Half-elves Fall in Love

2nd Sacred Beast Festival 7

And three days after we got here.

It's so lively.

Diane stepped out of the "festive room" that Lyra had brought with her and looked around the fully prepared labyrinth...... no, she was surprised to see the "festival venue".

It's impossible, because the northern elves, who originally kept their distance from each other in the woods and rarely created crowds, are now gathering to create a state of "crowd".

The number will be well over one thousand and close to two thousand.

Of course, if you know the royal capital, Celesta and other clutter, you will not be frightened. However, the sight of a number of people comparable to the two clans hanging around a small sports field was unsuitable for the busyness of the elf forest.

"Irina said it's not even a spirit temple festival that brings so many people together."

“Good, this place and Breakcore are a welcome highlight.”

Diane-san is right.

Originally, Breakcore was here, spending years feeling lonely.

Even though it's once a year... no, it's a year-round event, and it's a pleasure to have so many elves come and interact with her.

Joy fades when there is too much interaction. Sometimes, it's just right.

It would be an ideal effect if I were to come here and have a little drama and an athletic event that would make it lively.

In addition to Diane-san, Hilda-san, Nol-san, Mira-san, and Cosmos-san are also riding in together.

The Dark Elves would stand out if they formed a group, but they still had a very large number of Elves, so it was a small percentage.

"Half Elves and Gloria are supposed to escort the Blue Dragons, though they will come later." As a priest, as a part of you. So the conservative clan won't have to do that. "

That's right.

Thank you for your consideration, Mr. Diane.

If I'm not near them, it's not strange that they should be thrown a stone in this forest.

Sometimes, those who are half-bodied are more strongly rebelled against than the feelings directed at the "heterogeneous race" that should be eliminated. It is a matter that must be handled with care.

But the Blue Dragon was an ally of the forest and an absolute powerhouse. Besides, no fool would dare be in the woods.

Looking ahead, Ms. Diane's differences were as vivid as ever.

"Actually, it's best not to worry about that." It's too early to ask for it. "

Lila says as she returns to the human body.

Because she is naked, I press the clothes I prepared in advance against her.

An elaborate and flamboyant dress made of elf cloth, which seems to be one of the dedications to the breakcore. When I talked to him, he pulled me out without making a mistake.

"You also stood out as a leading actor in the strategy of the labyrinth." That should make it easier for female slaves to have fun. "

Well, I think it's best to be naked if you just stand out.

"The way it stands out will have a negative impact on the operation of the festival."

"Huh. Well, I guess so."

Lila is strong enough not to think that there is anything, but that's why if you naked, everyone will be worried and unable to concentrate on the festival.

It would be frustrating to interfere with the festival.

Even so, are you glad you called on my whore too?

Cosmos just whispered to Breakcore and me as if he was a little pressed by the number of Elves, but we all nodded together.

Of course.

"It's better to have a lot of customers. I can't let the elves explore the area on their own, but staying in the woods is a good souvenir for the outsiders, right?”

Breakcore has a policy of attracting as many customers as possible.

There are only so many places, and above all, I am the "priest" of the Fae race.

It is more enjoyable to make it a place that more and more accepts exotic sentiments and exotic emotions, and I am enthusiastic that there will be more freedom in the future.

When a tradition or precedent is created, it becomes difficult to move. Let's make room for more and more foreign objects before that happens.

I hope... the Polka residents want to call me, but I still wonder if the Polka residents have that kind of decency. This time, it's a goodbye.

Still, one day, it was a bit fun to talk about the future design of the festival.

While talking like that, I can still see Maia and Emma's dragon body slipping through the sky holding the next participant.

She waved her hand to instruct where to land, and now she's ready for the festival.


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