"Why do you think he asked you to become a prosecutor? Why did he pretend to help you? To atone for his sins?"

An Xiyan sneered, her cold words and attitude seeming to tear off Lin Wei's disguised human skin with her own hands.

"It's control! It's possessive! He doesn't love you, he just wants you to be his doll forever, love him, be controlled by him, and"

An Xiyan lowered his eyes: "Continue to be used by him."

Qian Xinyu raised her hand, and the recorder in her hand only made a rustling sound. But after a while, it started to play the conversation in a loop. She pressed the pause button in a hurry, and Lin Lin stopped suddenly. Wei's voice seemed to have sucked the air out of her lungs at that moment.

How could he?

At this moment, the world was spinning.

He had done so many cruel things to her, yet she found the reasons for him again and again, accepted his suggestion to become a prosecutor, took the olive branch he offered and gave him a chance to repay his debt. In this process, she also Keep convincing yourself.

What do you convince yourself of?

Convince yourself and tell yourself that everything you encountered with Lin Wei was not his cold deception, but it was true. In that nightmare day, she was Lin Wei's comfort, and Lin Wei also loved her sincerely. .

She told herself that everything Lin Wei did to her was out of debt, and only in this way could it be proved that Lin Wei did love her. After all, if he was just using her, how could he feel guilty and make amends?

Qian Xinyu told herself over and over again that it was just inappropriate - she missed the most suitable time for two people to be together.

But now, everything is like a dream, just like the moment when her legs were weak and she was holding on to the table, the dropped water glass shattered all over the ground the moment it hit the ground.

An Xiyan just looked around silently, then squatted down and quietly picked up the pieces and threw them into the trash can.

It wasn't until she threw the broken glass on the ground into the trash can that Qian Xinyu came to her senses, found a broom, and swept away the broken pieces.

She took a deep breath, even though it didn't soothe her brain that was dizzy and starved of oxygen.

"So, you came here just to show me this?"

Qian Xinyu sneered with disdain: "You want to use me to deal with him? Since you know very well that he has great hands and eyes, have you never thought that the fact that you came here to find me will also reach his ears?"

"Of course~ He is the bread and butter of many prosecutors. Don't say I'm here to find you. As long as anyone who has anything to do with me comes even a little closer to anything around him, some soft-headed guy will come over and flatter him. , wagging at his feet and begging for mercy."

An Xiyan smiled mockingly: "You have been in the training academy for the past two years, so you probably only know his business methods, right?

I'm going to be honest with you - this guy is, really, really a genius. "

She paused, and in a playful tone, she told all the facts that Qian Xinyu couldn't believe.

"Everyone only knows that he is a miraculous genius, and in just a few years, his business has expanded to the point where it is impossible to look directly at it.

One trillion and seventy-three billion! "

An Xiyan suddenly stopped and turned around, speaking in a more serious tone. The string of numbers she spoke made Qian Xinyu subconsciously look into her eyes, and all she saw was An Xiyan's extremely serious face.

"This is just our estimate. His wealth, secret assets? Oh, even his little lover's assets probably exceed 100 billion. Her wife? Do all the shares of Seoul Group still belong to her? Woolen cloth."

An Xiyan squinted at Qian Xinyu and said word by word: "Can you believe it? Just in the past few years since the president took office, his assets have almost doubled every year, and all investments have almost doubled. Correct, almost all business choices are on the fast lane."

Qian Xinyu pretended to be calm and said coldly: "Everyone knows about his business success. The mayor awarded him one of the top ten young entrepreneurs of the year. There was also news in the newspaper that he co-invested with large companies like Google.

Tell me this, why? Makes me jealous of how the people around him are treated? "

"No, no, no, I'm here to tell you that all these commercial achievements are nothing compared to his rapidly expanding power in the past few years!"

An Xiyan's words made Qian Xinyu's heart skip a beat, and a hint of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

But An Xiyan looked at her coldly and said, "The really scary thing about him is that he understands the meaning of power so well - maybe it was the words and deeds given to him by that bastard Han Qiangzhi, who made him understand that only Money is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, only by using money to exchange for power truly worth mastering can you become a king!"

Qian Xinyu did not deny it and sneered: "Becoming a king? It's very his style."

"You don't realize the seriousness of the problem."

An Xiyan patted Qian Xinyu, moved a chair and sat down.

"Let's talk in my office?" Qian Xinyu looked around and already had the idea of ​​further chatting with her.

"I don't even dare to talk about things related to Lin Wei in my office." But An Xiyan's words surprised Qian Xinyu.

She felt that An Xiyan was a bit exaggerated, but when An Xiyan stared at her expressionlessly, she vaguely realized that An Xiyan was not kidding.

“Before he got rid of Han Qiang-sik, today’s Prosecutor General Song Minghui and the Minister of Power and Strength Choi Chung-shik were his good friends.

After getting rid of Han Qiangzhi, the new minister Gao Donghao very wisely threw himself into the arms of the winner. "

An Xiyan said seriously, tapping the table gently with his hand, looking at Qian Xinyu, and said seriously: "Do you know what their alliance means?"

Qian Xinyu shook his head subconsciously.

An Xiyan explained clearly what they had done in the past few years, and completely tore off Lin Wei's seemingly glorious fig leaf.

“In the past two years, a total of 32 prosecutors in the prosecution system have been sent to prison due to internal investigations, or have voluntarily resigned and left the prosecution system.

I only caught eight.

Of the remaining twenty-six, only three were normal retirements. "

When An Xiyan said this, he spread his hands and showed a cold smile: "Tell me, why did the remaining people leave the inspection system?"

"By the way, there are no innocent and ignorant ordinary inspections here. Everyone, senior prosecutors and above."

An Xiyan's words made Qian Xinyu couldn't help but say: "If they really reach this point with one hand covering the sky, will the superiors sit back and do nothing? Hasn't the president been focusing on the flaws in the prosecutorial system?"

"The boss?"

An Xiyan let out a helpless laugh and said nothing. He just said: "Anyone who doesn't agree with them, anyone who wants to investigate Lin Wei or hinder their faction will be crushed mercilessly." past.

Otherwise, surrender, join the faction, become a part of it, and prosper together.

Otherwise, keep your mouth shut, be a neutral spectator, and protect yourself wisely.


An Xiyan sneered: "Lin Wei will let the gossip about their tryst with their lover appear in the newspapers!

Choi Chung-shik from the Power Department will wipe his ass for all his unfair means.

Gao Donghao of the Strategy Department will hold all the dirt on congressmen, scandals on entrepreneurs, and even the criminal facts of the prosecutors themselves, and let them prey on them!

Once the matter comes to an end, there are prosecutors who grit their teeth and refuse to bow their heads, vowing to catch them all.

The ghosts of Kinmen will come to their homes and send a bouquet of white flowers to the bedside of their relatives. "

An Xiyan laughed sarcastically: "Ha! Do you understand now? Money? There is only one thing that Lin Wei has been doing in the past few years, and that is to continue to take root and sprout in the land of real rights. !

How many members of Congress had his sponsorship pledged?

How many prosecutors are guaranteed promotions?

His law firms now unite to cover half of South Korea's legal community! "

Qian Xinyu was shocked at first, but then became suspicious.

She is not a fool.

She knew very well that if Lin Wei could really achieve his current strength quietly in the past two years, then it would not be An Xiyan's turn to say this to her - how could the president or someone higher up allow an uncrowned king? Quietly born here?

According to An Xiyan, Lin Wei can even run for president!

At this moment, Qian Xinyu was surprised by An Xiyan's words and calmed down unexpectedly. She thought about it for a moment and had some guesses in her mind, but she did not speak outright and waited for verification.

"Minister An didn't just come to me to complain, right? Or do you expect me to make him restrain himself?"

Qian Xinyu looked at An Xiyan and waited until she revealed her final intention.

"Let's work together to deal with Lin Wei. At the very least, we must curb his arrogance and make him understand that when doing business, do business well and don't reach out to the prosecutor system."

An Xiyan looked directly at Qian Xinyu: "We must also prevent him from further expanding his business. In South Korea in the new era, there should not be another chaebol who is terrible enough to influence the current situation."

"Me?" Qian Xinyu sat on the chair, crossed her legs, and pointed a finger at her slightly haggard bare face: "According to your words, he played with him in the palm of his hand, trying to satisfy him. A controlling 'doll'?"

"That's you."

An Xiyan pointed at Qian Xinyu and said: "To bring down Lin Wei, what I need is not a prosecutor with qualifications or even an absolutely capable prosecutor, but a sincere and unwavering guy to fight alongside!"

"Minister An can't even find a few loyal subordinates, right?" Qian Xinyu mocked: "I will not go on the Titanic again, which is destined to be silent."

An Xiyan turned her head around and then remembered that she was probably talking about Director Gao and Section Chief Jiang. According to her guess, it was because of the undercover plan of those two guys that the monster Lin Wei was born.

An Xiyan looked at Qian Xinyu and raised her chin slightly: "There are many loyal people, but you will be the sharpest knife - Lin Wei will not kill you. You know this, I Know this too.”

"Oh, so you think I won't die." Qian Xinyu raised the corner of his mouth and shook his head disdainfully: "Then you are wrong. Even if Lin Wei wants to cat and mouse with me, you have to know one thing."

"If it comes to a life-or-death situation, he will make a choice that goes against his emotions."

After saying that, Qian Xinyu spread his hands: "What's more, as you said, he just wants to use me to satisfy his desire for control. Me? If I get in the way, I may end up worse than an ordinary prosecutor, right?" "

An Xiyan increased his firepower and continued to exaggerate the dangers of Lin Wei, describing him as an absolute source of pollution that threatens fairness and justice in the judicial system.

But Qian Xinyu remained unmoved.

An Xiyan's heart skipped a beat, secretly thinking that she had made a mistake - judging from the information and analysis she had collected, Qian Xinyu was a relatively emotional person with a strong sense of justice.

She originally thought that Qian Xinyu would not hesitate and walk towards her like a moth to the flame. Because Qian Xinyu had done that to Lin Wei.

Oh, yes, one learns from every experience?

An Xiyan's head turned quickly.

However, Qian Xinyu, after showing a somewhat mocking smile, put his hands on the table and suddenly looked serious.

"I'm joining."

"Huh?" An Xiyan, who was thinking about persuasive words, was stunned.

"But I have to know why you feel you have to do it with me."

Qian Xinyu looked straight at An Xiyan, and just when the other party was about to speak, she stretched out her hand to block her speech.

"Only one last chance."

Qian Xinyu's words made An Xiyan swallow his words. Their eyes met. After a while, An Xiyan simply stood up.

"I want to declare war on Lin Wei, and I think doing this will disgust him. This is so satisfying for me, and"

An Xiyan sighed helplessly and stretched out his hand.

"I really don't have a lot of people I can completely trust."

Qian Xinyu looked at An Xiyan, but the other party just looked at her calmly and said four words, which made Qian Xinyu figure out the cause and effect in an instant.

"Presidential change."


How long until the presidential change! ?

Qian Xinyu lowered his eyes, took a deep breath, and then raised his head: "It may not be a wise choice for you to declare war on him. It seems we are very pressed for time?"

"You may have plenty of time."

An Xiyan shrugged, still raising his hand in the air: "But my time is very tight and you are right, this is the only and last opportunity that belongs to me.

Also, don't worry, the battle has already started. It's time to give him a voice.

If you want to catch a mouse, you must first make some noise and force it to come out of the hole. You must have done something similar when you were a policeman, right? "


Maybe it would be more appropriate to knock on the mountain to scare the tiger - but Qian Xinyu felt uneasy for no reason. She knew Lin Wei too well, he was a guy far more dangerous than the tiger.

Qian Xinyu was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand and shook her hand.

The two hands clap, and the sound is clear and powerful.

"Go, pack your things."

An Xiyan let out a breath of bad breath and finally finished the work of persuasion.

Qian Xinyu was stunned: "Where are you going?"

"Congratulations on joining the Inspectorate, Senior Prosecutor, Miss Qian Xinyu."

"Advanced inspection!? I just"

"Special approval from the President."

An Xiyan grinned: "This time, we are not alone."

Qian Xinyu was stunned for a moment, and then felt shocked.

Presidential approval?

Could it be that Lin Wei really

I packed my things in a chaotic state of mind - I just moved in not long ago and I was packing the office, but there wasn't much to take away.

Qian Xinyu followed An Xiyan and pushed open the office door, but what she saw the next moment was her former boss's gloomy face, and Liu Mina, her only friend in the office, just lowered her head helplessly.

"Oh, Qian Inspection is leaving? Slow down, the road from the Southern District Inspection and General Inspection is not short - Mina xi~ Why don't you say congratulations? Didn't you take the initiative to lead the way for the Security Inspection?"

Liu Mina's expression was gloomy. She reluctantly raised her head and smiled at Qian Xinyu: "Sister Xinyu, come on."

Qian Xinyu looked at her with a bit of hesitation: "Mina."

"It's time to work. After Qian Check, the work can't stop. Mina Xi, I need you to share more of the workload in the future."

The boss just rudely interrupted Qian Xinyu's next move. An Xiyan made a tsk-tsk sound with a mocking look on his face, but the boss of the senior prosecutor actually dared to smile at the head of the inspection department of the main hospital. He said with a non-smiling expression: "Prosecutor An, the workload of low-level prosecutors is like this, but not everyone is qualified to enjoy your blessing."

"If you think it's unfair, you can go and take a look at the desks of the rest of us. Which one of us is not working overtime to catch up with the work process?"

The boss's words made An Xiyan smile cynically: "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else. I just think that your anger is unreasonable? I wasted your time, and they just pointed it out for me. road."

"Oh, can you give me some directions?" The boss smiled and said, "This is not what makes me so angry. I want to ask you, why do you think of coming to my place to promote new people?

Minaxi? I heard that you have a senior who works in the Supervision Department? Isn't that what you said? Why don't you say a nice word for me? Oh, that’s true.”

After the boss finished speaking, without even looking at Liu Mina who had her head lowered, she said loudly: "Don't even look at it, it's working time!"

Seeing him turn around and enter the office, Qian Xinyu took a deep breath, turned to look at An Xiyan, but An Xiyan looked at Liu Meina, raised her eyebrows, and then tilted her head towards Qian Xinyu with a questioning look on her face.

Qian Xinyu motioned for her to go first.

An Xiyan smiled slightly and took the few things in the carton for her: "I'll wait for you downstairs."

Qian Xinyu hummed.

Walking to Liu Mina's side, Liu Mina just sighed: "Sister Xinyu, let's go."

"You" Qian Xinyu looked a little uneasy and at a loss.

"That's what I said." Liu Meina lowered her head: "I just want to see if the seniors have any contacts who can help you and me. Actually, it's mainly to help myself. It's too torture to do so many cases every day.

I didn't expect to attract An Xiyan. It's good that she likes you. If you stay here, you will be ruined. "

Qian Xinyu was speechless.

False comfort?

She was silent for a moment and then suggested, "Would you like to go together?"

Liu Mina was stunned and raised her head: "What?"

"I mean"

Qian Xinyu pursed his lips.

Liu Meina stretched out her hand to stop her: "Farewell. Prosecutor An has her reasons for choosing you, but she never cares about relationships - I know you don't care.

It's okay, just stop after tossing me for a while. At worst, I will complain to my seniors when the time comes, or you can work hard in the Supervision Department and help me when the time comes. "

Qian Xinyu was silent for a moment, then turned around and stepped forward.

Liu Mina lowered her head and her eyes were red. After a few minutes, silent tears wet the document.

Until there were footsteps coming back to her work station.

An Xiyan, who looked helpless, let out a long sigh.

"Let's go."

Qian Xinyu smiled and stretched out his hand.

Liu Mina looked up at her blankly.

"Isn't it better to go to the Inspectorate together to serve tea and water than here?"

Qian Xinyu's suggestion brought Liu Mina back to her senses and nodded heavily.

She wiped her tears in a panic and packed her things in a hurry.

An Xiyan frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

Qian Xinyu turned to look at her: "I'm sorry for embarrassing you."

"No." An Xiyan laughed and said without saying what he was thinking, "Mina Xi, what is the name of your senior?"

"Li Zaicheng." Liu Meina cheered up.

"Ah, when he told me Qian Xinyu's information, why did he coyly assume that he also wanted to speak for you?" An Xiyan smiled.

"Really?" Liu Mina was a little at a loss: "I"

"It's okay, let's go."

An Xiyan patted her shoulder.

But Qian Xinyu's boss pushed open the office door: "The document didn't say that we would take away two newcomers. Our office is always short of manpower."

"The document says that the personnel transfer will be completed in conjunction with my work - I don't see a limit on the number of people."

An Xiyan giggled, hugged Liu Mina and Qian Xinyu, and raised her eyebrows at him: "Oh, don't be angry. I'll treat you to dinner later."

"I don't dare to eat food from the Supervision Department." The boss said quietly. After watching them leave, he turned around and returned to the room.

He first locked the door of the office, then closed the blinds, thought for a moment, unlocked the locked cabinet at the bottom, took out a mobile phone, put it in his trouser pocket, and then threw his original mobile phone on the table.

Quickly walking into the toilet cubicle, he took out his cell phone and sent a text message.

Then, the prosecutor directly broke the flip phone in half. Looking at the broken phone in his hand, he licked his lips nervously, took a deep breath, looked at the trash can in the toilet, hesitated for a moment, and did not throw it in. But put it in your trouser pocket.

He pressed the flush button, walked out of the bathroom, and returned to the office. After a long time, he opened the blinds and looked at the sunny sky outside the window with a smile.

In the grand office, Lin Wei lowered his head and scribbled on the documents.

The news played on the TV hanging on the wall not far away was not loud, but occasionally it could prompt Lin Wei to comment for a moment.

He is now proficient in the ability to multi-task - even the intelligence on the system panel has been increased a little. Perhaps it is because his physical fitness is too strong and his mental power has not been enhanced, which is why there is something wrong.

After the news was played, Lin Wei picked up the remote control and pressed the off button. Then, he turned around and turned on the vinyl record in the room, playing old jazz songs, elegant, lazy and comfortable.

He continued to work with his head down until there was a knock on the door.


Yin Xuanyou walked in quickly, closed the door, walked to him, lowered his head: "President nim, Messiah is here."

Lin Wei's writing paused slightly, and then he just nodded nonchalantly.

"Then let our savior get familiar with his job first."

"Would you like Madam to take the children back to spend time with the elders today?"

Lin Wei raised his head, thought for a moment, and shook his head: "No need, she should want to see it."

"Yes." Yin Xuanyou said nothing more.

"How much is the amount of this event?" Lin Wei raised his head.

Yin Xuanyou reported the number in a low voice: "Seven hundred and thirty million, still the old method of mixing lottery tickets, golf tournaments, and merchandise coupons."

"Change, from today on, no one involved in Messiah will use the old methods." Lin Wei knocked on the table: "Change a few stocks, US stocks, find two Americans to open an investment office in Jiangnan."


Yin Xuanyou understood.

Lin Wei lowered his head to work, and Yin Xuanyou slowly exited the room.

After finishing his work for a long time, he looked at his phone.

There is no text message from Qian Xinyu.

Lin Wei pursed his lips and put the phone aside.

He stood up, breathed a long sigh of relief, and stood in front of Noda's floor-to-ceiling windows, with the gentle voice of Louis Armstrong singing on a classic vinyl record behind him.

There was a constant flow of cars and people coming and going. He stood in front of the glass window in mid-air, looking down at everything.

‘And I think to myself what a wonderful world’

(I can't help but think of what a wonderful world this is)

Lin Wei nodded gently and sang along with the chorus.

What a wonderful world

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