Han Zong: Starting from the Undercover New World

Chapter 124 Death Attack, Han Qiangzhi's Revenge!

At the first moment when Lin Wei spoke, Yin Xuanyou subconsciously looked to the left and right - only to see several car lights suddenly turned on in the darkness beside the side road.

Afterwards, Yoon Hyun-woo stepped on the accelerator abruptly.

But the other party has been in ambush for a long time, how can we give him a chance to escape?

After ten minutes of driving, it was Lin Wei's warehouse in Busan Port. How could they give Lin Wei a chance to let the tiger go back to the mountain?

Lin Wei had a glove box on his knees, and as soon as he reached in and touched the silencer pistol, Yin Xuanyou let out a scream, only to see the high beam lights on the opposite lane quickly moving from far to near, and a van ran aggressively Lin Wei's car bumped into him, and he seemed to die together.

Yin Xuanyou instinctively slammed the steering wheel to avoid a head-on collision. The car slid slightly at high speed, and the next moment, the van rammed straight into the driver's seat of the car.

The airbag was ejected in an instant, and the limousine was knocked out on the road and moved sideways. Originally, the front of the car drifted and slid to the right, but after being hit to the side, it was hit and turned around on the spot.

Then there was another car behind him that slammed into Lin Wei's rear, and the car spun around again, drifting and slammed into the guardrail on the right.

The people in the van stepped on the brakes before the impact to avoid being killed as well, but even so, Yin Xuanyou was still hit by the inertia of the impact and smashed in the direction of the windshield beside him. Fortunately, the limousine's There was also an airbag popping up in the direction of the car door, but even so, his glasses were still directly smashed into two pieces, the corner of his forehead was scratched by the broken frame, and blood spurted out.

Lin Wei withdrew his hand in time before the impact, but didn't get the gun—he stuffed the pistol into the interlayer of the glove box for concealment. At this sudden moment, he was afraid that his hand could not be withdrawn in time, and because The impact was pinched inside, so he could only withdraw his hand first.

The other hand raised and tightly grasped the handle above the co-pilot.

The huge impact caused a tingling pain in his wrist, but the ultra-fast reaction speed provided by the nerve overload still allowed him to hit all the impact on the airbag, and his hand also used strength to cushion the impact immediately. Then it retracted, and it was not stuck in the middle of the airbag.

When the second impact came, the backs of their heads hit the pillows at the same time, so they didn't get dizzy.

Although there was still a moment of loss of consciousness, Lin Wei sat up reluctantly at the moment the airbag deflated, and pulled off the seat belt.

Lin Wei tore at the glove box vigorously, but an unknown deformation occurred where the impact occurred, and the glove box was firmly stuck.

Yin Xuanyou yelled vaguely: "President! Run!"

As soon as his hand was on the doorknob, Lin Wei suddenly pulled him back.

After all, it was a luxury car. After going through a side impact and a rear-end collision, the door and the parking space were only deformed, and a part of it was dented inward.

"Don't open the door."

Yin Xuanyou's face was full of bewilderment, his brain was obviously blank because of the impact and sudden accident just now.

Lin Wei continued to try to open the glove box, but he tore off the handle of the glove box. He cursed secretly, but remained calm: "Bulletproof glass."

As if his brain had been reactivated, Yin Xuanyou immediately said, "Yes, yes, we are bulletproof glass."

He frantically took out his mobile phone, dialed Yin Changnan immediately, and tried to restart the car, while Lin Wei looked around in the car.

At this moment, four more cars surrounded his car, and the door of one of the black cars was suddenly pushed open. It was Cui Dou-il who pointed a revolver at the window and let out a roar.

The next moment, the rest of the people took out iron rods, baseball bats and other weapons and smashed them towards the glass.

"Ah!" Yin Xuanyou only looked at the glass next to his face as an iron rod hit him, and subconsciously put his head in his hands again, but when the iron rod hit the glass, it bounced back. The person who smashed the glass never thought This glass will be so hard, if you don't hold it tightly, the tiger's mouth will lose its strength, and it will bounce back, almost hitting your own forehead.

"Xiba! Get out of the way!"

Choi Doo-il roared, trying to see the inside through the car window, but the black glass window completely blocked his view, so he could only simply raise his pistol and aim at the glass on the side of the driver's seat first.

"Get down!"

Lin Wei didn't dare to hope that the glass, which had already been hit once and smashed several times, could block so many guns at such a close range, but the car was undoubtedly the most trustworthy cover at the moment.

Without further ado, Yin Xuanyou adjusted the seat in a hurry, but found that the driver's seat could no longer be adjusted due to the deformation of the side, so he could only shout: "Go to the back seat."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Lin Wei had already flattened the co-pilot's seat, shrunk back and rolled over, and landed on the back seat.

He hastily crawled backwards from the middle even while rolling and crawling.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After three shots in a row, three extremely obvious bullet marks appeared on the glass of the co-pilot. Cui Dou-il was dumbfounded. He had never seen such a majestic glass. Pull the trigger.

Fortunately for Choi Doo-il, the gun didn't explode.

Unfortunately for Lin Wei, the bullet shattered the glass.

The hardness of bullet-proof glass is a whole. When one point is broken, the overall hardness is no longer guaranteed. So, Cui Dou-il laughed and took two steps back, fired two shots again, and emptied the magazine. Holding the club, he slammed it into the shattered glass.

The glass shattered all over the place, Yin Xuanyou only thought that my life was over, he subconsciously looked at the only person who seemed to be able to save his life, but found that there was a somewhat ferocious smile on Lin Wei's face.

"Six methods."

Before Yin Xuanyou could understand what this meant, the next moment, Lin Wei yanked open the right car door. Instead of pushing it with his hands, he opened a crack and then kicked it open, allowing the two people blocking the door to The thugs were knocked away directly.

The other thugs immediately shouted: "This way! Lin Wei!"

But what greeted them was not the sheep waiting to be caught, but Lin Wei who was angry and adrenaline rushing.

Cui Dou-il sneered, slowly took out the bullet from his trouser pocket, opened the magazine and loaded the revolver.

"I heard that President Lin is very good at fighting, so I made a special gun."

"You're doing too little!"

With a loud shout, Lin Wei kicked a knife-wielding thug next to the car door. The next moment, he jumped up, supported the roof with one hand, and slid across the roof with an elegant yet swift and gorgeous leap. Fly from the right side of the car to the left.

Cui Dousil took a step back subconsciously, but Lin Wei didn't care. Even though there were three long knives slashing in front of him at this moment, he just crouched down in a strange way—a sliding shovel, kicking a thug's ankle directly superior.

His movements were fast and swift. Those thugs had never faced such a weird style of attack in their lifetime. Not to mention the swords and sticks that cut off the head and chest, the thugs who were shoveled even had their ankles tilted at an angle visible to the naked eye. up.

Before the thug fell to the ground, Lin Wei, at an incredible speed, used his astonishing core strength to pull his hands sideways, and then regained his standing.

He pulled the sprained thug with one hand, intending to pull his coat to lift him up to block the knife, but maybe he was unlucky enough to drink cold water and his teeth were stuffy. The man's poor-quality clothes were torn, torn from the shoulder seams, and he tore off a sleeve that was connected to the collar.


Lin Wei gave a rare curse, but his original thinking of attacking and defending was broken, and the cold knife on his right hand had already been slashed, so he could only give in dangerously sideways, but the price of such a temporary reaction was that the thugs had surrounded him Come.

Lin Wei can fight ten with one player, but this must be based on the fact that he always divides the battlefield into one-on-one, one-on-two, and one-on-three situations.

In other words, you can't be surrounded by people.

Seven or eight knives were slashing at him at the same time, no matter how fast he reacted, he only had his hands and feet, and he would definitely eat the knives!

At this moment, Lin Wei held only the sleeve of a jacket that he had pulled off, but Lin Wei's brain was still running at a high speed of nerve overload. At this moment, except for anger and killing intent, all fear and No dazed thoughts will arise.

Until now, perhaps in less than half a second, he had Plan B again.

But before his second plan could be implemented, a gunshot was heard behind him.

"President squat down! Xiba! Die! Die! Die!"

Yin Xuanyou screamed, holding the pistol he took out from the open glove box with his hands rusty, aimed at the thugs surrounding Lin Wei, and pulled the trigger one after another.

While pulling the trigger, he yelled almost irrationally.

The thugs' attention was all on Lin Wei, and no one expected that a guy would suddenly shoot from behind.

All of a sudden, blood spattered, only Lin Wei saw Yin Xuanyou's trembling hand holding the gun before he finished speaking, and got down on the ground without his reminder.

At such a short distance, Yin Xuanyou didn't need to aim at all, he just needed to shoot at someone, and the gun was bloody.

The mob uttered screams and shouts.

But Yin Xuanyou's forehead was dripping with blood at the moment, and his handsome face was full of ferociousness without any hesitation, once, twice, three times, until no bullets were fired no matter how hard he pulled the trigger, he realized in a daze that he had no bullets. up.

"He's out of bullets!"

Cui Dou-il, who had turned over and hid by the side of the car earlier, yelled, and stuffed bullets into the revolver magazine with sweat profusely—it was too late, and then quickly, after this series of actions, Cui Dou-il only put two A bullet was loaded into the magazine.

The disadvantage of a revolver is that if there is no loader, it can only be stuffed into the magazine one by one.

At this moment, his adrenaline was soaring, and his hands trembled unconsciously—this was the instinct of his body, his blood was rushing at a high speed, his heart rate was soaring, and he couldn't control his strength, which would lead to such a result.

This made Cui Dou-il's already unfamiliar reloading movement even slower. He watched Lin Wei rush towards him in the chaos, gritted his teeth, and closed the magazine, regardless of the fact that he had only loaded two bullets.

The next moment, he aimed his gun at Lin Wei, who was flying towards him with murderous intent on his face. The two of them were almost identical. Lin Wei's outstretched right hand almost touched the muzzle of his revolver.


Cui Dou-il let out a roar, but Lin Wei turned away under his inconceivable gaze.

How could he shoot at such a close distance?

But he still missed—or rather, missed.

This bullet rushed towards Lin Wei's left arm, and a blood spray exploded on his shoulder, but there was no trace of panic on his face, but it was very extreme. Before the trigger returned to its position, the middle finger of his right hand touched him. The magazine of the revolver in the hand.

The magazine rotation of this old-fashioned revolver is a simple mechanical structure-when the trigger is pulled, the magazine unlocks and automatically rotates to send the next round to the firing position.

But Lin Wei moved the magazine with his fingers the moment he pulled the trigger.

The magazine, which was not locked by the trigger, was turned and rotated by the strength of Lin Wei's fingers.

Cui Dou-il yelled angrily, and pulled the trigger again without hesitation, and the hammer that bounced back when the trigger was pulled, hit the empty magazine in the rotating magazine, but made an empty sound.

There is still one round in the magazine, but which round will go off at the first few pulls of the trigger?

"Ever played Russian roulette?"

Lin Wei's hand was already stuck on the trigger of the revolver. Cui Dousil continued to exert force, but found that the opponent's strength was much stronger than his own. The next moment, the revolver in his hand fell into Lin Wei's hand .

Cui Dou-il is indeed a ruthless character who came out of the street. He was not good at using firearms. At this moment, he touched his waist with his hand, but Lin Wei moved faster.

The revolver that had changed hands in his hand was placed on Cui Dou-il's head, and he stared wide-eyed, watching Lin Wei quickly pull the trigger.

"one, two"

Cui Douil's blank mind only allowed him to hear two empty sounds.

Before Lin Wei counted to three, he suddenly turned his gun, pointed it in the direction of his luxury car, and pulled the trigger.


The gunfire roared, and the bullets flew out, shooting a thug who was trying to chase Yin Xuanyou to the head.

Yin Xuanyou screamed again, but taking this opportunity, he hurriedly closed the car door again and pressed the lock button.

Cui Dousil's soul returned to his place, and he wanted to draw his sword again, but the revolver in Lin Wei's hand turned into a blunt weapon, and hit his face heavily before he could draw his sword.

One click, two clicks, three clicks.

Three hammer blows full of anger made Cui Dou-il's bridge of nose and jaw bones shatter appallingly. His whole body was drained by severe pain. Before he could swing the knife, his head was crushed. Lin Wei grabbed his hair and slammed it on the roof of the car beside him.

On the roof of the car, there was a dent in the face of Cui Douil's head.

The thugs who were still standing at this moment were shocked by Lin Wei's terrifying aura, even though he was still unarmed, and the revolver in his hand seemed to be out of bullets.

But when Lin Wei's face was slowly flowing with a line of blood, and he turned his head slightly to look at them, they still took a step back in unison.


Lin Wei hooked the revolver, hooked it towards himself, and shouted loudly: "I let you come! You sons of a bitch!"

Some of the last remaining thugs on the field roared angrily and slashed towards them.

There were also two, but they put down their weapons, turned around and ran.

After losing the superiority in numbers and the threat of guns, although his left shoulder began to ache, Lin Wei remained expressionless, and with a terrifying and merciless gesture, rushed head-on to the thugs with knives.

Lin Wei picked up a scattered machete on the ground. Although he didn't know how to use a machete, all he had to do was use his footsteps and reaction to dodge and slash.

When the blood flowed like a river and no one could stand up anymore.

Lin Wei walked towards the fainted Cui Douil, and took out two bullets from his trouser pocket.

Turn on the revolver, stuff the bullets in, close the magazine after turning, hold the gun with one hand in your right hand, and aim at the distance.

Yin Xuanyou tremblingly opened the car door and got out of the car. Following the pointing of his gun, he looked at the two thugs who were fleeing in the distance.

They fled from both sides of the side road, trying to get into the night.

But Lin Wei just pulled the trigger, moved the muzzle of the gun smoothly with his arm, and pulled the trigger again.

When Yin Xuanyou saw a dark figure, he immediately threw himself forward, struggling to be silent, while the other one was still running away.


"Let the bullets fly a little longer."

Lin Wei let out a chuckle and dropped the revolver.

The black figure in the distance ran slower and slower, as if there was really a bullet slowly chasing behind him.

After a few seconds, the black figure stood still, swayed, and fell to the ground.

Only then did Yin Xuanyou look around blankly.

There was blood everywhere, and the sound of someone's wailing could hardly be heard.

Or, in fact, there are?

A hand suddenly rested on his leather shoe.

He raised his foot in a panic, and let out a suppressed scream, but the person who was holding his foot had his eyes wide open, completely unable to make even a slight sound.

It's just that Weng moved his mouth, as if he still wanted to ask for help.

Lin Wei leaned against the deformed car door and touched his left shoulder.

The adrenaline began to wear off, and so did the fatigue of nerve overload. He only felt that his left hand weighed a thousand pounds.



Yin Xuanyou was taken aback.

"It's been a few times, and you're still so timid?" Lin Wei smiled brightly—it's hard to imagine that after such a narrow escape, he actually felt an unspeakable sense of joy.

Perhaps he was born an outlaw?

Lin Wei tilted his head: "Give me a hand."

"Yes!" Yin Xuanyou panicked now, carefully avoiding the people under his feet, walked to Lin Wei, and took off his close-fitting suit.

Lin Wei looked at the muzzle on his shirt, and managed to move his left arm.

"It's okay, it's the bullet inside."

He picked his chin: "Pockets."

Yin Xuanyou took out a pack of cigarettes from the inner pocket of his suit, took out one for him, and handed it to his mouth. Lin Wei held it in his mouth. He picked up the lighter and lit it a few times.

Lin Wei didn't urge, but just lowered his head slightly and waited. Finally, the fire light lit up under the friction of the flint. Yin Xuanyou protected the spark with both hands, and lit a cigarette for him.

Lin Wei raised his head, the butt of the cigarette lit up with red sparks, and burned a section backward, and then he exhaled a long puff of smoke.

Taking out his mobile phone, he thought about it for a moment, but in the end, instead of calling Mou Xianmin, he called An Yaying.


The other party was a little surprised when he picked up the phone.

"When Xianmin was hospitalized, my aunt said, do you have shares in a private hospital?"

"Yeah, do you have any friends who are going to be hospitalized?"

"No, I need a bullet stuck in my body, a minor operation, but I want to heal as soon as possible, so I still want to find a reliable doctor to clean it up."

"You got shot!?"

"Small problem, the bullet in the shoulder is Choi Doo-il of the Black Dog Gang, I don't know if it was his own plan or was instructed by others.

I got the message today."

After Lin Wei finished talking about today's affairs, the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then immediately asked, "Do you need an ambulance?"

"No need, I'll go back in my own car later." Lin Wei's tone was still relaxed, as if what he encountered was just a small conflict.

An Yaying's voice could not contain her anger, and she said: "Don't worry, Auntie will never let this matter go, no matter it is Han Qiangzhi or whoever, I really think we can't nail him to death. Go back to Seoul and go directly to the hospital.

The director of the children's hospital over there has a good background, and the doctors under him are also very medically ethical. There is no bad comment, and I guarantee that there will be no sequelae. "

Lin Wei hummed, but he didn't really care much about the sequelae. If his guess was correct, as long as he used up his life-saving stamina points, no matter what the sequelae should be, they would disappear.

It's just such a small injury, he's a bit reluctant to part with it—save it for the day when it's really hit by a dump truck.

I have to say that the traffic warning item that I drew before was really life-saving. Without it, maybe Lin Wei would have...

Suddenly, Lin Wei couldn't wait to give the task at hand that could collect food, so he took all the food.

"Don't tell Xianmin, Xiaoshang, there's no need to worry her."

After Lin Wei finished speaking, there was another moment of silence on the other end of the phone, before Anyaying said, "Okay, Auntie won't tell her. Come and have dinner at home on weekends."

"Okay." Lin Wei hung up the phone.

He leaned against the car, Yin Xuanyou still looked a little shocked, Lin Wei smiled and took out a cigarette, and handed it to him, Yin Xuanyou hesitated for a moment, but still held it in his mouth, the lighter lit the cigarette end, he was a little rusty He took a deep breath, and then coughed suddenly, and the smoke came out of his mouth and nose. Lin Wei laughed loudly, and patted his back with his right hand while laughing.

Yin Xuanyou's tears were about to come out, he recovered, and for some reason, he laughed twice, he looked at the blood all over the ground, and said without words: "Fortunately, it's just beside Busan Port .”

"It can be regarded as giving it a slap." Lin Wei said, the direction of the warehouse in the distance finally turned on a car light, Lin Wei stood calmly at the same place, the car saw this secluded side road from a distance, Several cars stopped in a haphazard manner, the lights were still on, and they slowed down early.

When he got close, it was no surprise that Yin Changnan got out of the car in a hurry, followed by several vans and cars. At this moment, those people also got out of the car one after another, holding various weapons in their hands, but when they saw the scene clearly, they couldn't help but froze. in place.


Yin Changnan strode closer, looked at the blood on Lin Wei's shirt, his eyes widened angrily, turned his head to look, and saw Cui Douil who was still in a coma at the moment, and said angrily: "It's a son of the Black Dog Gang!? Are they not Is it over!?"

"Don't worry, take it over and ask."

Lin Wei stood up, glanced at Cui Dousil expressionlessly, knelt down, and mercilessly pressed a cigarette butt on his face.

Even in a coma, Cui Dou-il twitched from the pain, and the first thing he did after opening his eyes was to cover his face and let out a scream.

"Who told you to come?" Lin Wei threw the cigarette butt aside.

"Xibagou" Cui Douil's eyes were blood red, and his expression was extremely ferocious.

But before he could finish speaking, Lin Wei punched him roughly on the side of the face, his right hand forced his left shoulder to tingle, he clicked his tongue and stood up.

"Take it to interrogation, and if he is willing to confess, he will confess. When he can't bear it, he will throw it into the sea."

Lin Wei's eyes wandered, and then he locked on Yanbian F4, who seemed to be standing out of place in the crowd, and was poking his head at the moment.

"Hey! Yanbian!"

The four people from Yanbian looked at Lin Wei in unison.

"This son of a bitch didn't answer, so he just killed Park Tae-soo and raised a dog, but he didn't like it, so how could this dog's owner escape?"

The murderous intent on Lin Wei's face made Cui Dousil a little dazed. He froze in place. After a while, seeing Lin Wei's expressionless face about to leave, he hurriedly said, "It wasn't Park Tae-soo, it wasn't him!"


"It's Han Qiangshik! He told me that as long as I get rid of you... I won't count my mistakes, and I won't let Tae Soo get kicked out."

Cui Dou-il lowered his head, but his eyes gradually filled with resentment. This resentment was not aimed at Lin Wei, but at this moment, the dissatisfaction and hatred he had accumulated early on towards Han Qiangzhi finally didn't need to be hidden at this moment.

"Oh? Is there any evidence?"

Lin Wei's expression was still indifferent: "If there is no evidence, I have to see if prosecutor Park Tae-soo agrees with your statement. Believe me, he is not a stubborn person."


Cui Dou-il raised his head slightly, the blood on his face was still flowing from every window, but he showed a sinister smile: "I have!"

An ordinary car drove to the hospital in Seoul. Cha Tae-sik, who came back from Annan, drove the car himself, and Cui Yonghao sat in the passenger seat. As for where the kidnapper is now, he will naturally stay in Busan forever.

Lin Wei's luxury car basically has no meaning for him - this super luxury car given to him by Ding Qing, the price is so high, and before he can witness how many brilliance, he paid for Lin Wei its life.

Although the overall skeleton is still intact and the engine is not seriously damaged, but this luxury car is damaged to such an extent, even if it is repaired, the durability will be greatly reduced. The most important thing is the reduction of safety.

No one knows whether the seemingly intact body frame has undetectable bending and wear, and whether it will be able to exert its perfect resistance as it is today when it is hit next time.

The safest, of course, is to buy another one.

But Lin Wei does not intend to throw this car away - after it is cleaned and washed by professionals, it will be returned to the repair shop for overhaul, and even if it is parked in the garage, it will be kept like a souvenir.

Lin Wei suddenly thanked Ding Qing. If he hadn't specially added bulletproof glass to this car, I'm afraid even he would not have only paid the price for minor injuries in the face of Cui Dou-il, who had been prepared for a long time.

And that damn glove box, this time I have to customize a special one that will never fail to open.

The exhausted Lin Wei was thinking wildly like this, and the car drove to the entrance of the underground parking lot of the hospital.

The security guard looked at the vehicles coming at night, and poked his head out from the security booth: "Is it President Lin Wei's car?"

Lin Wei was taken aback for a moment, then guessed that it was An Yaying's arrangement, and slightly rolled down the car window to reveal his face: "Thank you."

The security guard hurriedly opened the railing, and after the car got off, he said a few words on the intercom, so Lin Wei's car had just stopped in the underground parking lot, and just as the car stopped, he saw a doctor in a white coat coming over.

He looks good, although he is not tall, but he is handsome and upright. Lin Wei's "Mission Radar" is beeping in his mind, and this guy looks quite familiar to him.

It's just that Lin Wei didn't see the task reminder until he opened the car door and the other party stretched out his hand. It seems that the trigger time is still far away.

"President Lin, I'm Luo Liji, chief physician of Taijiang Hospital's emergency center."

Lin Wei stretched out his hand, and suddenly remembered the name of Taijiang—this is another medium-to-large group company with a large scale and a status almost equal to that of Jinmenhua.


Lin Wei shook hands with him, and Luo Liji smiled, looking like a spring breeze, but he didn't mean to flatter him. On the contrary, he looked at his watch and said, "I'm the only director-level doctor on duty in the emergency room at this time." , and there is another patient whose condition is more critical, let's hurry up and do the examination first, don't worry, I will complete the whole process independently."

He just seemed to be on business, and he seemed eager to get it over with.

Lin Wei had no objection or dissatisfaction, and nodded: "I can understand the situation in Dr. Luo's emergency room."

Luo Liji was a little surprised, but then smiled again. First, he looked at the traces of wounds on Lin Wei's shirt, the amount of bleeding and other outgoing features, as well as Lin Wei's state. Basically, he can conclude that Lin Wei's trouble is not serious.

There is a high probability that the bullet got stuck in his bone, but it didn't break or completely penetrate it. At most, a steel plate bracket was needed.

But the dean personally called Lin Wei at night to ask him to pay attention to Lin Wei. Although he was a little annoyed by this privileged behavior, he could only accept it.

Lin Wei walked into the elevator with Yin Xuanyou holding his suit jacket, and said by the way: "Xuanyou, you will also go to a doctor to see what's going on in your head."

"It was just scratched by fragments of glasses, so it shouldn't be a big problem." Yin Xuanyou touched the side of his face, Lin Wei looked at it, and said, "You don't have a girlfriend yet, do you?"

"Uh, no." Yin Xuanyou was embarrassed.

"Then pay attention to your face. Believe me, a good face is beneficial in this society after all."

After Lin Wei finished speaking, the elevator arrived at the floor. Luo Liji walked very fast, and his work was full of the resoluteness of an emergency doctor.

After arranging all the preparatory work, he said directly: "Let's do a CT first to confirm that the injury does not hurt the bone. If not, confirm the shape of the foreign object, and then directly perform a minor operation to take it out. If there is no accident, it will take a few minutes. It will be done."

Considering the problem of recovery, Luo Liji decided to do an inspection first. Lin Wei agreed, but asked Yin Xuanyou to look at the CT photos from printing to deletion. Luo Liji nodded in agreement.

All the way to the green light to jump in line, the emergency department director personally led the people all the way unimpeded, Lin Wei and Yin Xuanyou were covered with traces of blood, but Lin Wei was indifferent and tall, Yin Xuanyou had no glasses, and there was blood on his face. This wound does not seem to be as elegant as before.

Not to mention, with a tired face, but still cheering up, he was alert to Cui Yonghao and Cha Tae-sik around him with a cold expression.

When the four of them stand here, they don't seem to be easy to mess with, and ordinary patients can always let them "handle special matters and give priority to them".

Half an hour later, Luo Liji hurriedly let Lin Wei go to the operating room after finishing his work with other patients. He did not start the operation until he told in advance to turn off the camera in the operating room.

He didn't even need a hospital bed. After confirming Lin Wei's condition, Luo Liji asked the anesthetist to give him a local anesthesia and left. He took a scalpel and waited for the medicine to come in. He took out the bullet and put it on the tray in a minute. After confirming the wound, disinfection is completed in less than a minute.

But before suturing, Luo Liji looked at Lin Wei: "Are you sure to suture directly? There are obvious dents and cracks on the bone, and it is very likely that it will break after another impact. I suggest putting a steel plate on it, and then decide according to the situation." Take it or not.

Your bone hardness is really good, the front end of this bullet has been deflated, and the bone hasn't penetrated - fortunately, it is a small caliber. "

"No need, if it breaks, I will let it grow by itself, thank you for your concern."

Lin Wei smiled and rejected the proposal—if he had the steel plate, if he needed to increase his physical strength, the wound would heal automatically. What would the steel plate become in the bone?

He would rather see if he can heal the injury with his body, and then check the situation in a week. If there is no tendency to heal on his own or if it becomes more serious, he will directly add it with physical strength points to see if the physical strength points are correct. As he thought, he had the ability to bring the dead back to life.

Luo Liji didn't know what he meant when he said that he grew up, he just pretended to be another stubborn gangster, flaunting the blood of a tough guy in this way, so he stopped persuading him.

Anyway, if the pain is too much, I know I have to go to the hospital.

Therefore, Luo Liji completed the suture in three minutes. This is because he wasted a lot of time on details in order to leave no scars as much as possible.

Lin Wei admired his clean medical skills and calm attitude. As a person who may often have to deal with the emergency department, and his face is very familiar - Lin Wei gave him a business card.

"Huh?" Luo Liji was taken aback, but he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to hand him a business card. This business card was kept in the business card holder in the wallet in the suit by Lin Wei, but it was intact.

"If you need help in the future, it will be mutually beneficial, thank you."

After Lin Wei finished speaking, Luo Liji showed a somewhat complicated smile. He hummed and pointed to the bullets on the iron plate: "You put this away yourself, nothing else, pay attention to a light diet, rest on time, and avoid strenuous exercise. Do not press the left shoulder when sleeping, sleep on the right side, come back for a review after a week to see how the healing is going, if the condition is not good, it is best to put on a steel plate brace."

After finishing speaking, he bid farewell to Lin Wei, and hurried to other operations—he is a very ethical guy, you know, at this moment, even if other patients save a hundred more patients, it will not affect Luo Liji's personal future. As far as it is concerned, it is not as good as harvesting Lin Wei's friendship.

Seeing that he accepted the business card nonchalantly, Lin Wei didn't care. Doctors have medical ethics and don't flatter money and power. On the contrary, it made him believe that the other party is worthy of trust. As long as he doesn't throw the business card into the trash can, when he encounters trouble, Naturally, I will think of Lin Wei.

Lin Wei can reap mission rewards and favors, and Luo Liji can solve the problem, a win-win situation.

Luo Liji can accept that the dean will only come to cut the line for Lin Wei, which shows that he is not ignorant of the world, nor is he a pedantic person, but in his heart, the doctor's responsibility is more important than certain things, but if it is true When it came time to need help, Lin Wei believed that he would not abide by the rules.

Somewhat exhausted, he left the hospital until the car stopped downstairs at Lin Wei's house.

Lin Wei looked at the three people around, and said softly: "Taezhi, Yonghao, you two have a day off, Xuanyou, you are sorry, I can't do without you here, but you can sleep late in the morning and eat Go to work after breakfast, and tomorrow I will drive to work by myself."

"President Lin" Yin Xuanyou wanted to refuse, but Lin Wei just patted him on the shoulder with a smile, held the blood-stained and deformed bullet in his hand for a moment, and put it in his palm.

"Good job today."

After he finished speaking, Yin Xuanyou was stunned, then smiled, bowed and said, "Thank you!"

"Hurry up and go back to rest, you two have worked hard."

Lin Wei patted Cui Yonghao's back and Cha Tae-sik's shoulder.

"President Lin, someone from Annan left me a business card. They said that if you are interested in Annan, you can call this number."

Cha Tae-sik took out a business card and handed it to Lin Wei.

Lin Wei looked at the business card, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback because of the words on it.

"Mayor of Annan City, Park Sung Bae"

Lin Wei muttered the name, put away his business card, and said with a smile: "Understood, go back early, I will call Jin Meizhen tomorrow morning and send Xiaomi back to you."

"Okay." Cha Tae-sik nodded, bowed slightly and opened the door to leave. Both Choi Yong-ho and Yoon Hyun-woo left in this car.

Lin Wei pressed the elevator wearily, returned home, opened the door, the room was completely dark as expected, he went to the bathroom first, took off his blood-stained shirt, hesitated for a moment, threw it aside, and drove past his bathroom tomorrow, directly Throwing it all into the boiler room solved the problem.

He dipped a towel in water and wiped his body exhaustedly. Maybe it was because of a lot of bleeding, or because of adrenaline and nerve overload. He didn't turn his head to see it until the footsteps stopped by the bathroom door. At this moment, Cui Minshu's eyes widened slightly.

Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth, but after a while, she didn't say anything, she just walked to Lin Wei's side and took the bloody towel from his hand.

"Back. I'll wipe it for you."

Lin Wei hummed, and stood in front of the mirror, watching her holding a towel with a complicated expression, gently wiping the sporadic blood on his body.


Lin Wei said softly, "I made you worry."

Cui Minshu just shook his head, wiped his blood without saying a word, and finally fixed his gaze on the tight bandage fixed on his shoulder.

".is it serious?"

"Small injury."

"Then touch my face with your left hand."



She whispered, but her movements became more gentle until the blood on Lin Wei's upper body could no longer be seen: "It's all taken off."


".I come?"

".I come."

On the other side, An Yaying, who couldn't sleep that night, finally saw the text message on her phone after making several phone calls.

From Lin Wei.

Looking at the content of the text message on the phone, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she was overjoyed.

‘The one who attacked me was Choi Doo-il, the black dog gang who is currently absconding. The other party is willing to testify in court to identify Han Qiang-sik, and submit the recording evidence that Han Qiang-sik ordered him to attack me.

Choi Doo-il is currently under my control, waiting for news. '

She immediately edited the text message and replied one.

'Understood, with him, Han Qiangzhi can't escape, you control him first, I will find a suitable prosecutor, judge and court for trial, prepare for the simultaneous media campaign, and then play the cards when you are ready. '

An Yaying smiled, originally she was a little worried about how to get revenge, but now, Lin Wei has already found the knife to stab back.

"Mom, why aren't you asleep?"

On the stairs, Mou Xianmin yawned and walked down.

"Why are you not sleeping yet!?"

An Yaying was taken aback, and subconsciously clutched the phone tightly.

What kind of person is Mou Xianmin, the little vixen who slipped out of her stomach, with a calm expression on the surface, and lazily said: "Wait for a bad guy's daily good night call, it seems that I can't wait today."

"Mom, tell me, he didn't have any accidents, did he?"

Mou Xianmin said with a smile, but An Yaying could see the unconcealed thought and nervousness under her smile.

"No, which man can call you every day? You can't tell what you're busy with today, but you don't know how to call him, so he has to take the initiative to contact you every day?

You should also take the initiative. "An Yaying's expression was calm.

But Mou Xianmin let out an oh, drawn out the tone, and squinted his eyes: "Really?"

"Yeah." Anyaying said calmly.

Mou Xianmin walked to her side, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the number slowly: "That's right, how can I keep him calling me on my own initiative?"

An Yaying didn't intend to stop her, but she couldn't hide the subtle changes in her expression from Mou Xianmin.

The mother and daughter know each other well, and the details invisible to outsiders can become ironclad evidence of their mutual observation.

"Is something wrong with him?"

Mou Xianmin was taken aback for a moment, his face full of astonishment.

An Yaying was forced to be helpless, and could only say: "Small injury, just a small injury on the shoulder, it should not need to be hospitalized."

"... who did it."

Mou Xianmin's face turned cold instantly.

"Hey." Anyaying sighed.

"Han Qiangzhi."

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