Section Chief Jiang, who was eating at home, always felt a little restless. His wife and children didn't talk to him when they saw him, but chatted with each other in a low voice, and laughed lowly from time to time.

This made Section Chief Jiang even more irritable. He frowned and hurriedly finished his meal, then went into the study alone.

It has been two days since Li Zicheng and Shi Wu met. During this period, he couldn't help calling Lin Wei again, but the other party directly refused to answer, which disappointed him, but also made him feel unstoppable. .

That is to say, I am disappointed by the rejection shown by the other party at this moment, and it is also for my own future.

He didn't know whether Li Zicheng and Shi Wu would succeed, but he knew very well that if Lin Wei couldn't be dealt with now, even if the file was sent back, it might no longer be his bargaining chip to control Lin Wei.

And Section Chief Jiang always had a premonition.

Lin Wei's files are gone.

The whole thing started from Qian Xinyu's anomaly, and everything has already moved towards a collapse situation that he doesn't want to think about, but there are signs everywhere.

He had to think, if Lin Wei really had a plan and did this premeditatedly, then what was his purpose.

In the past two days, the constant quarrels in the bureau made Section Chief Jiang a little exhausted.

On the one hand, Qian Xinyu took the lead and demanded the termination of the plan with a clear-cut stand. For the safety of undercover agents, all undercover conservatives were fully withdrawn.

On the other hand, it is mainly Section Chief Jiang. Even though the matter has come to this point, he still thinks that he can reach a cooperation with the prosecutor and continue to promote the radicals of the undercover plan.

Naturally, the two groups of people will not fight to the death on the stage, and there is no matching position to fight, but people's actions will not lie.

Qian Xinyu accepted the suspension investigation without any complaints. At the same time, several policemen with similar personalities and ideas also applied for vacations one after another. If they were not given vacations, they directly asked for annual leave. In short, they each had their own reasons. He acted like he didn't want to get involved in this matter anymore.

This made Section Chief Jiang very angry - she is a traitor!

How could anyone choose to side with the traitor?

He can't understand.

Sitting alone in the study, Section Chief Jiang didn't feel sleepy, only anxiety and irritability continued to surround him until late at night. He ignored the doctor's advice and drank a few cups of coffee, but he still didn't feel sleepy.

Just when he thought that there would be nothing to gain tonight.

Li Zicheng finally called.

"Quick, see you at the old place."

He only said a word, then hung up the phone in a hurry.

Section Chief Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and then he thought about it, but a sense of joy suddenly rose in his heart—could it be! ?

He got up from the study abruptly, but just as he took a step, he hesitated, stopped in place, calmed down for a moment, and made a phone call.

"How's the situation in Jinmen?"

"At Ding Qing's birthday party, Li Zicheng and Lin Wei almost fought on the spot. Later, they went to Incheon Port together. I don't know about other things, Chief Jiang. When was the money last time?" Is it over?"

"I'll give it to you next time we meet."

The answer given by the informant reassured Section Chief Jiang a little, but even so, after hanging up the phone, he still took the risk and called another undercover agent.

The other party answered the phone after it rang several times, and his voice seemed a little weak.

"Section Chief Jiang, why are you calling me now? I'm about to hang up if I have nothing to do."

His voice is tense.

Section Chief Jiang thought it was inconvenient for the other party, so he hurriedly asked the question: "Do you know about Lin Wei's situation?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, then the man's voice trembled slightly: "I don't know."

"What?" Section Chief Jiang wanted to ask again, but the man had already hung up the phone.

Thinking of Li Zicheng's haste when he hung up the phone, although he didn't know the specific situation, he gritted his teeth, took out the pistol he was wearing, and drove off.

In the middle of the night, there were few vehicles on the road to the suburbs. Gradually, even the street lights became sparse, and a crescent moon loomed under the cover of dark clouds.

Just when they drove to the side road leading to a remote pond, there was a sudden thunder in the sky.

Section Chief Jiang, who was already nervous, subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

He looked around suspiciously, and confirmed that the revolver could be fired at any time. He was silent for a moment, and did not go any further. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and called Li Zicheng: "Where's your man?"

"On the way!"

Li Zicheng sounded hurried and a little nervous: "Where's the ticket?"

"Don't worry, we have a safe house." Section Chief Jiang said, but he was thinking that it would be better to temporarily use the secret office as Li Zicheng's safe house. Anyway, there are not many people in that group and they want to continue working. .

Damn it, when the internal investigation is over, he must stand on the witness stand and make Qian Xinyu pay the price!

How dare she!

Such favoritism and bending the law, what did she think of herself?

When he thought of his beloved apprentice becoming what he is now, he couldn't help hating Lin Wei even more.

Stepping on the accelerator again, Section Chief Jiang's car drove towards the pond.

Open the window and reach out.

Although there was thunder and thunder, fortunately, the rain had not yet fallen.

Section Chief Jiang opened the car door, and the cold autumn wind outside the car was mixed with water vapor.

Xiba, it rains in spring, it rains in summer, and it also rains in autumn. Why not just flood this place?

Section Chief Jiang lit a cigarette and waited anxiously.

Ten minutes later, when the sound of the car started, Section Chief Jiang cautiously tightened his grip on the gun. Li Zicheng's car engine roared, and he drove to the fish pond with difficulty on the bad road.

He opened the door and got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, Li Zicheng's gaze paused for a moment near the revolver that Chief Jiang was trying to hide in his palm.

Section Chief Jiang kept a certain distance and said calmly, "What happened?"

"What about the agreement?" Li Zicheng's expression was a little angry, which didn't seem to be fake: "Didn't you say that as long as the work is done, you can let me leave overnight? Why are you hiding in the safe house?

How long do you think I can hide in Seoul? "

Section Chief Jiang was silent for a moment, and then said: "I will buy the first flight tomorrow and send security guards to take you on the plane. When you go abroad, we will also apply for professionals to pick you up."

"Where's my wife?" Li Zicheng asked.

Chief Jiang frowned: "You didn't arrange it in advance?"

"...Do you want me to take her to do it!?" Li Zicheng said.

"Let's talk about the specific situation first!" Section Chief Jiang ordered: "Is Lin Wei sure that he is dead?"

"." Li Zicheng was silent, lit a cigarette, did not answer directly, but just smoked like this.

After a while, when Section Chief Jiang was about to ask a question with a gloomy expression, Li Zicheng said, "You never thought about letting me go from the very beginning, did you?"

Section Chief Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and instead of answering, asked, "Didn't you do anything?"


Still silent.

Li Zicheng and Section Chief Jiang looked at each other, and Section Chief Jiang still had a righteous expression on his face. Until now, he dared to shout angrily: "What are you thinking! Li Zicheng! Where's Shi Wu?"

His hand reached for the revolver, but before he could draw the gun, a silenced pistol was pointed at his head. Section Chief Jiang froze in mid-air, and Li Zicheng's eyes were cold.

"Are you crazy?"

Section Chief Jiang looked at Li Zicheng in disbelief: "Is it Lin Wei! Are you crazy!? Do you really think Lin Wei will let you go!?

He is just lying to you! When you get rid of me, do you think he will keep you? A person like him can give up everything for the sake of power and status!

Do you think he will leave an insider like you in existence? Since he wants to get rid of me, he will definitely get rid of you too!

What's the use even if you kill me? And Director Ko, Check Choi! Don't you want to kill the Minister of Inspection? "


Li Zicheng paused suddenly, then looked straight at Section Chief Jiang: "Who is Inspection Cui?"

Section Chief Jiang was taken aback for a moment, then gritted his teeth, and simply told the whole thing.

Not only did he tell how Lin Wei stole the file, but he also told the whole story about how Cui Zhongshi, a member of the Seoul Central Prosecutor's Force Department, led a team to take away all the files that morning.

"Do you understand now? He's just using you! Zicheng!"

Section Chief Jiang said loudly: "Don't you understand yet? What is his purpose now? After you finish me off, your file is still in his hands, and in Cui Zhongshi's hands. It won't be until then. It was another prosecutor who continued to threaten you with your file, do you really think Lin Wei can make the decision?"

Li Zicheng suddenly smiled.

"Then what if neither my files nor his files are in Cui Zhongshi's hands?"

"What?" Section Chief Jiang was taken aback.

Li Zicheng looked at him coldly: "So."

Section Chief Jiang suddenly raised his hand, but the moment he raised his hand, Li Zicheng had already pulled the trigger.

How did Li Zicheng shoot crookedly when shooting at such close range?

The first bullet penetrated the palm of the hand and flew into the air with the revolver, and the second shot hit Section Chief Jiang's left leg.

Li Zicheng showed a cold smile that Section Chief Jiang had never seen before, with a hint of ferocity, and a hint of joy as if a revenge had been avenged: "So, Section Chief Jiang, didn't you say that you would keep the files?

Didn't you say that you want me to leave?

Am I not obedient enough? Am I not obedient enough!

Why would you rather let me die than give me a chance! ? "

Section Chief Jiang realized that the situation was finally going to the worst situation he could have imagined.

Lin Wei really asked Qian Xinyu to steal the file, and not only his, but also Li Zicheng's. The relationship between Lin Wei and Li Zicheng is definitely not what he thought - he may even advance the electronic file. deleted!

Moreover, I'm afraid Cui Zhongshi still doesn't know anything about his and Li Zicheng's identities as undercover agents!

How did it become like this?

Why did things become like this?


Section Chief Jiang let out a low curse, and the next moment, Li Zicheng punched forward violently.

He barely reached out to block it, but Li Zicheng, who is now in his prime and has been in the gang for many years, how can he easily block it?

Li Zicheng forgot his fighting skills and the experience he had accumulated in daily life, and just waved his fists in anger.

Section Chief Jiang was unsteady on his feet and was knocked to the ground by a punch. Li Zicheng rolled over and stood up. Section Chief Jiang fumbled around and found a stone and waved it wildly, which coincidentally hit Li Zicheng on the head.

His head was dizzy and blood flowed horizontally, but the next moment, he let out an even more frightening and miserable laugh, and slammed his head down, hitting Section Chief Jiang's face heavily with his own head.

Section Chief Jiang only felt that his eyes were dark, and there was a sharp pain in the bridge of his nose. The next moment, tears flowed and his nosebleeds overflowed.

In the sky, there was another thunder, and then, the raindrops fell.

The rain was still pattering at first, but after another thunderclap, it suddenly became louder. The splashing rain fell on the ground, and Li Zicheng and Section Chief Jiang were soon plunged into the mud.

The two rolled in the mire, with blood flowing sideways, and from time to time there was a hoarse roar and curse.

Until amidst the lightning rain, Li Zicheng raised a stone with both hands.

Section Chief Jiang, who was lying on the ground, was panting heavily, and the rain fell on his face, making it difficult for him to breathe again and again.


Chief Jiang stared at Li Zicheng.

"I will regret it!"

He growled loudly.

At the same time, the stone in Li Zicheng's hands fell heavily.

His face was instantly paled by the light of the thunder, and his ferocious expression was like a ghost seeking his life.

The belated thunder rumbled, covering the sound of the stone falling at that moment.

Panting heavily, rain, mud, and blood mixed on his face.

Section Chief Jiang in front of him stopped moving, but Li Zicheng was in a daze and raised the stone high again.

You forced me!

You forced me to do it!

After a long time, Li Zicheng sat on the muddy ground exhausted, staring blankly at the night sky.

it's over.

it is finally over.

Scenes from the past came to mind.

The excitement when the first undercover was successful.

The drive and sense of responsibility when I was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Section Chief Jiang for the first time.

Over time, the border between black and white gradually blurred.

Scene after scene of getting along with Ding Qing, that life on the street that escaped death again and again.

After passing through the exciting period, there is only fear and panic, which makes people sleepless day and night.

Stress that builds up, late night prayers longing to return to a peaceful life. Fiancee's smiling face

Section Chief Jiang was indifferent, and the scene of asking him to persist again and again kept flashing back, and finally it was fixed on the undercover file burning in flames.

Li Zicheng lay on the ground.

The rain was falling, he didn't know if he was crying, but he knew that it was the first time he felt so relaxed.

It was as if all the heavy tanks in his body were washed away with the rain, embraced by the deep night, and swallowed up by the ground below him.

Until the body is completely wet by the rain

Li Zicheng got up in a daze.

Looking at the motionless Section Chief Jiang, he got up with some effort.

"it's over"

Li Zicheng said softly.


He returned to the car, picked up the mobile phone in the car, and dialed the number.

Not long after, a few men in raincoats drove over from a distance.

Li Zicheng sat in the car, lifted his wet hair, stared at the water surface of the fish pond in the distance disturbed by raindrops, and smiled for a long time.

he knows.

until the sun rises tomorrow

He no longer has to be afraid of light.

Lin Wei yawned and sat on the sofa.

Cui Minshu wiped his hands, brought breakfast from the kitchen, put it on the coffee table in front of him, and said with concern: "Ouba, can you sleep a little longer? You came back so late yesterday."

"I'll talk about it later. Representative Zhao from Busan is coming in the afternoon, and I made an appointment to have dinner with him. I didn't pay attention to NW Network's celebration party yesterday. I have to show up this morning anyway."

While talking, Lin Wei took his breakfast and turned on the TV.

On the news column, the host looked serious.

".The police are closely investigating the cause of death of Director Gao and Section Chief Jiang."

Lin Wei ate the sandwich she made slowly, while Cui Minshu watched the TV worriedly, and said softly: "It's really scary, how can it be such a coincidence, the car fell off the cliff together, and it is inferred as suicide or Accident, how is it possible, two men and a driver go out together at night."

Cui Minshu was talking, but found that Lin Wei didn't respond. She turned her head to look. Lin Wei looked at the TV with a somewhat inexplicable expression. Seeing Cui Minshu looking at him, he raised his eyebrows: "Don't get me wrong, I don't have the guts."

"Oh." Cui Minshu frowned slightly, hesitated to speak, and finally just whispered: "Be more careful."

Lin Wei smiled, but the phone rang, he picked it up and took a look, it was Mou Xianmin.

He put down his breakfast, opened the glass door of the balcony, walked to the long balcony, and blocked the sound with the glass door.


"You didn't do it!?"

Mou Xianmin's voice was slightly hurried.

Lin Wei said calmly: "Of course not, how could it be possible."

".That's good."

Mou Xianmin breathed a sigh of relief, but it didn't sound like she was completely relieved. She was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Today, many congressmen specifically called to confirm this matter. You know, even the intelligence department The chief of the department and the chief of the police station can encounter such accidents, and of course they can—this time, I’m afraid it will really scare them a little, and it’s not a good thing for you.”

"I know, but this matter really has nothing to do with me." Lin Wei said softly: "It can only be said that they have offended too many people."

"Well, how's the situation over there? I heard that there was some trouble on your elder brother's birthday yesterday?"

When Mou Xianmin saw what he said, he could only change the subject.

Lin Wei laughed twice: "It's nothing unpleasant, just a little episode, now the misunderstanding has been cleared up, maybe it's a blessing in disguise, in the short term, I will also take care of Golden Gate Finance.

Next time on the board of directors, if you are not sure about my position, you can sit forward. "

What Lin Wei revealed made Mou Xianmin realize something.

If this incident had nothing to do with Lin Wei, then how could he have such a coincidence, taking a step forward before and after the two died?

But he really didn't look like he could have anything to do with the two of them.

She thought for a moment, but still couldn't help but said with concern: "Congratulations, you are one step closer to your goal, but you still have to be careful."

"I know."

After Lin Wei finished speaking, the two fell into a brief silence, and it was Mou Xianmin who spoke first: "I will help you pay attention to these news."

"Don't worry, even if it was really done by people from Jinmen, Chairman Shi should be the one who should be worried. I'm still just a small standing director. No matter how big the storm hits, the captain has to worry about it first."

Lin Wei's relaxed tone made Mou Xianmin feel at ease. No matter whether this matter is related to Lin Wei or not, his ability to show such an attitude shows that he is sure that he will not get into trouble because of this matter.

In the Korean peninsula, is it a big problem that a bureau chief suddenly commits suicide with a section chief? It is a big problem on weekdays, but it does not seem to be a big problem at the moment of the upcoming election.

Because of the past history of the South Korean peninsula, before and after the ten-year election period, there are always a few suicides or "accidental deaths" on average. Everyone has a tacit understanding of this, and generally speaking, it is generally classified as suicide. or accidental death.

The only thing that people care about is that the reason for these two people's deaths is a bit strange compared to the people who died unexpectedly in the past.

faction? Both of them are people who talk about big or small, and if they really want to talk about factions, they are not qualified.

After much deliberation, everyone finally came to a general consensus that—in the previous months of violent gangster sweeping operations, Director Gao and Section Chief Jiang made too many enemies, which eventually attracted revenge from the crazy gangsters.

This kind of speculation is really scary.

For the vast majority of people who are still using gangsters, all they need is an obedient dog, but now this dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and starts biting people recklessly. So what should we do?

The answer is simple and obvious.

"Rep. Lu appealed that he must not give in to the dark forces. He made it clear that if given the opportunity, he must start the war against crime again at any cost, completely put an end to the gang problem on the Korean peninsula, and bring South Korea back on track!"

"Minister of Justice"

"Minister of Police"

"The Chief Prosecutor solemnly stated that it is necessary to find out the whole matter."

Lin Wei was reading today's newspaper news until he was on the way to the company. He finished his business at NW Company until three o'clock in the afternoon, an hour before Zhao Haixiong arrived in Seoul. He finally finished his work. He was relieved and kept on going Go to the appointment tea restaurant.

While drinking some tea and eating something in advance, it is also to clear your mind.

The influence of this incident was far greater than he thought—this was beyond Lin Wei's expectation.

Although in the original book, Director Gao and Section Chief Jiang also died under Li Zicheng's hands, which brought an end to their gray life, but judging from the plot, Li Zicheng is even more exaggerated than it is now.

I directly found Yanbian F4 and used a gun to give the opponent a sudden attack.

In South Korea, a country that bans guns, being shot is another level of seriousness.

However, in the original book, Li Zicheng still sits firmly on the throne of the boss of Jinmen.

But now, why did this matter suddenly become so serious?

Lin Wei thought for a moment, and finally got the answer easily - election.

At this moment, Director Gao's death is no longer as simple as a simple death. Instead, Mr. Lu and Mr. Li coincidentally pinned him on the head of the gangsters, once again advocating the dangers of the gangsters, and reaffirming their own beliefs. Determination to eradicate evil.

In a sense, they really did not make a mistake, and it is true that they hit the right one.

However, Lin Wei said that he didn't have to worry about himself, but it was true.

It is true that he did not do the matter between section chief Jiang and the director.

Apart from telling Li Zicheng the truth of the matter, he never said a word to Li Zicheng again.

Li Zicheng did this for his own sake. Of course, you can also say that Lin Wei was deliberately inducing him, but no matter what, Li Zicheng made his choice for his own sake.

As a result, Lin Wei relaxed a little.

However, there was one more thing that made him somewhat concerned.

That is Qian Xinyu.

She is one of the few 'outsiders' who has a certain amount of truth in this turmoil.

He considered for a moment, and finally, he called Qian Xinyu.

I did not answer.

He thought about it, and then dialed Cui Zhongshi's phone number. This time, after the phone rang a few times, he was connected.


"Cui check nim, good morning, what happened yesterday, do you know?"

Lin Wei cut to the chase.

Cui Zhongshi's voice was a bit playful: "Well, how can you not know about the trouble? Do you know any relevant clues? You know, this matter has received a lot of attention. If it is resolved smoothly, it will be both to you and me. There are benefits."

Lin Wei pretended to be deep and said: "Maybe Shi Wu did it."

"Who?" Cui Zhongshi was taken aback.

Lin Wei then calmly expressed his 'guess': "Shi Wu, if you read that file, you should know his identity in Jinmen, Li Zicheng's deputy.

Last night, when I attended Brother Ding's birthday party, he tried to deliberately provoke me and Li Zicheng, and he disappeared overnight after that.

I think it is very likely that Section Chief Jiang and Director Gao secretly instigated him to stir up internal strife in Jinmen and close the net in advance to prevent Cui Jian from picking up peaches.

But I didn't expect that things will turn against each other. After Li Zicheng and I failed, Shi Wu knew that the situation was not good, so he wanted to retreat, but was rejected by Director Gao and Section Chief Jiang.

In the end, he simply did nothing and kept going, finding excuses to deceive the two of them, and finally completed the murder and disappeared. "

Lin Wei's 'speculation' had many loopholes. For example, even if Shi Wu had really reached that point, how could he, a small undercover agent, have Director Gao and Section Chief Jiang come out to see him?

Another example, if it is time to run away, why do you want to retaliate against Section Chief Jiang and Director Gao? Isn't this simply increasing the difficulty of escaping?

But Cui Zhongshi just said in a relaxed tone on the phone: "It seems that it is indeed possible—how did you know that he might have something to do with the files we have?"

Lin Wei narrowed his eyes. At this moment, the alarm bell in his mind rang suddenly. Instead of answering immediately, he went through several possibilities and conjectures in his head, and then answered cautiously: "Yesterday, I am 100 I can't understand why Shi Wu suddenly tried to provoke me and Li Zicheng to have internal strife. Until this morning, after reading the news, I thought of his abnormal behavior and sudden disappearance.

During this period of time, Jinmen has been focusing on investigating the undercover police. I think it must be that the documents Cui inspected obtained are related to him, which forced him to lose his mind. "

Hearing Lin Wei's suddenly distant and objective description, Cui Zhongshi didn't change his tone, he just smiled: "What you said makes sense. Don't worry, I'm just asking casually.

By the way, you didn't call me so early just to ask me, did you read the news? "

"I want to know how the employees of the intelligence department are doing? Cui inspector may not know. I was a vigilante in the police station when I served in the military. I have some friendship with many people. If such a big incident happened, I I'm really worried about the state of my old friends."

Lin Wei turned the corner and asked.

Cui Zhongshi was silent for a moment, as if he was weighing something, but after a while, he laughed: "It's not a big deal, but a police officer was accused by Chief Jiang of possibly leaking information in violation of regulations, and he is still cooperating this morning. The investigation is called Qian Xinyu, are you friends with President Lin?"

Lin Wei's heart skipped a beat.


But he still didn't change his face, just smiled and said: "We had a good friendship, but there was some misunderstanding later, and now the relationship is a little tense. I wonder if there is any evidence for the accusation she received?"

"There is no real evidence. Section Chief Jiang would have cooperated with the investigation this morning and participated in the case as a witness. Tsk, unfortunately, he has no chance now.

Forget it, since Qian Xinyu and President Lin are friends, I won't make things difficult for her. As long as she goes through the process and confirms that there is no evidence, she can go back to work normally. "

Cui Zhongshi paused for a moment, and then said relaxedly: "However, if she has any problems, she must tell me in advance, I can work well, after all, I am President Lin's friend."

Lin Wei's face turned slightly cold.


He rubbed his fingers, took out the cigarette case, and took out a cigarette with one hand, but he said relaxedly: "I believe she must be fine. If it is possible, checker Cui should let her go out earlier, a woman, It's hard to be locked in."

"Okay, I know that President Lin is sympathetic and cherishes jade, so he won't make it difficult for you."

Cui Zhongshi said with a smile.

Lin Wei lit a cigarette with a slightly gloomy expression.

He didn't speak for a while, but after lighting one, he suddenly asked, "Is there a lot of pressure from above?"

Cui Zhongshi paused for a moment before replying: "It's not small. After all, such an incident happened. Today's public opinion is very fierce. Not surprisingly, the public opinion of this hot news will continue to spread for a long time. Naturally, the pressure Just big."

Lin Wei laughed suddenly: "Well, then I can help Cui check."

"What?" Cui Zhongshi was taken aback.

"Please allow me to play tricks? Shut up?, tomorrow morning, please ask Cui to check nim and watch TV."

Lin Wei said in a relaxed tone: "Whether it's hot spots or public opinion, these are just things that can be guided.

Yesterday they cared who the general election was. The day before yesterday they cared whether housing prices would fall. Tomorrow, they will naturally care about other things. There is no hot spot that cannot be changed. "

After finishing this sentence, Lin Wei talked about his and Cui Zhongshi's nonsense, realizing that the chat between the two of them was over, and it was impossible for Lin Wei to reveal more, so Cui Zhongshi took the initiative to find an excuse Hang up the phone.

But Lin Wei thought for a moment, and called Mou Xianmin again.

"What's the matter?"

As soon as Mou Xianmin picked up the phone, he asked directly. It was obvious that Lin Wei would not call himself when he was on the phone in the morning.

"I have some big news, I don't know if you are interested." Lin Wei said.

"What?" Mou Xianmin became interested.

"The secret story of Han Qiangzhi, director of the Strategy Department of the Central Prosecutor's Office, and the current Seoul gangsters, the Black Dog Gang, including the scene of their accident handling in Mokpo, where they secretly exchanged black money and murdered for money."

Lin Wei's voice was very relaxed, but what he said made Mou Xianmin's voice on the phone a little excited: "Are you sure? Really?"

"As far as I know, Han Qiangzhi is a die-hard faction of Mr. Li, right? During this period of time, many people in the New Party have been sued because of him. I can provide the direction of the investigation, and I can also clearly tell you the current situation of the Black Dog Gang

The Black Dog Gang has been very aggressive recently, and just finding a few cases to report is enough to kill them.

Han Qiangzhi can still stand it now, but the daily can start to build up momentum from now on. As long as it is enough to attract attention, after the general election is over, it can be used as a basis to re-start Seoul's brand.

Think about it, how long has it been since the Seoul Daily created a series of big news? Perhaps many people have forgotten the power of the Seoul Daily.”

Lin Wei paused, and then said: "I know that in the procuratorate, there is a female prosecutor who has been watching Han Qiangzhi all the time. As long as he throws the bait, the other party will not mind cooperating with you in a big news tomorrow morning."

Mou Xianmin got over the excitement, but became cautious instead. She pondered for a moment, and said softly: "I have to ask, if possible. Tomorrow morning?"

"Yes, it's better not to quarrel for too long with Director Gao and Section Chief Jiang."

Lin Wei vaguely reminded.

Mou Xianmin realized Lin Wei's purpose. After thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and gave a firm answer: "I know."

"Thank you." Lin Wei sincerely expressed his gratitude.

"I'm not sure if there will be news about Han Qiangzhi tomorrow morning, but if it's about Director Gao and Section Chief Jiang, I can help you.

I'll do my best, and if I can, I'll try to follow your ideas. "

Mou Xianmin's voice was calm, and after finishing speaking, he relaxed, and said with a smile: "How is it, how is sister treating you?"

"Okay." Lin Wei chuckled twice: "Then how about I treat my sister well?"

"Hey~ good~" Mou Xianmin said with a smile: "Such a big news, if Han Qiangzhi can be overwhelmed by this series of news, who would dare to say that the Seoul Daily is in decline?

However, such a big matter must be considered in the long term. You know, the head of the strategy department of the Central Procuratorate is not an unknown person.

Even if the news is true, and the Black Dog Gang is brought down, and he is severely hit, it may be difficult to beat him to the end—at most, it will temporarily suppress his limelight, let him break his arm to survive, can he be completely defeated? To beat him depends on the meaning of the above.

Does he have conflicts with you? "

Lin Wei chuckled twice: "Contradictions are not so much. Although the Black Dog Gang in Seoul disgusted me, I really didn't take them to heart.

I have never met Han Qiang Zhisu, and he may not have heard my name, but it just so happens that I know some of his little secrets. "

Mou Xianmin was relieved when she heard the words, she was a little worried that Lin Wei had a confrontation with Han Qiangzhi - that would be really troublesome right now.

She is not afraid, Seoul Daily is not afraid, but Lin Wei must be cautious.

Knowing that Lin Wei and Han Qiangzhi have no personal festivals, Mou Xianmin can completely treat this matter as a private matter of Seoul Daily.

As Lin Wei said.

If the crime committed by Han Qiangzhi is true, then the Seoul Daily is indeed going to make a big splash—this can be an exclusive news that occupies the entire page. For the paper media, every exclusive news of this level, Both are a status symbol and a guarantee of sales.

If you can really bring down Han Qiangzhi, even if you just give him a hard meal, it will be enough to prove that the Seoul Daily still has the same power and influence as in the last century. This process of showing muscles is very important to the development of the Seoul Daily now. favorable.

Lin Wei chatted with Mou Xianmin softly, and after hanging up the phone, he finally put down the phone and let out a long sigh.

The danger Cui Zhongshi showed made him have to start re-evaluating the cooperative relationship between the two. In a sense, Lin Wei understood why he would do this.

If it were him, if he had the opportunity, of course he would not let go of beating him, or finding ways to obtain evidence to pinpoint him.

This is also the reason why Lin Wei must let Qian Xinyu steal the document before Cui Zhongshi got it, instead of letting him destroy the document for him after he got it.

But this does not mean that Lin Wei can easily skip this matter.

In this place where every step is frightening and a single step is fatal, when someone tries to show your fangs to you, you'd better show him your polished claws.

Lin Wei is most worthy of relying on now, of course, is the Seoul Daily.

When the news comes out tomorrow morning, presumably Cui Zhongshi will recognize the reality again, and will be willing to maintain an equal 'friendly exchange' with his little executive.

Lin Wei couldn't help thinking of Qian Xinyu—at this moment, the other party is probably still in the detention center of the procuratorate or the police station.

It is undeniable that she was implicated by Lin Wei.

Lin Wei's actions were too quick and hasty, and he hardly gave her a long-term plan to cover her whereabouts and prepare for various plans.

Her exposure was taken for granted.

It's just that Lin Wei didn't expect that Section Chief Jiang would realize this so quickly, no wonder the other party would be in such a hurry that even Shi Wu's card was used without hesitation.

He thought, maybe it wasn't that Section Chief Jiang was too sharp, and it was also related to Qian Xinyu's self-defeating mentality.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little worried, but afterward, he felt relieved.

If Qian Xinyu wanted to sell him, it would be impossible to persist until now. Since Cui Zhongshi still uses such vague words to try to put pressure on him, it means that Qian Xinyu has kept silent.

Thinking deeply, Lin Wei still gave up his decision to meet her again. Unless he gave up everything now and was willing to take the file and go back to reconcile with her, otherwise with Qian Xinyu's character, he would not give him a second time. chance.

Right now, it is difficult for Qian Xinyu to have an accident. What Lin Wei should pay most attention to is the local shock caused by him.

This turmoil was set off by him himself, but how many people will be affected and to what extent is still unknown-but in any case, as in the original book, the deaths of Section Chief Jiang and Director Gao are nothing but disasters. It's just a sacrifice for the opening of Er's Pandora's Box.

Just as Lin Wei was thinking, footsteps came from downstairs.

Wearing a large suit jacket, a man with a mature face and good temperament came slowly from the stairs. When he saw Lin Wei, he smiled.

"President Lin nim!"

"Member Zhao nim!"

Lin Wei stood up, laughing loudly, the melancholy and thoughtful moments that had appeared by chance when he was thinking just now had long since disappeared, leaving only a cheerful smile.

He shook hands with Zhao Haixiong enthusiastically, and Zhao Haixiong also said a lot of polite greetings in his slightly Busan accent.

When they sat down, the two saw each other's eyes looking at each other, and then they looked at each other and smiled.

Then, blurted out unanimously:

"I have long admired your name."

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