School is less than ten days away, but Solim's body still hasn't recovered, and the serious mana overdraft makes him temporarily unable to access the magic reaction, that is to say, the phantom shapeshifter and the Floo network and other movement methods are temporarily saying goodbye to Solim, although now Solim looks similar to a normal person, only a little sluggish, but in fact, Solim can only release a smashing spell with all his strength now, and then he will stop eating, which makes the seriously insecure Solim not want to go anywhere, in fact, he can't go anywhere。

Although Gilvais and Elrond promised Solim that they would be able to recover before school started, if they miscalculated, Solim would have to fly from Cornwall to London on a broomstick. Although Solim's house was built this holiday, he didn't have a chance to see it at all, because the place he chose was on Fair Island, in the north of Scotland, between Shetland and Orkney Islands, which can be said to be the northernmost point of the entire United Kingdom, and it is inaccessible, there are no wizards on the entire island, Muggles are not even 50 people, and Fair Island is very small, which is why Solim chose to build a house here: easy to control. The whole island is no more than 3 miles long and 2.4 miles wide, this is official data, as long as there is a little wind and grass on such a small island, Solim can know, and wizards will not come to this broken island, the climate here is not suitable for planting, and because the place is too small for breeding, Fair Island is a worthless place for wizards, and there are few wizards in the north of England, let alone a small island hanging overseas.

All in all, the place is very safe and easy to overlook, and Solim thinks there is no better place to be. But it's a pity that Solim can't go at all now, so in desperation, Solim can only ask Elrond to help him go and see, and if he can, help him make a key to the other side.

Elrond left early the next morning with a large bag, he wanted to set up security measures for Solim's house, at least the magic such as early warning should be done first, and he was also going to close Gilves, the old guy, to ask for a few defensive plants to plant outside the house at that time.

Elrond was gone, and Gilves got what he wanted and went back to his lab. Solim became idle, his current physical condition is not good, don't think about magic or anything, he can only be honest like a Muggle. However, during the rest of the vacation, Solim was not prepared to be idle and do nothing, he knew that he was probably going to take the train back to school this time, because his body was still estimated to be unable to use the Floo network, which means that it was basically impossible to use the fireplace to quickly return to school, so he could only take the train with other students. But there's a problem here, if nothing else, there will be some very annoying guys on the train at that time, and Solim doesn't know if he will be able to use the Patronus Charm in his state at that time, after all, he will have to work hard to even put a smashing spell now, who knows if he will be able to recover by then, if he is still the same when facing the Dementors...... It's not life-threatening, but no one wants to let those guys suck on them, right?

If the recovery is not in a hurry, then we have to find another way.

Sylna doesn't have to count on it, although her current magic power is very good, but she still has a lot of difficulty reaching the level of releasing the Patronus Charm, and she will release a little silver mist if she dies, which is almost the same as nothing. The phoenix could have dispelled this unclean creature, but that was an adult phoenix, such as Dumbledore's, and Solim's "chick" was the only one.

The holiday was a few days away, and the Animagus was out of play, so Solim put this aside for the time being, and began to turn around and pull Sylna to start looking for records of Dementors in the library of the Orvis family.

Wizards fear Dementors, mainly because they don't understand them and can't resist them. Most wizards don't know Patronus charms, which makes them defenseless when confronted with Dementors. But even a wizard who has mastered the Patronus Charm can only drive away the Dementors when facing them, and cannot destroy them directly. And once the number of Dementors is too large, the Patronus will dissipate in a very short time, and once the Patronus collapses, it means that the will and emotions you inject into it will also dissipate, which is a big blow to the wizard, once the Patronus collapses due to external reasons instead of the wizard himself disperses, it is difficult for the Wizard to release the Patronus in a short period of time, and the Wizard at this time will still become the food of the Dementors.

Unless they are magically strong and strong-willed wizards, their Patronus can destroy Dementors, such as Dumbledore, but most wizards in the wizarding world do not have this ability, including Solim. His Patronus did take shape and was confident in dealing with one or two Dementors Solim, but once there were more than five, Solim was not confident enough to resist. And Solim doesn't currently have the ability to destroy Dementors, which does make Solim feel threatened.

However, as long as I can recover before school starts, I believe that I can still deal with a few Dementors. But the question came back to when Solim's body would recover.

During the meal, Solim asked Gilves the question that was currently on his top priority — though he had already asked it at the time.

"I said why didn't you learn so well, but you learned the stinky problem of forgetfulness from your grandfather?" Gilves said very unannoyingly: "I told you at the time: I can't recover, it's only a few days before Hogwarts starts, how can a serious magic overdraft be so easy to recover, you kid can recover like this now, I don't know how many good things I wasted, I get angry when I talk about this!"

Solim was already very familiar with Gilves, and knew that the old man was not angry. Seeing the situation, Sylna on the side hurriedly helped her brother change the topic:

"Grandpa Gilvis, if my brother can't recover, how can we go to London then? Didn't grandpa say that if he doesn't recover, he can't move or manifest?"

There was no Floo network in the Orvis Manor, and the fireplace was useless. The only way to get out of here is to use Phantom Transfiguration, but if Solim doesn't recover, this method won't work.

"Won't you get a portkey? I don't believe your grandfather's old fellow doesn't have a portkey to London. "

What Gilves said touched on Solim's blind spot.

"Well, what's the difference between a Portkey and magic like Phantom Shift?" "Since using a fireplace doesn't work through Floo Net, and using Phantom Shifting doesn't work, why can a Portkey leave with Solim who hasn't recovered yet?"

"You should ask your grandfather this question, this is his area of expertise. You're looking for the right person to ask me about potions or herbs, but I don't really know much about them. Gilves shook his head, "I don't know exactly how it works, but I'm sure the portkey will get you safely." "

After three days, Elrond finally returned. At this time, there are only four days left before the start of school at Hogwarts, and Solim still has not fully recovered, but he can use more mana, and if he recovers at this rate, he will be almost six or seven percent back when school starts.

After asking Elrond about the house, Solim began to ask about the portkey.

"It's too cumbersome to explain. Elrond thought for a long time, and finally gave Solim this sentence.

"For example, both the Flying Charm and the Levitation Charm make objects fly, but the mechanics and ways of working are different. "

"You can summon a stone from the yard with the Flying Charm. But if you use a levitation charm, can you make the same stones fly in front of you from the yard?

Elrond's words reminded Solim that during the Triwizard Tournament in the original books, Harry used the Flying Charm to summon his own fire bolts from the castle, and the Levitation Charm could never be done at such a distance, even if Dumbledore used the Elder Wand, it was impossible to summon something from the castle with the Levitation Charm at such a distance, but the Flying Charm could do it from such a distance.

"Why is that?"

"It's too cumbersome to explain, and you absolutely don't understand it. "It's not that I'm trying to fool you, it's that it's too complicated, and you know, the simpler it seems in magic, the harder it is to figure out how it works." "

Solim agrees with this, as if one plus one person everyone knows equals two, but no one can specify why it equals two. Now it seems that the principle of magic is the same.

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