"But it's different with you," Dumbledore continued: "Even if something goes wrong with Nico, it can leave a hope for the wizarding world in the future. I have also discussed with Nico, he has already Have a will ready. If he really doesn't come back, you'll be his godson to inherit everything from him."

Auston was silent, he seemed to suddenly understand Dumbledore's arrangement.

Once agreed, it means that if something goes wrong with Mr. Lemay, he will inherit Mr. Lemay's wealth, the inheritance of the Lemay family and this manor. But at the same time he would be Voldemort's next target.

He was unwilling to measure Dumbledore's thoughts with such a petty heart. Due to the idea of ​​self-protection for a long time, he had to think more. Even if Mr. Lemay went without danger this time, Dumbledore could hide Mr. Lemay under the name of "unexpected encounter". This not only saves his friends, but also pulls Auston, who is intent on getting out of the vortex, into the pit. I just don't know if Mr. Lemay thinks so.

Auston looked at Mr. Lemay. Mr. Lemay didn't dodge, but looked directly into Auston's dark pupils. His earnest gaze made Auston feel ashamed of his doubts.

Auston gave up. He lowered his head and exhaled, "Okay, I promise. But I have a request."

"Oh?" Dumbledore seemed a little surprised: "What's the requirement?"

"Professor Albus Dumbledore," Auston said earnestly looking into Dumbledore's eyes, "No matter what happens in the future, I want you to protect my family."

"My parents, they are just ordinary doctors, let them live a good life in the Muggle world. And my sister, no matter what the chosen son Harry Potter does in the future, please don't let my sister fall into the trap with him. Danger."

The seriousness on Auston's face was rare, and Dumbledore was a little surprised by the aura he spoke with. He looked at Auston carefully, his eyes narrowed and squinted, his blue eyes full of alertness.

After a long time, Dumbledore suddenly laughed. He spread his hands and said with a smile: "Of course, they wouldn't be in any danger."

Only then did Auston relax. He nodded with a wry smile, that's it, who made him eat someone's Philosopher's Stone by mistake.

In this way, under the witness of Dumbledore that night, Auston became Mr. LeMay's godson.

Although Auston repeatedly asked to go to the auction with Mr. Lemay and the others, he was still refused.

Even because he repeatedly said that if he didn't let him go, he would follow him secretly, which led Mr. Lemay to directly order Dolly to protect Auston while they were away.

Euphemistically called protection, in fact, it means watching him and not letting him take risks with him. Auston didn't insist any longer, the goal had been achieved anyway.

The night before the trip, Mr. Lemay asked Dolly to call Auston to his study.

Auston followed Dolly upstairs. The study was next to Mr. Lemay's bedroom, and they stopped at the door.

Dolly knocked on the door:

"Sir, here comes Mr. Brown."

"Come in." Mr. Lemay's muffled voice came through the door.

Dolly let the door open, and Auston pushed in.

Mr. Lemay was standing at the desk, with an old hand whirling around a big book with a red cover.

"Good evening, Mr. Lemay."

Auston stood at the door. Although he had already become Mr. Lemay's godson, he was still not quite used to this new identity.

"Come here, my child." Mr. Lemay beckoned to him, then pointed to the chair behind the desk and said, "Sit here."

Auston obediently walked over and sat on a chair.

Mr. Lemay pushed the big book on the table to Auston with both hands, Auston also stretched out two hands to take the book and looked at Lemay with questioning eyes.

"Remember when I first came to France, I told you the story of Alexander Flamel?" Mr. Lemay asked with a smile.

Auston nodded: "Remember, you said he brought a book from the bottom of the valley."

He looked at the red-covered book and opened it carefully:

"Is this the one?"

Lemay nodded and said, "Yes, that's it. That's why I called you here."

The text on the page is handwritten ancient rune, although Auston can't read it, but with the dashing brushstrokes and coherent fonts, it is not difficult to see that the original owner of this book should be a dashing gentleman.

Seeing Auston holding the book and looking left and right, Mr. Lemay smiled:

"Don't worry, he is yours from now on. You will have a lot of time to study it in the future. I have sent a notice to every wizard who comes to listen to the class, and they will not come again in the near future."

While speaking, Mr. Lemay walked to the middle of the two rows of bookshelves by the desk, took down a booklet from it, and handed it to Auston:

"This is what I use to contact them~www.readwn.com~ Mr. LeMay opened the page as he spoke.

The first page is a photo with no one on it, just a dark background.

"There is a photo of a person on each page of this contact book. If you need to get in touch, you only need to tap here three times." Mr. Lemay pointed to a red dot on the photo, which looked like it was lacquered.

There is also a name behind each red dot of flame paint, which should be the names of those wizards, Auston thought.

"Well," he nodded, stretched out his hand and continued to flip. The pages behind were all with the same background, which should be the fireplace beside the podium in the hall on the first floor.

"If I come back safely this time, I will teach you a little rune, and then you can study this red book."

Mr. Lemay sat on the sofa not far from the desk, picked up the teapot on the coffee table, poured himself a cup, and said with a smile:

"If I don't come back safely, I'm afraid it's also Merlin's will. Then wait until you get to the third year to study runes at Hogwarts. Maybe the professors at Hogwarts will be better than me."

"I have only studied a small part of this book throughout my life. The above are all the refining methods of some potions and magic items, but the middle is blank, and the last is a little incomplete. This is a pair of studies. Said it caused a lot of disruption.”

Auston just turned to the back. There were some ink marks and a lot of creases on the back. The pages of the book were slightly yellowed and looked fragile. Someone must have turned them frequently. Even the next few pages were almost broken by the waist, and they were spliced ​​together with paper of different materials, and the fonts were not as handsome as the previous ones. Compared to the first part, the latter part is more like a note or something.

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