Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 560 Above the clouds

It's hard to understand why men would be interested in a black widow like Mrs Zabini. Pomona's understanding is that they want to hit their luck and conquer a goal that no one else can conquer.

But maybe that kind of women are like cigarettes, they know that they are harmful to their bodies but still can't put it down, they just can't quit.

There is a famous Wall Street saying that the market will do everything possible to prove the vast majority of people wrong.

At the same time, there is a famous saying, never short a down market.

Before the San Francisco earthquake, Union Pacific stock had been rising, and Jesse was short 5,000 shares while dancing with his new girlfriend in an Atlantic City ballroom.

To Jesse, stock market speculation was the same as gambling. How stupid he was to be short when most people were long.

But after the earthquake, Union Pacific's stock plummeted, and he was a big winner.

If he can be less greedy, he won't lose $40,000 if he accepts him when he knows he's good. The stock of the Pacific Railway Company rose slightly after the panic plunge. The government will not let the railway company go bankrupt when it urgently needs transportation capacity to relieve the disaster.

Jesse must not know that there will be a big earthquake tomorrow. If he knew, he would be a prophet like Grindelwald and Sybil.

The world of geniuses and lunatics cannot be considered according to the logic of normal people. Jesse lost control due to the adversity brought about by speculation all the time. He bought mansions all over the world and raised women in them. He shamelessly publicizes everywhere, not caring about his image in the eyes of outsiders. In the evening, he would drive around Manhattan in his Rolls-Royce sedan, giving a ride to any woman he saw for fun.

Although what he did made many men envious, why not? Jesse has a mansion, a beautiful woman, a swimming pool, a luxury car and a group of servants. With everything a poor boy dreams of a rich man, he has achieved success in the eyes of the world.

But he is crazy. A normal person has the ability to distinguish right from wrong, but he doesn't. Maybe only a failed marriage can make him feel frustrated. At that time, he had a normal reaction.

Unlike horse racing, stock market gambling does not need to rely on flesh and blood, and everyone's behavior is based on numbers. The stock market is one of the hardest places to be successful, and there are many people and humanity involved. This is also where it can be difficult to develop your strengths, because controlling and overcoming human nature is very difficult.

Betting on horses can lead to accidents, such as horses eating fodder laced with laxatives, or jockeys being bribed. In the stock market, everyone is his own rider, and he needs to control the horse that is eager to run wildly in his heart. Jesse's keen sense of numbers has made him a fortune. When everyone is bullish, he is bearish. The times will be tolerated by the times, even if Jesse turns out to be right.

He was rich, but he was attacked by newspapers and magazines.

He has many women, but none of them really love him, the first marriage his life wife refused to help him when he needed it most, the second marriage, the woman sold them for a low price without mercy The mansion they lived in, like everything they had between them was not worth nostalgia for, money was her only purpose for approaching him and marrying him.

The catnip-like taciturn man in the eyes of New York women is always attracted to bad women, and his third marriage is directly with poisonous spiders.

As Jesse himself said, he had a problem with his mind, but unfortunately no one could help him.

The crowd is like a sea of ​​people, converging into a vast ocean. Jesse likes fishing very much. He can find peace while fishing. At this time, what he cares about is not income anymore, peace is the only thing he needs.

This is incomprehensible to most people. In addition to overproduction, there is also overproduction of information, especially in places like financial centers, where there are many rumors when the information is well-informed. Jesse hates this kind of Insider information.

Information glut doesn’t mean that you read too much, but that you are constantly bombarded with information and trying to categorize it all, then it will be difficult for you to make a decision and take action.

Harry was bombarded with Severus' memory information, first he was the last Horcrux, and then he hated Snape who always loved his mother, if one person got too much information, it would cause a certain a form of paralysis.

It's easy to get carried away when everyone around you is procrastinating or anxiously preoccupied with non-essential things.

There is a large amount of unfiltered information in the outside world, and very little of this information is really useful to a person. Sorting and categorizing alone is exhausting, not to mention making clear judgments. On the contrary, people cannot obtain the effective information they need efficiently and quickly, so they always feel that the information they have is not enough.

Too much information and information excess can easily make people confuse the boundary between information and knowledge, mistakenly thinking that mastering information means mastering knowledge.

Jesse got lost in this kind of information flow, he was lost, but no one could guide him, including his wife, so in the end he was insane, forgetting that he still had the trust money, because he couldn't pay the rent and was punished by the landlord Chased out, he ended up pulling the trigger in a hotel bathroom and taking his own life.

Jesse’s status in his time was like that of Buffett now. He set up the headquarters of the financial company in Omaha instead of a bustling first-tier city, not only because it is Buffett’s birthplace, but also because Omaha is leisurely and comfortable. It is difficult for people who live in the hustle and bustle to understand. The peaceful and quiet state is very suitable for calming down and thinking, and the constant excitement and joy will make people crazy.

A lunatic does not always talk nonsense, especially a lunatic with a high IQ. On the contrary, what he said is very logical. One patient said, Time does not pass, it is us who pass. It can be explained, and it is explained by quantum physics, but he is a mental patient, but normal people use rational thinking to understand his crazy words.

Grindelwald is so crazy, trying to rule more than a billion Muggles with a small number of wizards, but what he said is so reasonable, whose interests are protected by the International Statute of Secrecy?

The situation in the United States is different from other wizarding worlds. The Ministry of Wizardry and Magic is located in the Woolworth Building on Broadway. After the building is completed, it becomes a building shared by No-Maj and wizards.

Under the Whitehall, the British Ministry of Magic is like the shadow of the Muggle government. Grindelwald's specious speech at the US Ministry of Magic spread quickly, which is the horror of the old lunatic.

Pomona never thought about the gold fee of Grindelwald's organization. Although language is provocative, its effect is limited. Only the money that falls into the pocket can really make people feel the feeling of falling into reality.

Before the Black Thursday stock market crash in 1929, everything in the United States seemed to be going well. The economy continued to rise throughout the summer and fall. People called this time a good time.

More and more funds have been injected into Wall Street. In the past, it was mainly from Europe, but after the Labor Party came to power, the United Kingdom began to implement protection policies. However, at that time, money was still pouring into Wall Street from all corners of the United States, and the stock market was like a horse betting. Entering the stock market is just the price of a newspaper, and an army of small gamblers put $100, $200, $300 in deposits into the stock market.

Jesse is not blindly optimistic. He predicts that there will be an unprecedented bear market in the US stock market, and the stock market index will plummet.

In September 1929, there was a signal for the first time that there was an unprecedented Hartley financial fraud in the United Kingdom. When the news reached the United States, the Bank of England did nothing, but Jesse's spy sent the news that the Bank of England would raise interest rates. .

Then October 24 came, and the first round of explosions in the stock market blew the stock market to pieces. The second explosion on October 29 killed the rest of the people, and people committed suicide by jumping off buildings every day.

Most of the rich have been very successful in the past, so once they suffer a huge loss, they sometimes feel at a loss. They have never tried to survive adversity in a low tide. In October and November 1929 alone, there were 219 suicides reported in New York City. By 1932, the suicide rate in the United States reached its peak, with 17.4 suicides per 100,000 people. After that, the ratio gradually declined. I don't want to die, but they are all crazy and locked in a mental hospital.

People are always like this, they only believe what they see with their own eyes. No matter what Harry said that Voldemort was coming back, as long as the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet did not admit it, no one really believed what he said.

In 1960, a professor of psychology at Stanford University in the United States designed a famous experiment on delayed gratification, which mainly tested whether a group of 4-year-old children could insist on eating the candy in front of them 20 minutes later. Through the self-control, judgment and self-confidence shown by children in childhood, the test predicts their personality after growth. After 12 years of follow-up, children with different performances have different personalities when they grow up. All children who survived 20 minutes have strong self-control ability, strong ability to deal with problems, and are willing to accept challenges; while children who choose to eat candy immediately are hesitant, suspicious, neurotic, unable to withstand setbacks and tests, Vulnerable self-esteem, etc. This kind of effect that can predict his personality when he grows up from a small experiment of self-control, judgment, and self-confidence in childhood is called the candy effect.

Everyone will face many temptations in their life. When facing temptations, the best way to resist them is to divert attention, just like some children cover their eyes, play hide-and-seek or sing and dance, then their desire for temptation will weaken Or forget about it for now.

To be good at resisting temptation, not to be confused by the immediate interests, don't expect self-control will automatically increase with age, it needs to be exercised consciously.

Now, Severus needs exercise, he's losing control.

After experiencing the battle of Hogwarts, his mood has experienced ups and downs, and he still has enough money. He asked her for help not to go out and spend money, but because he didn't want to be lost like Jesse up.

He's such an idiot who won't be honest about what's on his mind.

When Severus went to the house-elves to get the silver bullets, she was meditating in the greenhouse, it was still snowing in Scotland, and it was so quiet that you could hear the snow falling, and occasionally there were small noises from the children Hey, what a beautiful place Hogwarts is, no wonder so many people want to stay here.

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