Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 598 Remedial Lessons

When you're a victim, there's nothing wrong with being forced to fight back, right?

Both Su Lizhen and Zhou Muyun were betrayed, so they fought back in the same way, is that wrong?

For some people, An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is not just talk. The New Opium War has already begun. The Manchu Qing Dynasty was forced to open the country, and the opium trade was recognized as legal, and marijuana was legal outside of China. The reason why we know that marijuana should be banned or not is because of the prohibition of alcohol, which will cause more problems.

When the sun god loses its halo, people will return to rationality after seeing clearly the abscess under the halo.

There is no heaven on earth, but there is a possibility of hell. The castle law stipulates that killing an intruder in one's own home does not need to bear legal responsibility. Aim, pull the trigger, and kill the person who intends to hurt you, or aim at a non-lethal position to seriously injure him. After hearing the gunshot, the neighbors will surely call the police.

Not everyone is capable of killing people. It is really easy to watch others shoot, but not necessarily when it is their turn. Master Draco Malfoy is one of them.

And Melanie too, when deserters broke into the manor, she dragged a sword to see Scarlett, but how could she wield it with her frail body.

The vast majority of women do not have the guts, so poisoning is a common way for women to kill.

To let others eat the food you prepare with peace of mind, you must first gain the trust of the other party. Those seemingly harmless people often hide an invisible heart. Anyone who sees Mrs. Zabini will not think that she is a bad person , but her seven husbands all died strangely. The deaths of the seven men could not calm down their overheated heads. It is enough to see that it is not necessarily the creatures like Veela who are at fault. Human women can also make human beings Men are crazy.

Even if he doesn't like women and money, he will be obsessed with power. Tang Xuanzong was still an excellent emperor in the first half of his life, but he couldn't do it in the later period.

He really doesn't love Yang Yuhuan that much, that young and innocent woman is like his holiday, being with her doesn't need to use his brains, and he doesn't feel any pressure, but when the critical moment comes, he still pushes her out , for the soldiers led by Chen Xuanli and the prince to vent their anger.

His father, Tang Ruizong give up the throne to him. Before Ruizong, he was Emperor Zhongzong, who was said to have been poisoned by Empress Wei.

That woman wanted to prevent Wu Zetian from becoming the empress. Not only that, but she also had an affair with Wu Sansi behind the emperor's back. If you say she was brave, when Tang Xuanzong led the imperial army to launch a coup, she panicked and ran into the imperial army's barracks.

It is said that during the Tang Long coup, Tang Xuanzong ordered to kill all Webster's men who were taller than a horsewhip, and to dig up their family's ancestral graves.

It is said that women do not recognize people when they turn their faces, and men do not recognize people when they turn their faces. Whether it is Empress Wei or Webster, it is too late to regret at that time.

In the Dream of Red Mansions, it was because Concubine Jia Yuan participated in the seizure and implicated her family. Cao Xueqin's family has been weaving for generations in Jiangning. Although they were rich and noble at that time, their family was always a servant of the Manchu people, and Kangxi's four trips to the south of the Yangtze River were always received by their family.

The expenses of receiving the emperor must not be less, demolishing the east wall to pay the west wall, and embezzling public funds, but the loopholes are too big, so the debts can no longer be repaid.

As soon as Yongzheng came to power, he regarded the Cao family as the most important point, saying that he would start a thorough investigation of the debts at that time and must investigate and repay them. But everything went unsatisfactory. The head of the Cao family also passed away. This is a serious problem. The Cao family is well aware of this problem, but they are still taking chances. As long as Kangxi is in power, they will be fine. Unexpectedly, after Kangxi left, Yongzheng began to thoroughly investigate this matter. As a result, the entire Cao family was copied .

There was a literary prison in the Qing Dynasty. A sentence of Qingfeng is illiterate, so why flip through books randomly can cause death. Cao Xueqin can't say that because of receiving the emperor, the family owes money, so there is a scene of Concubine Yuan visiting relatives.

If the emperor's power is too great to be restrained and he can do whatever he wants, then there will be problems. In the dynasties before the Qing Dynasty, civil officials could restrain the emperor's words and deeds. The use of Parents' enmity is irreconcilable. Children do not avenge their parents, they are in vain as sons of men. As the opening remark, it is okay for him to scold the emperor like this, which shows how successful the slavery education of the Manchus was to the Han people, especially the literati. .

The emperor is called Tianzi, which means that he has a sky above his head. Once there are abnormal phenomena such as solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, comet, and earthquake, the emperor will be trembling and reflect constantly. Over the past two thousand years, hundreds of people in China have been emperors, and no one has dared to say not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth.

Even the emperor feared it, but ordinary people took the customer is God as their motto.

Severus visited the merchants in Chinatown in London to practice targeting last night. Mr. Wen believes that even if they sharpen their guns before the battle, it is better than not grinding their guns. Their performance...is extremely excellent, and it is said in the world , Don’t let Chinese women drive. First of all, the British drive on the right and drive on the left. Second, they have the ability to drive the Mini Cooper into a guided missile, let alone shoot. His bar was ruined by Pomona, so he had to smoke, and Pomona relented before being choked to death.

Anyway, you won't get drunk if you drink the potion mixed with animal horn powder, so when will you drink it if you don't drink alcohol at this time?

So she asked Alfonso downstairs to find a way to buy some wine and restore the small bar. She likes to drink a cocktail once in a while. No matter how young she looks, her actual age is almost 50 years old. Ah Don't think that Dumbledore is 150 years old and still eats sweets like a child. That old child, like Peter Pan, will always live in the dreamlike Neverland, and even sleep here after death.

If it wasn't for Harry becoming Director of the Ministry of Magic, Pomona wouldn't want to recall those legal issues. She almost became Harry's godmother and promised Lily to keep him safe, which she did before Not good, now is the time for her to make up.

That's right, the businessmen in Chinatown learn to shoot guns is their remedial class. There is still a difference between shooting at a target and actually shooting at a person, especially if the opponent is a monster like a werewolf.

Even if those merchants told others that they were attacked by werewolves, no one would believe them at all. Many Muggles, like Fernon, did not believe in magic at all.

As for Harry's remedial class, the content is law. Pomona picked up the pen, thinking about how to start, but before she started writing, the old bat came over with a smell of cigarettes. He blocked the sunlight coming in from the window, Cover her in his shadow.

What are you going to write?

Textbook for Harry. Pomona put down her pen, tugged at his sleeve and begged pitifully, Help me.

Meet Kingsley yesterday, what did he say?

She tilted her head and thought for a while, He said not to arrange for Calvin's people to investigate the Horcrux.

That means he's suspicious of Calvin, right? Severus sneered. He's not as stupid as I thought.

Then what to do?

Kingsley wants to replace the head of his Auror office. Potter is the best candidate. He is the savior who defeated the Dark Lord twice and is still alive. He took her hand and stood up. You restore the bar gone?

I like the cocktail you made. She followed suit step by step. Are you going to fight in the streets this time?

The Chinese are very good at street fighting, and they even have a book on how to defend the city.


Only you like to read those things. He glanced back at her. When will you stop being curious about them?

Pomona shook her head.

When are we going to tutor Harry in law?

Let's talk about it after we've been busy for a while. More importantly, he has to learn to be a leader. Severus said angrily. I dare say he hasn't read a single book in the previous six years.

Harry is a Quidditch player, so he won't be a bookworm like Hermione.

Did you know? Mozi once used the method of debate to make the king of Chu stop attacking the state of Song...

What would you like to drink? he interrupted her harshly.

I don't know, let me surprise you. She quickly changed the subject.

Fighting is a man's business, isn't it? So she stopped playing tricks.

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