Half-elves Fall in Love

Cats and Slaves Sex Feast 5 [Catbeastmen]

There are naturally plenty of outdoors so I have a lot of free time as I get pregnant and have sex with my cats and daughters one after another.

Nevertheless, even the aunts who do not attend porn festivals directly have unexpected moments on the outside because they deal with female slaves, wipe the bodies of their participating daughters, and take care of them at best.

The central square of the village feels like a soothing country festival night, except that they are all bare and even young daughters with sloppy samen in their groins are dignified and bickering with their families.

Some female slaves have earned respect in strange places.

"A contract with a dragon? Besides your husband?

"Mm-hmm. In my case, I guess it feels like deputizing to protect Andy. The fire isn't hot at all thanks to you. Here."

Angelos takes the firewood that was crushed in those bonfires.

"Who's on fire over there!?

"Yeah. Well, I know it's hot, but the tolerances are incredibly high, or does it feel like your skin won't tingle no matter how hot it is? Lyla said it was a little bad to swim in volcanic lava, but you said you'd be fine if it weren't for that."

"Hmm... can anyone do that if they can magic it?

"I don't know... it seems like it's a pretty complicated condition to use this help from Lyla. If you swear you're gonna stay with Andy for the rest of your life, maybe Lila will think about it, too."

"Hmm, that means your husband's jerk all the time, right? Everyone in my house is more or less going to be."

"That's right if you ask me...... hmm. Lyla, what do you think?

"Ho. You don't need heat resistance. Normal. If you're a dwarf, yet, cat beasts only risk burns as much as cooking. If you have some burns, you can cure them with polka."

You think the circumstances under which Angelos is bound by a special contract with Lyla can be seen again without respect?

"I'm usually tired of all the backs and rides on the male side. I'm not tired of the calf, but maybe it's a special case. As for the Omako side, it is important to change the shape of stimulation to your dick at the same time as making your body more attractive in various positions. If you use all the same muscles, they can drain quickly."

"It's a good position to move vigorously, but it's also a good position to cum and taste each other's genitals while snuggling. It's hard to be crazy, but it's not just sex soon. We forgive each other deep down... It's also the flavor of sex to instinctively understand that we are females who feel framed and happy. "

"That's why it's called pine leaf collapse to make Hilda this way, assuming she's on the woman's side. You look impotent. The distance between your dick is very close, so you can enjoy deeper sex. It's also a mistake to be unexpectedly less burdensome with each other. ♪ I just can't deny that this is a bit unfit to devour pleasure from women."

"I'd also like to wear a tech that turns the grunge hips like this in the opposite seat. I enjoy the sensation of my genitals, and it's pretty funny how my tech improvements can directly lead to the satisfaction of playing "

Describe sex tech while Mr. Cosmos and Mr. Hilda intertwine.

They're both obvious, so they're making erotic moves, but they're not very nasty, but still, I see naked dark elves intertwining their crotches and rocking their puffy bodies. Very much so. That, like, okay. I'd rather take it too.

I look at them sideways like that, and now it's a youth virgin seeding festival.

I'm still entertaining the cat daughters, who probably haven't had that much time since the first period, by penetrating their crotches in order, until they ejaculate.

Most kids are accompanied by their mothers, and they have a lot of twins and triplets, so even though what they're doing is sex, it's kind of like a group health check.

Cat daughters who make me a little nervous, but when I see their mothers, sisters, or friends of their generation encouraging them, dripping bloody cloudy liquid from their strands and smiling, they wield courage and hug me, kissing and cheek-licking.

Lay it up in an outdoor bed to refrain from doing so, and I gently snatch the virgin by letting them open their crotches and hit their hips until they let their first uterus be used in their own semen.

Infused with plenty of cloudiness, the mother gently lets the weakened girl stand and vacate the place, and the next daughter hugs her.

In the middle of a late night village, it's a hell of an inmoral task.

"Ah, Mama. Can I finally do your mom's thing?

"Wow, is that me...?

"It's a love liquid Nuranula, and you want to be offended because you're taking it off, right?

"... uh, well... after my daughters are pregnant..."

"How many more?

"It's two..."

"OK. Then don't be a little hard on me because my mom wants to offend me too"

"Yikes... but more... you can gang..."

"She's a slut. Looking forward to it."

I kiss the cat and daughter I'm holding right now and make a gut-chuck noise and devour that pussy.

I have a small body. I have a slightly shallow vagina, but I can fully taste the odd sense of total ravage and the contraindication of a eating scatter that fades a little in adults.

They are sisters close to their age, called twins on top and triplets on bottom. I'm the first of those triplets.

The two upstairs had trouble getting out of the tension quite a bit, but the three younger sisters seem to have different temperaments than the ones upstairs, and the rest of the kids are also sweetening their tits with both hands with a face of intrigue when they see the child being offended now.

Their mothers, too, are young to have daughters of this age. I guess I had my daughters around this time myself.

I'm just curious about what happened to the unreached father who got his cat daughter of this age pregnant two years in a row after that. I'm just certain he's not in the colony anymore.

... How dare you continue to humiliate your mother for her ripe proportions while committing your daughter.

Even though my uncircumcised pepper daughter is good, I still want to eat you when I get my boobs in my sight.

Only here can I be honest with my nature, which is cheating, greedy and sightless. No one blames it.

All the beauties I see want to conceive their own children, and if I show my dick, my kids and my sisters all give it away.

In such a virginal dreamy world, I continue to luxuriously taste the women's vaginas one after another without ever getting tired of them.

"... it's time to Ike, I'm gonna be pregnant...!

"Nah... let me... carrot... ♪ Come on, let me, let me, let me, let me, let me... ♪"

"Because the next time I come I'll offend you even if I'm both-belly......!!

"Fine... Fine, fine."

I ejaculate even as I whisper with my laid cat and daughter confirming the breakdown of my sexual ethics.

To what the crazy girl said, but no sisters, no adults, no one says anything. Because that's normal.

Whenever you say you want me, I give you genitals. If I tell you to take it off, you get naked and accept my semen anywhere.

I'm sure no one would even question what I would do with a child with me.

... and I think about it, and I say it a little seriously to my daughter who is getting ejaculated and relaxing.

"Pregnancy sex is fine, please don't let the kids with me get into too much sex with me"

"... why?

"No, generally, you shouldn't have sex with your own kids."


"If you were doing this, you'd have a grandson and a grandson."

"... yeah? Uh, what do you mean...?

"If me and your kid are girls, if I accidentally get that co pregnant, the kid you're gonna have is my father, right? But my mother's father is going to be me too. Accidentally, I might even make a baby out of it. Very effortless."

"... Isn't that okay? Making a child with your husband is so good..."

"It's not good! Parents shouldn't do that to their children as parents! I need another man to marry me!

"... I don't know how it is outside"

"... Next time I'll tell Grandma Donna right"

It's so much more now, but there are too few things called men, and any person with a chance of sex has too many pervasive targeted values.

I guess it's unique to cat beasts whose excessive desires burn because of the moon since they were younger.

"But I don't want another man to come here..."

"I don't know if your husband should be alone. My mom used to tell me that some people were violent when they didn't know."

"... er, mum"

Raising her face as she felt her daughter's temperature in her penis, her mom looked a little worried as she relaxed her fingers on her munchkin.

"... are you there?

"Speaking of which, yes, I am."

I wonder if it's an experience.

"My daughters are being nice to your husband, but not all men offend him so gently when they take him outside in the future..."

"... Sort of."

"Your husband is just the right size for his penis... because some of them can be very hard for kids to frame. Once upon a time, even the growing number of expectant mothers screamed when Auga travelers wanted to go through..."

"... spectacular"

The lack of a cat beast man with a tuna means I guess that org ended up getting away with it before I got her pregnant.

"If possible, I'd like to leave it to your husband again, even if I have a child with your husband."

"It's not a good idea. That's what it is. Exactly. I'm not that much of a beast. He said he'd be a retard."

It may be odd for me to be so focused on taking full advantage of a morally hazardous village and seeding it for two generations, but I just want my child to be healthy and happy, too.

"For once, there's a cure for that."

And Irina came in to talk to me nuh.

"There is!?

"Elf forests tend to be thicker in blood. Because life expectancy is long, and if you do poorly, you can be sexually active until the age of descendants ten generations away. Many houses, especially in purple, have outrageous lineage diagrams, so sometimes children can still bear strange handouts. If it's a disease caused by such blood intensity, many purple people have the psychic drugs and magic to treat it."

"Dark elves have similar circumstances. I wrongly had children with direct descendants, which is a common thing."

Mr. Hilda, who was supposed to be doing erotic tech courses, also comes in.

"So if Andy says that even if you conceived a daughter or grandson, you can take it back, right? I don't really recommend it."

"No, please be strong and out."

"It's also true that one or two generations aren't so concerned. So, Andy, I can't help but experiment with livestock that you prefer to keep your offspring pregnant. Besides, it's impossible to grow up in this colony with normal values."

"... I guess this kind of sex village state needs to be resolved soon"

"You don't have to do that either."

"Hmm. There may be one village like this in the world"

"No, no, no, no."

That won't happen, I'd say.

but even while we're talking about that, we're waiting for a cat daughter who wet herself again to get fucked beside us.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry. Let's fuck."


And the story gets nasty, and a little anxiety lingers in the corner of my head.

... well, you're still a baby even though my kids were born a while back in this village.

By the time he's old enough to have sex, he'll be able to tell the difference between me and these colony cats.

No, it's a horrible story that I only know the vaginal flavors of kids who don't even know their names yet.

(cont 'd)

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