Half-elves Fall in Love

New Year's Eve Asobika 11

When you are drunk and crushed, you become confused about what you are like.

Exhilaration and drowsiness come together in one, numbing, and comfortable, feeling the impossible feeling in the back of your head, and enduring in an uneasy forgetfulness.

Forever and ever.

While feeling the ease of forgetfulness that it was a pity to leave, I somehow felt that the time was approaching for it to end.

Then, as I broke through the distant morning sign, I heard the sound of trembling inside the talc and jumped up.

Whoa, whoa!?

Good morning, Master.

"Eh, eh... no, what was that?"

"It is a sound to announce the beginning of the spirit festival."...... you've experienced the Spirit Festival in Tulku several times, haven't you? "

”... ah, ahh... I see”

A ritual that tells the spirit that the festival starts with flutes, bronze drums, and all sorts of musical instruments, as well as applause and footsteps.

In other words, it is nine o'clock in the morning on the day of the Spirit Festival.

I finally woke up and figured out the situation.

There is a maid in front of me.The place is a ten-person room in a maid's quarters.

The bedmasters were already mostly at work and away, but it seemed like two dark elf maids were left in my side bed.Both of them are naked without a thread, and there are traces of ants in the broth.

... I wonder why the juice is tracing my inner thigh with my finger.

No matter how much my semen is, it won't dry out over time.The broth does not last for many hours.

The answer that can be derived from the fact that………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

"You've had a vaginal dream..."

That's how the maid whispered, leaving her inner leg traced.

Vaginal dreams.

Morning eggs are not the juiciest, but vaginal dreams.

"It's not like reverse-separation while you're sleeping, it's like you were really just putting your pussy in?"

"If it moves, it will wake me up."

"... no, no. I slept comfortably."

This has led to a mysterious situation in which you've bred them even though you don't remember having sex with them at all.

It seems like a waste of subtlety.

"I usually recommend breakfast, but since the Spirit Festival has begun, you can always have a meal in the courtyard....... if you're not in a hurry, can you use their vaginal holes again? "

"Please use"

"The maid's genitals belong to her master."At your disposal at any time. ”

A maid with a very natural face.In addition, the maids who slept with them were also in the same tune.

"Even a blowjob is fine ♪"

Do you prefer the vise?

... both are very cute. It was a dark elf, so on average, they were cute.

It would be very tempting to offer them more services... well, that's the day.

I also brought a lot of female slaves.It would be a real problem to keep playing with too many maids.

That's why.

"... the maid's long pussy is also in the all-you-can-use?"

"... of course."

Well then, I'd like to have sex with the maid director

"... I understand..."

With a slight smile, the maid in underwear comes to bed.

While reluctantly pointing at her underwear, he kissed her and let her go over again.

Enjoy your last inertia in the maid's room.

"Just in case, but... isn't the maid director willing to use contraception?"

"... I don't feel comfortable as a maid treating my husband's seeds with care."

"... is that the concept?"

There are all kinds of bends.

... and Leda, who was in the corner of the room at some point, nodded in sympathy.

No, but if semen feels good, it will come out, and I don't think it should be treated with such courtesy.

Even if you say that, it's probably a parallel line, and I'll leave it aside because it's not something I would like to say at the time of naughty sex.That's where I stand.

There was a bathing facility in the maid's quarters, so please remove the dirt there overnight.

I don't think I have a hangover... but for the time being, I took some of the drunken pills (which the maids sometimes use).

About an hour late, I'm going to the garden party.

Immediately, Mr. Diane appeared out of nowhere and lined up next to him.

You're finally out.

"I'm sorry. The alcohol is delicious..."

"... I didn't think that entertainment using alcohol would be done because I would have less time to enjoy sex."

Diane muttered with a bitter smile.

It was a naked word, but it was so busy that no one cared about it.

And then Lila, who suddenly appeared again, came into the conversation in an upbeat mood with a pottery jock in her hand.

"Huh. Even the owners' female slaves are very picky."There is also a place where you can play with dragons, cats, and prostitutes.We must not use this luxurious collection of liquor to get over it. "

”It's not like it belongs to the maids... no, I don't think my sister-in-law would be reluctant to behave like Andy.”

"... there are so many rivals."

If you think you're just fighting female slaves, there's plenty more to compare.

Well, sure enough, you've let me have a sexy experience that I can't beat, but... I'm a little scared that I'm going to escalate more and more if I leave it alone.No, I'm looking forward to it.

"Well, my brother is in that state."Andy wants to make it up to you, so you can enjoy what you can enjoy. ”

I wonder if it's okay.

“Not now. Nobody gets what they want when they don't.You don't have to worry about anything. "

Diane-san is a hawk or something.

Well, there's something about erotic entertainment in my body that I think is too much to deal with right now.

"Five sisters are female slaves already..."

"Eat more and more of the things that are more and more refined than that, my lord."I don't know how many shots were narrowed down by the maids last night, but it would be embarrassing to be bored by the female slaves. "

"I know. I don't think it's that squeezed out."

You're not squeezed, are you?There's no such thing as a vaginal dream, or anything like that, is there?

I'll see how I feel.Yeah, I don't feel particularly down...

Huh. It's Ledda. How about that?

Lyra turned to the water, and Leeda, who had been following her like a shadow, replied, slightly distracted.

"... I think I've done it about 12 or 13 times..."

Normal then.

When I said that, Diane-san and Lila shrugged their shoulders in shock.

It usually withers ♪

"... wow, Mr. Cosmos!?"

"It's been a long time." Isabelle and the others are back, so they're here ♪ "

Even though the crowd tends to distract me, everyone suddenly appears from outside my range of consciousness.

Of course, there were many people who could do that, including Mr. Cosmos.


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