While Solim was busy working on his phoenix eggs at Orvis Manor, Harry was busy working as a servant for Maggie every day. Serve this vicious woman and her dog—yes, Harry will serve her dog. Serving tea and pouring water was nothing, the point was that the vicious insults to his parents that would forever haunt Harry's ears were almost unbearable. Whenever Maggie saw Harry, or during a conversation with the Dursleys, the conversation would always go to his parents, followed by insults and curses.

Harry felt that if he continued like this, he would not have to wait until the end of the holiday and he would be sent to Azkaban, or he would send Maggie to a Muggle hospital. Then he was expelled from school for using magic outside of school, and if it weren't for the fear of using magic outside of school, Harry would have given the woman a little color.

But Maggie's presence wasn't useless, and Harry was at least starting to reflect on himself. His parents could sacrifice themselves to protect him, but they were indifferent when others insulted them. He could have done something to that woman, yes, he could have taught her a hard lesson with magic and left her with a memory that will last a lifetime, but Harry knew that if he did, he would be doomed. Underage wizards are not only casting spells outside of school, but they are also suspected of attacking Muggles, and Hogwarts will definitely expel such students. Then he really had nowhere else to go but to stay at Dursley's house. Such consequences are absolutely unacceptable to Harry, and it is precisely because of this that Harry can endure all kinds of insults from Maggie to his parents.

Every time Harry lay alone in his nest, he thought that maybe Solim's words were really right, that he should be looked down upon, that his parents were insulted in front of him, but he was indifferent, that his parents had given their lives for themselves, and that he could do nothing when they were insulted. Whenever he thought of this, Harry's heart was blocked, and whenever he wanted to take out his wand and teach Maggie that fat woman a lesson, the name Hogwarts was like a basin of cold water poured on his head, which could instantly calm Harry, and if the price of teaching Maggie a lesson was to leave Hogwarts, Harry would not accept it anyway.

But Maggie Desley seemed to be deliberately testing Harry's limits of patience—or rather, she was really testing Harry's limits of patience. Perhaps it was a pleasure for this vicious woman to watch Harry want to do it but not dare to, which made her even more unscrupulous, and her words became more and more ugly, and it made the string called "sanity" in Harry's mind tasle and tightened - it was about to break.

Maggie usually stayed at Dursley's house for two or three days, and Harry could bear it. But this time it was the fifth day, and Harry felt like he was about to take it anymore, and Maggie became more and more unscrupulous and intensified, even hearing Harry pass by when she went to the bathroom, and had to stop Harry and make him stand outside the door and listen to the vicious words that insulted his parents.

Facts have once again proved that there is a limit to human patience, and facts have once again proved the truth that if you do not die, you will not die.

After dinner, Maggie insulted Harry's parents in front of Harry, as usual, and Maggie got what she wanted—resistance from Harry. It's a pity that this kind of rebellion is not quite what she expected, everyone knows that Maggie is fat, of course, Maggie herself knows it, but in Maggie's impression, she doesn't seem to be fat enough to squeeze a chair, nor fat enough to tear up the clothes on her body. But Maggie soon lost time to care about her figure, and she now felt a little floating—either because she had drunk too much wine or because it didn't have any implications, or literally.

Maggie was now floating on the ceiling of her brother's house, and the Dursleys were staring at her in amazement.

"Do something! Vernon!" Maggie was still able to speak, but her voice was much sharper than before, "do something!"

This sentence finally made the other fat man in the family react, Vernon scrambled to reach his sister who was floating on the ceiling, and Penny was tightly guarding Dali and nervously watching her husband's futile movements - Vernon was too tall to jump up and out of reach. Dali, on the other hand, was eating a cream cake while excitedly watching everything in front of him.

Harry was also happy, watching the Dursley siblings' antics allow Harry to release the humiliation he had received during this time. But soon he was not happy—and I don't know how the two siblings had managed to let Maggie float out of the house.

It's over.

Harry knew that he couldn't stay here, or soon someone from the Ministry of Magic would come and arrest him and break his wand, Harry couldn't let this happen, he had to get out of here as soon as possible. Of course, Harry, who was dragging the box and preparing to leave the scene of the crime, would be blocked, but since he had already torn his face, Harry had no scruples, and simply showed his wand neatly, and easily left the house that he would never live in.

Walking outside and being blown by the wind, Harry's fiery brain gradually began to cool down, and Harry, who knew what he had done and what he would face, began to become depressed. He was immediately arrested by the Ministry of Magic, then judged, and then broken his wand and imprisoned in Azkaban, where Hogwarts expelled him......

Harry was thinking about these things now, he was homeless after he came out of Azkaban, and he couldn't go back to Hogwarts...... Maybe the Weasleys were willing to take them in.

But soon Harry sensed something was wrong, it was very quiet, it was unusual—even Maggie could be heard screaming in the sky, but now it was gone, the sound of car engines, the sound of people talking, it was all gone, it was like it was isolated. Harry could feel something approaching him, but it was too dark for him to see, and he pulled out his wand and Harry finally saw it—a huge black dog staring at him.

Harry stepped back in fright, only to tripped over the road. Just as the huge black dog seemed to pounce, a huge beam of light shone on Harry's face.

"Welcome aboard the Knight Bus, an emergency passenger transport for witches or wizards in distress. Just stretch out your wand and get in the car and we'll take you wherever you want to go. My name is Stansan Parker and I'm your conductor tonight. With that, the guy named Stan put a note in his jacket pocket - apparently he had just read it.

Harry was completely bewildered by the sudden scene. It turned out that he thought that he couldn't wait for the Ministry of Magic to catch him, and that he was going to die in the "hands" of a dog, or in his mouth, and it didn't matter.

But the situation seems to be in your favor now?

Harry was half-lying on the ground, maintaining a more "bewitching" position, which stunned Stan, he had seen a lot of passengers, and it was the first time he had seen Harry like this.

"What are you doing?"

"I fell. "

"Why did you fall?"

Harry remembered that a big black dog had just arrived. He got up and cautiously looked at the front of the car, but Harry didn't notice anything, as if it had just happened as if it had just happened.

"Come on, get in the car, I'll help you carry your luggage. With that, Stan actually "carries" his luggage with his hands. Obviously, Stansan Parker is not a wizard, and if he can do such a job without being a wizard, then he can only be a squib.

Harry didn't care about that, or rather, Harry didn't realize it at all. He looked curiously at the inside of the car, which was not quite what he had in mind of a "bus": there were no seats, only six beds, and it didn't look like the beds were fixed yet, as Harry saw that one of the beds was sliding.

"Go inside, thank you. Stan crossed Harry, "Where?"

"Diagon Alley. "

"Aha! Ernne," Stan turned to look at the man in the cab, "did you hear that? Diagon Alley!"

For some reason, both Yrne and Stan laughed.

Riding the Knight Bus really wasn't a good experience, and Harry already knew it.

"Who's that?" Harry noticed that Stan had a newspaper in his hand.

"Who is this? Are you kidding?" Stan said incredulously, "You don't even know him? He's Sirius Black!"

Sirius Black, what the hell that the name meant to Harry, apparently Harry didn't know anything about it right now. He was now worried about whether he would be expelled from Hogwarts.

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