Half-elves Fall in Love

Snow, alcohol, middle-aged men.

The tavern is busier than usual.

In this porca, where there is no lucrative industry, there is less to do when snow falls.There are also salaries, home repairs, and food preservation management, but compared to before the busy snowfall, the mood has crossed a mountain, and many old people catch alcohol from lunch.

Well, I don't drink till night, and my wife spills her eyes a little bit.

In the first place, alcohol can help you forget the cold and lift your feelings.It is believed that no one needs it in the harsh and unfree snowy winters, and snowy regions have a tolerant wind wave of drinking, especially in winter.

Women and children sometimes drink, even if they're not as big as men.There is too little fun in a country that is separated by snow and less crowded.

... what a serious thought, but in short, alcohol is delicious, and everyone laughs and enjoys it without meaning.

"Ahhhhh! You're too drunk for lunch!If you take it off any longer, it'll hit the Spirit Spring Water!

When the old men get tense and noisy, beat each other in a strange flow, suddenly make up, fall over the table trying to imitate Mr. Cosmos's dance, and the sight just doesn't seem to be in the middle of the day.

At Polka, there is peace of mind that there is a spiritual spring where there is some injury, so even if there is an injured person due to such a noise, everyone laughs and drinks continuously.We're fine, but the service and the master are tough.

"Don't say that, Agent 100."

"I'm not gonna stick my neck in a drunken fight, anywhere.Unless you're putting out a blade. "

Agent Becker's head of 100 people enjoyed the stew silently without touching the liquor.

Well, you certainly don't get involved in drunkenness.Whatever you say, you're drunk, so you can't talk.

... I think I'll rethink a little bit about getting into that drunken side easily.

And I support Sabori and Cute's struggle to serve them hard while scolding them.

"There's no more for you!Drink that and I'll be home! If you complain, I'll call Lyla!And your uncle has a nosebleed. After drinking it, you have to wash your face in the spring or you won't get an order!That's all you have to do to get in the way of business!

"Hey, Sabori, that's not true."

"I'm still only drinking alcohol.At least let me eat something. "

"I'm not your mom!!

A vigorous vigorous vigilante of drunks and a loud voice.Drunken people give their eyes to the master, but the master shakes his head and rejects their request.

Well, that's true.It would be generous if you weren't beaten out.

"Hey... damn it, Andy.It's your girlfriend. Please take it away. "

"Wow, I'm here.No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"Anyone else would have a nosebleed.I don't suppose it's enough to make you eat like a nosebleed. "

"The reason and the quantity are useless!

The old man whose nose was broken by the beating was dyed bright red from his beard to his chin and throat.I think you'll have trouble breathing, because you're so-so drunk.You think it's OK because you can breathe.

I'm honest and scared if you don't treat me at the Spirit Spring.

The drunk who tried to recruit even more, grabbed his collar from behind and pulled it... Lyda.


"Ugh... ah, who are you?"

"A dragon?

After a brief intimidation, she withdrew and quit the store because she thought the drunkenness was bad.

I realize that other drunks can't get involved with me or Sabori any more, so I grow up.

Agent Becker whistled.

"Hugh, that's a good girl.Unlike Maia and Emma, it has a different style, and it's more serious and trustworthy than Lyla. "

"... don't tell me because Emma cares."

Well, it's true that Maia and Emma tend to get naked because they're small.Dragons are well known, but in some cases, drunkenness may not be understood unless you exercise your powers.

In that sense, Lyda, who has a sufficiently adult body and a stiff atmosphere, is grateful for this scene.

"Did you come all the way out here?"

"It's darker than before.... did I have to offer it? "

"No, thank you.... it's not good to scare people because they're not much dragons, but it's not just drunk..."

"Yes, in some cases, I thought it might be dangerous for the Lord."

"Well, if there were a hundred Becker agents, that wouldn't be the case, would it?

"You were escorting me on your own.Well, that's fine. "

If this guy cares, he can do anything to stun all the drunks in the tavern in an instant.

If you say you won't do anything to get drunk, I'm sure Deane will get mad at you later if you put me in danger.In that sense, I was sure this person would help me.

Say it if you want to.The weak fight has a way of surviving.Bason relied on his audience and Isaac.

"Still, Agent Becker, if your hair comes back, isn't it time to go home?

If you think you took the liberty of replacing your escort, you want to get rid of it right away.

"No, that's not it...."

It's just, I don't think I have much time.It's my job to tell the dragons and send them home if you want to.

"... look at that knight of St. Gard, and there's something I think about."


"Listen, she came here the other day.... at that time you said you were weak enough to easily defeat that guard combo.That's all I can do.... that might just be Captain Deanne. "

Agent Becker raised his fingers as he wiped the rest of the stew with a thousand slices of bread.

"If you honestly train with this polka, even amateurs will be able to build that foundation.And even though the baron is over fifty years old, he's so well-behaved.... I gave up just because of Toshi, but I thought if I refined a little bit here, I'd be able to extend my life as a warrior a little longer. "

"Ah... I see."

Even a strong warrior comes with a rattle.

Then again, it's just exposing the imbalance between the part you've trained and the part you've weakened over time.

If the spirit spring can comprehensively heal the human body, if you dare bully that weak part and use it to train again, you should be able to regain endurance even if it's not exactly the same as when you were young.

If there is no spiritual spring, you have to be very careful, and it may be a bet that you will destroy it yourself, but you won't have to worry about this polka no matter how much you do.

"That's why I'm working hard on the special training menu when Captain Deanne taught me a long time ago.Let me stay a little longer. "

"Roger that. Tell me when you get back."

In the snow, not everyone is just being quiet.Some people are working steadily to build their own future.

I can't take it easy either.

Well, that's it.

"I'm tired. I'm really tired today.... please praise me! "

Didn't you say you'd serve me?

"My husband praises me.I serve. Don't you think there's a way to do that at the same time?

"... that's fine."

In the locker room behind the liquor store.

I'll stroke the sebori and praise you.... buttocks.

I don't hate Sabori. He smiled at me and put his lips on top of me.

(Cont 'd)

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