The Muggle Prime Minister has a term of office, but the MPs don't. If Justin went to Eton, he would make many friends who would help him in his official career, but he didn't do that. He chose a different path from his family, although This path is not wise in the eyes of most people.

It is common for Muggle breeds to be discriminated against by pure-blood nobles at school. Ernie McMillan is from a twenty-eight pure-blood family. He is proud of his blood identity, but he does not hold prejudice against other blood. When Justin Finley He stood up for Justin when he was humiliated by Malfoy.

However, there is only one prefect, and Master Malfoy was repeatedly warned by old Malfoy that he could not even pass a Muggle-born girl. Parents in elite families will not agree that their children are mediocre. Even without their parents watching, Justin is still very self-disciplined. The reason why Pomona chose Ernie as the prefect is that Hannah, the female prefect, cooperated with him. In addition to being happy, what's more important is that his family is prominent enough to overwhelm the other pure-blood children of Hufflepuff.

It was bad enough that Hufflepuff had Barty Crouch Jr. as a Death Eater, and Justin's failure to run for prefect cast a heavy shadow on Justin, who said in employment counseling that he would return to Muggles Now it seems that he regrets his original decision.

Minerva's mother, Isabel, eloped with Robert for love. She abandoned her parents and the wizarding world. After her life returned to peace, she began to miss the life of using a wand again.

Justin guessed the same. Even though he knew that Hannah would not go surfing in Indonesia, he still reconnected with the wizarding world in a caring way. Although this young man is not as perfect as Cedric, he is still very good. The habit of sycophancy is still the same, Pomona didn't just leave a message, he came here as excitedly as a puppy when he was called.

How's life in Cambridge? Pomona didn't entertain George in his office, but went to the reception room. In addition to black tea, she also provided Honeydukes candies herself. There was never a shortage of food in her pocket.

It was interesting at first, but it was too peaceful, unlike Hogwarts where there are new things every once in a while.

Justin chose the licorice wand from the assortment of sweets, but as soon as he picked it up it turned into a tin duck, a fake wand from a Weasley's trick shop.

He laughed, not paying attention to the joke.

At first I hated Harry Potter. In the second grade in the fighting club, I was almost attacked by a snake summoned by Malfoy. Harry spoke in Parseltongue. I thought he was going to let the snake attack me. Until the fifth grade, I There is no way to forgive him, and after I joined Da and really got to know him, I realized how much I misunderstood him, he is not the kind of person who scares people for fun and draws attention from others.

I heard you kept apologizing to Harry. Pomona said in disbelief.

It's obviously irrational to offend such a big man, especially when I have no foundation here. In the third grade, it was also because of him. A fugitive wanted to break into the school and we were forced to sleep in the auditorium. I was very tired. Every time Everything has to do with Harry Potter, and then I realized how much fun it is to have such a troubled person in your life.

Pomona is still associating Harry Potter, who can't even date girls, with big shots.

In sixth grade he goes to the Slug Club Christmas party and he invites the crazy girl Luna, how many Hufflepuff girls sigh.

That sequined gown looked hilarious, in their words, except that they didn't bully Luna like they did Hermione, because anyone could tell she was just a girlfriend and wouldn't be Haribo special girlfriend.

Apologizing can't solve the problem, but you can't be stingy about apologizing. By the way, Dean, what do you want from me? Justin didn't touch those taffy, and the Weasley family also produced a kind of taffy that will make your tongue fat after eating Toffee, now they're going to talk, and no one likes to talk to a big tongue.

How long has it been since you used your wand? Pomona looked at Justin. He used to have curly hair, but he probably has been treated with smoothing agent now, so it doesn't look curly at all.

I was an Auror for two years after the Battle of Hogwarts, and then my mother asked me to go back and prepare to study in Cambridge. Although I used it less, I still insisted on using it.

I'm not saying you use it to do housework, but use it to fight, just like you did when you were in Da. Pomona drank her red tea, and then said, I'm short of a leader in this operation, and Ernie is now in Pride Luo, do you think you can do it?

What action? Justin asked with interest.

Eliminate the eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest. Pomona took out a piece of paper, Our three houses will compete with Slytherin. Whoever destroys the most eight-eyed spiders will win the final of the Quidditch World Cup next year. Tickets to the top box, you can invite your parents to attend, maybe they can meet the Minister of Magic.

Although Justin is not interested in Quidditch, it does not prevent him from participating in the grand ceremony. The Quidditch World Cup and the Muggle World Cup attract as much attention. Pomona believes that it is not so easy for a member of Congress to get the World Cup box tickets. This kind of box belongs to the royal family, national leaders and members of the event organizing committee, and the parliamentarians have become little people in this case.

What's this? Justin asked, pointing to the paper.

Preliminary action plan, detailed details require you to think about supplements, and this matter needs to be cooperated with Professor Neville Longbottom. He is preparing insecticides and collecting its venom after killing spiders. The school's funds are tight. , rely on it to raise funds.

Justin picked up the roll of parchment and began to read quickly.

Potions cost a lot of money, Justin said.

First of all, you have to gather enough people, and I don't want people from the Department of Magical Creatures to meddle in Hogwarts.

Sounds like a lot of challenges. Justin rolled up the piece of paper.

You can't do it alone, especially after you left the magic world for four years, Neville is not suitable to be a field commander. If you use da members, you will definitely meet your former Gryffindor friends, and they will compete with you for command. official position.

Why do you pay so much attention to Neville Longbottom and pass on the position of professor of herbal medicine to him? Justin asked with a frown.

His father was an Auror. They were kidnapped by Death Eaters after the First Wizarding War, and they were tortured until he was unconscious. If nothing happened to them, Neville's family is as prominent as yours. He is the son of a war hero. , I think you should understand why he was treated preferentially.

Justin nodded thoughtfully.

You decide when to act. The sooner the better, the residents in the Forbidden Forest are already very dissatisfied. Also, remember to buy some invisibility spray. This thing is very useful when you get out. If you are caught by the eight-eyed spider It will become food, even if your mother wants to bury you, you will not be able to find the bones.

I understand the dean.

No, you don't understand. You have never been to the Forbidden Forest, so you don't know how dangerous it is. Neville often goes in, and he has a good relationship with the centaurs. With a guide, your chances of winning are much better than Slytherin. Slytherin pursues strength, while our academy makes friends with magical animals and plants, Hagrid has the talent to communicate with animals, but he is not a good teacher, he actually let you learn snails for a semester. Bo Mona sighed heavily. It was the worst failure in the protection of magical animals class she had ever seen. There are many dangers in the Forbidden Forest, and I am worried that there are werewolves hiding in the forest. All in all, this operation is very risky, and you cannot take it lightly.

I see, Dean. Justin nodded heavily.

And worry about Slytherins cheating, they're the best at it, she said through gritted teeth.

Can I invite you to dinner? We can chat while eating. Justin said with a smile, I know there is a good restaurant nearby.

Thank you for your invitation. Let's make an appointment next time. She said exhaustedly. Today is the first day of work in the Ministry of Magic. I believe there are many things that people want to talk to me about.

The dean is interested in the cultural exchange meeting? Justin saw the leaflet sharply.

Oh, I went to China once when I was young. Pomona said with a smirk, It's a very magical country.

Justin stared at the flyer thoughtfully.

If you can get me an invitation letter to the party, I think I can introduce you to an interesting person. Pomona said meaningfully, He will bring you a lot of help.

Can I ask what he's like? Justin asked with a very Hufflepuff smirk.

He's a master duelist, and he's very strong. Pomona stood up, Just like Professor Snape.

Really? Justin said in surprise.

He can help you regain the feeling of fighting, little boy. Pomona said coldly, Why do you pay as much attention to your appearance as Lockhart?

Justin was stunned.

Don't forget that you are a wizard, kid. From the moment you wake up, you have nothing to do with ordinary people. You can pretend to be a Muggle but you can't really be a Muggle...

It's the same as pretending to be stupid but you can't be really stupid. Justin continued, I miss you very much, Dean, where have you been for the past six years?

Chasing and killing Wormtail. She lied without blushing, I want to avenge Cedric.

Did you find him?

No. She said, covering her heart.

I heard he's an illegal Animagus, and he's also a mouse. Justin said with disgust on his face, You'd better not look for him, just let him rot in the stinky gutter.

Do you know how to call God to guard? Pomona changed the subject. Dementors no longer serve as Azkaban guards, they are everywhere now.

I've heard of this. Dementor attacks have caused many vicious incidents. Members of the Lower Parliament demanded an explanation from the Ministry of Magic...

Stop talking about this topic, I'm very tired today. She said disinterestedly, Go home early, Justin, your parents still rely on you to protect them.

Let's make an appointment next time to talk. Justin said quickly, Is January 9 right?

I don't know what you're talking about? Pomona said with a smirk.

Professor Snape's birthday, January 9th. Justin said with a smile, At first I thought that Professor Snape agreed to Lockhart's invitation because he wanted the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. It’s the same as Professor Way getting the position of head of Ravenclaw by dueling, and I later found out that’s not the case.”

Then why do you think he agreed to Lockhart?

That little boy just owed a lesson. All the books he wrote were fake. Only my mother would believe them, but thanks to his books, my mother thought that those dark creatures were easy to deal with, so she let me go to boarding school. They are more Humans are much easier to deal with.

Are you an admirer of Severus?

That's right, he's also a double agent for the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters, that's cool! Justin blushed and said excitedly, He's still half-blood Prince, I heard that Wolfbane is his Improved, why did Damocles Belle finally get the Prince Award?

Pomona had an intuition that Severus would prefer Justin to Neville, and when the old Bat was happy, he would make a fuss, and he was partial.

This feeling is really hard to describe, because Justin is a student of her academy, what should he do if he has conflicts with Neville in the future?

Merlin's wand, why does God always give her problems?

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