Happy Tycoon

Chapter 886: Hollow tombstone

Under the leadership of this priest, three people quickly came to this tombstone engraved with Hermann T. Schroeder.

After the priest arrived, he pointed to the tombstone, then turned and walked aside.

Yang Jing secretly pulled a handful of Grid, who was a little reluctant, and the two of them put the flowers in their hands in front of the tombstone, and then the two of them stepped back two steps, bowed their heads and folded their hands together, pretending to pray.

"Buddha, Bodhisattva and Tianzun immortal grow up, the little girl Bai Yu Gege is not here to worship this Martin Bowman, the task is in you, deities, don't blame the little girl..."

Listening to Ge Ge whispering these words in Chinese, Yang Jing almost laughed out loud. This girl is a big heart, and I dare to say such things here.

But Yang Jing is not much better, what he said is similar to what Gege said.

If it weren't for checking some clues, Yang Jing wouldn't have brought Grid here to pay homage to the executioner.

The two murmured in a low voice before raising their heads.

Obviously no one came to worship this tomb for a long time, and the tombstones were covered with moss, even the words on the tombstones were a bit unclear.

The foreigner’s tomb is a bit different from the Huaxia’s tomb. The Huaxia’s tomb is sealed, but the foreigner’s tomb is not sealed, only a tombstone.

Yang Jing used the Sky Eye skill to carefully inspect the tomb, but found nothing. But when his gaze fell on this tombstone, he found something out of the ordinary.

This tombstone is very simple, it is an ordinary tombstone about half a meter high and about sixty centimeters high. Just above the center of the tombstone is a cross, with Martin Bowman's pseudonym engraved on the tombstone. Yang Jing knew that Martin Bowman used the pseudonym Hermann Thomas Schroeder when he left Argentina and entered Paraguay, so the name of Hermann T Schroeder is engraved on the tombstone.

Below the name is the age of birth and death, July 1900-February 1959.

Except for these two lines, there are no more words on the tombstone.

When Yang Jing used the sky eye, he found that this tombstone seemed a bit wrong, so when he changed the sky eye to perspective, he immediately discovered the nuances of this tombstone.

It turned out that the cross above the tombstone was hollow. In the center of the stone cross, there was a small hole about five centimeters square, and in this small hole, there was also a small box hidden. .....

This discovery shocked Yang Jing's heart, and he immediately realized the importance and particularity of this tombstone. Only at this time there was the priest standing next to him, so Yang Jing didn't take any extra action, just pulled Lagge, and the two left here.

The priest leaned forward and asked for a few words. After Yang Jing shook his head to indicate that he did not understand, the priest switched to using relatively bad English.

"What is the relationship between you two and Mr. Schroeder? Mr. Schroeder has been buried here for sixty years, but his tomb has hardly been cleaned. I have been a priest here for forty years. I’ve never seen anyone come to worship Mr. Schroeder. You are still the first to come to worship Mr. Schroeder in the past forty years.”

Although the priest's English is a bit lame, but he speaks slowly, and Yang Jing can understand it. So Yang Jing said: "Mr. Schroeder has something to do with my great-grandfather, but when Mr. Schroeder came to Argentina from Germany, there was no news of him. Some time ago, my fiancée and I visited Argentina. During this period, I ran into a German in his 70s. He talked about Mr. Schroeder during small talk. The father of this German lived with Mr. Schroeder in a small town. His father once gave He said that Mr. Schroeder went to Paraguay and died in Paraguay. Only then did we know that he had actually fallen asleep here."

After hearing these words, the priest drew a cross on his chest, and then whispered "May the Lord bless!"

Yang Jing went on to explain: "At the beginning we were a little bit distrustful of this, but after seeing Mr. Schroeder’s tombstone, we were sure that this was the Mr. Schroeder who had something to do with my great-grandfather. ."

The priest looked at Yang Jing and Ge Ge, and he hesitated for a while before asking, "Sir, I think you and your fiancee are Asians?"

Seeing the priest's puzzled look, Yang Jing smiled and explained: "Yes, we are both Chinese. But my great-grandfather used to study in Germany when he was young, and he knew Mr. Schroeder at that time. That's it. At that time, Mr. Schroeder took great care of my great-grandfather, so my great-grandfather was very grateful to Mr. Schroeder. There is an old saying in China, “The grace of dripping water should be reported by the spring”. It is for this reason, My great-grandfather kept thinking about Mr. Schroeder, but it was a pity that Mr. Schroeder broke contact with us. This time we were able to find Mr. Schroeder’s tomb, which is God bless."

Yang Jing’s words made the young priest nodded in satisfaction. Then he said: “The last priest of the church, Father De Carver, once told me about this Mr. Schroeder, saying that this gentleman is a man. A good person. He donated a lot of money to the church and helped a lot of people. So after his death, the last priest decided to bury him here. It’s just that Mr. Schroeder doesn’t seem to have any relatives. I heard Dekawo The priest said that even when Mr. Schroeder was dead, he did not have any relatives showing up, which is very pitiful."

Yang Jing sighed slightly.

"But Mr. Schroeder is a very strong man. I heard Father Decavo said that after learning that he had cancer, Mr. Schroeder prepared himself for himself. I remember that Father Decavo said that It is said that the coffin for burying Mr. Schroeder was prepared by Mr. Schroeder himself, and even the tombstone was prepared by Mr. Schroeder himself. In the past, Father Decavo just carved Mr. Schroeder back into the embrace of God on the tombstone. The name on the tombstone was carved by Mr. Schroeder himself. He is really an amazing person..."

When Yang Jing heard this, he thought of the void in the cross that he had just seen, and immediately realized that there must be something extraordinary in the small box hidden in the tombstone cross!

So Yang Jing said politely: "I also thank you for my great-grandfather for burying Mr. Schroeder."

"Hehe, this is what we should do. Mr. Schroeder is a good man, and he has no relatives~www.readwn.com~ His burial here will allow him to return to the embrace of God. Oh right, now There are still a few things donated by Mr. Schroeder and left over in the church. If you are interested, you can go and take a look at it later."

"Really? That's great. But the priest, my fiancée and I would like to stay here a little longer. Or else, after we accompany Mr. Schroeder, we will go to the church to find you. I also want to take a look at the items left by Mr. Schroeder."

The priest nodded and crossed again before turning to leave here.

When the priest walked away, Grid said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you still staying in this place? This is a cemetery, and it's creepy and scary."

Yang Jing smiled and said, "There is naturally a reason to stay here. Daughter-in-law, if I am not mistaken, Martin Bowman should have left a clue here. But the priest was here just now, I am embarrassed. Looking for it, so I dismissed him. After no one notices for a while, I will look for it carefully!"

"Is there a clue?"

Yang Jing nodded very surely...

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