Solim's Animagus is complete, but there's still a long way to go before he can become proficient. For some time after the completion of the Animagus, he had to transform every day to consolidate the feeling of transformation, and the snake's body was very different from the human body, and it took time for Solim to get used to it.

Regardless, Solim's long efforts paid off, and he succeeded, albeit in a way that wasn't quite what he had hoped for, but he was okay with it.

The Animagus can be considered complete, but Solim is not thinking about his own Animagus now, and he has not taken advantage of this time to adapt to the feeling of being a snake, after all, in Solim's opinion, since the Animagus has been completed, there will be time and opportunity to get used to it in the future.

Solim was thinking about something else now.

In the form of a snake, he can understand the Parseltongue and speak, but he can do this because he is in the form of Animagus, so when he turns back into human form, does he still have this ability?

Solim has seen a lot of research and speculation about the ability of Parseltongue, which can be learned, but the vast majority of wizards who can understand Parseltongue can master this talent because of their bloodline. Her sister is presumed to have this talent due to her mother's bloodline. But what is his current condition, and will he still be able to master the Parseltongue after turning back into human form?

In his current form, Solim had no chance to verify it, and he had to wait until he turned back into human form.

Solim was preoccupied here, and Sylna on the other side stared curiously at Solim's turn into a snake. It was the first time to see an Animagus up close, and it was a snake that had a special meaning for Syrna.

Sylna had fallen asleep after a long night's trouble, but Solim had no intention of resting, and was now crawling around in his box. Although he knew that he was a snake now, Solim's habits as a human were still difficult to change in a short period of time, and sometimes Solim could even feel his limbs as a human in the process of crawling, but he also knew that this was just an illusion, but the instinct imprinted on his soul would still affect his actions in the form of Animagus.

In addition to the problem of phantom limbs, there is also the problem of habit. As we all know, people are visual animals, and vision is the main means that people use to observe the outside world, but snakes are not, which also brings some trouble to Solim, whether it is sticking out his tongue from time to time, observing the outside world by collecting images of smells in his mind, or sensing changes in external heat through his cheek sockets, these are still in the exploration stage for Solim. I can't use it proficiently for a while.

I don't know how long it has been, but Solim's current body tells him that there is a warm place nearby, and the body desperately wants to go somewhere.

Hey, cold-blooded animal...... Solim wasn't very happy with this, but he obeyed his instincts and climbed up the foot of the bed. In the end, the whole body got into the quilt, leaving only a snake head outside.

Under the influence of the biological clock, Sylna in the morning. As soon as she opened her eyes, she immediately got up and began to look for something. But after looking around, I didn't find my brother's figure. However, the wizard's robe on the bed was gone, and Sylna realized that her brother had changed back into human form, and was now presumably outside the box.

As soon as Sylna stepped out of the box, she saw Solim eating breakfast.

"Go wash your face, and then have a meal, I asked the elf to bring over, all of them are your favorite food, and you will go directly to the exam after eating." Solim looked at his sister, who had his hair in a daze, as he ate his sandwich, "By the way, tidy up your hair." "

Sylna thought for a moment, and suddenly said something in snake language.

Solim was stunned for a moment, then hissed as well.

Sylna glanced at her brother with complicated eyes, and went to the bathroom without saying anything.

This morning, the third grade is going to take the Defence Against the Dark Arts test, and Solim knows what to expect, so it's better to eat more in the morning.

When it was time for the exam, all the students were taken outdoors by Lupin – something that no one expected.

Lupin cleverly strung together all the creatures they had learned this semester to form a huge field, and the students had to wade through a pond with Grindy Low, walk through a grove full of red hats, carefully walk through a swamp, ignore the wrong instructions from a Hinkpunk, and then climb into a large box to face a boggart, and only students who did well would get a high score.

Most of the students looked excitedly at the field in front of them, this form of examination was something they had never been exposed to before. Even the Slytherin students were a little excited, although the Slytherin students were ostensibly dismissive of Lupin, but it was just for show, to keep a kind of "house correct", after all, a professor from Gryffindor would not be liked by Slytherin students, and the other was for Professor Snape, after all, their dean didn't seem to deal with Lupin very well.

These pediatrics were not a problem at all for Solim. Grindillo would come and grab the students' feet when lying down in a calf-deep pond, but Solim wouldn't let these things touch him at all, and he went ashore with ease.

After magically drying his shoes and clothes, Solim plunged headlong into the grove where the red hat was entrenched, and soon came out like no one else, as if the grove were just a grove.

But the next thing made Solim a little uncomfortable: he had just dried himself out, and now he was going into a swamp to deal with the Hinkpunks, but for the Hinkpunks night was their time of activity, and the glowing organ on their heads in the middle of the day was nothing to those who were already prepared.

When Solim was seen coming out of the large box containing the Boggart, Professor Lupin stood at the finish line and clapped his hands.

"I think we have a new record. Then he wrote something on the parchment, "Congratulations, Mr. Selwyn, I think there is no doubt about your accomplishments." "

Solim nodded politely at Lupin. Then he returned to the crowd and stood beside Draco.

"That's good. Draco said happily, "But I don't think I'll be bad by then." "

"Good luck then. Solim looked absently at the exam venue.

"Aha!" Draco clapped his hands excitedly, "Look at Weasley's stupidity!"

Weasley was caught by Grindy Lowe in the water at the first level, and he fell into the water solidly.

"Okay, I've finished the main course. I'm going to test the magic pattern in the afternoon.,Come back when you're done.,If there's anything you don't understand, ask me quickly.。 Solim glanced at the splashing Weasley, "I'll go back first." "_

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