Half-elves Fall in Love

Summer Spirit Festival 9

Finish your shopping at the market and take a rickshaw back to Mr. Carlos' mansion.

There was something luxurious for us for lunch.

"It's a good time for me. I'm afraid I'm too busy to have dinner with you guys poking your seats at each other, but you're the benefactors. I'll entertain you as much as I can."

That's what Mr. Nancy proclaimed, and he served us a table and mountainous dishes before our stay away.

Beginning with a round grill of small pigs, the stewed broth in hand, the large fish figure that is hard to come by here, and the fragrant grilled bread just overflows from the cage.

Mountains and served fruits are accompanied by maids as dedicated cutting personnel.

"There's alcohol too."

"Make it the right amount. That's what I'm talking about."

In a glass cup, I stab the nail once in Luna, who showed interest in the beautiful purple liquor that shines in the sun.

Mostly, I'm the one who crushes the most with this kind of booze. It's less convincing to be careful.

"Mm-hmm. Delicious indeed. Here, Fennel, drink that too."

"You don't have to cook, Irina."

Irina, who hasn't hesitated to drink just now.

Well, it's safe here, so it's okay to get drunk, and there's Mr. Hilda, so there's a hand in the worst drunken magic... I'm crazy.

And as soon as I start grabbing, Naia and Beatrice are putting their faces close to the pork roast.

"You're full of wild flavors. That's Celesta."

"This kind of thing is a little eggy..."

"Really? Didn't Beatrice do much outside the valley to bake and eat demonic meat?"

"Well, I haven't done enough expeditions to have to do that. I mean, you did that on a daily basis!? More and more demons don't change while you're trying to eat, that!?

"If you have the rest in the range that comes by with the smell, don't you have to go around looking for it. Anyway, it's gonna take a while for the fire to get through."

"... that's what I'm gonna say to you in the face..."

Spend days traveling alone outside the valley, hunting and walking demons while sourcing food locally.

That's not the only sanity shack for a girl alone, but you mean even cooking smoke was a help in the hunt for Naia?

"That said, just burning the demon was to the point of 'not even being able to eat it for once'. Nor does this result in an appetite-stimulating aroma. It's still wonderful to have a rich food culture."

"Well... even one salt was precious..."

Naia cutting with a knife just now. Suddenly I took about two pieces of meat the size of a palm on a thick top but would it be ok?

... you'll be fine. It's Naia.

And then I get the maid to follow me and google me. Clear sweetness overlaps the heat of alcohol, and I think this is the kind of guy who seems to like girls.

"Is this some kind of famous cocktail, too?

"Yes, that's a cocktail they call Baby Baby. They say they're often used to arresting girls unfamiliar with alcohol."

"... yeah. Well, I get it."

How about explaining that to the maid? You don't want to say that on a normal woman's side.

"Andy, I got you some meat."

"This is fruit."

Angelos and Aurora come by with my share of the dish, as I indicated (or indicated).

"Yes, uh"

"Ah, uh... ngu"

I'm kind of happy to have the meat that Angelos offers me, so I don't have a reason to say no, so I'll keep it.

Yeah. He's a good one. The sweetness of the fat and the softness of the meat are not at the same level as the skewers that are served in those stalls. Tasty enough to embarrass me about the narrowness of my opinion that I put it in the same category just because it's meat.

"This is the meat from Naia's place?

"The one who baked it for me separately. It's a piece of meat from a buffalo that's been carefully planted for steak with magic."

"There are such things..."

"Neither have I. I've never heard of that at home. Amazing. Celesta's magical culture."

The dark elf cultural area has a large population that can take magic for granted. This also means that people with the idea of using the original spelling for business are in each area.

Using it in the direction of food processing also means you can make delicious luxury meats in a different dimension than just meat.

"These oranges also boast the highest quality by introducing magical controls into their development."

"I see... Wow, this looks like a treat or something"

I'm surprised to take a bite. Sweetness and fragrance are not the oranges I know.

The acidity is slightly reduced, there is not a bit of egg in the fruit juice, and the grains themselves are prickly… but only the preferred irritation remains in the mouth.

"I thought the Celesta dish had a taste for luxury... it was a bit lame"

Whatever you say is a superb experience, you just have to take your hat off.

There have been treats before, but this time lunch means a lot of simple cooking stuff, and the goodness of the ingredients may have been pushed out again.

Mr. Knoll and Mr. Hilda are a little satisfied with my emotions.

"Behavioral behavior towards everyone. Because there are luxury ingredients out there that you can't serve in cooking. Nancy, my sister-in-law is so grateful."

"I don't think the cooking method itself is wrong because of the perception that it tastes great. Something different from the dish with the trot's hand."

I guess it's the trot stream that devises cooking methods to make delicious dishes, and the celesta stream that bottoms up the ingredients themselves by various means.

Though I don't realize its culture at the common level because how rich it is to reach the ingredients that were born that way.

Seeing lunch in that condition, Miss Milla and the three sisters were burning something up.

"I can't believe you're doing something more difficult than this..."

"Heh, heh, heh, it's just the right thing to do to make you think this is the ceiling."

"Say that. Seema, are you sure you're okay with that ingredient...? Want to go to the market again?

"No, I can go because I bought it. It's the cook's will!

Speaking of which, the three sisters promised me dinner.

If you mean to give me a taste experience beyond this, I can't help but expect that.

... by the way.

"Hey Emma, Lyla, what's going on?

What I was wondering was that there was good liquor but no Lyla or Maia.

I don't know how to fly the most.

Emma had a modest mouthful of grilled fish and liquor, but she panicked a little, "Didn't I tell you so?"

"Both of you, when you go for a helicopter sandworm,"

"... oh, uh, speaking of which, you said that, over there"

Sandworm, giant mites crawling around in the sand.

It would be as easy as a dragon to bring that up and eat it.

If the dragon steps on the sand, the sandworm gathers in response to its sound.

If the sandworm eats you up, if you're a normal species, if you're bad, you'll be taken from arm to arm, but it won't be as scratchy for a giant limb covered in scales.

For a helicopter who occasionally gets attacked town-by-town, that behavior, like a little play for a dragon, should be very appreciated.

"I thought it was odd that you bothered to let Emma escort you while Maia was here, but you mean that"

"Oh, I'm not going to be so instructed by that blue dragon"

"No, it's not like him to leave my protection to someone else even though he doesn't have any other business. Always sticky."

I guess helicopters like it when it comes to flying to help Lyla.

"... and speaking of which, I wonder what's going on with the Baws"

I almost forgot they were welcome, but are they properly treated, too?

A maid who was serving alcohol answered me on that.

"As for them, I listen to them in the evening, and for those who are willing to work in this onyx, it seems they are starting training immediately. You think Becker is currently negotiating at the Trident main house? Trident's hiding is a little long, so you may not be back until sundown today."


"It's the heart of Tricorn Auga's union. Becker's wife's home."

"Oh, or..."

It's a little troublesome to be told on the assumption that I know, but I guess that's all they're famous for in Talc.

"What about Bauz?

"Master Bauz will remain in your room with Mr. Eufa. Perhaps Eupha is distracted by the dark elves."

"Well, let's not."

Miss Eufa is an ordinary elf. It's hard to sightsee cheaply with talc with lots of dark elves.

Why are you such a small minded dragon rider, to the point of being a little strange, but I also hear about a minority doing weirdly conspicuous things because you're a dragon rider, and I guess that's what it is.

"That means... can't we move today?"

Moving means moving from talc to somewhere. Well, I'm not even going to rush it that fast at the moment.

Neither Lyla nor Maia are present. Special Agent Becker, a hundred men, hasn't returned either. You can't go far.

"Do you want to take your time in the room this afternoon..."

The sound of pounding your hands from behind when you squirm with your cheeks at the mogi treat.

"What about us if we want a nearby field?"

When I turned around, Miss Cosmos had a full grin.

"Our whorehouse, it's close. It's as far away as you can hear if you trumpet."

"Oh, no, that said, all of a sudden"

And since the female slaves don't look good, will you stop saying it in the whorehouse or something like that?

So, I thought the air on the ground was going to be bad... and it was about Luna who looked blatantly grumpy.

"... What's a whorehouse?

"... the place where women take money in exchange for having sex with men"

"Oh, is that like taking money with a woman...?

Beatrice didn't quite understand the very concept of a whorehouse, apparently, and Naia struggled with explanations.

Angelos and Aurora say.

"Can I follow you? Mr. Hilda said it before, and I'd like to see it a little bit if you have a professional maneuver or something."

"Certainly, as a female slave, I have never gone beyond knowing how to satisfy my lord."

Oh, I'm leaving. Have you decided yet?

And then Irina and Fennel...... are Irina starting to get drunk. Fennel gently gestured and said, "I have to take care of this one". Baby, baby, that's just strong.

"Ma'am, it was our turn yesterday," said Hilda and Knoll, grinning bitterly. They gave it away because they prioritized etsy.

The three sisters have gone to cook, and then Mr. Gloria...

"Of course we're going, right? A real dark elf whorehouse!

I was making my eyes shine.

"It's not just the dark elves, though. There are also orgasms and humans and fox beasts."

"Doesn't look too funny."

... So, what do you do when you go on a tour of Zorozolo? Could we all peek into someone else's fucking room?

No, I'm just getting a little interested, too.

(cont 'd)

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