Han Zong: Starting from the Undercover New World

Chapter 198 I want Shunyang Electronics Factory

Lin Wei finally waited for the guest he wanted to see.

Well, to be honest, if the other party doesn't come again, he might have to think about how to take the initiative to meet him.

Yin Xuanyou opened the door of the office with his own hands. Chen Xingjun had a gloomy face. The secretaries and executives behind him stayed outside the door. He was the only one who strode into the office and closed the door smoothly.

He first looked at the furnishings in the office - hehe, they were so elegant. There were so many books on display, but he didn't know how many of them Lin Wei had read.

Withdrawing his gaze, Chen Xingjun walked up to Lin Wei swiftly, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Fifty million US dollars, I only need your vote of approval. If the acquisition is underestimated, I will buy your shares at the original price. "

This is no small sum of money.

Especially, this is all picked up for free.

Chen Xingjun looked at Lin Wei, his expression seemed calm and composed: "I already know what you are doing, and I tell you clearly, whether it is Shunyang Steel or other aspects, you will never be able to buy anything else. A shareholder's equity.

My aunt went to Sweden, and my second uncle would also have a good talk with me. Without my approval in the future, none of the Chen family's shares would be able to be transferred out. "

The implication of Chen Xingjun's words is very simple, I know you are thinking of causing trouble from my house, but now I know it clearly, your plan has been ruined.

In his opinion, Lin Wei's actions inside and outside this place are nothing more than openly building plank roads, secretly infiltrating Chen Cang, first using Shunyang Life's shares to make himself dizzy, and then secretly giving himself a fatal blow from behind. Now the most concealed and fatal blow has been seen through by him. , if Lin Wei was smart, he shouldn't continue to struggle with him.

From the perspective of profit, he has received a huge return on this investment. The equity repurchased at the original price plus an additional US$50 million is enough for Lin Wei to make a lot of money.

Lin Wei clicked his tongue twice and sat on the chair with his legs crossed. He looked like he was sure of victory and smiled slightly: "It's really amazing. With the chaotic situation of your Chen family, you can cut through the mess quickly at this time. President Chen, You are better than I thought, but you are still stronger."

Chen Xingjun didn't want to talk nonsense. He saw Lin Wei's slightly joking expression. Sure enough, the moment Lin Wei said but, he raised a finger and interrupted Lin Wei's words.

"I know that you exchanged these shares with NW's shares. The Yankees are the masters of the game. If you want them to get out of your company, you will need a sum of money.

I will pay for this money. "

Chen Xingjun said calmly: "No matter what the agreement between you and the other party is, I will guarantee you a profit of at least 100 million US dollars in this transaction."

"Just accept it when you're ready, President Lin. If you drag it on, the price may not be this."

Lin Wei raised his eyebrows, the price given by Chen Xingjun was really high enough.

But Chen Xingjun thought differently - not only did he not intend to kick out the foreign investors who had exchanged their shares, he also planned to further attract foreign investors to join.

The nature of NW's software determines that he will be targeted by interested people sooner or later. The United States, which also has an electoral system, cannot allow Lin Wei's software to occupy the market. Sooner or later, a big stick will be used. In this case, it is better to find a good one in the United States now. ally.

Shunyang's equity structure inspired Lin Wei a lot. He had already implemented changes to NW's equity structure long before this share exchange. Now NW seems to be still a core industry, but what its equity can control is not There are only some subsidiaries of online media software.

Moreover, Lin Wei, who originally wanted to merge his own group companies, also had more ideas. Through cross-shareholding, he built an exquisite equity structure on his own, learned from Shunyang's lessons, and built up key core holding companies. Holding more than 51% of the shares.

Although the merger meeting has not been officially launched and the name has not been changed, in fact, Lin Wei's Kinmen Group and NW are already in a cross-shareholding state, and he has truly become the only real leader of the group.

After the cross-shareholding was completed, Lin Wei was finally able to give equity rewards to his subordinates in a drastic way. Company veterans such as Yin Xuanyou also received their due shares - he had to thank Chen Xingjun.

But facing Chen Xingjun's tempting offer of hundreds of millions of dollars in profit through careful operation, Lin Wei just smiled and sat upright.

"President Chen, let's not waste time. To tell you the truth, this time, when I got involved in this matter, I never thought about leaving after making a small profit.

I only accept two results! "

Lin Wei looked at Chen Xingjun, whose face was haggard and could not hide his anger, and just raised a finger leisurely.

"First, even if the shares in my hand are turned into a complete mess and the investment stocks give me a small profit every year in dividends, I will never be able to let Shunyang live a stable life easily. .

I won't accept this little profit. What's more, I have the patience to continue playing with you slowly.

You know Shunyang's recent business momentum, and so do I. I can bet that you will still be unable to cover up the group's decline in the next few years, and wait until other shareholders lose patience and confidence in your leadership.

By then, the shares in my hand and Shunyang Life, which you absolutely cannot acquire, will become the noose that pulls you down from the chairman's throne.

You can fight with me, it’s not the first day we have been rivals anyway.”

Lin Wei showed a faint smile: "What's more, in the current situation, the shares in my hand are very important. Who knows, it can be a sharp knife that can seal the throat. I am just waiting for some people who can't see it like me. The person who is spoiled by you and thinks that you are not qualified to stay in the position of president, just take the initiative to reach out and hold this knife with me."

Just when Chen Xingjun's face gradually lost control and his breathing became heavy, Lin Wei suddenly stopped and raised a second finger.

"Second, that is to use the shares I have to create the value they deserve - do you want it? Very good, I don't want much, Shunyang Electronics is enough."

Lin Wei smiled and waved his two fingers gently: "As long as you agree, I can immediately start to complete the Shunyang Electronics transaction with you quickly, ensuring the interests of other shareholders to complete the transaction as soon as possible, and at the same time, the Shunyang Electronics controlled by Shunyang Electronics will be completed as soon as possible." The group shares are also sold to you at low prices.

Moreover, I will agree with your proposal to undervalue the acquisition of Shunyang Life, but you must first buy the shares I have while underestimating the acquisition.

As for the price, just follow the market price.

Whatever I spend, you return it to me intact. As long as I get Shunyang Electronics, I will be full. "

Chen Xingjun stared straight at Lin Wei, but Lin Wei just calmly picked up the tea cup in his hand and smiled slightly: "I am very tight on time, and I don't like to delay this matter for too long. President Chen cannot bear it physically, and I will have far fewer options.

Today, these two choices are decided by President Chen. "

Chen Xingjun wanted to spit at him in front of him, but considering the current situation, he suppressed his anger and turned around and left - he couldn't make this decision, and it involved far more than a sum of cash.

"President Chen, I'm talking about today."

Lin Wei suddenly spoke. Chen Xingjun stopped and turned around to look back. Lin Wei looked at him with stern eyes: "You don't think I will let you go back. I have reached an agreement with your family. When everything is ready, talk to me again." Let’s talk about a deal?”

"Yes, your aunt went to Sweden, so what?"

Lin Wei sat up, smiled, and raised the corners of his mouth: "The knife has been cut down, and when it sees blood, there is no reason to take it back to give you a chance to regain your strength."

".What conditions did you give them!"

Chen Xingjun finally broke through.

Lin Wei looked at him curiously: "Do you really need many conditions?"

Chen Xingjun was stunned.

"You are the president of Shunyang and the master of the Chen family. In your opinion, everything in Shunyang belongs to you, but in the eyes of others?

What does the quality of the group have to do with them? Only the things and assets in your hands are real. "

"You use Shunyang Steel's profits to burn the Internet and raise Shunyang Automobile, but what will your relatives who only have Shunyang Steel shares think?

The profits and losses of other industries have nothing to do with them. They are indeed here, using their own profits to inject blood into your company.

Whether it’s paying taxes or the inheritance tax you’re about to face. You are the owner of Shunyang, and you can spare so much money, but should all that money belong to you? "

Lin Wei smiled and said curiously: "I am curious, why do you believe that your position as president is unbreakable, and why do you believe that those allies will always stand by your side? Just because the founder of Shunyang has a surname Chen, is his name Chen Yangzhe?"

Lin Wei's words left Chen Xingjun speechless. His chest heaved violently. After a long while, he said: "Why Shunyang Electronics? In front of the electronics factories of Sanxing and SG, our electronics factory has no advantage at all. In other words, It’s already considered a negative equity.”

"Electronics factories cost a lot of money, but I can afford it. It's that simple - the cost of building one from scratch is far higher than what I accepted from Shunyang. It's that simple."

Lin Wei spread his hands: "Cash? Please, President Chen, time is money."

These words finally made Chen Xingjun's expression relax a little - for him, the profit consumed by handing over Shunyang Electronics is only a little more than giving him cash directly, but it is already better than the worst result. .

But the key is

"Today?" Chen Xingjun narrowed his eyes. He was wondering whether Lin Wei was bluffing.

But Lin Wei just looked at him calmly: "Today - otherwise we can reach an agreement overnight tonight, otherwise there will be no negotiation."

"." Chen Xingjun's expression was gloomy, but Lin Wei said generously: "Our company's conference room is empty. President Chen can go in and have a good discussion with the people below. My law firm is nearby, what? Think about when to start negotiations immediately."

"The transaction between us is very complicated." Chen Xingjun said: "It involves the exchange and division of equity shares of multiple companies. It is impossible to finish it in one day."

"But it can be very simple, can't it?" Lin Wei smiled: "Take out the cross-shareholding part of Shunyang Electronics and reset it into a separate company. While I acquire Shunyang Electronics in cash, I will also use the The shares will be sold to you, that’s the end.”

Lin Wei slowly took out a few documents from the table and put them on the table.

Chen Xingjun glanced at it for a few times, his eyes widened slightly, and he held his breath for a moment. Looking at these documents, it was clear that there was a plan to acquire the equity of other shareholders of Shunyang Electronics, and Lin Wei made no secret of it and even gave him I saw one of them and someone had already signed it.

He was already taking action. Where Chen Xingjun couldn't see, Lin Wei was already quietly spreading his tentacles.

Yes, time.

Chen Xingjun suddenly woke up.

Why should he worry that Lin Wei is playing tricks?

He was worried that Lin Wei was defrauding him. There was no ally who had an affair with Lin Wei. Lin Wei just took this opportunity to bargain and trick him into handing over Shunyang Electronics.

But then I thought about it, so what if I lied to him?

What Chen Xingjun needs now is Shunyang Life. Only by acquiring Shunyang Life through First Education can he sit firmly in the position of chairman. What An Xiyan came to investigate is not a joke. There are indeed a lot of people inside the company. Funds flow overseas, otherwise where would he get the money to live happily and prepare to pay inheritance tax?

All this must be fast, must be fast. Only by regaining the position of chairman as soon as possible can the internal crisis be eliminated as soon as possible. As long as Shunyang Life is available, the assets on hand will be enough to pay the inheritance tax and get it from his father. Together with him, the total equity is enough to give absolute control.

The loss of an electronics factory and an acquisition fee pulled Shunyang out of the quagmire and re-established his position as president.

Chen Xingjun closed his eyes for a while, then suddenly opened them: "I agree to your request, and exchange Shunyang Electronics for the shares of Shunyang Life that you have!"

"Don't forget the 50 million premium you agreed on." Lin Wei smiled slightly and stretched out his hand: "The conference room is downstairs, President Chen, the nights are long and the dreams are many."

Chen Xingjun took a deep breath, without looking at Lin Wei, and waved his hand in agreement.

Lin Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief after he left.

He had no contact with the Chen family at all.

The person who reported him internally was Lin Wei himself - he is now the majority shareholder of Shunyang Life, so can that still be considered an internal report?

The only person who could be said to have been bribed was a prosecutor with whom Chen Xingjun had a close personal relationship. He just left the blame for the internal report to Chen Xingjun's uncle.

Only in this way can Chen Xingjun feel that he has no friends and no one to use. Only in this way can he throw away Shunyang Electronics impatiently, in order to have peace of mind and avoid long nights and dreams.

And why was Lin Wei so eager to acquire an electronics factory?


Chen Xingjun’s father cannot die.

Although Lin Wei didn't remember it clearly, he vaguely remembered that in the original plot, Chen Xingjun's father seemed to have been lying in the hospital bed, but he was no longer in the ICU.

Once he got through this difficult time, Chen Xingjun's father also overcame the difficulty of life and death and was able to live a few more years.

Things will change a lot again, the opportunity to steal the electronics factory at a low price will disappear, and another major crisis in Shunyang will be passed safely.

There is no doubt about the importance of electronics factories. It is impossible for Lin Wei to win over the two major electronics giants Sanxing and SG in South Korea from scratch. However, Shunyang Electronics is only a small step behind - getting the order. If you are foreign, you can play with it.

And having an electronics factory means that we can enter the chip industry in the future, develop our own mobile phones and other businesses, and have a real future information technology foundation.

This is where Lin Wei will spend most of his money and research in the future.

Rubbing his face and cheering up, Lin Wei immediately stood up and prepared to personally lead the secretarial team and lawyer team to speed up the profit exchange meeting.

At the same time, the phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up, looked at it, and answered the phone.

"President Lin, we found it."

"What did you find?"

Lin Wei was stunned for a moment, then without waiting for Cui Zhongshi's answer on the phone, he immediately said happily: "You mean, An Shangjiu?"

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