Half-elves Fall in Love

Silver Dragon Hospitality

Finish greeting the bureaucrats from Celesta, and Mr. Deane will join us.

And Maia and Emma held me, and took off again.

Next up is the crystal palace before we go to Reiner's grave...

At Crystal Palace, they saw some of the flying Maires, and as soon as they arrived, they were greeted.

"Welcome, great rider."

"I will prepare a feast"

It was Ray and Lleda.

No, no, wait.

"And I just thought maybe you wouldn't show your face for now, so go to the banquet or something"

"Well don't say that. We're already getting ready for a treat. Think you can put our faces up."

"You're surprisingly getting stronger, Ray..."

Hahaha, and a beautiful young man who makes you laugh in a good mood.

Several dragons react to Mr. Deane, who looks uncommonly at the contents of the Palace (or village). The aura of the mighty, or the godly activity in previous battles, was conveyed by Lyda?

You're on guard.

To Deane, who shrugs and grunts, Emma rushes over to follow.

"We were all surprised that your battle was no better than a dragon. Please don't be offended."

"Even I do not extend to Lord Bonaparte or Annette of Atrocities"

"Those people were strong too... but because you are definitely one of the ultimate people"

"You don't have to be so desperate to lift it. I am one of Andy's mere wives. Andy, if you're not going to fight your opponent, you don't need to get up and care."

Mr. Deane relieves Emma by lightly pounding her.

... I said my wife lightly.

"... you're not married yet, are you?"

Whispering, Mr. Deane smiles bitterly.

"I'm a lover. I have no trouble keeping that to myself rather than saying I'm a female slave. Besides, you're gonna do it anyway, right?

"Yes, of course... but..."


If you ask me, I keep dating everyone in the name of fluff and female slavery, but I guess getting married together reduces odd misunderstandings from around me.

No, it's really a misunderstanding. That's subtle, too. The girls' side is willing to move female slaves, and I get on it sometimes.

Besides, guys, there are some verses that smoothly spin relationships without the inherently difficult identities by making a solid upward and downward relationship with me as the apex. I guess it's not all bad.

But it won't be easy anymore if you marry everyone well. I don't have to worry about what kind of Celesta millionaire I am, but I don't have to worry about my eyes.

Couples are better off talking at night, no matter how hard they get. It's just sexuality, even if you were playing slaves.

"You should get married..."

Mr. Deane panics to me with a distant eye.

"Beh, I'm not complaining about a hurry or a halfway relationship right now. It's still a tough time for you and Polka. There could be confusion that you can't ignore if you rush to sort out the relationship. All of it, all of it!


"It is not a good idea to suddenly give my daughters, who are now wholeheartedly convinced of the condition of female slavery, the title of wife. Unlike female slaves, it's not a sentimental relationship. It's social status. For better or worse, it is the woman's sex that is obsessed with her. If you push it inadvertently, it's bound to be a hassle."

"That's well... maybe so"

In the meantime, I think Mr. Deane is the most troublesome thing to do. It's not going to be a temporary fire game.

Other princesses and queen-class children won't be able to just call themselves changes. I understand the logic that Polka's prosperity as an elf territorial contact has just begun, that there are plans to immigrate to Karlwyn in the neighborhood, and most importantly, we're not talking about moving forward at once in the midst of my unfinished discharge process and fluffy identity.

"If everyone tries to be a good wife, how much do you think you're gonna have to eat in a day?

"... yeah?

Is that it?


"The first thing my wife does is cook. Cleaning laundry aside, childbirth parenting depends on the outcome of the night, and what you can't give way to when holding the title of wife is satisfying your husband at the table… that's a common story in many cultural areas. When you suddenly become treated like a wife, there will be many people out there who cannot leave that to others. If you go through with your marriage while you're busy, there's bound to be a meeting there. It will no longer be a story that can be bound by the rules set by the predecessor, as in the code of the night of the female slave"

"Oh, no, we're not talking about political level. So?

"It's an inside story. External stories don't matter. You're a dragon rider."

"... oh, uh... I know I shouldn't panic anyway"

I understand that this is a case that should not be made abusive by either.

It's also good and bad to have good eyes and it seems that the preparations for the treat had begun at the stage where it was conveyed that we had visited Carlwin, and when we had visited the Elder's house a lot more food was already arranged with narrow tables.

If I saw this, I wouldn't be able to say, "Oh, I don't need it." Dragons can eat unscrupulous if you want to, and I don't know what it means to waste food, but it's still painful to keep them ready and untouched.

"Well attended. Great rider."

"Normally, Smythson would be fine."

"Please put it away as a salutation."

Galamung says so and offers a flat hand, recommending a chair.

Regardless of the last time Naia came, Beatrice is shining her eyes as she is overwhelmed by an amazing treat she has never seen.

"That talc could be more amazing than this banquet..."

"I'm a little sorry for the Seemas, but compared to the dragon cooking technique,"

The direction of deliciousness is different, because there is.

Extremely colorful, intense and energetic Celesta dishes and Crystal Palace dishes that are full of flavor, even the same meat dishes, and naturally feel the flavor and nutritional satisfaction of the ingredients that fill your body, contrast with the fact that there is another way out for the same "delicious" dishes.

"Was there anything in the human city comparable to our hospitality?"

"Comparable... well, I've had a chance to be a little welcoming lately"

"Hmm. Then we'll have to work a little harder too."

Galamung glances at one of the dragon women who is carrying the dish for good reason and gives instructions by hand.

Then the woman nods, and after putting the dish down...... essentially begins to take off her clothes.


"You think great riders prefer color considerably? There are many things that I would like to do to my women at the Palace."

"No, you can have a drink, but you're taking it off!?

Exotic and unseen fun oriental mountain-style costumes are stripped off one after the other while I'm telling you, especially the dragon woman, who doesn't even know her name, leans softly against her hand with a liquor pot, barely looking only at gold necklaces and waist decorations.

Galamung nodded.

"Let a woman of man be something so unexpected. Enjoy this as well as a testament to my palace's subordination. No matter how you touch it, if it's not enough, increase it by four or five."

"Emma.... is this what this place is about?

"It's different in my memory... because I'm probably a young man too, and I've never seen this palace welcome as many riders as the Lord..."

I thought it was a more elegant palace, but surprisingly, you guys are all worried about Nori... maybe more dragon women are curious to see Emma and Lyda are feeling appealing success and so are themselves.

But for once, I have my own female slave, Mr. Garam.


"... uh, these were also talc..."

Neither the Onyx Chamber of Commerce Dark Elf Maids nor the Cosmos HQ whores had any particular hesitation in serving naked, did they? I think there was a bunch of knolls.

... when it comes to Galam Ong is Mm, and roars.

"Then gather as much as you can. How radical the hospitality of a man's city can be, the luxury of making a silver dragon female more dull."

"No, that's where you fight it!?

Me and Galamung develop into an unknown spectacular battle (or confrontation with Galamung & Palace women in my experience).

Meanwhile, Naia and Mr. Diane whisper to each other, sitting next to each other at the table.

"... Deane Hundred, don't you want to stop"

"Nothing. It doesn't matter what Andy enjoys on this occasion. Some places are more like cat colonies."

"... too eagle fried?

"You just have to mix it up when you get envious"

It was pale while moving the knife and fork.

Should I say Pierce Loch, who has seen Harlem continue to develop ever since the outbreak?

Lyda and Emma, on the other hand, seem very complicated.

"... that's what I wanted you to do after my contract talk"

"... to your mother and aunt."

It seems that Emma has found herself in her family and relatives among the silver dragons who keep coming together and thanking Galam Ong and taking off her clothes as an exhibition girl.

But Maia was doing it with a face that didn't feel anything in particular. It seems to be a natural sight for her that seed begging is already routine in the clan.

Also, some of the growing number of silver dragon women are saffron-like... I mean, if they're human, they don't even seem to be 10.

"Do you even let that little kid do it!?

"Well, do you want Solis? Certainly not a very enjoyable year for people."

"No, I am."

"Dragons are sturdy. If you want, you can mate without any problems. Except I'm pregnant."

The naked silver-haired toddler says, "Do you?" He appealed subtly with his hands on his lower abdomen as he said upward.

"It's strange that Emma really remained clear..."

"A rider with great energy is visiting us at the palace. Though a child, a month is enough for a dragon to learn how to manipulate a good word."

Solis says it in a firm tone that doesn't suit your young appearance.

... You're saying that Crystal Palace has reformed its consciousness and this happened because I showed up?

"But that's it. The little one's out there."

"... Too bad"

Solis looks so disappointed and gets dressed back.

Yeah, to be honest, I wasn't interested in what it was, but when I got my hands on it, I felt like a lot of nasty lines. I don't care how old you are, like a saffron.

(cont 'd)

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