Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 206 Little Black Pepper Urchin

Severus was smoking by the window, looking out at the white snow that looked like a sculpture.

What are you thinking? she asked, standing at the door of her room.

Have you ever thought about the possibility that in another world, the Dark Lord wins, Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom are dead, you leave school and join the Resistance with Hermione, and I stay on? At school, steal some leftovers for you to eat.

What are you assuming! Pomona couldn't help shouting angrily.

The underground of Hogwarts is full of pipes. Myrtle can go through those pipes, but she can't go upstairs. She is as lonely as you, so I helped her, and she did become happy later, didn't she? Is it? He turned his head and kept his eyes on her, There are many people who regard me as a hero, saying that I am a person with the spirit of Gryffindor, but I am a Slytherin, and in that damn Gryffindor behavior Isn't it written in the manual? If a joke is caught, find a Slytherin if you want a scapegoat. This is my value? A scapegoat? Oh, and there is another one. Gryffindor, bad side to Slytherin, shit! He began cursing indecently, and spat Albus Dumbledore wants to leave all the good things to the students of his house In that case, what kind of academy is divided into, and it has nothing to do with other magic schools.

The sorting ceremony is a traditional feature, said Pomona listlessly.

I've heard enough of the word 'tradition'. He gritted his teeth and said, And 'courage', none of them can be a reason to do stupid things without using your brain.

What can I do to make you feel better?

Here's the thing, I deserve to be a gloomy and weird loser, I can't be healthy and active, have a beautiful wife and marriage, doomed to die alone in the dark and alone, you think this fate is fair to me ?”

Now you're going to complain about unfair fate like Sirius?

I don't want to be a hero! He growled at her in a low voice, Lily was isolated by the Gryffindor girls not because of me, but because of her strong character. How important is the gold coin of the Potter family?

Nobody said Lily was isolated because of you.

Remember why James always likes to give me trouble? What a feat for a righteous Gryffindor hero to fight off evil Slytherins who are always cursing behind their backs. Lily should adore him, and Lavin It's so much more of a no-brainer, so I'm the 'scapegoat' in his plan, just because I'm ugly and annoying, Lockhart sent me to the Dueling Club for the same reason he did , he needs to find someone to set off his glorious image and attract everyone's attention, unfortunately Lockhart failed with me, and then he found you, muddy, short and fat Pomona Sprout, Lily is perfect, I'm close to her is the only flaw on her body, it's as ugly as a stain, didn't she become friendly with the Gryffindors after she cut off ties with me, she changed her ways isn't it?

Pomona didn't talk about the fact that he joined the Death Eaters first, and now he has a dark symbol on his arm, and anyone with this symbol will be discriminated against.

James Potter is arrogant and lazy. He didn't work hard to improve his strength, but used sneak attacks to plot against me. Do you remember how many people he brought to besiege me at that time?

I don't remember. Pomona walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, patting the seat next to her. I want to kiss my husband, but his mouth stinks like hell. How about some creamy mints?

The man who just now spewed fire out of his nose like a little urchin who ate black pepper was easily hooked.

I hate it when they pretend to be the victors of justice. He took a mint from her palm and ate it.

Pomona took out another candy, Blowing Super Bubblegum, and immediately the whole room was filled with bubbles the same color as blue bellflowers.

You went to Honey Baron? he said as he ate his candy, looking at the blue bubbles.

Hermione gave it to me, it was Ron's Christmas present to her.

It's just candy for Christmas? Severus, the successful man, sneered.

If you give me candy, it will definitely make me happier than if you give me a bird snake egg. When Hermione went to Hogsmeade for the first time, Harry didn't go. It's like she and Ron are dating. Pommer Na said enviously, Later they met Draco outside the Shrieking Shack, and that little villain was taught by Harry wearing the Invisibility Cloak, so it became the three of them to play together.

Because Penny didn't sign for him?

Yeah! And then Harry just sneaked out. Pomona sighed. Hermione's still happy talking about Draco getting the shit out of Snowball.

Do you want to have a snowball fight? He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Snow and mud all over? Of course not! She hugged him back. And I've had enough fun today. That reindeer sleigh wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be.

Then let's play something else? He pointedly reached into her coat.

You don't want to use your brain anymore? She followed his strength and slowly fell on her back.

There will be plenty of opportunities to use in the future. He immediately rushed forward when he saw the need.

No, I just want you to stop thinking about it like I do. Everything has been out of control since Lupine started teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, so let's all do as we please, just like everyone else.

You should know that Harry is different from James. Harry was forced to get involved in those adventures. James asked for trouble. He has realized his recklessness in the past.

You still want to chat with me? He put his finger on her lips You don't want to do something else?

Hermione said I look like Lavender. She said in frustration, She was also bitten by a werewolf. We missed her transformation last time. This time I can't let Neville face her transformation alone.

I won't let anyone hurt you, he said, looking into her eyes as if swearing.

I hope you can correct me if you find out that I've made a mistake. Sometimes I feel that those children deserve physical punishment, but because Filch can't use the whip because of education, cleaning the trophy room is not a punishment at all.

So you're asking for punishment now? A dimple curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Do you know any interesting black magic? She looked him in the eyes with curiosity and smiled.

You are so naughty, Pomona! He chanted a mantra suddenly, and Pomona remained motionless as if petrified.

This is called light and shadow bondage. It's different from petrification. Your body is still soft. He fiddled with her limbs casually, as if playing with a puppet. Where there is light, there will be shadows. Common sense for ordinary people is shadows. It moves with the movement of the person, but this spell is to fix the shadow, and then the person cannot move.

How does this work? Pomona found that she could not move her limbs, but she could still speak and move her eyes.

You want to learn black arts? He smiled wider. White wizards will cry.

Do you remember what he once said? In this chaotic, emotional world, there is never a perfect answer. Perfection is beyond the limits of man, beyond the limits of magic. In every bright moment of joy, All shadows follow you, know the pain will come again, be honest with those you love, show your pain, pain is as natural to humans as breathing. The greatest white wizard and the most dangerous black The wizard Grindelwald is still a friend, no one is perfect, Severus, and neither am I.

Continue. He said absently, looking her up and down, as if thinking about how to play the next game.

I don't mind being dyed black. Pomona looked at the blue bubbles and said, You don't have to hide yourself in front of me. We will solve any difficulties together.

I'm not a person who is suitable to be loved, because my love always hurts. He stroked her cheek and said emotionally, Whether it's my mother, Lily, or Jiji, they all end badly, I don't want you to be like them, I try to keep you at a distance, but Cedric makes me so jealous, I can't watch you with another man, said you may not believe it, when I see Lily and After James Potter was together, she felt safe, she was different from me, I chose a dangerous way of life, but I didn't expect that she would end up being involved in disputes because of me.

If you want peace, you must prepare for war. Pomona said what the ancient Roman military strategist said.

Yes, that's it. He whispered on her lips, Smart girl.

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