Half-elves Fall in Love

New Year's Eve Asobika 22 [Naris]

As soon as Naris changed his posture, he thought he could put some tea in Tetes, but he didn't let go of his limbs.

You can't do it too hardly in that position, and you can't make it rise all at once, so keep swinging your hips into the tunnel and aim for orgasm.

Side by side with such defensive plain sex, Tetes talks to the kikiki and princess about his next turn.

The personality and experience are completely different, but the closest age is a fact, so I wonder if the princess felt easy to talk to.

”Um... sex on your ass... is that relatively normal among you?”

"Of course... I'd like to say, but I still have to admit that it's a little more than Abu Normal."

Tetes pointed his asshole at Princess Lan and traced it with his finger.

”But of course it feels good, I'll give you all the holes I can use for my dick... I really feel it, so I recommend the princess to try it sometime.♪”

"Hah, hah... uhh"

By the way, I was trained to be a virgin until I became a slut anal, so I like my pussy better than my honest♪ pussy


Princess Lan looked at me and Tetes alternately, unconsciously gesturing to hide her asshole.

Yes. I'm sorry. The truth is, I'd like to make an excuse.

But Naris won't let me go without a kiss, so... look, let's hope the other kids follow us.

"Virgin anal training is romantic, isn't it?"Yeah, yeah, it's like a boulder.♪ "

Mr. Cosmos, stay.

... well, Princess Lan will soon understand that Ms. Cosmos is a terrible extreme, so she'll be able to go through with it.I can only see it from the edge of my sight.

"... look, how many of you are ass ants...?"

... I see some people raising their hands.Cosmos and Hilda had a natural face, and then Anzeros, Maia, and Ledda.

Neia is a little confident, but she's raising her hand.

... about half of them belong to the ant side?

No, I'm not sure whether to raise my hand like "I'm not interested in anything else..." even if I don't raise my hand.

You know, it's a tattoo, Tetes.

You're a female slave, so you don't have to say no.

”Well, there are some magics that don't cut your ass off... and I don't think it's as difficult as I say...”

Anzeros says it's better if the princess is interested.

... that care is what Tetes thinks.It's just a pull, I'm sure.

I'm pulling it, but if it's normal in a community that I'm in, I can't deny it aloud... I'm just reading the air harder.

Sex without pregnancy is also a point


"Of course, I don't have any children who really hate pregnancy, but when I think of 'seeding work for pregnancy', it suddenly seems like a bit of a struggle, doesn't it?"Especially when it comes to the sex life of royalty, right? "

"... that's... yes..."

There's something strange going on here.Princess Lan is about to be enlightened.

...... and I sent Naris desperately saying, "You don't have to get into that conversation," but Naris seemed to be getting more and more excited, and he wasn't paying attention anymore.I'm using my tangled limbs to make the reciprocating motion bounce, and my nose is bouncing with a deep kiss.

"In that regard, anal sex is a separate quest... and dedicating your womb to your master is the highest level of obedience, but dare to squeeze your semen with your anal... I really feel like dedicating all my dick to your master, but I think it's pure love.♪"

"... I see...?"

Princess Lan is under pressure in response to Tetes' mistaken theory.

Of course, if you don't blowjob, it's not enough to dedicate everything, but you can't resist it, right?

"Um... yes"

Princess Lan, the blowjob is already declared.

Even if you can have sex, some girls don't like it.Especially a noble girl.

... my sexual history makes me want to suspect the real thing, but it seems to be true.

And Emma.

"In order to become a female slave, it is necessary to become an uplifting female slave."I swear that I will mingle with this face and deal with the sexuality of the Lord forever, not just overnight... but when asked to, I will open my crotch and when the time comes, I will become a child... I don't think that such a wild feeling is enough for each other. "


Princess Lan throbbing her throat.

I wasn't originally prepared to say, "It will be mine," but I may have been made to imagine my journey of exploration... step by step towards the abyss of sexuality for the first time.

... No, Emma. You know, I know you're trying to keep things together.You don't have to push your back.It's okay for individuals to have different sex sensations.

...... The claim is that you lose your cumming time because of the tangled tongue of Naris and the movement of each other's hips that entered the motion to make you cum completely.

"Huh. Well, after seeing the example, you should think about what you're going to do."That's why I'm going to show it to you. "

Lila leads us in the direction of cutting down the story, while still liking the liquor she brought in.

Yes, that's fine.Don't let the princess think any more seriously.

... while giving Lila thanks and support in her heart.

"Nh... nh... gh...!"

"Fu, nfuuu...♪"

While kissing, Naris's limbs are gripping you, orgasm.

I finally took my lips off, kissed her again, and slowly moved away from Naris.


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