Half-elves Fall in Love

Prostitutes' Polka

While you are relaxing, the calendar winters in earnest.

No, it's not a polka winter, it's a national one.It seems to snow outside of Polka.

When you snow, you enter the hot spring, you repeat, and sometimes you are impressed by other people's work and training... I think that's exactly how you will spend your days in the future.

While I'm blurring, everyone has vitality, so I'm gradually turning new skills and jobs into visible forms.

I'm looking for a job I can do on my own, but I can't leave a female slave or everybody else behind, so time passes while I watch my eyes.

I'm happy, but I'm in a hurry.I want to establish my share as soon as possible.

"It's almost the end of the year... so maybe Talk City is busy preparing for the Spirit Festival."

Kathy, a blonde waived dark elf whore, who had finally settled down to act as a group of prostitutes from "Cosmos Honpo", murmured as she gazed at the heavier sky.

It's about time I went to pick up Cosmos for you.

"I know you're busy, but I don't think it's a good idea to pull the guy in charge."

"The whorehouse doesn't change that much.Merchants are the only ones who look good at Spirit Festival.Cosmos Honpo is also doing a little business, but it is only a side job.I don't do anything special when it comes to spending nights with family or lovers.I miss people's skin and some of them come to the whorehouse. "

"That's how it is...."

"Isabelle, isn't it about time you finished?Why don't you hold her in your arms and give her back? "

"It's up to you... what about Kathy?"

"I'll let you play a little more.When I think about it, I haven't been on vacation with Roku in decades.When you're in the city, you'll forget how to spend this kind of time.... "

"... I hear you're getting a lot of customers to say that."

"Eheh, you don't feel bad, do you?The country boobs are obsessed with it, and they ask for it. ♪ "

It's a familiar oneesan atmosphere, but in essence, it's good to take care of.

I try to do things that everyone cares about, but it's a type of person who can't refuse if they come straight to me.Sexual or not.

Well, if I ask you desperately, will you let me fuck you once?

"Even if you're not desperate, you don't even want to fuck that onyx sister and dragon woman..."

"For example, a story."

"... well, yes, there's no reason to say no."

Say so.

She looks around with a glimpse.

... this is the men's bath.

In addition to me and Isabelle, some men, such as the town's old man, Grandpa Harry, and sexually awake children, glimpsed Kathy naked or had cancer from the front (Grandpa Harry).

"Isn't it good to dig deeper into such blatant stories?"

"... well, a little"

In fact, whores are always mixed up when I ask them, and they don't even try to get the money.

Just for a moment, I don't have that kind of special sponsoring power, but as Hira's man, I have a specific desire to have a prostitute against me.

I think it's a complete waste of attention, and I should have done it outside of the Cosmos main store, but Kathy has only just entered the store and there are few stepsisters..., so I just got a little strange lust.

One of the boys who had heard such an interaction with me with a bright red face came up with a brave voice.

"Nh, hey... oneesan, anyone with money..."

But I won't tell anyone.

"No kid... disqualified ♪"

"If it were true, no woman would be happy to hear that.And if it wasn't true, there wouldn't be so much dialogue to hurt a woman.... I won't do anything for you if you don't know that. "


A boy shrinking in despair and shame.

I mean, I deserve it, but it's kind of pathetic.I thought it was an ant because I originally took it to a strange person.

... but Kathy puts her finger on her lips before me and approaches the boy gently.

"Besides, whores are the only ones who don't have a passion.... make a pretty girl like you with a straight shot.Being a virgin in a professional hurry is like throwing away the sweetest and most fun time of your life.Ten years from now, if you don't like it, I'll give you a talc. ♪ "

Whispering, but speaking with a clear voice.

... ten years. It's only because I'm a dark elf that I can say it casually.

The boy was stiffened for a while by words whispered at close range and the impact of brown boobs shaking a few centimeters in front of him.

Even when I'm gone, it seems that prostitutes who sometimes enter men's baths are open, and if the local crowd finds out, they're scared, so they're encouraging a little self-weight.

When I went to see Isabelle, she was in martial arts intensive training with her.The opponent is Special Agent Becker 100.

"Oh, Smythson, I'm in a good place."

Agent Becker raised his hand casually as he avoided Isabelle's disgusting punch and kick.

"Are you going to Talk at the Spirit Festival?Let me take you, then. "

"You can talk normally while avoiding it....."

"Who do you think I am?"

"... it's terrible to have to convince you in one word."

Isabelle is trying to hit me too, but Becker's head of department is exceptional.I mean, it's still a total slack.

It is sweet when the motion is normally followed, compared to Nay's relationship as I saw it beforehand.

... while I was looking and talking, I couldn't tell you that I was really a monster, especially around the area where I could do it without leaving a distance.

Isabelle's got a lot of work to do.

"Still, at least my teeth on Ace Knight...!!"

"... that Ace Knight is not for beginners at all, so we should lower the difficulty a little bit"

You can take Lord Bonaparte seriously as usual, this man.

Maybe even the Master Knight gets eaten if he's careful. That's what I'm capable of.

"Well, don't say that. We're all busy.In that knight's training. "

"Agent Becker, isn't the Chief of Staff going that way?"

"I don't have a lot of contacts. Besides, even though you've gathered so many things to train, it's useless for me to come out."

"... speaking of which, yes."

Special Agent Becker, the head of 100 people came in the form of a tailor.It seems suspicious that Fiona, originally known for being a spy, will be personally involved with him.

As a speed fighter, you won't be able to teach until you push Almeida and Deanne down.

But what about Isabelle's mentoring?

"In the first place, I'm not the type to teach a hundred agents."

"Ah, you say that? Is that what you're saying?I don't know what to say, but I have a lot of kids.I told you it was Angelos. He was an examiner on the Ace Knight exam.That kind of thing has to be handled properly by a teacher. "

"That's a nostalgic story...."

Even if I missed it, it was about two years ago.

That was the introduction I made when I first met him.But Deanne intimidated me and leaked my urine.

"... so what about Isabelle?Ace Knight, do you think you can go? "

"Not yet. It can't be that easy."

"Roku... didn't even teach me...!!"

"I don't have enough foundation. If you want to hit me, you can't even pursue a small trick or a lucky one.It's about time you realized. "


"Even if you get hit, you can't defeat an auger in a tower with that kind of power.... I'll start over from my waist! "

With a foot-piece aimed at the moment Isabelle tried to change her stance, she flipped brilliantly over to the ground.


"The limit is low, that's the way it is.I think we should either train seriously, tilt our tactics to kill more... or give up. "

"Kill me...."

"What is it, Smythson? You know that's what talc is."

Well... yes.

I don't like it when Isabelle trains you to "kill" assuming the same disturbance happens again....

But it's possible. I suppose that's true.

And I can see Isabelle's footsteps there, and Fiona is approaching the Ace Knight from the foundation in a short period of time... and I can feel it again.

Where are you going, man?

(Cont 'd)

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