeared from the Living Point map into the Forbidden Forest. Solim wasn't very good at tracking spells, and even during the day, there wasn't enough light in the Forbidden Forest, so it wasn't easy to find and track down Richie and the others in the Forbidden Forest.

But Solim had another way.

With the help of the Parseltongue, the snakes in the Forbidden Forest are Solim's eyeliner. Moreover, Solim himself can turn into a snake, and he can rely on his sense of smell to detect the route taken by the two of them. It's a little more troublesome, but it's better to be safe and hidden.

Relying on the information passed by the snakes along the way, Solim got closer and closer to his goal. Even Solim made a point of using the Animagus form to confirm it, and the smell left by the nearby two people Rich and Lymston hadn't even had time to dissipate, indicating that Solim was not far from them.

Snakes have poor eyesight and hearing, but to compensate, the snakes have excellent perception of vibrations, smells, and temperatures, and relying on their excellent perception and concealment abilities in the Animagus form, Solim approached Richie and Lemston as they were on their way. Solim was able to catch up with these two people thanks to these low bushes in the Forbidden Forest, if it weren't for the fact that they greatly hindered the progress of these two people, Solim would not have caught up so easily.

"This time it's supposed to be the last one. Lambston's hoarse voice rang out, "But...... It's strange that Selwyn hasn't moved. "

"Not surprising. "We can't hide our entry into the Forbidden Forest, and there's no doubt that the little squib from the Orvis family will tell him." But the Forbidden Forest is so big, we are very careful every time, and the traces of our actions are eliminated as much as possible, and it is normal that he cannot trace our whereabouts. "

"Besides, that little bastard will be playing with yin. Listening to the tone, Richie was still haunted by the last time he was overturned by Solim, "He knows that we have entered the Forbidden Forest, but does he dare to come? How can he be the opponent of the two of us in a face-to-face battle? "

Since the last time they were drugged by Solim, Rich and Lemston have been extremely cautious, and they have never eaten in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, and all three meals are eaten in the big ship of Durmstran. Even the drinking water had to be checked first, it wasn't that they were scared by Solim, but that this operation could only succeed for the two of them, whether it was for Richie or Lambston, they couldn't afford another failure.

Solim is now a snake, and his poor hearing prevents him from hearing the conversation between the two of them. Now they were too close to each other, close enough that Solim would be spotted as soon as he lifted the Animagus. Solim didn't have any other thoughts, he just wanted to find an opportunity to bite them the leg, and then the snake's instinct would cause Solim to inject deadly venom, and by the time they left the Forbidden Forest, they would probably be dead.

Solim had a good idea and a good plan, but now a problem arose: the terrain.

A clearing suddenly appeared in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and it was a clearing covered with stone bricks, and Solim now had no place to hide.

Solim, who was now so obsessed with his eyesight, couldn't see his surroundings at all: a huge stone building towered over the clearing deep in the Forbidden Forest, standing out against the dense trees around it. There are stairs leading to the top in all four directions of the building, which looks like an altar. The building looked very dilapidated, with large areas of weathered and corroded stones, and the rest of the building covered in vines or moss. The same is true on the stairs, where tangled roots and moss make it impossible to put your feet on.

"The old rule, don't destroy any vegetation, try not to leave any traces. "

Solim didn't know what the two of them were doing, and he felt that he should retreat into the woods now, and take a good look after turning back into human form. The current terrain simply does not allow Solim to get close.

Swimming back into the gloomy woods, Solim was far enough away from the clearing to lift the Animagus form. And recast the mute spell and the ignore spell on himself.

Next, he wants to take a good look at what Rich and the two of them are doing.

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