Half-elves Fall in Love

Summer Spirit Festival 18

It's something the maids serve in too much norinoli for me, so I got on track and kicked the three of them inside out.

but on second thought, what about this?

"Maid Chief"


"This doesn't make sense, does it?

"I don't know what you're talking about."

The maid chief, who remained naked apron and had been holding her aside for a long time, closed her eyes and responded instantly.

My remarks are also scattered because of the sweaty, dark elf women's enthusiastic service in the sunshine of summer.

Yeah. Just calm down.

"It's been going on for a long time now... but if I ejaculate, my maid will crouch over here and clean it with her mouth"


"And my penis gets better again. Keep shabbying."


"When you want to ejaculate, a maid comes over there masturbating and lets you choose her butt side by side"


"I go in and ejaculate instantly. Hereinafter Refrain"

"Is there a problem?

"No, not normally the other way around? Isn't it common sense that you don't feel like you're blurry and ejaculating outside or in your mouth? I mean, I'm just constantly feeling better, but not without all the elements that make me feel good about the maids!?

"Is there a problem?

"I've bothered to get involved with all the whores and female slaves, and what's so fun about it? I think it's weird!?

Well, it's a fact that I'm also a much more selfish porn guy.

Even if I'm having all kinds of naked, crummy, loose sex with everyone as usual, the only thing that's actually making me feel better is me and the guy I'm penetrating into at that point. There are many other things that just wait in order.

As far as I'm concerned, the situation where all the girls are naked to me and they're chilling at me is very satisfying...... if they suck enough, they'll be left naked for hours, not much for girls without a letter of pleasure.

I've always been a little concerned about that being a reflection. Although, as far as the female slaves are concerned, it seems to me that telling them to dress poorly and wait is more like saying, "I'm out of company, I'm not interested in you right now," and we don't have to say anything (rather, if we're not going to develop into orgies or even have a chance) and we all take it off.

Anyway, there's no point in acting like the Onyx maids, who basically don't have that kind of mental reason, unilaterally give me pleasure and get only ejaculation in their vagina without much pleasure.

Many daughters have the ultimate goal of being pregnant if they are female slaves, so that makes sense of the reasoning that it's a waste of time to get them inside out, but the maids assume that they will get contraception (let Hilda check it out properly later), so what's really fun to do?

In response to this question, the maid chief leaves for a while.

"Have you noticed"

"To what the hell!?

I'd like you to stop suddenly making me feel disturbed.

... while the maid chief is slightly out of sight.

"... our maids are not looking for pleasure, they are looking for Master Smythson's 'festive feel'. If you argue in polarity, let's say" master of using a maid for sexual processing, "a trick is an end in itself. I might have to say that you're offering something a little out of your liking in that sense."

"... uh... no, well, yeah, sure, that might be a little different if you prefer it"

I mean, in a way, I'm a festival god. Or Actor.

The "hypothetical ideal" of me clears up their accumulated depression. I really wanted to live like this! I experience the refracted ideal through an actor named me.

So does pleasure mean temperament?

Not that I don't care so much about the role, but it could be a less than ideal situation for me to take Love Harlem to the top.

Well, if you're keeping up with the doctrinal claims, you're totally useless at a time when you're responding to an orgy with someone you're not really familiar with the faces and names of the maids, or whores, in that sense, selling is the majority of the purpose...... anyway, impure is mutual.

"If it makes you uncomfortable, give me a heartfelt metaphor..."

"No, no, no, uh. Than that... well, that. You want me to do it normally from the beginning?"

"... is that okay with you"

"Yeah. Well, I want them to feel better if they can. I like to be fed."

"Okay. Then again, to those who are ready for their genitals…"

"No, no, because it's already because of you"

I pulled the maid chief's hand.

"Take care of the maid chief."

"... well, I'm not so loose yet"

"Fine. Spread out."

Me with a little lower voice.

"It's a punishment you used to be good. Take responsibility with your womb. You're a maid of honor, aren't you?

Are you disrupting your mood and absurd your voice, or are you just imitating that kind of irrational rich thing? I'm not sure which voice I oriented myself.

But she opened her eyes and shook her back with Zokri. The only way to dress was through the apron, so he also knew the subtle movements of the brown shoulders.

"... Yes, I did. Serve… let me, I will"


I make a nigga laugh.

The maid leader pulled up the apron hem and whispered as she sat across me in a simple chair.

"When, do you already have a maid at Master Smythson's house?

"I have no devotion, but I have quite a few hands, so I hope you won't be looking for a new job in my house."

"It's a shame. Now I feel destined."

I hope you don't feel so effortlessly fated just to try and sound a little like it.

"Oh, say it to me, too."

"Please, sir."

"You guys later...... uhh... ahh"

The maids tried to break in after watching the made-up chief, but the made-up chief puts his penis into his vagina while controlling it.

When it stabs deep, the made-up chief, who has been as faceless as a mask, distorts his expression while he sees it, and eventually when he enters the roots, his riddled eyes loose, his mouth sluggish and fuzzy, and his voice sweetens.

"... are you okay?

"Ha ha ha ha ha... but I'm sorry... I'm here for you... mmmmmmmmmmmmm..."

I was fine with getting my fingers stuck deep in my butthole, but suddenly it melts and worries me a little, but the maid chief still moves forcefully only on her hips and tries to taste her penis greedily.

While confused and attached to it, I can see that in front of her uterine mouth, at an angle where the penis pushes deeply against the point on the back of her belly, especially when she reacts sensitively to loosen her expression and comes looking for that stimulus in a single percentage to three rounds.

Sure, it can't reach there until it's too deep. If you try to aim with your fingers, it's the depth you need to stick your hands in.

Is it the type that only a part of your vagina makes you unbearable? This shape of mine seems easy to hit and just right.

"Here, I like it...... what?

"Ha-hi... ugh!?

The comfort point she comes after herself.

At that moment, if I aim too and stick my hips out loud, she'll turn her throat and smother.

And she's hesitant to taste it continuously, whether it's conscious or unconscious, so I move to rub that part intensively with a turtle head the moment her autonomy of movement weakens.

"Yikes...!? Oh, hey."

Her expression unnecessarily collapses and she loses so much pleasure that she can even be described as unpleasant.

He bounces up dozens of times bullying the maid chief like that, eventually growing a chunk of pleasure that has gradually brought his neck behind his back without telling her.

You don't have to do the semen approximate the moment you serve it. Complete in her alone. That's my familiar sex.

I enjoyed the pleasure of paralysing the back of my head with the bin, tongue out without the shadow of coolness, shaking my milk, sticking up the maid length like a toy with her crotch spreading, eventually.

"... Ugh... Yikes, dude...!


His throat dries up as he continues to flaunt, pounding thick cloudiness in his vagina as he hears the plundering maid chief.

While accepting it, the maid chief collapses so that it takes more than me, shaking his body as he makes a breathing noise called Hugh.

"... I've never seen a maid like this before..."

"I'm flirting with the mess... Eh, you're so tight..."

While the maids draw a little attention to her like that, there's also some kind of tongue-in-cheek air.

I just thought if we were dealing with this as it were, it might not be Killi, and Beatrice was the one who stood in front of them for some reason.

"You guys are over there already! Too long! It's our job to flirt with this guy, so put it around!

The word I shouted was Valerie (or Karlwyn), but it seemed to pass without any particular problem, either because it was the maids of the Onyx Chamber of Commerce, who also put out commerce to the east, losing momentum and looking at each other.

That doesn't change you keep getting laid anyway. I'd like to have lunch.... and me bellying under the maid length who keeps shaking and disturbed breathing.

Meanwhile, on the stage separated by phantom kingdoms from our sex, Mr. Gloria, who is completely naked and continues to sketch, was mentioning further techography.

"I can't finish drawing by night if I stay like this...... OK, two or three of you get on stage one at a time. I'll draw them all together."

Having heard that, Mr. Knoll twisted his neck thinking a little bit.

"... uh, wouldn't it be twice as hard if we had two motifs? Is that gonna shorten the time?


Mr Gloria ran out of words.

"This kind of thing takes time to flash a good structure or concept. On the contrary, it's not a matter of numbers if you come freaking out. If I spend less time trying to make it work, I won't say half of the time, but I'll save you some time. And I think."

"I don't know."

Mr. Knoll didn't seem convinced, but when he actually takes them up to the stage two by two and lets each pose tangled up, Mr. Gloria's drawing speed goes up visibly.

"That's about it. This is it. Fine. Fine."

The maids who first went up in pairs were to the point of standing on their backs and posing, gradually posing as if one of them were slacking the other chest and groin from behind, or trying to get involved as if the opposing Cosmos HQ whores were standing back.

Of course, that kind of thing doesn't involve a penis or a toy, but it stirs up your imagination on the viewing side.

Not so much. The enthusiasm of the gallery's men thrived, culminating in Miss Felicia and Miss Marche showing off their stingy nudity in a pose that stuck her butt out like she was playing harem.

"Exactly. Isn't that porn? Isn't it a little different from art? I mean, isn't she a little too young? Mr. Cosmos, hey, hey."

"He's doing a fine job, too."


Mr. Cosmos and Miss Isabel, who are looking under the stage as the once-in-charge, press their heartbeat at the question that Mr. Carlos relegated with a distraction.

We're both male eye welfare personnel because we're still not wearing clothes, but we never care. Miss Isabelle occasionally provokes the men behind her until she can afford to rock her quick ass.

My female slaves are taking them off thoughtfully, but I can't imitate those piercing locks.

"Ah, ahhh... the third ejaculation already, but eh... don't you have to replace someone else...?

"I'm not panicking about Naia's sex, so I'm a little soothed. Lend me your manko for a while."

"... ha"

Watching me take a break at Naia's Omako.... I don't know what it's like to take a break from Omako, but I can't help it.

'Cause the maids, all the other female slaves and whores are greedy.

Under the sunset sky, Naia naturally looks unwrapped, riding me in the opposite seat.

Though I know the men's gaze is blocked by phantoms, they still feel watched and unsettled. Still, having sex with me is adorable around being confused and accepting.

Otherwise and overflowing, Zamen is dripping across her groin, as well as my lower body and chair and even the weed.

Still the effect of abstinence or I still don't feel the limit is close. I think I'll have enough till the night's production......

(cont 'd)

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