Half-elves Fall in Love

Biggest Collar Awards Ceremony Ever 13 [Lady]

Lady Swallow sees Mr. Cosmos and Mr. Gloria on the left and right as kyorokyo.

Mr. White naked Gloria thumbs up with a ni and reliable grin.

The brown naked Mr. Cosmos gently shrugs his shoulders as he turns to his palm with a sales smile about what store's sign daughter is.

Both agree to give the first to the lady. In other words, there seemed to be a common sense that we could not grow up as veteran whores without first completing the penetration of a virgin, a lady.

"Ko, I'm not ready for my heart. Huh!?

"If you wait long enough, the night will dawn."

"I'll help you."

"Hey... cosmos!?

A lady who raises her bare voice.

As Mr. Cosmos suddenly pulls over and holds the lady's body, sticking his brown busty body together with each other, he breathes into her ears with extremely obscene gestures, through the lines from her heso to dovetail, and from her inner leg to perineum.

Even though it was a subtle breath of sound or not, surprisingly, the lady shivers herself visibly and zozzles, showing how her body is about to lose its power.

It's not a very critical place to touch either. Yet.

Mr. Cosmos has the stunt to shoulder Mr. Hilda. That was the moment I knew it was possible.

Well, if Celesta is the most powerful whore in the world's proud sex industry, it's no surprise or anything.

If Mr. Hilda's quest for sex was extremed from a medical approach, this man could be described as a true "sexual monster" who spent hundreds of years diving through only his unlimited lust with bees.

By contrast, ladies who still have no experience are almost like babies.

"Oh, do... stop, eh...!?

"Don't be a dickhead, Swallow. ♪ Because of this, sex is more common than a whorehouse. Let's make it crisp and virgin, so we need to have fun."

"Oh no... oh no...!

I don't care. Is "crisp virgin scattering" a good thing...... no lady just wants to throw it away?

Again, it's not a doctrine, I don't know now.

As it stands, I'm convinced when it comes to "getting as clean as it looks but stirring up relationships," or maybe when it comes to helping people.

It's not the love sex I want, it's not the tiger hoya paradise, and it doesn't mean sex to be conceived. Just let it go through, sex that only means it.

Plus... I don't know what to say, but I can't help but look like I was that sloppy fat guy.

The fact that you can't throw away your pride forever when it was ugly is also harsh on the other side.

... think about it a little while you arm yourself.

"... lady"


"Sit down for a minute. Together."


In front of the three naked beauties, I talk about my obsession in a dumb way.

"I want you to think of it as a little play if possible and hang out with me. The lady asks for the" girl who was deceiving her surrounding eyes with her ugly, fat figure "setting."

"... isn't that completely true?

Mr. Gloria is confused by my suggestion. But Lady pointy her mouth.

"Did you say that you wore a pair of seals? I'm sure that was ugly, but these two hundred and a few decades I've thought of myself as who I am, and they make too many fools of me for anything."

"... where you stick to it?

Uh, Mr. Gloria with the face.

And Mr. Cosmos.

"Actually, I think it would be better if we decided to do that outside."

And he agreed with me.

It's hard to force me to go that far.

"Ah, Atashi is an Atashi. More or less... I don't know because I made that setup."

"I'll feel better."

"... it's troublesome to be a man"

"He said it would be pretty hard if you didn't decide that I was a complete provisional figure!

Again and again, I am a luxury man in terms of appearance. So there are many elves and dragons in female slavery.

I don't think you care about the scars, but I can't afford to be obese at a level that changes my face.

Mr. Cosmos draws my pain.

"So for a short time, do you recognize bullies in illusion?

"... to, recognition?

"Yes. ♪ Because whores have customers who say they're quite luxurious. Illusions can only be used to fine-tune situations."

Mr Gloria makes a delicate face to Mr Cosmos's suggestion.

"Sure, that's... I'm an ant as a waza, but I wonder if it'll get hard later"

"That's it, what's next for us to refrain from? It feels like..."

"... I see. Fine."

"What do you mean by perceived teasing"

Ask again. I don't know subtly.

Mr. Gloria tells me to sigh.

"The point is, I seriously believe that what I want to assume is true, it's the magic of deception. For example, do you think it's my real sister or my real daughter who's offending me right now, or the wife next door? If you magically add a little push to the hope of such a situation play and make them really believe in it, the inmoral greed between the bundles will be satisfied. Of course, if I really rewrite it in my head, it's going to get in the way, so the effect will be short, maybe 20 minutes at the most."

I see.

"If Swallow says he can't act on his own, you can do something about your head," he said.

"... it won't come to light, and so..."

You just have to look at the lady now that she's beautiful. That's just it, but as far as I'm concerned, I can't really do it. Hope.

… On the contrary, it is complicated to think that if you exploit this, you may hold the person you prefer and take off.


"Well, you can call me... Cosmos, you can"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Giving way to Mr. Gloria, Mr. Cosmos lays his own lips on my lips... and her hand naturally turns to the back of her head sends something refreshing into her head like a spring breeze.

─ ─ ─ ─

Listening to a chant I can't express myself, I feel my perception change.


That's right.


Lay the lady together.

"I was fooling everyone with such a monstrous look," an incredibly feminine, neat nude.

The lady, embarrassed but stopped from grasping her hidden hands from both sides, repeated her shallow breath as she wandered her gaze.

"Bad boy."

"Yes, all of a sudden... what?"

"I can't believe you disobeyed my husband and took such an attitude"

"... what? Husband...?

"If you wanted to be offended, be honest with me. Bad boys are sentenced to asshole tutoring."

"Hih... what...?

The lady is confused.

Isn't that normal? "They're female slaves, so I'll make them all pregnant".

That's what all the other female slaves around want.

That's what she wants too, "you can't possibly wonder about it now".

"... Hey Cosmos. Doesn't it seem a little strange?

"It's troublesome, so I was finally recognizing another one. ♪ The child who came out of the dressing mushroom is a natural female slave, the one who deserves to be offended from the beginning, so I can gain momentum."

"... I don't know if it fits... the one who panics later."

"If you're too uddacious, that's what dawns the night. There are still dragons left when we're done."

"... ha. I can't help it."

Mr. Cosmos and Mr. Gloria are saying something meaningful, but I don't give a shit about that.

Females virgin slaves hidden in ugly armor.

Think only of opening her crotch and penetrating it with your penis in order to achieve that aim.

Since when was she going to be offended by me? Since birth.

I've been cheating on my surroundings like that to protect the virgins I dedicate to me. Three hundred years.

"I'll offend you, so be honest, lady. I dedicate my female slave manko to your husband, tell me the joy of being a mother today......"

"... Cosmos, you, this..."

"That's what's going on, so follow me, Swallow. ♪ I was waiting naked for you originally, but you don't want any more troublesome questions, do you?

"... uhh..."

Lady gets kind of strangely lost. "It's been decided since I was born," but what more do you not care about now?

... after a while the lady noticed, up-and-coming, like whining.

"... Ah, Atashi's... I'll dedicate my female slave manko... here's my dick..."

"Good boy."

Hold back the shame, grinding.

Still, he lifts his hips a few centimeters to offer his brown groin, pink labia and vagina meat as a snack, making him look inviting to the fullest.

I kiss the lady's lips deeply and stare.

"Mmm... Mmm...!! Oh, uh... ♪"

Deep and obstinate kiss. Is this the first time I've done this to a lady if I think about it?

Follow Lady's tongue with my tongue, get involved, move her tongue to dance in her mouth, and sip.

That seemed terribly shocking, and Lady is totally on the verge of finishing her kiss.

"... what, you like kissing so much, lady"

"... Ugh, yeah... wow, I..."


"That's an unexpected weakness... it seems like he's such a weak kid to kiss once in a while"

"Someone wouldn't have bothered to kiss me on that face..."

The face of the lady, who looked troubled like she had been plucked, one way or the other, shows a gap at once with the aftertaste of the kiss.

When the nervousness disappeared from his expression, the lady could even say it was rather unusual.

The first time I see that shuddering face... I get a little fun and kiss the lady over and over again.

The lady, who seemed afraid at first, also learns how to accept kisses and, rather, becomes aggressive in her tongue while I stumble a few times.

"Mm-hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm..."

A greedy lady with her lips, jaw, and saliva.

Did she say she was about 300 years old and about the same age as Mr. Knoll?

Instead, he asks for his tongue and is intensely intertwined, showing an innocent impression similar to those of the 100-year-old (as a dark elf) young Seemas.

Eventually, the moment I siphon up her tongue, she freaks out and shivers, feeling raw and warm in her lower abdomen.

I was blowing the tide. Even though she's a virgin.

"Ha... ha... ha... ah..."

I still want my tongue.

To the lady who half-opened her lips to claim so, I am again.

"... if you want to be offended, say it"

Whisper with half a laugh, seeping a sense of superiority.

"My lips, my baby... I'll offend you all. You porn slaves."

"... yes... ♪ offend, your husband... ♪ hot kiss, while... virgin, tear... ♪"

"Phew ♪ Oh, I'm being honest, I'm bored ♪"

Mr Cosmos says pleasantly as he strokes the lady's head.

I cling to the lady as I requested, and breathing her lips back and forth again and again, while adjusting this position... Gloria does.

Slowly pierce and push the slave virgin to expand while letting the elf whore and the dark elf whore help......

I notice.

Didn't I say something weird?

and look down at the lady with a slightly neat head.

... Lady is looking up at me with her moisturizing eyes. The penis is deeply pricked and the vagina, which withstands the pain while containing the blood of the virgin, produces a xy and unique feeling.

"... female slave... so, fine... more, kiss..."

"... lady"

Until just now, and so many other people's reactions that I wonder what happened.

I trace my memories and understand that I was getting a little weird with Mr. Cosmos' magic. No, I wanted it myself.

... I was motivated to feel a little different than I thought, okay?

I guess Mr. Cosmos has no offense. Let there be a rush to get around to our turn a little bit sooner.

And during that motivational time, the lady was getting totally cute.

Kiss me. I didn't expect my attitude to change this far with a kiss.

And self-implication. Kissing brought out "nature". Nature as a girl, under her cultivated "boss" appearance.

Mr Gloria is right, it is a mere "fact" that has changed the way we see it, and nothing is wrong.

It's an emphasis on herself to drive that fat figure out of consciousness as a "provisional figure, a worn figure you don't need anymore" and not lay it on her anymore.

And give her another intense deep kiss, waving her hips and calling for pleasure.

Simultaneously develop and associate kissing pleasure with vaginal pleasure.

I'll relate the pleasant things all over my body to make her sensible to her full sex life.

And while I am also side-conscious of the luminous nakedness of the whores who smile bitterly at the left and right, I slap plenty of semen into her vagina, which cannot yet be extinct, while presenting Lerolero and vortex-like tangled tongues as todomes to her, who will be flirted with today's first pleasure.


Lady shudders at the pressure of semen bursting into her vagina as she continues to kiss sweetly.

Pu, let go of his tongue, let go of himself with a thick bridge of saliva, and pull out his penis.

A dark elf girl who exposes her vaginal hole, slightly stained with pink semen, and looks up at me like she's hung up.

For one thing, I wonder if this is okay. Naturally, Mr. Hilda or Mr. Cosmos will be taking care of contraception.

"Good for you, Swallow. ♪ Looks like it was a nice first experience ♪"

"... ugh, yeah..."

The lady shudders her breath and gives back the kind of nodding that she woke up from her dreams, that she doesn't want to wake up, that she fell asleep somewhere.

I thought we should move on to the collar award to Mr. Gloria and Mr. Cosmos soon, but we're both waiting for the lady to settle down.

Eventually, Lady's breathing also caught up, and when the nagging and approaching fennel became the steps to wipe that groin, Lady finally opened the mouth she was closing.

"... Um..."

A voice about 2 octaves high.

The change in scale, which sounds worthy of what she is now, but rather how hard she has been trying to talk low, is a true representation of the change in her mood.

... I was representing it.

"... a female slave... from now on... even if it is, okay?

"... uh"

"... sorry. Listen to me... If you want me to be cute, I will..."


"... I was kissed... I mean, I was finally confident in what I was... I realized that I could make kissing like a natural... then suddenly, the sex was amazing... I don't know, it felt right in focus"

Kiss. Continues from there, male and female intercourse.

Even though the natural youth for the other dark elves is right in front of them.

Cursed and obstinate, suddenly came his remorse and rebellion for what he was trying to force Obasan to do?

I know the logic somehow, but this time I can't keep up with the lady who suddenly spoke the way I saw her, the way she behaved.

"... all I have left right now is white"

"... yeah"

Of course, Lady will have to rule the normal town if she returns to Sitar.

There will be problems with the release of the collar. Is that why it's just fine?

… gently sprinkle the spare collar on the lady who is flashly caught in the middle but is looking somewhat illuminated.

Mr. Gloria and Mr. Cosmos slap their hands modestly and it spreads to the female slaves in the field.

... I don't know. It feels strangely heartwarming... but you're usually in the middle of an unusual erotic ceremony.

(cont 'd)

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